Craving Kill la Kill, Madoka Magica, or Gurren Laagan Themed RP

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Soft Stroke

Jun 28, 2015
United States!
Greetings one and greetings all! This is Soft Stroke's new anime request thread!

I have an idea for both of these rps! They're set within the same universes, and are meant to be sexual, though with lots of story. They're both set in the future, as I am not one to mess with canonical events!

Just a quick note! I don't mean to be picky, but I would prefer that my partner have seen the whole anime. It's hard to talk about details and such if one has only heard of it... sowwy, hope I'm not being way too pushy!

(**Spoiler Warning!**)
Gurren Laagan:
Simon defeated the anti-spirals, saving all spiral races and destorying the scourge of almost every speciesi in the galaxy. But that wasn't all. What if the anti-spirals were actually like what Lord Genome was doing, holding back an even larger force? It's been 100 years since Simon's heroic actions, and Team Dia-Gurren is no longer around... but a threat from beyond the beyond the stars has emerged... and threatens not only to destroy Earth, but the entirety of the universe... perhaps some Gunmen are still around...

Kill La Kill:
What did Kiryuin mean when she said that the life fibers would return? Well... she meant this. The species has returned, but now with intent to ensalve, not to utterly annhilate. The life fibers have evolved to become deadly, and a single touch from one of them can instantly drain the entire life force of a human out in a second.

Enter Haryuin High School. Since the incidents of Honnojiu, all the members of the cast have moved on.. many now too old to fight. With Senketsu gone, Jenketsu nowhere to be found, Nudist Beach non-existant... the world is defenseless. THat is, however, until the secret to recreating Kamui are discovered.

Madoka Magica:
Kyuubey can be evil, and rightfully so. Taking place before the events of Rebellion but after Madoka's sacrifice. Wraiths have begun to flare up faster than Kyuubey can create magic girls to fight them. Suicide and murder rates are climbing, and magic girls are becoming more and more rare. Kyuubey must do something to stop this... the law of Entropy counts on it.

Your character, however, has potential the likes of which Kyuubey has only seen before in Madoka. My magic girl, however, out of fear and jealously, does everything she can to stop this girl from becoming like her. It is in vain, and soon enough your character joins the ranks of Kyuubey's sick game. Upset and knowing that she can't do anything now, my character agrees to become your character's partner....

These sound like normal ideas, right? The reason I have this under Blue Moon is becuase, well, they aren't! These rp ideas will contain sex, or at least enough suggestive elements to qualify as such. Be it between main characters, situations or simply the whim of the plot, it shall be done!

If you read all the way down to here: :heart:

Obviously these are incomplete ideas, and that's because the full details are to be revealled to my partner! I'm a primarily Skype based rper!
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