RE: Always searching for smutty games - IMs/E-mail
Hey there friend, stay a while and listen. I am Assassini and first of all this is a direct copy and paste of my O/Os from Elliquiy. I primarily RP there, but have recently been looking for more partners so I thought I'd post it here too. Plus, I could not find anywhere for O/Os to go and I don't have an F-list.
First, before we get into the meat of this thread, a little background about myself. I am a Scottish University student currently undertaking a Masters in Molecular Genetics. I started roleplaying approximately three or so years ago, just shortly prior to joining Elliquiy. Prior to E my experience was limited to a few one shot IM games which all quickly petered out, hence why I went searching for something a little more fulfilling (and exciting). Since it has now been over three years since I joined here I think I can consider myself a reasonably seasoned roleplayer, although there is much I have not done (some because I have no interest and some because I simply have not had the time or opportunity). I tend to be online on E pretty regularly, but the times of my responses will vary dramatically, so while I will see PMs and posts and things, my posting rate tends to be slow. I attempt to be relatively consistent in it, but I am prone to laziness and procrastination.
General Things
Communication is Key - I don't like to give my partner a plot and a character and say "right let's go". I like to discuss details of the plot, characters, potential scenes, things we want to see happen eventually (or immediately). Essentially, I like to work with my partners to go from a premise (whether very basic or already fairly fleshed out) and work out exactly what we both want from it and how to make that happen.
Messaging is encouraged – I’m not so needy that I NEED you to send me messages in order to guarantee my interest. However, I will make no secret of it, partners that I get along with and have established some kind of friendly relationship with are ones I tend to be more eager to keep playing with and keep trying to please. We’re not just here for the story, but the people too.
Say if something is wrong – This actually will go for me as well. If there is ever something about a game/post you do not like, please let me know and I will do you the courtesy of doing the same. Honesty is important and if one of us is not enjoying it, then chances are this will mean that neither of us are enjoying it. For example, in the very rare occasion I lose interest in a game, I will either try to work with you to move it in a new direction OR I will let you know straight out that I want to stop.
I will never just disappear and I would appreciate it if you do the same! - It doesn't have to be much, again it IS just a roleplay, but please let me know if you have to go, if you are going to be gone for a week/month/century, if you want to stop, if you want something to change, if it's late and you're just heading to bed. Just a quick heads-up is always nice.
Plans > spontaneity – As I have already mentioned, I like to hash things out with my partners and this means that I very much enjoy planning, in some detail what will happen in our games and where we want to go with it. I DO NOT LIKE the whole, coy "surprise me" thing when it comes to devising plots. I am fine with being in the dark about your character's background (so that it can be revealed gradually), and indeed this can make for some very deep and interesting characters if their traits are revealed gradually. I am fine with only having the barest bones of a plot before starting (and with us coming up with scenes along the way, making it up as we go along, and planning ahead only for certain things we know we want to happen). More than fine in fact, this is how my more favourite games go. What I do not like though, is the promise or possibility of random things occurring in a game we are both supposed to have control over. If something major happens, I'd quite like to know about it in advance so that I can know how to react (and indeed inform you whether I like the idea or not). Equally, I don't like not discussing any ideas and leaving it all to "surprise" because while that may sound all coy and nice and everything, in reality, it's going to leave me frustrated with the lack of direction and it will leave you frustrated when I come up with something that wasn't what you were picturing. Tell me what you are imagining and I'll do the same, let’s not beat about the bush about what we want, because it just makes both of our lives difficult.
Most of the above boils down to: let’s be honest with each other and not bullshit each other!
Match my post rate - This might seem like I'm asking you to write a lot, but in truth it's more the opposite. Sometimes I can post multiple times in a day (if I'm in that "write-y" frame of mind) but sometimes it can go over a week without a response. This is never a sign that I have lost interest merely that I'm being slow to respond. I won't disappear and even if I'm not responding I'll try and keep in touch with my partners (usually to explain why I'm taking so long). Of course, if you tend to post a lot more often and rapidly respond to all my posts, that's not a problem, this is mainly just me asking for patience when I am being particularly slow.
Spelling and grammar is important - Typos and grammatical errors do not bother me (we are all human). But I would like it if one made an effort. For my own part here I will always try to make sure my posts contain no mistakes and I actually would like to encourage all of my partners to point out if I make any mistakes myself.
I will always play a male character - I have never tried RPing as a female (or anything else) and have never had any inclination to do so. Not only do I not think I would be entirely comfortable, frankly I doubt I would be entirely convincing.
I will only play against female characters played by females (in sexual scenes) – So, just to elaborate a little further on this (although it should be self-explanatory): If I am in the socialising areas I will interact with whomever is around (obviously) and in any non-sexual situation I am also more than happy to do the same. The above is ONLY true when in sexual situations, I am only comfortable if the sexy stuff is not only a female character but there is a woman on the other end as well. Apologies for that, I realise it might seem a little close minded.
Only humanoid main characters - I don't mind RPing with people who have animal characteristics, cat ears perhaps, the ability to morph into different species, but for the most part I will only go into sexual situations with completely humanoid and essentially "human" characters. NO FURRIES or anything like that I'm afraid. The most exotic thing I find attractive would be the Asari from the Mass Effect Universe.
No death or mutilation without prior arrangement!
NPCs are the exception to the above rules – I will often throw NPCs of any race/species/gender into the mix and I am also more than happy to take over the role of any that you introduce as well. NPCs often add depth to games and we can do whatever we want with them!
I play the dominant role – When it comes to sexual/romantic relationships between characters I am open and willing to do play in a D/s relationship or in one with both characters on an equal footing. I'll say right now though that I am definitely more towards the dom side of it, the majority of my kinks are on that side and I have no real inclination towards playing a sub (I might experiment given the right situation/partner but for the majority of the time I would always prefer to be the dominant one).
Regarding godmodding - I am very easy-going about it and won't bite anyone's head off for any minor perceived trespasses. To try and clear up exactly where I draw the line though I feel I should give a few examples. Unless specifically clarified with me beforehand I do not want you to write anything my character thinks, says or feels. I am less strict about things my character does or things actions which affect my character (for example: do not say "[he] feels cold" but I would have no problem at all with "[he] might have felt the cold" as this gives me the option to say what he does and does not feel in this situation). With regard to what my character does if it's something small (for example: "[she] straddled his lap and he steadied her with a hand") then it's likely not something I will comment on, but for much more then please at least mention that you will take some form of control over him. As I say though things my character say/feel/think have to be specifically checked on with me beforehand.
No metagaming – I.e. your character knowing things that there is absolutely no way they could (for example knowing how my character is feeling/what he is thinking, without any kind of powers which allow one to do so).
I don’t like vampires - I don't just mean the Twilight-style, glittery ones either. While I could, possibly, MAYBE, be convinced to play in a Vampire-based RP, I tend to shy away from them as playable characters. I simply hate the whole emo, dark, "I'm so misunderstood", "I'm so evil" *brood brood* thing of Vampires. I say I could be convinced, but trust me when I say that your work would be really, REALLY cut out for you.
Forum Games
Length - When I do get started writing, what tends to happen is I go off on small tangents, combine that with my desire for description, and before I know it I've written two more paragraphs than I initially intended. So I hope my longer posts don't scare any potential partners off. I don't expect anyone to match the amount I write, but I would prefer at least a solid 3 paragraphs (or so). Naturally though this does depend on the scene, in combat scenes and sex scenes it usually makes far more sense to write only a couple of paragraphs so that the action does not become ridiculously drawn out. Equally, my intro posts will always tend to be longer than my standard ones.
Settings/Scenarios - I do not like roleplaying in ordinary everyday situations. I roleplay to get beyond real life and into the fantastic (I will make exceptions for one-shot stories). Roleplaying in the present is fine, but I'd want it to be exciting: spies/war/crime/drama all of that jazz. I also far prefer to roleplay in either futuristic sci-fi or medieval fantasy settings (there are occasional exceptions to this rule).
Characters – As well as our two “main” characters there will likely be a supporting cast of many NPCs which will only grow (or possibly dwindle if we are being particularly psychotic) as time goes on.
Background – As well as building a world all of our own as we go along, I also like to build up a lore and history for the game (at least as much one feasibly can). I’m obviously not really looking for novels here, but I do like the occasional bits and pieces of extra lore and detail.
Style – I am happy to play both first and third person, but when it comes to forums I definitely prefer third.
Content - I want stuff to HAPPEN in my RPs. I don't want to RP the King's court of 1069 when they are writing out the intricacies or the Farming Law. I want fighting, I want action, I want magic and swords and spaceships. And sex. I'll say that right now. I do want my RPs to be both story and sexual based. Not smut, but not exactly pages and pages of nothing. Plenty of both is the way to go! A good rule of thumb for this particular rule is to aim for something along the lines of 50/50 Action/Sex I tend to start wishing for it to change from one to the other if it stays one side for too long... I’m not too strict about this though, if one takes a look at some of my previous RPs you will see that I can be all for lots of smut.
Bring me that horizon – An important detail with my forum games that ties in with my aforementioned enjoyment of planning, is that I do not like games that have no set goal in mind. Not exactly an “end point” but something that the game will work towards (and from there we can add more on). This provides the games with a sense of movement and direction for me, so that even if our characters are busy talking or fucking we know that eventually they will get back on track. This is very much in response to games I have seen and been a part of which simply have no real goal and so petered out because people just messed around and it took forever for anything to actually happen.
Plausibility and continuity - I don't want to have my character and yours in a fight to the death and simultaneously talking about their love for each other. Nor will they come out of it completely unscathed and totally care-free. They'll be bruised, battered, wounded and knackered. Similarly I want our games to be logical and consistent, if we are playing in a world with magic/sci-fi aspects then I would like if some attention is paid to the limits of the world. For example, if writing a magic-user, feel-free to come up with any spell your imagination desires as long as it seems to fit with the constraints of the rest of the world we've devised, don't suddenly spring it on the game/me that your character has the power to throw a mountain into space (or whatever).
IM Games
Length – Rather the opposite of my forum posts, partly due to the limit on space in IM programs but also because of what I look for in IM games. The length of a post will only rare go beyond one paragraph and can even drop down to a few lines for some posts. This is because of the inherent differences in forum and IM games, in a forum game I look for detail and depth, in an IM game I prefer the immediacy and quick back and forth shorter posts provide.
Partners, not games – While with forum games I tend to look for a specific idea/story/scenario (or even in order to play as a certain character), with IMs I tend to search for regular partners that I can play with. Whether we play one longer game or a series of shorter one-shots is up in the air.
Difference between forums and IMs – I do not like using IM games for long in-depth stories and character-driven games. I think that the forums are vastly superior to IMs for this for several reasons. Forums allow you to go back and edit posts, OOC chatter is kept separate from IC posts and it is very easy to go back and find information and lore that you might need for later posts. In short it is much neater and much better suited for those sorts of games.
Length of games – Another IM specific thing here. I like the immediacy of IMs, and so what I particularly enjoy is when me and my partner sit down together and play through a/several scene/s in one sitting as opposed to forums where days will pass between posts. Tying this in with the above; I vastly prefer to simply play out a series of one-shots with my partners. Another favourable option is to keep the same two characters with an overarching story and plot and simply play out occasional scenes throughout their story.
Content – So, tying in with the above, in IM games I still want to have it be primarily action and sex based. HOWEVER, here I want the balance to be shifted far in the direction of smut. Up to and beyond 95% smut is really actually what I enjoy from these games. Of course, I like a bit of build-up and I am happy to have an overarching story. But, as ought to be clear, I think IMs just lend themselves to more sexy games.
Settings/Scenarios – Due to the shorter nature of the games I like to play via IM, I am not at all bothered by setting. While in a forum I prefer sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk or whatever, if we are playing via IM and we decide we want to play a clichéd game of “Coach x Cheerleader” then that is absolutely fine with me. The short nature of the games means I am absolutely happy with this.
Characters – NPCs will tend to be few and far between as it can be tricky to bring them in on games with only one paragraph long posts, but I am not averse to using them occasionally.
Background – As above: absolutely unimportant in the sort of games I want.
Style – I am happy to play both first and third person, but when it comes to IMs I actually prefer first. Of course, I am aware that this is not exactly the commonly held opinion (and I understand why) so please be aware that I also enjoy third person. All I am saying is that I do actually enjoy first person RPs via IMs quite a lot.
Match my post rate - I actually want to mention this point again but in specific relation to IM games. While a forum response from me can take upward of a week (even if I am super into a game that's just what I'm like), I AM actually a rather fast typist (or I think I am at least) and this means that my IM responses will come thick and fast. Again, I'm not too strict on this, but if I am left waiting for a half an hour in between your response then I WILL get bored and focus on other things.
Sexual Ons
Just a reminder, each and every RP is different and so I don't expect to see EVERY kink in EVERY game... That much is obvious... Just most of them...
Romance - cannot believe I hadn't included this yet, but it is something that I do see as almost essential to every LONG-TERM game I play. I don't want it immediately, but rather for it to be a more realistic and slow accumulation of desire and love for the other person. Likely to come into play later in stories after the relationship between our characters has grown.
Non-consensual sex - a major turn on, all the way from slightly rough and reluctant to full on pseudo-rape. With the following addendum: I want it to be a situation where if the girl starts off disliking it and reluctant that she ends up enjoying it and fully into the experience.
As I said above, I want to aim for an air of continuity and realism. I'm not expecting your character to instantly fall in love with mine after having been raped against her will. I expect her to, quite possibly, absolutely hate him for it. I mean, I'd like her to physically enjoy the experience (otherwise I really start finding it difficult to continue), for example she might cum during it, but then afterwards she might hate him, herself and everything. It would then be a slow build up towards her finally actually coming round to fully submitting to him.
Foreplay - obviously. Touching, caressing, stroking, licking, nipping, biting, pinching and scratching.
Oral sex - receiving and giving (but primarily receiving).
Face-fucking - Why not just give me control of your mouth and let me have my way with it?
Titfucking - I have a bit of a boob fetish (read: massive boob fetish), I just love them and everything involving them, so this is a really big On for me. Equally, I have to admit to being a fan of bigger boobs as well... Oh yes...
Spanking - Oh please, why don't you just bend over and tell me you've been a naughty girl?
Being begged - There's something that's just oh so sexy about having a woman beg you to take her until she screams...
Causing pain - To be done to my partners with their permission, slapping and pinching and twisting all in the name of pleasure
BDSM - Tying up my partner is a yes. Also, while I am not particular against gagging it would have to be done at your request, it's not a particular kink of mine (similar to blindfolding and other sex apparel).
Sex up against something or bent over something - Yes please
Slapping/Smacking - to subdue, stun, and hurt, but never to wound or damage.
Scratching - To be do be done to my back when you're losing your sanity...
Choking (erotic asphyxiation) and hair pulling - neither is fine, either is good, both is amazing!
Multiple orgasms - I think there is something amazingly hot about making a girl cum multiple times in one session...
Rough/angry sex - oh yes
Dirty talk - For building up passion and for keeping it going...
Name calling/Verbal abuse - Whore and slut, I don't mind... As long as you're mine...
Possessiveness - Definitely something I love in a game, that sense of wanting the beautiful woman you are with to be yours and no-one else's.
M/F/F or more - Call me cliche, but I love the idea of having my hands full of more than one gorgeous woman at once
Appearance - It's your character. You choose what she looks like (duh). I just want to put it out there that I do have a "type" that especially gets me going: Submissive, but perhaps with some fight in her. Curvy hourglass figure - a nice ass and big breasts with a small waist... Mmmm... Basically my ideal woman is Kate Upton
Appearance changing/Bimboification - This is something I've only recently been introduced to and I'll admit that the idea of controlling my partner's character to the extent that I change her appearance to suit my own character, it's really hot actually. Trust me though, I am aware that this is a VERY situational kink and I know that it will very, very rarely actually come into play.
Lingerie and sexy/slutty clothing - definitely a huge fan of this. Sometimes a girl wearing nearly nothing is so much sexier than the same girl actually wearing nothing... It's the "mystique" of it all...
Cumming anywhere - inside her, on her face, on her chest, in her mouth. It's all good
Cumming inside - While it IS all good, I have to say, there is nothing I find quite as hot as shooting cum right where it is supposed to go...
Orgasm control - Ties into my enjoyment of giving my partner/s multiple orgasms. To not only actually be able to provide several orgasms but to control when she may or may not cum is just so damned hot...
Appearance of MY character - Now... This is a difficult thing. I try to vary the appearance of my characters depending on my games (and my partner's tastes). However, in sexual games, I EXTREMELY DISLIKE playing as any character which could be perceived as ugly/disgusting/old/undesirable (or any other adjective regarding these). As it IS indeed an RP and not a novel, I like to put as certain portion of myself into my characters, and this involves a certain amount of "wish fulfillment". Thus I would prefer to play handsome and desirable individuals... Or at the very least, strong and brutish monsters which could be seen as humanoid and hot
Anal - I don't mind and indeed enjoy anal in an RP. But because I've seen enough female O/O threads telling of their dislike of it I would say that it would normally have to be done at your request (so that I don't step over any lines).
Minor Knife-play - Something I don't want to include all the time, and I know that most people seem to agree with me. However, the few times I have involved Knife-Play in an RP were rather hot so I feel I ought to at least mention it here. Not to the extreme of actually properly cutting my partner, but using it as a threat, letting the cold steel rest against skin, and maybe just slightly pricking the skin. That I can get behind.
Humiliation - Like anal and knife-play this IS a turn on for me (don't get me wrong about that) but it's also very much one of those ones which will be done at the request of another. I personally like the rough sex scenes normally, but also being degrading is something which I take the lead from my partner from (I.e. if you want it to happen then I'll make it happen, but not otherwise).
Size differences - Nothing absolutely outrageous, but this sort of plays into my experience from real life as I am pretty tall. I just like the pairing of a larger/stronger and taller male against a smaller female. This doesn't mean that she is weak per se, just that she obviously cannot match him in brute strength
Extreme tightness - Sort of comes with the territory of the above kink. I use "extreme" loosely here (ironically in this case) because I do not mean to be penetrating the female character with horse or monster sized cocks. I simply mean that because they are smaller than my character, and he is perhaps rather well endowed, there might be some difficult in taking all of his size within her.
Cervical penetration - Another very situational kink, which again this sort of plays into the size-differences thing and again I am not talking about monster cocks here. But something about that extra act of penetration, usually used to punish, by forcing those last few inches of cock inside of her, it does speak to me... Of course, it probably has absolutely no space in more realistic RPs.
Pregnancy - Something I have recently been introduced to but actually can find very hot. There's very little that quite seems to scream "ownership" than getting a girl pregnant. However, this comes with the addendum that it's probably not something that will fit most games as I especially do NOT want to have to deal with the outcome of the pregnancy. So read: getting the girl pregnant is good, result of pregnancy is definitely not good!
A lot of the stuff on the list above is something I would NOT like done to be fair few of the bits and pieces on the list above is stuff I would rather not be done to be, while simultaneously I do enjoy doing it to my partner. Double standards I know, right?
Anything involving bodily fluids - Blood, feces, urine... No... No... Absolutely not...
Receiving anal - Perhaps I'm just not adventurous, but no thank you, no touching or penetration.
Rimming - I am ok (as I said above) with anal sex but I don't think that licking it out is something that I would particularly enjoy (giving or receiving).
Causing excessive pain - This is something I wouldn't do. Punching, beating up, cutting etc are all nos, anything that would result in lasting damage.
Extreme BDSM - I'm just not really too adventurous on this count (but open to discussion, as I say above).
Disgusting characters - Honestly, if I am playing something in a sexual situation, I want him/it to be something which someone could at least POSSIBLY see as desirable in some situation, I.e. in sexual scenes I want my character to be HOT (see above).
No tentacles - Playing in with the above, this is something I am just not comfortable with...
M/M/F - It's probably a little hypocritical to enjoy threesomes/orgies with an abundance of female partners, but I am simply not comfortable in any form of sexual scenario that involves guy-on-guy action
Being submissive - this is something I could maaayyybe do. However, it would not be a big thing. Being tied up perhaps and being used to make my partner cum, both of those I can get my head around. But if you start waving around a dildo I'll be gone!
Age difference - I tend to base my characters off of what I know in life and as such they will almost always be in their early to mid twenties. I am comfortable extending this into late teens and late twenties but above that I start to feel a little uncertain. I've never played as a character 30 or above and I would likely take some convincing to do so. Equally, I prefer if most of my partner's characters fall into that same age range (teen to mid-twenties), I don't mind a few years of age gap but when it starts to go above 8-10 years I again start feeling uncertain. I am, however, open to the discussion of playing an older character.
As a sub-note of this. I DO actually have some interest in the older woman with younger man pairing. I am not particularly keen on playing an older male against a very young girl, but the other way around is actually fairly hot.
Incest - I realise this is a fairly common kink on here, but it's something I don't have any particular interest in (particularly for long-term games). However, for shorter one-shots I MIGHT consider certain pairings.
Cheating/Culkolding - A bit of a thing of mine. I've recently come to the conclusion that I CAN enjoy cuckolding/cheating elements if done in a certain way. Primarily I have to play the character who is being cheated with and NOT cheated on. Even then I still am not a big fan of the humiliation of the person getting cheated on.
I can't really think of anything else right now. I hope this covers most of the bases and I hope that what you read sounds appealing ladies (god I'm smooth). If there is anything else that I have not included here, just ask!
Well, I hope I sound appealing or at least not appalling. And I also hope that if we do end up RPing together that we both enjoy it!
Cheers for reading to the end folks!