Tony Stark RP....Looking for my Iron Man (M or F)

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Marvel Fan
Feb 4, 2015
I am really craving an RP that revolves around Tony Stark and an "acquaintance" that grew up along side of him in school but was never really noticed by the rich man due to the fact that he wasn't ever really in his "class".

Tony and my character would have known each other before he went off to MIT. True my character would never be as smart as Stark but they aren't completely stupid. After all years later when Stark Enterprises is started, they get a job working for the man.

Even though my character kind of blended into the background years ago as a teenager, they grew up to become a decent looking human being. No bathing beauty or God...but beautiful all the same.

Of course while my character is working for Stark he bumps into the man, only not to be remembered (not to their surprise) or even really noticed as Tony is either drunk or with another woman.

With it being the first time in years since my character had laid eyes on the man in person, they begin to try and work their way into Tony's life in hopes of becoming someone of great importance to him. Maybe, even being the one person that cold get Tony Stark to fall in love and commit.

I am willing to play a male or female in this RP. I am hoping for jealousy, angst, drama, love, cheating...all of the good stuff in this RP. So, if anyone is interested please hit me up.
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