Deal or No Deal? (Applepoisoneer and RedOne)

Deelia sat cross-legged on her carpet in almost total darkness. The light from the streetlights outside her window was just enough for her to see the candles in front of her; five white candles, just as the ritual had called for. In a powerful and authoritative voice, she began the incantation, lighting a new candle after each line.

"On this dark night, I call thee forth! Come, ye, Oh Raven Man! Come forth and answer as I ask of thee!" Her words had a slight reverb, reminding her that she was alone in her apartment. After lighting the last of the candles, she extinguished the match, she lifted a needle from the fibers of the carpet in front of her and pricked her finger. She winced, but quickly put the bleeding wound to the white wax of the candle. When she took it away, there was a deep, red clot with a pink swirl for an outline.

Deelia sat bathed in the light of the candles and breathed deeply, trying not to allow herself to be nervous. She waited for a sign, to indicate the presence of the Raven Man. When nothing came, She prepared to repeat the ritual.
Just as she was about to repeat the ritual, the room began to turn gray. Everything began to slow as if time was creeping to a stop in her closed room. The candles faded away, only to suddenly burst with a powerful blazing heat. In the center of her vision an azure blue flame erupted. A voice began ringing in her ear.

"Well well well well... it looks like someone is just wanting to fill that empty little head with all the answers huh?" It echoed in Deelia's mind.

Before her in the fire one massive eye opened up and looked straight through her soul. It floated forward and as it did formed a triangle of yellow brick pattern around its eye. From its side sprouted two arms and a cane. From underneath sprouted two legs and from the top of the triangle sprang forth a top hat.

"So wait did you try to summon the Raven Man? Phaha! Geez kid you are not gonna get anywhere with ol bird brain. What you really need is a true omniscient being. But where do we find one of those? Oh wait there's one now." He said while pointing behind Deelia's back. Behind her was the same triangle demon. He extended his hand and rolled his hat into his palm to catch in a showboating way. "The name's Bill."
An electric mix of glee and terror filled her body and soul. She couldn't help but squeal a little at the sudden apparition. Attempting to cover her obvious fan-girling, Deelia cleared her throat and smoothed her voice. Still, there lingered a tremor in her tone. "My name is Deelia, but you probably knew that." She laughed a little nervous chuckle and tried to order her thoughts. What should she ask first? Would he take questions? What would she have to do to get teh answers? Whatever it was, chances are she was in! If there was one thing Deelia understood above all else, it was that knowledge was power, and she wanted that power.
"Whoa there..." Bill took his cane and pushed her back a little away. "Getting a little too excited there kid." He floated around the room and kept his singler eye locked on her. "Yes I can grant you what you seek. But it'll cost you just so you know." He waved his cane and spread what looked like all kinds of words and numbers. As it flowed over Deelia, it was if she had it all soak into her head. "This here is a freebie. Just cus I like you kid. But for the rest I'm gonna need a tensy little favor... I need to barrow your body."
"Gee, not even a first date?" She quipped without thinking. It only took her a moment to consider the offer, and it drew her hands to her hips. "How frequently, for how long, and for what purpose?"

Deelia had seen enough movies about magical deals with monkey's paws and Djinn to know a bit of what she was getting into. If he was going to use her body all the time, then what good was having the knowledge? Of course, now that she'd had a taste, it was going to be harder to say no. But perhaps it was the additional knowing that lead her to question in the first place. She couldn't be sure what she knew then and what she knew now anymore.
"Well look at all those questions... you really are just hungry for knowledge aren't ya?" Bill said as he pinched your cheek. He was sure a knowledge seeker would be a bit cautious. "What I'll need it for is my business I'm afraid. How long and well how frequently really depends on how much of me this body can handle. But the trade off is you get access to all the knowledge you can take in while I'm in your body. And what you get, you keep. Sound fair to you?"

All he really needs is one little handshake then as all the knowledge pours into her empty little skull, Bill will only have to sit and wait till she has the knowledge required for building a portal to his dimension. He offers Deelia his hand and hopes she is desperate enough to accept.
She stares at his hand, engulfed in blue flame. He hadn't really answered any of her questions. In fact, he was masterfully evasive. She made a few noises in her contemplation and finally nodded. "I'd be more than happy to take your hand. But there are a few boundries I request before I do. Just three, really. You cannot kill me while you have control of my form. You cannot kill an animal while you have my form, and you can use my form for all of thirteen hours in one day. They don't have to be consecutive, but after thirteen, it's mine again."

It killed her to make arrangements like that. She was so ready to start learning, but not if she was going to be taken advantage of.
"You drive a hard bargain kiddo...Alright..." Bill said thinking for a while on the prospects of this deal. It was a bit too tight to make any loop holes in. As much as it would grind his gears he would have to be legit on this deal. It would take much longer then 13 hours to gain the appropriate amount of information and knowledge for a portal to be built. But he could make do with this so long as this empty headed girl doesn't get cold feet. He takes her hand and shakes it inside his blue flames. "It's a deal!"
As soon as she'd touched his hand, her veins become wind-tunnels and thousands of volts of electricity circulated through her nerves. It was an almost indescribable sensation of exaltation and ecstasy! When it had swept over her, Deelia had she sense that she was part of something now that was much bigger than herself, a force that could not be stopped.

"Is this... Is this what you feel like all the time?" She breathed, finding her voice was not quite her own anymore. "It's... consuming!"
"Oh hoho... it is and then some sister." Bill's voice echoed in her head. Soon all of your vision went black as a image of Bill appeared from the center of a dark void, along with a red door. "Welcome to the Mindscape kid. Here's a lovely little place tucked away between the conscious and unconscious minds." Bill opened the door to show you to a large library covered in books and stretching as far as the eye could see. "This place here is what you want. Just pick up a book and read through it. Every thing will soak up here to your brain." He said as he placed his hands harmlessly into your skull and lifted out a brain for you to see. "It may sound pretty lame I get it. Like, "oh I could read without your help," Buuuuuut these here actually imprint the knowledge into your brain as you read it. And it'll never fade away."
There was no concealing her joy anymore, even if she wanted to look cool. She squeeked and even hopped a little, like a rabbit ready to run. It was everything she'd ever dreamed of and then some! And while she was still really unsure of what Bill had planned for her body while he was using it, as long as he had to uphold her rules, she was alright-enough with it.

There was also something about Bill that was already, how could she put it, endearing? A kind of charisma that, while still conveying a lot of power, put her at a comfortable level of familiarity. She was sure he'd felt none of this toward her, especially since all she'd had the chance to do was wig-out about how amazing everything was. But she hoped that, in time, she might find some way to impress upon him, her level of skill and mastery at something.
Bill left the book worm locked in there for her mind reading and obtaining knowledge. She hadn't become a spirit locked out of her body. Rather she was buried to deep in the subconscious, and Bill was in full control. He moved the limbs of the body. Useing them to them to feel the parts of the body. It was a far softer body then that Pine Tree. He looked around and observed the room. Walking to a chair at the side of the room.

"I guess all that's left to do is wait for the knowledge to be learned." He said as he took a seat in the chair. Not even a second goes by before he jusmped out of the chair. "Well that was boring as hell." He made a be line for the kitchen. If he remembered right, humans do something called eating.
Deelia began with the arcane knowledge. Learning the secrets of the ancients; rites rituals, magic tied to the Earth and sea. Then she moved on to the more contemporary things. By the time the thirteen hours had ended, her non-physical head actually ached with the concentrating she was doing. She felt her consciousness being returned to her physical body, gradually. As though something needed to be switched out before she could return.
Whatever you could learn today was no real concern to Bill he figured it may take a while so he took his time just enjoying the opportunity for a physical body. He'd eaten so much junk food and soda that he was getting tired and sleepy. Such an inconvenience when it comes to eating as much as you can. The time limit is up, so the sensation of their minds swapping was taking place. Bill still resided in Deelia's body but he had no control. As she regain control of her body Bill's voice echoed in her head. "How's your day of reading been Bookworm? Learn anything new today?"
"I learned quite a bit." Deelia thought happily, knowing that Bill could hear her. She'd considered it unfortunate he could probably hear most of her thoughts, but figured he would filter most of them out. What interest could her thoughts pose to him. As soon as all the feeling returned to her body, she realized her stomach ached a bit. "Geez! I see you enjoyed having a physical body for a while."
"That was just a little boredom... I need some time to enjoy the earthly experience of your reality." Bill told her. He honestly did enjoy playing around in another person's body. Just for all the chaos that would ensue from his actions in their life. And he needed something to pass the time until his goal was complete. Maybe he should think of what to do to have fun during his next turn in the drivers seat.
She grinned a little, despite the upset stomach. "I can understand that. Y'know, as long as you don't do anything that gets me killed." She strode into her living room and sat on the couch with her back proped herself against the cushions. "So," She struggled to find the best way to ask the question that she'd been holding onto for a while. "What's your long-term goal here?" Deelia figured the best approach was the direct one.
"Sure thing let me just kick back for a bit before spilling all my goals and secrets to you. Would you like my online passwords and my social security number as well?" Bill responded in his usual sarcasm. "My "end goals" as you put it are my business. Your knowledge or lack there of of said goals was not apart of our negotiations. I can only tell you that it does not involve harm coming to you."
Deelia couldn't help but curl her lip in a smirk as he spoke. There was something so comical about a dream-demon knowing about social security numbers and the internet. Although she didn't get the answer she was looking for, she thought it might be an interesting mystery to try and unravel. Perhaps there would be something the massive archives could tell her about him, and that in turn might lead her to her first clue! Battle of wits or not, she couldn't just take "mind your business" for an answer when it involved the use of her body.

"Okay, Bill. Sounds fair." She flopped down on the couch and rubbed her still aching belly a little. "Have you got any plans for the next eleven hours? Any astral business to take care of?"
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