The Walking Dead: Into The Storm | randomname98766789 x Ursarion

Dec 22, 2014
United States
After another long day of searching Sophia, the group wandering the highway called it a day. Sadly, no ground was gained with finding the young girl. Seeing a young kid go through the horrors of today’s world was painful in all honesty. Sophia was too young to be subjected to this and Carol was too sweet of a lady to lose her daughter. Glenn Rhee wanted to find the girl but another day passed without any signs of her. Everyone was silent on the highway to set up camp for the night while the sun was setting over the clear, Georgia sky.

Glenn sat next to his sister Midori and just mused over the situation. So far, Glenn has witnessed unbelievable loss during the outbreak. One day he was delivering pizzas and then the next day, Glenn was running for his life from the walkers. He might have lost contact with his parents long ago but he was able to find his sister and rescue her from college. This group in Georgia became their new family rather quickly and Glenn was accustomed to being the “go-to-town” expert of the group. He knew this area like the back of his hand.

Behind the silent group, a walker staggered from the woods and towards the highway. Immediately, Glenn stood to his feet and unsheathed his knife from his pants, preparing to stab the damn thing in the head. However, he was unable to do so as another figure emerged right behind of the walker. It was some brunette woman riding a horse. She cracked a baseball bat over the rotting woman and stopped in front of the group, asking for Lori Grimes. Instinctively, Glenn gripped his knife tightly and stood in front of Midori. One thing he learned during the apocalypse was not to trust strangers.

For some reason, Lori did not take a chance when the woman said her son had been shot. Despite the protests of the group, Lori rode off into the woods with this strange woman. The group had been given directions to the farm where they were going but Carol did not want to leave the highway in case Sophia came back. She did not want to give up. Neither did Glenn but someone needed to go check on everything. T-Dog and Glenn volunteered to leave and take one of the trucks while the remainder of the group stayed back at the RV. Curious about what his sister wanted to do, he asked for her input.

“Momo, do you want to go with us to this farm or do you want to stay here on the highway?”


It was a cloudless afternoon across the state of Georgia. The rest of the world had fallen into an apocalypse but the Greene Family Farm was untouched. Shaun Mills enjoyed it this way, without having to worry about outside threats. Out of all the members on the farm, Shaun almost always had to go into town for runs. He was the only young male there and the other two men were older and not in the best of shape. For most of the day, Shaun was busy doing a supply run to the nearest grocery store to check for food and supplies. It was rather unsuccessful though.

Returning inside of the gate, he drove his truck and parked it beside of the other vehicles outside. Upon his arrival, Shaun noticed something was wrong immediately. The front door was wide open and he heard two sets of male voices that he did not recognize. Clutching the handgun from the back of his jeans tightly, he made a move inside of the house but Beth was the first one to greet him. She sensed his worry and explained the entire situation to the older male about who these men were and what exactly happened.

Otis was hunting in the woods and shot at a buck. However, a young boy was standing directly behind of the deer and the bullet lodged into his abdomen and broke into separate fragments. Hershel was attempting to perform surgery to remove the bullets while the boy’s father, Rick Grimes, gave his son some blood. Otis and the other male, Shane, were leaving for the FEMA camp set up at Shaun’s old high school and Maggie rode one of the horses into town to retrieve the mother. Wow. He had been gone all day and missed just about everything.

During that time, he introduced himself to the strangers and checked to see if Hershel needed his assistance. There was not much Shaun could do right now so he unloaded the small amount of supplies he found today. He worried about his fiancée Maggie of course but he knew she could handle herself so he tried to push those thoughts away. Thirty minutes after sundown, Shaun saw Maggie return with some other brunette woman. She was clearly worried and pushed right inside of the house asking for Carl. Giving the family plenty of room, Shaun walked down the steps of the front porch to greet Maggie and help her return the horse to the stable.

“Hey… I guess I missed a lot today…”
Seemingly endless days of searching for Sophia had put the group in a generally bad mood. Everyone was angry and bitter, most of them already having lost hope, but avoiding mentioning the fact. No one wanted to tell Carol that her little girl was most likely dead. Momo didn't see any reason to say something out loud that everyone already knew- then she'd be the bad guy. So, she kept her mouth shut. She wasn't cruel- just honest. And this particular truth seemed cruel. Daryl seemed to be taking it pretty hard, which to Momo seemed a bit odd.

As the small group traveled through the woods, all of them on yet another useless search for Sophia, the sound of something rushing towards them came from their left. Turning, machete in hand, Momo waited, tense, ready to strike if she needed to. Fortunately, the threat appeared in the form of a young woman riding a horse. She was beautiful- long brown hair, slightly tanned skin, bright eyes. She seemed in a hurry, rushing her words, taking off with Lori before Momo could even comprehend what had just happened. Turning to the group, she took a moment to let the words catch up with her. Carl had been shot. The girl was inviting them to her family's farm.

Hearing her brother's voice, Momo turned to look at him. "I'll go with you." She told him, shrugging. There really wasn't any point in asking her. Momo barely left Glenn's side, even as children. As everyone began making their way back to the highway, Momo clutched her weapon tighter, feeling slightly on edge. She didn't believe that the woman who had shown up was any danger to them, and she didn't think the woman was lying- how would she know Carl and Rick's names? But even so, Momo didn't trust her. She didn't trust anyone, not fully. The only person she trusted completely was Glenn. He'd saved her, even though she could take care of herself, he was her savior.

Climbing into the truck with Glenn and T-Dog, who had a horrid infection, Momo sighed loudly. The sun was beginning to set now, and they'd arrive at the farm in completely darkness. As the RV disappeared behind them, Momo wondered if it was possible for them to find Sophia. Maybe everyone would end up okay, and they would finally have a good day. She wasn't going to count on it. By the time they arrived at the farm, it was dark, as she had thought it would be. Shutting the truck door softly, Momo made her way to the steps and waited for Glenn to join her. "You alright?" She asked him quietly.


Maggie had been attending business as usual on her family farm when everything had happened. It had been a completely nice day- everything had gone well, and Otis was out hunting for some meat. They expected to have a nice dinner, with hopefully some deer, later that night. Maggie had already planned to make some potatoes as a side, and had asked Beth to wash and peel them, while she went and fed the chickens and checked on the horses. Hershel, Maggie's father, was inside for once, reading the bible, rather than outside tinkering with something. All in all, it was peaceful.

Until she heard shouting. Pushing the door open, Maggie looked out into the fields and saw two men approaching, one of them carrying something. As they got closer, she could see it was a young boy, and he was bleeding. As her father came rushing past her, Maggie's heart began to race, fear of a possible bite making her slightly unsteady on her feet. As the man began to explain what had happened- apparently Otis had shot the boy- Maggie's father had already begun to make preparations to begin checking him out, and possibly doing surgery. After he alerted the boy's father- who's name was Rick- that there was a bullet still inside, Rick began to speak of the boy's mother.

With a name on her lips and directions in her mind, Maggie was sent to retrieve the mother- her name was Lori, and the boy's name was Carl. Rushing outside, Maggie grabbed the reins of one of their horses and jumped on, wasting no time in rushing out into the forest. Shaun wasn't home right now, but Maggie knew that someone would inform him about where she'd gone, if he happened to arrive before she got back. Maggie wasn't worried about her safety, she had a bat, and she could ride a horse just fine. She was more worried about Carl, and his family. As she approached a section of the woods that Rick had assumed his wife would be in, she could hear screaming.

As she broke through a section of trees, she saw a blonde woman on the ground, one of the dead on top of her. Smashing it in the head with the bat, Maggie began to call out for Lori. After she had the woman safely behind her, and had given the rest of them directions to her family farm, Maggie was off again, rushing back home. When she finally had a minute to sit down, Shaun arrived- a welcome sight. Smiling softly as she stood, Maggie took Shaun's hand gently as they walked the horse back to the stable together. "You sure did. I'm glad you're here now, though."
Honestly, Glenn should have known that Momo would want to join him at the farm. The siblings hardly ever left one another’s side even before the apocalypse. Now, it was even rarer than before. This way, Glenn was able to keep watch over his sister all the time. They were both very protective over each other and Glenn trusted her with his life, more than he trusted anyone else. Their bond as brother and sister was special. Glenn wanted nothing more than to keep her safe. After the young woman told him she wanted to join himself and T-Dog, the trio climbed into one of the trucks and started going forward down the highway.

The ride down the highway and to the farm was rather quiet. It took nearly an entire hour before they arrived. It was already dark outside but Glenn clearly saw the picturesque farm. It truly looked untouched by the apocalypse. Crops were growing, flowers were blooming, and it looked safe. The small group pulled outside of the house and T-Dog parked the truck. Climbing out, Glenn ensured that he kept himself very close to his sister. While he did not think these people would pose a threat and he did not think that this woman had lied to them about anything, Glenn was definitely on edge and being careful about approaching anyone or anything.

Upon reaching the door, a teenaged blonde girl invited them inside. Still cautious, Glenn led the way but finally let his guard down enough when they stopped outside a bedroom where Carl was lying the bed unconscious with Rick and Lori sitting by his side and holding his hand. Damn. Glenn did not expect it to hit him so hard, but it did. Glenn and T-Dog both approached the couple to shake their hands and give them words of reassurance and comfort. The old man, Hershel, entered the room soon after and Glenn stepped out of the room while he talked about their situation and the possibility of doing the surgery without the right equipment. Shane and Otis had not returned yet.

An older woman at the farm, Patricia, spotted them outside the doorway and asked about T-Dog’s injury. He explained what happened and she offered to stitch him up and give him some antibiotics. It left Glenn and Momo alone for the time being. Turning to look at her, Glenn leaned against one of the doorways and kept his voice at a whisper. “I surely hope they know what they’re doing. Carl doesn’t look good at all. I don’t know if we can trust these people though. It’s hard to trust strangers anymore.” He muttered, unsure if they were vulnerable to an attack at any point.


Happily, Shaun walked Maggie with the horse back towards the stable. They had almost ten horses and they proved to be excellent transportation during this apocalypse. Being on this farm was the best way to survive in Shaun’s opinion. He was ever thankful for Maggie and her family because Maggie was all he had left now. His mother was dead and his sister was somewhere across the country away at college. Shaun literally had nobody except for his fiancée. Sadly, their wedding date had already come and gone. Obviously, they were not able to travel and have the wedding because of the outbreak but he was hoping one day they would still be able to do so.

“I’m happy to be back, too. I heard about you finding that boy’s mother on the highway. You’re so brave, Maggie.” The male complimented her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Usually, he would always go with her during something like this but he happened to not be at home when it happened. Therefore, he was glad he taught Maggie about defending herself. Hershel absolutely abhorred violence and guns yet Shaun secretly was teaching Maggie to shoot and fight because they both knew these times required both unless luck was just on their side all the time but eventually luck would run out.

The horse was put back into his stable and locked up. It left the happy couple alone for a few moments and Shaun wanted to take advantage of that. Quickly, he wrapped his arms around the woman’s body and stared deeply into those gorgeous green orbs. He had not seen her or kissed her since this morning and that was far too long to be depraved of Maggie Greene. Leaning forward, the dark-haired male kissed Maggie on the lips and held the kiss for a good ten or fifteen seconds while letting his tongue rub all up and down the insides of her mouth. Shaun really never gave Maggie a chaste kiss or just a simple peck. If he was going to kiss her at all, then he was going all the way with it just like now.

After the kiss, Shaun pulled back from the brunette and grabbed her hand again. “Let’s head back to the house. We’ll see if your father needs us to help out with anything right now.” He spoke in a gentle voice, slowly tugging the woman behind of him and out of the stable. They locked up the area and then approached the farm again. Night had fallen over the Greene Family Farm and Shaun was thankful to be inside this safe area at night. The couple arrived back into the house and noticed a few other members from their group on the highway joined them. Politely, Shaun introduced himself to everyone before checking with Hershel to see if he and Maggie were needed right now.
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