To Satisfy Their Needs (Biles & FutaFanatic)


It was supposed to have been a lovely afternoon in the Mushroom Kingdom. Princess Rosalina was invited to the castle where the princesses were to have a soccer practice match. As a newcomer to this sport, Rosalina donned on a striker outfit which matched those of Peach and Daisy with the only difference of retaining her teal color theme to her uniform. There others who participated in the match as well, though most of them were mushroom retainer toads or minor characters in the Mario universe.

As Rosalina was stepping into the field she stood in front of the goal getting ready to catch the ball. Spreading her legs out and clasping her hands together, she was anticipating for the kick by the striker princess.

"Well, here I am, ready as I'll ever be" she announced feeling nervous about taking on the role as a goalie, it was her first time given that she practiced in the other roles as well. However, their match would soon interrupt when an ominous feeling would soon swarm over the soccer field and cast such an evil shadow over a shiny day.
With all the other princesses there and ready to practice, Peach smiled, happy to see them all getting along and getting ready to challenge the men to a game of soccer, one they thought they could easily win, given they were men. LAtely Peach had been hoping to prove them wrong and beat them, show them the women were more than just damsels in distress.

Dressed in her dark brownish red and white outfit, Peach stepped out onto the field, taking up her position with her team. But right as they were about to start the sky darkened, Peach looking up at the sky."Oh come wasn't supposed to rain today.."She grumbled, looking at everyone and her teammates, wondering what they were thinking as the clouds took the sky and the strange presence loomed over them and the field.
Rosalina couldn't help but notice for quite awhile now that Peach had on a different color theme to her striker outfit and was always curious whatever happened to the pink one. She didn't care at the moment as the princess was now delving into deep concentration to eye the ball once it was finally being struck towards the goal. However just as she was about to get her mind in the game, she noticed Peach dropping out of position to strike the ball and instead stood looking up.

She had to wonder what was going on until Rosalina also noticed other players were doing the same thing. Then without warning a thunder cracked through the sky prompting her to look up into the grey sky.

"Oh no, not now. Why?" she pouted shielding her face with her hands even though the sun was now completely banned from the sky by the dark billowy clouds which oddly enough began to slowly circle about over the soccer field. She knew something bad was going to happen.
Peach changed it for the moment, as her other one was still being washed after their last game, which also had a decent teat up the backside. So before they could even begin the clouds took over the skies, thee more ominous and foreboding than the normal rain clouds. Before the game could really get started the clouds came out of nowhere, appearing instantly over an otherwise clear sunny day.

But Peach knew something as off witht he way the clouds moved, something normal rain clouds never did. She looked to the girls and sighed."Everybody inside..We'll come back out when the storm is over..Don't wanna injure ourselves during a practice game.."She told them with a sigh, refusing to give the boys a reason to yet again tease them about losing.
As Princess Peach gave the orders to her subject to go back inside the castle before the rain could pour down on them, Rosalina continued watching the dark clouds circle violently as it unleashed several lighting bolts with thunderous loud roars. Many of the players, participants, and even the audience had already made it back inside the castle or had started taking refuge in other buildings and tents leaving the main princess players including Rosalina out in the main soccer field.

Immediately the teal-colored princess ran out into the field to catch up with Princess Peach.

"I think that's everybody except for us strikers." she addressed Peach with a worry tone in her voice "Princess, we have to hurry, I don't think this is your ordinary thunderstorm... Look up there" Rosalina pointed up towards the circled clouds in the sky and soon enough a large indescribable black silhouette came hovering out from the center of the circle over the field but had yet to reveal its true form.

"Oh my gosh!" Rosalina blurted out covering her mouth with the palm of her gloved hands. "What is that?"
When it was clear everyone but them was somewhere safe, Peach sighed a bit in relief, ready to retreat as well until Rosalina pointed out the ominous figure in the sky. PEach looked at it, watched as it slowly lowered from within th clouds and towards the ground. She wasn't sure what it was, but given how their luck always went she knew it wasn't good. So with a rough swallow she looked to Rosalina and the others."I'm not sure bu I doubt it's friendly...we need to go
The sky grew darker and its shadow grew heavier over the land. It was so dark that it almost became night time, at least around the area of the soccer field. The princesses still stood there like deers in a headlight and as Peach was becoming frightful by what the blackened clouds indicated and now this mysterious object appearing out of the thunderstorm, time was running out for them.

"Y- yes, princess, you're right. They don't look so friendly to me either. Yes let's go now before.... WHaaaaaa!" Rosalina screamed out as a sudden beam of light shone down on the two princesses and suddenly paralyzed them on the spot. "Princess!" she yelled out to Peach before suddenly they were now being lifted off the ground and up into the air. Rosalina and Peach flew up into the mysterious black object until they disappeared.

Then just as mysteriously the ominous force appeared, it began to disappear in the same manner but in the reverse order. A few minutes later, the thunder had all but faded in the background and the sunny sky returned once more. Now there was not a single evidence that Rosalina and Peach were ever there.
Unknown amount of time had passed and both princesses were laying on the ground but were surrounded in utter blackness but were visible to one another. Rosalina grunted as she sat up rubbing he head.

"Owww... What happened?" she asked not knowing what was going on and becoming highly disorientated.
Peach was about to take off, ready to drag Rosalina with her until a strange force stopped her, surrounding them in light before being pulled up into the darkness, as if they were singled out chosen by whatever dark force hovered in the sky. She was out the moment she disappeared into the sky, remembering nothing between the game and her waking up moments before Rosalina. She looked around, unable to see anything other than her friend as she woke up. With a sigh she shook her head"I dunno...everything went dark after getting abducted.."PEach no tried to move in hopes of walking around to find out just what was going on.
"Princess, you're alive!" Rosalina shouted as she hugged her closely as if to make sure she wasn't harmed in any ways possible. As both Peach and Rosalina got up, they explored their surrounding areas, but were still surrounded in utter darkness. There was no indication of any walls, ceilings, let alone floor but were still able to walk about.

"Uhh, where are.. Are we?" she asked huddling both hands together and up to her chest. Rosalina panned her head all about looking for anything that would give her any signs of hope but none could be found. Then as she saw Peach wandering far away, Rosalina hurried over to her side "Hey wait for me!" she pleaded before wrapping her hand around the princess' arm. "We have to stay close to one another or we'll get lost" she warned but just then a loud metallic click echoed from above and a beam of light shone down onto the blackened floor.

A silhouette figure of a female hour glass appeared before Peach and Rosalina with a big rounded cap shaped like that of a rounded mushroom cap placed on top of the figure's head. But the moment of silence was suddenly shattered.

"Welcome princesses. You are now standing in the glorious presence of our beloved fearless leader!" boasted an ominous voice "Behold, Empress Shroob!" the silhouette suddenly vanished but in its place a figure of Princess Shroob standing half naked bearing the fruits of her well-endowed private parts. How and why she held the title of empress was anyone's guess.
Peach smiled and hugged the woman back, glad she was safe and for the most part unharmed save for her worry. With darkness holding the room it was hard to get their bearings and have any idea at all where to go. But she decided to go ahead and start exploring and find her way around, in the hopes of getting lucky. Even as Rosalina hugged her arm Peach smiled and continued on, happy to have her with her at the moment.

Of course when light took the room, only to have a figure in the distance before them, Peach was confused, unsure who it was and why it looked like a toadstool. When she was revealed, Peach looked wide eyed at the woman.
"W-What's going on here...Why are we here..?"
"Silence!" the voice barked and echoed in the chamber. Rosalina was scared out of her wits and instinctively hugged Peach as her body shivered just as she yelped out loud. "You will show the proper respect to our beloved empress" and as the princesses stared at the empress and parts of her nude body, another bunch of silhouette appeared from her side and closed in on her flank. Their eyes suddenly pierced the darkness until they stepped into the light beam. The shroobs revealed themselves and were no doubt minions of the empress.

"Oh Peach, what do we do? I'm so scared right now" she whimpered still clinging tightly around Peach. The shroob guards then huddled over to the striker princess and surrounded them revealing their melty gorey face as if they were about to do something horrible to them. However, after making a circle around their captives, all of the shroobs then looked towards their empress as if awaiting their next commands.
Peach tensed up as the voice boomed through the room, the woman swallowing a bit as she pulled Rosalina closer to her. She watched as more shadows, smaller ones appeared from behind the woman until they came into the light to reveal they were much like Shroob. She shook her head a bit, looking away from the woman's nude form, trying to understand what was going on. After all her question was ignored by the woman's shout of silence.

Peach held Rosalina closer to her as the woman questioned what they should do, something even she wasn't sure of yet. They had numbers and the two of them knew nothing, nowhere to run nothing to do except try and find out just what the Empress wanted with them."I don't know Rosalina...Just relax ok..?"

When the guards looked to her Shroob took a moment to look at the princesses, smiling before nodding."Strip them and seperate them, we have much to do and I really don't have the patience to wait around.." She told them, watching, waiting.
Either Rosalina or Peach were going to jump up at one another's arm in a similar comedic fashion like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. Both were shaking as the shroob guards surrounded the princesses and large numbers.

"Uhh... Re- relax? How how can I? I can't stop my knees from shaking" Rosalina whimpered but when the empress finally gave the order, her minions didn't hesitate for one second as they chuckled as if eager to do what they wanted with them. "Princess" Rosalina shouted as she was forcefully yanked away with Peach but her arms reached in vain towards her. Just as Rosalina was screaming, their shorts and panties were ripped off their bodies easily along with the bottom half of their sleeveless turtleneck. Not only were their large breasts finally revealed out into the open, but both had their futa cocks flail out as well and were now dangling between their thighs.

Rosalina wanted to instinctually cover up her private parts, but the shroobs held both of her arms straight out and restrained.

"Oh my god! What are you doing to us?!" she squealed and momentarily stared at Peach who too was also stripped and restrained in the very same fashion as she was. The shroobs chuckled and began groaning as they couldn't help notice how tasty their bodies looked to them.

((Sorry for the delay, but a couple of days ago, a water pipe burst open turning my kitchen into a disaster zone.))
Before Peach could answer Rosalina was snatched from her grasp, the woman's eyes wide as she reached back for the girl. But the moment their clothes had been torn, Peach shrieked, covering herself up as best she could, even the throbbing cock that reacted to the open air. But she too found her arms bound by the shroobs, leaving their bodies to hang out in the open for all to see."S-Stop this!!"She shouted with a whine as she sturggled against her captors."

Silence! Both of you..Minions..Enjoy Peach....I'm going to have some fun with Rosalina for a little while.."She commanded, licking her lips with a smile as she approached Rosalina, leaving her minions to tend to Peach
Because Rosalina was already taken and reserved for the Shroob Empress to enjoy personally, this left the majority of the shroob minions to suddenly swarm all around Peach who's arms were still restrained and her cock left bare out into the open and leaking a delicious musky scented perfume that no doubt made the hideous creatures very hungry. Even though the empress ordered them to be silence, the minions continued to groan and chuckle but at a much lower and softer tone of voice.

Peach's vain struggles to liberate both her arms did nothing more than to cause her breasts and her large shecock to wiggle and shake about into the open and tease the hungry shroobs who's slobbering tongues now hung out open and moving about like snakes. Finally, one of them took the initiative and coiled his tongue around the base of the shaft and began to tighten the girth of Peach's member until the veins and arteries could pop out from her thick foreskin. The other two shroobs began to lick her plump breasts and use the tips of their tongues to flick and fence with her exposed pink fleshy nipples.

Rosalina was also struggling and like Peach, her private parts shook about in front of the empress' face.

"Princess! Nooo!!!" Rosalina yelled out with her head cocked to one side screaming at a bunch of shroob which no doubt Peach was in the center of all of this. Looking back, she had fear in her eyes as she couldn't help but watch as the empress slowly approach even closer and possibly admiring the lengthy erect shecock that was no doubt enticing her whet appetite.
Peach squirmed and shook her head, whining as the shroobs went to work, her cock throbbing wildly, more so when it was squeezed, forcing her cock to swell and expose its veins. The princess shook her head more and whined as her breasts fell prey to the creatures, her body boiling up as pre cum oozed from the tip."N-No please...let us goo.."She pleaded. her hips rocking in need, her lengthy girth shaking from the pleasure as sht beings assaulted her body.

Empress simply smiled, turning Rosalina to look at her once she stood before the princess. She simply smiled, undressing herself, letting the princess see her own now slowly growing cock. She pressed a finger to Rosalina's lips."Hush are going to be my pet for tonight..especially that hungry cock of yours.."She teased, rubbing her growing cock against Rosalina's.
As Peach was now becoming defiled by the vile tongue, her stiff shecock was quivering just as pre started squirting out from the flaring tip of her penis. Some of the shroob were lucky enough to have their stuck-out tongues catch large dollops of her tasty seeds and send them into a feeding frenzy. With the coiled tongue firmly gripping her foreskin, it began to extend and expand then contract as it slowly began to stroke her foreskin across her aching length but never making it wink over her glans.

Several shroobs began lining up in front of peach. The tongues that were licking her breasts belong to the couple behind Peach as they started fondling her buttcheeks as well as her nether lips and dangling orbs of flesh containing vats of hot creamy seeds ready to be harvested. The line of shroobs completed and the first one in line stuck out his tongue as he began to lick the sensitive glans and slurp up the dribbling pre whose rich bittersweet flavor was like that of maple syrup mixed with the princess' musky perfume.

Rosalina was practically hyperventilating so much that her breasts were bobbing up and down. Her heartbeat was on the verge of popping. She gulped in fear but watching as the empress finally disrobed her royal garment only to present the futa priness a beautiful sexy body. However, both Peach and Rosalina were not the only royal dickgirls as Empress Shroob revealed a growing shecock slowly emerging from beneath her groin region. However, just as Rosalina was about to squeal, a finger hushed her lips causing her to gulp once more.

"Uhh, your pet?" she asked quivering in fear, but then gasped as their two throbbing dicks intimately pressed into one another and not only could they feel their body heat, but also their heartbeat coursing through their meaty fleshy stiff rods.
Peach wildly shook her head as she cried, her cock pulsing, oozing her pre onto the mouth of the shroobs before her, all eager to harvest her seed, take what they wanted from her. The princes shook and shivered as they fondled her body, teased every inch of her in an attempt to stimulate her body. Her nuts churned the contents inside as they were fondled and massaged, bulging more and more as her breathing grew heavy."S-Stop this...I don't want it.."She whined.

Empress smiled a bit at the girl as she quieted down, the futa grinding harder, kissing the young woman deeply."Yes...I'm going to claim your sweet hole...make it mind before I feed your cock the sme pleasure..I'm going to bed you and so much more...while Peach gets to please my minions..You will see how to properly own up to having such beautiful things on your body.,."
Having a fill of Peach's pre, the shroob was then forced off the front of the line and the next one moved forward as he opened his melty mouth and stuck out his warty tongue. It began to lick and slurp the tip, but this shroob was greedily hungry as he scooted forward and stretched out his horrid lips. They wrapped around the neck of her member but not interfering with the coiled tongue around the girthy length. From within the shroob's lips, it began making loud squelching high-pitched kissing puckering noise as Peach's glans swelled up inside from intense suction.

It's tongue flicked the sensitive cumslit before spinning a lazy slow circle around her entire glans and savoring the salty flavor of her member. For several minutes, the shroob masticated and suckled on the nursed tip while enjoying the bittersweet flavor of Peach's runny pre. The other shroobs in line became hungry and restless. Some of them moved out of line only to slide themselves between Peach's thighs and used his tongue to slurp and taste the plump writhing dangling balls.

Rosalina panicked very fast and her breasts started bobbing up and down. After gulping, her lips suddenly was invaded by the empress' own puffy lips and together made slobbering slurping squelch together. Rosalina's pre began squirting out from her bruised-color glans as the blackened cumslit opened wide and allowed the musky perfume to ebb out in large amounts. Feeling the empress shroob's might shecock intimidated Rosalina and she couldn't help but feel their frenums press and squeeze into one another. She could literally feel the throbbing veins and arteries and the flowing gushing blood that kept their dicks hard and painfully erect.
Peach fought off her moans as her cock was teased, forcing out her pre while threatening to treat them with an even stronger, thick white load to feed off from. The princess whimpered, shaking her head as she squirmed, trying to break away, refusing to accept the pleasure as her cock throbbed painfully with the way she was stroked and teased. The futa let out a sharp gap as those lips curled around her cockhead, the womn breathing weakly as each throb sent out thick globs of her pre cum, the woman shaking as the pleasure only made her painfully erection throb even more than before."M-Make it stop..please.."

The Empress watched Rosalina as she squirmed once more, seeming to refuse her fate. The woman shook her head, kissing the princess more, darting her tongue inside as she smiled, not wasting much more time s she reached down, slowly stroking Rosalina's cock."Mmm take your pick then..should I defile that sweet cunt of yours, or maybe your other hole..?"
A large gulp sounded within the shroob's mouth as he ingested some of Peach's tasty pre. The amount was much thicker than the previous squirt. Unfortunately, the princess had more shroobs to nurse to as the one sucking her off was then forced to release her member with a wet slurping pop. No sooner did that one shroob leave then another took his place and used his tongue to slobber over her hapless tip. His tongue however was different, it was fat, plump, and heavily ribbed. The tip of his tongue had an orifice of its own like a suction cup. It began to kiss the futa's blackened cumslit before the tongue stretched over her glans and began suckling and nursing on the plump tip. The shroob's tongue now looked more like a leech giving Princess Peach a loud slobbering head.

Beneath her thighs, that one particular shroob decided to extend his lips upwards and slowly engulf both her dainty scrotum into his hot drooling mouth and juggle them using his huge wet tongue. With his lips secured at the base, he started slurping loudly on it and allowing the flatulent vibration stimulate the delicate sensitive organs.

Rosalina's protest was silenced once more as the empress locked lips with hers and twirled her tongue eagerly inside her mouth. Now all that she could do was groan through her flaring nostrils as she tried to fight off the sexual urges, but her erection betrayed her will. The hand was easily arousing every sensitive G-spot on her sore pride. Finally, the empress pulled her lips from Rosalina's mouth only to ask her where in her body should she stick her meaty purple rod. But the princess whimpered out while panting. She became so aroused and horny that her nether lips suddenly squirted out a large load of her hot feminine juices. Some of it dribbled down her inner thighs and over her teal-colored kneesocks. While she didn't say anything, it was quite clear what the answer was.
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