Fantastic Worlds, Perilous Plots and Dark Desires

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Oct 8, 2016

Greetings, Blue Moon! I am Oryx, an experienced writer and roleplayer of many years. Now that I've settled into a new home and a new job, I am ready to start seeking out creative, deviant partners of like mind with whom to create awesome, sexy stories.

I am very big into creating strong, realized worlds and stories with a partner that is willing to actively participate with that process. I will give you lots of effort and energy, but I expect the same in return.

I work full time, and have several projects going as well as a social life, but I make time to answer at least once a weekday (more on the weekends).

I enjoy getting to know my partners and become friends, but I am not looking for anything more than that at this time.


My main interests and settings are in fantastic worlds. Space Opera, Post-Apocalyptic, Steampunk, Industrial, Fantasy are all my by-ways. Modern day stuff is usually not my purview but a really good plot might convince me to give it a go.

I like stories that include fantastic races and species--my favorites of which are minotaurs, centaurs, fauns, incubi, dragons, orcs, dark elves, aliens and hybrids appropriate to the situation, although humans are perfectly fine. I am also very comfortable playing and playing against furries and bestial characters. I usually play female characters, but I can be persuaded to play a male.

Story is paramount, and sex follows it. In my ideal roleplay we have a game that contains generous helpings of both.

I usually play dynamic characters, and can offer some that are more dominant, submissive, or something in between and will depend on story and what my partner is looking for. I am also fully capable of playing more than one at a time.

With regard to sex, I tend to be most interested in exploring the darker side of things. Noncon, coercion, rough, breeding, vouyerism/exhibition, polygamy are a few of my favorites but please look at my F-List for more details.


I will RP over PM, Skype, email or threads.


*Please note, these are the seeds of stories, and some are more developed than others and would love to see input from a potential partner! I am flexible on species and settings and relationship dynamics and eager to come up with something that will please both parties! Featured kinks are just the things I had in mind when coming up with the premise and we can add or take away whatever we want.*

(Coming Soon)

Please PM me if you are interested or have questions!
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