"Talk or be Punished"

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Jul 6, 2016
Tatum's Plot Crave​

I have been roleplaying erotically for two and a half years, and just recently registered with Blue Moon. I used to roleplay using messenger, meaning it was mostly one to two lines, but now I write as much as my partner gives me, usually two to three paragraphs. I am a bisexual female, but right now, on this thread, I'm into boys. My schedule is pretty busy, but I am usually on for most of the night and very rarely during the day. My replies will come as soon as possible, usually as soon as I log on. Please be patient and realize that not everyone can be around all the time.

I only play through PM and threads. No messengers or IM's. If you can convince me, I might do email.

I am always looking for partners unless stated otherwise. The one time I will not reply to your first message is if you send a one liner with no grammar. Please, if you decide to shoot me a PM, use proper grammar and punctuation.

What I Expect:
  • A literate and active partner who would like to develop a plot with me. I am not a grammar freak, but I would like to be able to understand what you are saying. In other words, use capitalization and punctuation. No chatspeak, please.
  • Someone who can fulfill my desires. Obviously.
  • A player who, if they aren't enjoying the roleplay, will talk about it and not just quit. At least let me part ways with you with respect instead of rage.
  • A Dominant/Submissive Switch, though if you interest me, I will let this slide.
  • Someone who can match my post length. It ranges from two lines to multiple paragraphs. If I may be honest, I am looking to write a novel for this.

You would play the three boys, and I would play Maddie and Ryan, along with his gang members.

I am very into the shirtless beating thing, forced sex, and a foursome. Machines and tools as well.

To give out information, all of the kids would be shirtless (and braless in Maddie's case) and tied to the ground or the wall or something. They would be whipped for information, except for the girl, who has a pact with Ryan not to touch her on punishment of the war of gangs. When the boys are beaten, Maddie can't look. Refusing to reveal any plans, the boys stay strong through the pain. When Ryan realizes that it won't work, he tied them so that they look at Maddie, and for every second they hesitate to answer, she is beaten. Back, face, shoulders, wherever the whip hits.

How hard can high school get? Especially when your father has promised to rape and beat your friends.

Coleman has always been in a gang; he was born into it. His father, Ryan, is the leader of the pack, the alpha.

Maddie's father is also a gang leader. In fact, he's Ryan's biggest rival. When the two gangs collided, years ago, the two children were forced to pretend to hate each other, and finally, it ceased to be an act.

It's pretty hard to be friends with two sworn enemies, but Dylan, Maddie's best friend, manages.

Torn between all three is Jackson, who wants to join Ryan's gang, hang out with Dylan, and date Maddie.

The four are friends, but don't always get along well. Maddie and Coleman are forever fighting, while Dylan attempts to keep the peace. Jackson is usually reading in a corner, ignoring the world.

Jackson, figuring that he can spend more time with Maddie if he joins her gang, enters. He convinces Dylan to as well. When Coleman's father finds out about Coleman's three friends, he goes ballistic. He wants them to betray information, to torture them, and to rape them. He tells Coleman about this plan, and makes him swear on his life not to tell.

The kids, including Coleman, are taken and lead to Ryan's newest facility, a sex and torture building. Will he rape them himself, have them fuck each other, beat them for information, torture for their loyalties? Who knows, it's up to you.

(Full plot in more detail will be given if asked.)​
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