Sweet girl seeking Male

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Oct 11, 2016
Fantasy Land
Hello and Welcome!
I have three rules for my partners:
1) READ this entire thing!
2) Because its not listed may not mean I am not interested. Try me!
3) Do not approach me with things I clearly state I do not want here on my ad. :/ I put work into it to be clear.​

Quick No List:
I will NOT be interested in the following!
Anything with aliens
Anything nonfantasy Sci-fi
Ridiculous body styles (two penis, engorged breasts, overly large in muscles )
NO PICKING UP ON ME! I am here for RP not to find a man.

How I RP:
Instant messenger, Yahoo or Skype or Discord I have to limit myself to these only. Please do not request one not listed or other forms such as email. I just cant seem to enjoy that exchange well enough to keep to it and don't wish to hurt feelings.
I do about a paragraph a post.
I try my best to post as often as I can but I tend to suddenly AFK
I am available all days of the week, but evening GMT I can get pretty busy
Jump right in and see how it goes, I hate over planning a plot
I like one person to GM and take the reigns to guide the story

What types of characters I enjoy playing:
Damsel in distress


What I really like to see in ideas:

Imaginary voyage
Lost World
Sea story
Romantic comedy
School story
Erotic fiction
Erotic romance
Historical based

Fantasy by setting
Epic / High fantasy
Historical fantasy
Medieval fantasy
Low fantasy
Urban fantasy
Paranormal romance​

By Theme
Comic fantasy
Contemporary fantasy
Dark fantasy
Heroic fantasy
Magic realism
Superhero fantasy
Sword and sorcery
Vampire fiction
Werewolf fiction
Alternative history
Space opera
Science fantasy

Please do not claim the ideas here or the stories/characters this is not a smash and grab, compliments are welcomed though and interest in my characters as well. "THE CAT GIRL IS MINE" is not welcomed.​


^.^! Thank you for the interest you may have in playing with me !^.^.​

As someone who has role-played often I do have rules and likes and dislikes.

OOC Likes in a partner:
~Available throughout the day~
~YIM user~
~Can post short or lengthy depending on what the situation calls for~
~Someone who communicates well with me~
~Who likes to pick up and go with a story, not overly plan~

OOC Likes in a story:

~Constant flow~
~Very little down time to story progression~
~Romance and sex when it makes sense, not just there when you are randy for it~
~Well thought out characters with a back story~
~Tension, bad guys, and an end goal~

Dislikes in partner quirks:
~grammar snobs, nothing ruins immersion then someone who loves to correct spelling in the middle of a scene~
~Someone who is not consistent~
~Clingy, rushes, or general inconsiderate~
~Constantly pushes the story to sex~
~Timid or shy, someone who wont take initiative and move the story forward~
~Someone who springs on new kinks that were not discussed before hand~
~Someone who demands I do something 'special' to my character for them, IE "Can she have giant breasts and be addicted to eating cum?"
~Non-descriptive, I DO NOT like getting a picture and never hearing a single descriptive word beyond that. I want more then "Takes off pants" I want to know what my character sees when the pants come off!
~A partner who wants exactly one thing and wont budge or create anything different then that one specific thing. "This character is this way and that's what it is"
~Overly sexually aggressive OOCly, don't call me pet names or disrespect me I will not tolerate it
~Random posts a few times then says nothing for days


Dislikes in Stories:
~Stories that center in sex, there are conditions but rare~
~Heavy sci-fi~
~Alien and weird beast like characters~
~Modern, with nothing else to make it different or appeal. I dislike this world...dont want to play in it.~
~Stories with characters someone else created. I play in other peoples worlds but I wont play their characters I.E. I wont play Eowyn in Lord of the Rings, but I will play a shield maiden from Rohan
~MODERN BORING PLAIN NOTHING SPECIAL MODERN, to do modern in ALL cases there was to be extreme magic and fantasy.

Character I LOVE to play:
~Timid shy~
~Strong adventurous~
~The sweetheart~
~Angelic and mysterious~
~Unexpected princess~
~Innocent and young~
~Damsel in distress~

Characters I DISLIKE to play with:
~Unbelievable body types OMG 12 INCH PENIS YEAH?!
~Broody emos~
~Over powered~
~Is FAR smarter and wiser then mine, and belittles my character for it~
~Unattractive or grotesque~
~Submissive males~

ERP Terms


Light bondage
Forced by enemies in the story
Public, danger of being caught

A Little

Multiple partners

Body Waste

That all being stated I wish to let my partners know that I respect people who respect me, if there will be a pause in posting please let me know. If you become disenchanted with the story let me know, if you don't think we are a good match then I respect honesty. Just let me know and I will be happy!

What exactly am I willing to play? I will link my plot ideas here, but I am open to the following.
I play mostly female roles, I enjoy playing two types but always enhance a bit from there.

BUT I do enjoy playing males, and transgender females. I also enjoy playing opposite of androgynous characters or traps. I can play a gay male, but shy away from lesbian interactions. (NOT DICK GIRLS OR FUTAS BIG DIFFERENCE!)
RE: This girl wants romance and adventure!


I have a great idea for an adventure. I REALLY want to play a femboy! I need a strong silent, dominate type to play a modern setting, mafia, gangs, and slave trading. Be the diamond in the ruff! Be my hero!
RE: Innocent Cute F/M or M/M

Bump, new craving. Little princess would love an older king to love and cuddle her. Spank her when shes bad. Protect her from the bad mens!
Musings, pictures that spark ideas. Do you have any? Do you like any of these?


A boy goes back in time, find a lady and romance buds from there. He treats her so differently then the other men do.


He will guard her, protect her, and love her with all his being.


Omg please. Please do this for me!


How is it possible? Immune to being turned? Such sweet delicious blood...the perfect doll. So perfect.
1) When my character gets pregnant it will be believable body changes, no over engorgements.

2) Lactation is possible but not in amounts that are over the believable quantity. This can be done in a sexual or not sexual means.


4) LOVE and ROMANCE is a must, to keep the RP going and exciting action and adventure will be added.

5) Birth and interactions regarding baby or fetus ARE NOT to be sexual.


A gladiator has won the champion belt, now he can choose from the virgin slaves to mate with and keep as his reward. Both slaves and although at first its a forced union he thinks is a prize...but soon realized his owner plans to sell her and his unborn the moment she's seeded. The child of a champion will be worth plenty

A very wealthy CEO has no time for relationships but he want to have offspring to leave his legacy has hounded his heart. Buying a slave seems like the best way to solve this problem, nearly raping her for his needs was not exactly as fulfilling as he thought it would be. Slowly he starts to fall in love but the business turns dangerous and keeping her safe has turned into his priority.

The chief has yet to find a wife, no woman in his tribe stirs him. He wants a bride and he wants a family. He beds many women in the tribe but the desire to seed the now becomes necessity; in his age. When his warriors bring back an exotic captive he finally has the desire to seed at mating, he will have her.

The right hand to the boss, married, and powerful he never thought he would find himself lusting for a girl in the slave auctions. Before he can stop himself he buys her, where money is no limit he houses her away from his bossy wife. Every chance he gets he takes out his aggression on the girl and before long she becomes pregnant with his child. Danger lurks for her and the unborn as enemies and his wife's family finds out of his transgression....but he loves his pregnant slave.

The elven people are nearly gone, but their magic is missed by the humans who abused them. A rare occasion, and a time to celebrate as an elven slave becomes of age and its widely known that at the time of conception elven women can become powerful magic users. She could save thousands of lives with her abilities to heal. Naturally, the best place for her would be within the castle, within the prince's harem. She is unwilling at first, and so is he but the people need her constantly pregnant to save them from famine, drought, and disease.





My musings in the above pictures.
I had to update some things, seven people contacted me and pitched ideas clearly on my 'no' list.

I have the right to be picky, and upset if you don't read the entire post. I am pretty clear on what I am looking for so please do not contact me if you are seeking what is on my 'no' list.

Foreign princess has been captured and brought to the king, now he will force his young son and her into a marriage to give him right to a war he had started against the councilmans advisement. Political drama. Lots of fun!


Update on pet peeves, please do not contact me to endlessly talk about things that turn you on...I am not here to talk about kinks and for you to juice details of my own personal experiences or O/O's to get off. Thats gross. Im here for story! Rp! Kthx.
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