Female space captain seeks extreme and creative roleplay

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Jul 11, 2016
The bridge.
I'm looking for a playmate interested in a smutty, BDSM flavored Sci-Fi story based in the universe I am developing on this profile

I wrote a brief intro paragraph to get a sense of my writing style and the character. there are images and more description at my f-list profile. Please message or respond if you are interested in playing with Athena. I like creative, spontaneous play, and while I like some universe building, I don't like outlining before we play. I want to be surprised, and I want to surprise you. That is what is sexy to me.


On the bridge of her vessel, Athena was a Captain. She commanded the crew with an easy grace and elegance that made men of greater years jealous of her maturity and capacity. It is behind the doors of her quarters her icy reserve drops and she has to attend the conflict she bottles up in public. On any given day this was a hard enough task. She treated the trauma with a hard drink and a long run on the treadmill she positioned along her floor to ceiling viewport. The deep empty blackness of space and the exhaustion of her muscles were sometimes enough to quiet her conflicted thoughts and afford her sleep, but that task was even harder today. It was the anniversary of her escape from the Budi Nuns, the interstellar order who trained pleasure-wives for use by rich men and women across the sector. Over the last decade the scars of their extreme training had faded from her body, but they persisted in her head. It was not helped that out of her viewport Terra was spinning like a blue and green marble in the blackness of space. Walking on that planet was her father. Her father who ordered her training by the Budi. Her father who never saw her as anything other than an object to be used. Her father who could reveal her secret and ruin her life.

The ice in her glass clinked as she took a sip of her bourbon and moved closer to the window, gazing aimlessly into the distance; Her body reflected in the clear window. She had changed so much in the last decade. She had grown into her willowy body; tall and lithe with finely toned muscles under her curves. Her mix race heritage giving her the beautiful almond eyes and skin of her Japanese mother and the height and blondness of her Dutch father. She had been taught from birth that she was a perfect genetic specimen, taught that her value came from the pleasure her beauty gave others. Her father had held Athena on his lap - her mother on her knees ready to service him at a moment's notice - and told her that he was proud of her beauty, that he had big plans for her future. She hadn't understood that her mother was a possession, not a person, and she didn't understand that her father had the same plans for her. She learned though. She learned quickly that if she wanted to be anything more than..

A klaxon buzzed from her communication center, displacing her musing.

"Dorr speaking"
"Captain, we will be docking in 15 minutes. The shuttle to Terra will be leaving for UAF headquarters in 45 minutes."
"Thanks, Mitchell." She released the button, her brown eyes gazing once more at the planet before she stripped off her workout clothes and slipped into her steam shower.

(If you are interested and have questions please ask. I think my profile has a lot of good information, and I am really open to any interpretation or narrative that you are inspired to follow after looking at it. I like to be surprised and challenged, and want you to feel that as well. I didn't want to presume how or who you wanted to play, so I wrote a broad intro and some basic details. I can write more if you prefer.)
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