Creation's Request for Creativity

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Jul 30, 2016
Hello! I go by many names, Creation, Starr, dork, weirdo, eh take your pick. I'm sure I've been called worse! There is a lot I want to say so let's get started, yes?

A little about me?
I am a female that is a few years older than the legal age to drink. I'm a hard worker but I play harder. a few hobbies are, writing (duh, or I wouldn't be here) singing, and videos games. Let's get to the good stuff yes? I can roleplay in a few different places, we can discuss which is better. I would prefer to brainstorm over Skype however. Only because it is more convenient. It's only a preference, not mandatory.

A bit about me and my writing style?
I will adapt and give what is given to me. However, I have no problem writing a page with 1000 words or more unless I have absolutely nothing to work with. I can write just a few paragraphs or a whole novel if needed. I try to post daily. However sometimes I just can't do it due to being so tired. Damn pain meds! I try to put a lot of thought and detail in my posts and I feel if I'm super tired I am not going to do that. Please understand that I only want you to have my best! If i do not reply within a reasonable amount of time, please send me a friendly message asking where I am, or just kick me in the booty to snap me back to reality. If you require samples of my writing, not problem! Ask, and you will receive. If there is anything else you need to know please ask because I don't know what else to say here! Also, I do play male. However, I do not want to play male constantly. Please keep that in mind. If I have too many, you may be turned down. Please specify which gender you want to play. I am not a mind reader. Thanks.

What i'm looking for in you?
I want to look forward to my roleplays. I mean REALLY look forward to it. I want to be checking my phone every five minutes to see if I got a reply. And when I do? I don't want to be disappointed with a reply that lacks creative flow and description. I would much appreciate a sample of your writing style when you contact me. I work hard on my posts and give it my all so that I please my partner with my writing style. Please, please, do the same. This doesn't mean I need a novel by all means! Just keep me on my toes and most important let's have fun!!! I don't want some one to let me control our roleplays. This is a joint thing, so join in! Add your ideas! Surprise me! Oh, I would love you forever if you could do that! But most of all, let just have FUN!


~Please PM me rather than post here. Your first message should be the first thing to make me want to write with you. Don't just message me telling you would like to write with me. Give me something to work with. Introduce yourself. Tell me what you want to write about, a pairing or a suggested plot/idea. Put your personality into it, make me laugh with your sarcasm. No really, please do. Sarcasm is always appreciated.

-I want to try something a little different. Whoever wants to role play with me, just send me an intro. Yes, just whatever strikes your fancy. No planning, no plotting, no pairing. If I'm not interested in responding, I'll tell you. Otherwise, we just keep it going. Even develop it a bit more! All I ask is you put 'Introduction Post' in the title Don't be shy!-

Just a few ideas!
Feel free to send me yours! I'm just putting up what I'm craving as of now. I have many others I did not post. I also love to brainstorm and create new ideas with my partner. So, if you don't like any of mine. But still think you want to roleplay with me. Let's chit chat a bit!

He has lost everything. The love of his life and family. His clan and home. If he could sleep for the rest of his immortality, he would. However, the moment his eyes opened fifty years sooner than needed, to see a mere human witch demanding his services for revenge, he decided to change his meaning for life. Yes. He would help her. He would kill those who killed his loved ones. He would kill every last one of those damned vampires and anyone who got in his way. He would kill his own kind.
The Auctioned Girl and Her Secrets
He was always looking for a journey and for an adventure. A free spirit at heart, despite his background, he wanted only his freedom and seek for it as he traveled through the seas. At one particular country, he arrived, he stumbled onto an auction house and even more, stumbled onto a rare beauty that he had never seen before. Her beauty along with her fierce spirit, even when she was caged like a live animal for display, as she was supposed to be auctioned away. For some unknown reason, he felt himself drawn and decided to bid her for himself. In the end, he won, but what he didn't know was what fate laid between them both ever since she became his 'property', so to say.

--What I planned was there is something special about my character that her people both worship (of course I could always go the opposite and make it where they looked down upon it instead. But If I did that, I see it hard to auction?), but fear all the same. (It could be something as simple as looks. Perhaps having vibrant green eyes out of a country with brown or blue. Or adding some fantasy if you would like.) Just like some cultures worship by praying, gifts, or even sacrifice. I envisioned the auction was meant almost like a ritual sacrifice in their own way. In other words for her country, the girls born with her gift were worshiped and granted the greatest honor of the auction. In truth, the girls were degraded and treated poorly behind the scenes. On top of that, the usual buyers for the auction used them as sex slaves or worse.

However, my character would have a fierce spirit and strong back to break, making her a nuisance. I would like you to try to set it up as more of a he-wins-the-auction-to-rescue-her thing, gets more than he bargained for, his family doesn't approve, romance, fighting for control sort of thing. It’s something we can discuss further though!

To Tame a Lion
He was always different. Different as in, he was a true rebel; never taking orders from anyone, never taking shit from anybody and had only been living for himself ever since he could remember. He was considered a 'bad boy'; one young man which every young girls should avoid but couldn't help wanting to, at least, have a taste of him. Then came a day a young woman managed to get his interest, and even better, keep his interest, which is a rare thing for himself and anybody.
The bond
The various kingdoms and nations were hardly ever at peace from each other or even from their own people. Strife riddled the lands between the Moon Sea and the Blighted March like rotten crops in a diseased farm where the owner ran off. There are a few multi-national organizations, however, that seem to cross boundaries. The White Oder of Swords, a group of holy knights that hunt down evil wherever they find it, is based in the southern nation of Torimor but has Forts of Swords in every nation except two. One of those, Eidany, is home to the Academy, the protectors of history and maps that holds the respect of every nation and governs every major library. The second where the White Swords are not accepted is the place of their claimed enemy, Amiland, the home of the Black Tower.

The mages, the men and women of the Black Tower, gather those from all nations that show promise to learn magic. There they are trained through a rigorous process that either seems them ascend from prospects to acolytes then finally to full brother or sister mages. Everyone from the poorest man to royalty are accepted, regarded all as equals and trained at least to the point where they are no longer a danger to others.

They are protected by the Knights of the Ward, also known as the Templar, that both keep the mages safe and keep the world safe from the mages. The warders, the Templar, are considered some of the best warriors in the world, imbued with the bond between them and their wards. This bond, the extra level of consciousness, and the empowered magical equipment that the Templar have access to make them truly the deadliest men in the world… aside from the mages themselves.

Long story short. Your character is a prince and mine a princess. Their father’s are at war, so they consider their selves enemies. However, in the black tower, everyone is treated as an equal. Meaning their title doesn’t exist there. he would be a Templar and mine, a mage. They would be paired together or bonded.
Why Is This Taboo?
Well for this story, my main idea is it centers around fraternal twins (or could be changed to just brother and sister if you're not comfortable with twins) between 16-18 , whom have shared a bedroom forever, since their parents can't afford to get a bigger house. The brother is in love with her, and always has been although as he got older he realized how wrong his feelings were, and he attempts to push her away in order to try, and get rid of the feelings, but as time goes on the feelings only grow stronger. Where we begin could be the night he finally can't take the feelings anymore, and either confesses, or kisses her, whichever, and perhaps he tries to convince her to feel the same. We can basically go from there, build on the concept. Perhaps throw in a pregnancy, that would make for a more dramatic storyline although that's completely up to you and your limits.
The blessed one
There are children who are born into this world who have the ability to save the it from its continuous ruin. However, these children are not immune from being corrupt themselves. If these children give in to the constant temptations and tragic events that seem to be attracted to their innocence, then a demon is formed. To prevent this from happening guardians set out to find these children and guide them. In return granted various inhuman abilities for their protection. A tortured guardian who is supposed to guide and preserve these fragile children is the one who is cursing their existence. Will his next target become his helpless prey like so many before her, or will she be the very thing that saves his hollow soul.

There are two key points in this story. One is that it takes place in the modern world, just as we know it. So that makes setting easy. The main difference is that there are certain people out there who have been chosen by god. They were born pure somehow, and if they can survive to a certain age they would ascend to be the new angels of heaven, as angels have slowly died out over the passage of time. However, if these children become corrupted they become fallen angels, and swell the ranks of Lucifer. For that reason, God created protectors, special people who gain phenomenal powers when bonded to one of the children. These protectors are irresistibly drawn to these children. Certain children are destined to be more powerful angels than others, and for that reason the protectors bonded to them are even more powerful than normal.

My character would be one of these children. However, to his surprise, the girl is not a child at all. Not only has she reached the age of eight-teen without being corrupt but she is also living on the street for the corruption has taken her family at a young age. He decides to try to bond with her and see why this girl was so special.
I knew I loved you the moment I set eyes on you
I am craving something like this! MC is gorgeous, friendly to most, and very loving. Some would say she is popular however she tends to keep to herself. YC is good looking although a bit of an outsider or what others would categorize as a 'bad boy' However the moment he put his eyes on MC he was determined to have her as his own
The things I would do to forget you
My character and your character have been the best of friends since the toddler days. However when they have become older they have developed deep feelings for one another but each are too afraid to admit it. It’s been years my character has waited for yours to show any sign to become more than friends. now at the age of 20 and tired of waiting she gets a boyfriend. when she denies her now boyfriend of sex he becomes abusive. she starts getting bruises and her friend is concerned and determined to find out why… What will happen when he finds out everything? her boyfriend was the one doing it and worse she was only with him to try to lose the feelings for him..
Run away with me?
Okay, so here is the idea. He (your character) is madly in love with Starr (my character). The whole world around them doesn't treat them right. Her father is abusive even though he'd admit she's the only thing that matters to him. your character, asks Starr a question that enforces inner turmoil in her. He asks her to leave with him.
The Forgotten Prince
Nearly two decades ago, a rogue lord formed an army and overthrew the royal family. Ever since, he has had a nagging suspicion that the previous king’s son was still alive. His advisors told him it’s impossible since the boy was only 7, but he can’t bury the thought.

In the northern reach of the kingdom, the Prince lives but has no recollection of his past. All he knows is that he’s one of the best rangers in the north and has a new job; to escort a noble woman and her envoy to the neighboring kingdom. Something about her seems familiar, as if he’s known her his whole life. The noblewoman feels it too, thinking he reminds her a lot of her childhood friend, the late prince.

Once his past is revealed, memories flood the prince-turned-ranger… and he knows what must be done.

--Your character is the youngest son of King Leon Albois of Berge. Castle Berge sits upon a hill overlooking an expansive plain divided by a great river called the Konne, that flows from the eastern mountains into the western sea. To the north is the Duchy of Arlons, full of steep hills and untracked forest wilderness. To the west is the Duchy of Merlons, which sits upon the coast. To the southwest are the savage forests of Transkonnea, ruled by a kingdom of brutes. To the southeast is the independent Principality of Lothaire, which acts as a buffer between Berge and Transkonnea. To the east is the temple of Montmidi run by an order of monks called the Order of the Midnight Sun. And further northeast is the kingdom of Augustria.

Because of its strategic location, the King of Berge used to have great influence over the lords of the surrounding territories, but this changed when the King of Augustria was murdered by his brother, and the kingdom then invaded Berge by crossing the mountains, sacking Montmidi along the way and installing his own crony as bishop there. Through a combination of military force and the treachery of the Duke of Merlons, the Augustrians overthrew the Albois dynasty and installed one of their generals to rule Castle Berge as a province of the new Augustrian Empire. Merlons joined the empire willingly. Arlons resisted for a while, but was eventually forced to concede defeat and sign a treaty with the Augustrians when the duke was killed in battle, leaving only his teenage son to rule Arlons. Lothaire had wanted to come to the aid of Berge, but he was attacked by the Transkonneans at the same time that Augustria invaded. Thus, the Prince of Lothaire had to remain in his own territory to defend his own borders while Berge fell. Lothaire continued to be independent from the empire, safe from invasion by virtue of its difficult terrain and near-impregnable castles.

This is an example to start with, but we can always change the details; names, locations, etc.

I'm thinking my character might have been from Lothaire. She had previously been considered as a match for your character before the war, and that's how we came to play together as kids. With the fall of House Albios, my character’s father had to consider other options. Offers came from Berge, Merlons, and Arlons over the next two decades. She didn't like any of the proposed men, each for different reasons: the governor of Berge was too old, and also cruel; the young duke of Arlons is somewhat unstable, mentally; the Duke of Merlons has a son about your age, but the guy is a pompous douche. For the last few years she has managed to stall each of them by playing them against each other, with her father's help. But then the Governor of Berge got impatient and paid a gang of bandits to ambush her and her father on the road to Arlons.

My character’s father and most of his men were killed in the fighting, but she escaped into the forest and eluded her pursuers. That left her stranded in the back country of Arlons, with only a handful of soldiers (or maybe none) and barely enough money on hand to hire the ranger she will need in order to navigate the wilderness and reach Lothaire in one peace. The Governor of Berge has sent out soldiers on patrol to search for her, and if they catch her, they will certainly bring her back to Castle Berge where she will be forced to marry the governor. Likewise, the Duke of Arlons has his men out searching for her, with similar plans in mind. That means her only hope is to trust this rough-mannered ranger who doesn't seem to care who rules the land just as long as he's free to walk it.

I had it in mind that your character does not remember anything about his past, except in the form of suppressed memories that could only be triggered by specific things, like a phrase he used to hear all the time, or an object he used to see all the time, such as his father's sword hilt or his mother's necklace, or maybe just wandering around Castle Berge and finding his old hiding places. Something of that nature. I’ll leave it up to you how he escaped or what happened to him that made him lose his memories!
Can we be what we used to be?
There's a guy and a girl. They met, fell in love, and thought there was no one else for them. Graduation came around and the guy got accepted into a university either across the state or the country. Going to college was his dream. So, of course, he has to break up with the girl because it was not fair to them to stay together if he was leaving... Four years later, the guy comes back. He is still in love with the girl and wants to make things right with her, but there's a catch. The girl has a three-almost-four-year old child. He does not know that the child is his until she is ready to tell him. So, what happens when they both want to get back together, but the girl is afraid of getting hurt by the guy. Will the new child bring the two together or tear them apart?
The Forgotten Dragon and the Branded Princess...
Stumbling upon a strange stone among others, a young princess takes it home. The rock appears to be nothing special, just a water-washed rock that's smooth as can be. The more she holds it, though, the more she can feel what seems to be a heartbeat. The more she holds it, the hotter and louder the heartbeat seems to get. Over the course of several days, occasionally curling up with the stone to sleep as the winter is threatening her kingdom greatly, she falls asleep with it one night. When she awakes, the stone is glowing a bright orange and feels as hot as coals. Pushing the rock away, not wanting to burn herself, she places her palm against it and feels a sharp pain as the stone burns her, the rock rolling and hitting the floor, cracking like an egg. Out of the egg comes a small dragon, enamored by her presence and seeing her as his mother.

She can only hide the dragon for so long, though, until her tyrant of a father throws the beast out into the cold, pulling her inside and convincing her that it is a demon. No dragons have been spotted for centuries and it has to be a trick of the mind.

12 years later, the princess is coming of age for marriage soon, and her marriage will be the lifeblood of the new king's heir, as no woman can rule and her brothers have all died in brutal, harsh war. Among all of the suitors, the princess comes across a letter from one that bears the same mark that was burned onto her hand by the egg years ago. The letter merely states that they need to meet, as she is "destined" to marry him from the day that he had hatched from the egg.
This life isn't all it's cut up to be...
He is a top dog gang leader with one hell of a past and all he wants is to right his wrongs and get out of the life he is in. However that is easier said than done, if he wants his life intact. He is currently at war with a local rival gang with one wicked leader who just so happens to be a major part of his tragic past. She is a daughter of powerful business man who wants to do nothing but control her life. She is a model child with good grades in the best of colleges. But all she wants is a little excitement in her life. One night a group of men from the rival gang start to harass her, he sees this and jumps in. But why does this girl have such a immediate affect on him? Can she be his way to freedom or will he be the very thing that ruins her good nature?
Chronicles of the Prince and the Lacuni Princess |lengthy plot warning|
The Lacuni were once a proud and noble people, their domain stretched across all the southlands. From the edge of the great Urutan sandsea in the east to the Hyperborian Mountain range in the west. They were the masters of their homeland, the forest nation, a great land of massive trees and swamps as far as the eye could see that dominated the the landscape in the south. The great jungles of the southlands grew thick and wild, their trees reaching to the sky as tall as some of the greatest of man made castles with their leaves forming a great canopy that bathed the forest floor below in perpetual twilight. The Lacuni's were masters of this realm, perfectly adapted hunters, with ears and eyes that enabled them to see and hear in under the dense canopy and a tail that aided their balance moving quickly through the tangled underbrush.

What made the Lacuni civilization so great was not their natural agility and honed senses, but the affinity and love for nature that each and every one of them carried within their hearts. Their life was not one of industry and war, like some other races, but a life of natural harmony and balance that stemmed from their magical attachment to the powerful force of life itself. They were a peaceful shamanic people with a love of mirth, celebration, and feasting, but also they were warriors of fearsome cunning, defending their realm from all threats, using their natural magic bring the very forest to their aid. The Lacuni are an ancient race, excelling in both wisdom, knowledge, and having honor beyond all others. They have inhabited the great forests of the southlands since the beginning of recorded time.

The race of men stands in stark contrast to the Lacuni and their peaceful ways. Men first entered the lands of Finsha only one thousand years ago, making great pilgrimages across the Urutan. They arrived in the north to find a land that was wild and fearsome, hostile in every sense of the word. The races and creatures that inhabited the north were ones that didn't share the Lacuni mentality of peace. Great hordes of orcs roamed the plains with their warbands, while giants, trolls, and gnolls occupied almost every crag or cave that the humans came upon for shelter. Those first couple decades were the hardest for mankind, small isolated tibes of humans fought for survival against the wiles and hostility of the land of Finsha in the north. Seeking refuge, a small group of men made their way into the forests of the southlands, they were desperate to escape the dangers of the north. In a chance meeting the Humans came upon the Lacuni who helped them regain their strength.

Seeing the wild spirit of their ancient ancestors within humanity, the Lacuni lended aid to the young race of humans who were crossing the Urutan and gave them weapons and guidance for life in the Land of Finsha. So began an inseperable alliance between the Lacuni and man-kind. The tribes of humanity were rallied under the first King of Finsha and they went forth into the north with renewed vigor to tame the hostile lands. Soon enough the Humans had made their own small home amongst the great wilds of the North and it was the Lacuni's hope to steward over the young race and help them become harmonious with the lands like they were. For a time this worked, but something happened that was unexpected. Humanities link to the magical aspect of life was not like that of the Lacuni's. Those few who were magically attuned amongst the humans did not appeal to the life-giving forces of nature, but to the destructive and powerful arcana of the elements. Humanity performed feats of magic that were unknown even to the Lacuni and it became clear early on that the potential of humanity seemed limitless. There were those who were righteous among man-kind, but there were also those who sought power and self-gain, a trait that began to infect the pure and noble Lacuni.

This new form of magic was different than the kind that the Lacuni had known since the beginning. It was wild and unpredictable, with streams that delved deeply into dark places. In the right hands it was a tool of great value, but in the wrong hands... it was a tool for chaos and destruction. Many of the Lacuni, interested in this new power, left the natural magic of their ancestors and embraced the raw power of the new arcana. Through this new magic and the passage of time the Lacuni civilization began to fall. Prior to this only the purest of Lacuni could access the natural power of magic through study, meditation, and practice, but now there was a new outlet that didn't require a pure heart and mind. Civil war soon engulfed the southlands and the Lacuni were divided amongst themselves over those who kept the peaceful old ways and those who strove for power through means of darkness. One night a great battle took place in the Lacuni capital in the heart of the forest. All of the elders and nobles were killed and the great king of the Lacuni was slaughtered at the hands of his own brother, who had embraced these new and cruel ways.

All hope was not lost, in a desperate act of heroism, one of the King's own guards escaped the castle with the young baby princess of the Lacuni. They ran to the only place that they knew was safe for them... to the north, into the lands of the Humans. The guard brought the Lacuni princess before the human king in secret and begged him to keep her safe and secret until a time when she could lead a revolution and reclaim the throne. Bound by the honor of his ancestors the king accepted and harbored the young girl. He promised to always keep her close at hand to teach her the ways of a true King as her people had taught humanity long ago. She was raised in the palace with the King's own son and was made the queens own hand maiden. She was present at every meeting of the King's court so that she might learn the ways of nobility.

It wasn't long after the death of the Lacuni King that the new dark lord, the brother of the King led the armies of the Lacuni northward to attack the humans. The dark lord had no knowledge that the princess had been spared, rather he sought to expand his borders at the expense of humanity. The war lasted fifteen years and it was a bloody struggle unlike anything the lands of Finsha had ever seen before. The acts of the evil Lacuni were so gruesome that the aspect of life that had sustained the race for so long was shattered and the Lacuni began to change in both mind and physcial form. They lost their beauty and gracefulness for something that resembled that of a true beast, they became the Leshrac, a fallen being that was more animal than man (picture not really a Neko... but more like a legit cat or dog man with a full coat of fur. Just an aminal that walks upon two legs). Even the forest itself turned on them, growing wild and hostile, producing deadly creatures and turning against the Leshrac themselves.

Kingdom wide persecution spread to all the remaining Lacuni for fear that they would kill humans and they were exiled from the human lands to their old lands in the south. Many traveled there expecting death at the hands of the Leshrac and in most circumstances that was the case. The great human king knew that he couldn't keep the pure Lacuni princess for fear of riots from the people knowing that the king himself was harboring an enemy of Finsha. When she was but a young girl he disguised her and kept her safe in the guise of a young human girl ( a servant). The changing alliances had altered the circumstances and the princess was no longer allowed in the kings court, the King went even so far to keep her away from his own son, who had been her playmate since she had arrived in the Kingdom.

Now twenty years after than fateful night when the princess was brought before the king, five years after the end of the war with the Leshrac, things have changed in Finsha. Humanity is now the great beacon of hope and the prowlers to the south are a constant real enemy. The Human prince has grown into an aspiring young commander and the time for his inauguration into manhood has come. Taken from the practices of the Lacuni themselves, the Human right of kings states that a King must yield his powers to his eldest son or daughter in the twentieth year of his life so that the new King might have a mind that caters to the new generation, the future of the kingdom. A prince can only take power if he has taken a young princess of noble descent to be his wife so that they might produce a new heir. This marriage is arranged through a dazzling ceremony where all the human lords from all over the kingdom bring their eligible daughters to the palace for a three day courtship festival. The festival was based upon the ancient Lacuni practices where the King would seek the life giving spirits of his people and use their natural attachment to nature to help choose the best pairing. It was a flawless practice that always resulted in loving relationships, but humans take a different approach. Without a true connection to the aspect of life human marriages are often decided by who can offer the largest dowry to the King. In this sense the arranged marriages are often more political than brought from a place of true love.

It's a nerve wracking time for the young prince and with all the nobles coming to the castle, guards and servants are stretched thin. It is by chance that the Lacuni princess is thrust into the service of the Prince during this time as his servant. The days leading up to the ceremony will be hectic and somewhere in there the prince will learn the identity of the his new companion, but not her true link to the Lacuni throne. All things considered, a gathering of all the human nobles and their families would also be a perfect time for the Leshrac to strike. The story would take us on a journey to restore the true Queen to the Lacuni throne and we'd have lots of fun on the way!
The Goddess, her gaurd, and their taboo.
Ever since the dawn of the old age, there had been the very definite line between men and deities. The humans were to worship the deities, while the deities would use their powers to ensure their world remain in peace and harmony. It was very well known that a relationship between a deity and a human was considered forbidden and a taboo, especially to both humans and to the deities. Even then, one deity couldn't help herself as her fell for one human — a man, and even more, this very man was in her service as her sole bodyguard. Despite knowing that it was forbidden, the deity couldn't deny her emotions — especially when she soon realized her sole bodyguard had been in love with her this whole time.
A handsome grim reaper, or an 'Angel of Death' would descend on the surface of the earth just seven days before a person would die from an unexpected death. His duty was to observe the said person during those seven days, and then to decide whether the person should be executed or to be passed over and given a second chance in life. But what if, this time, the person he has to observe manage to perk a certain curiosity within him, and even more, manage to actually move his almost still heart after so many eons ago of losing his humanity? Even more, he actually took all the way to actually make himself a part of this person's life during those seven days, to get to know this person and to see why this person might perk such a curiosity within him.
What Have I Done?
At a party a young guy gets drunk, a girl attends that likes this boy, he ends up raping her and not remembering it. Sometime later he hears this girl is living on the street as her father is the local pastor, once he finds out she’s pregnant he does anything he can to help her, giving her a place to live.
It was for the best.
She was just chilling at home when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. She opens it to see a man that she had once been childhood friends and high school sweethearts with, but wait. He is bloody and bruised like he had just gotten a good beating. She helps him in and nurses him back to health. She wonders what happened to him after graduation. He just disappeared. Now, he's back and seeking her help because there are some bad people after him.
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