seeking M for M/F fandom roleplay : Batman/Arkham, Harry Potter and Bleach franchises

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May 15, 2016
Hello, hello !

I'd be looking for guys to roleplay with, preferably of a dominant yet attentionate and romantic type of personality. (when i say dominant i do not refer to BDSM, but to the fact that the guy has a presence and won't submit with my character's every whims. That he be a Male)

I don't mind whether your character(s) is (are) warm and kind or cold and powerful, good or evil, or anything else as long as he is (they are) well written, and that he (they) care for my character(s), one way or another.
I do not expect my character to be treated as a princess, and i am completely okay with both characters starting the RP at odds, or that their relationship may at first be violent and full of dislike, that any sex they may or may not have at first would bet hate-sex or angry-sex, but what i would like is that somewhere along the line they would both fall for each other, which could be a source of drama or not, and that they would have to deal with the fact that they care for the other, and thay'd have to try and somehow make their relationship evolve because something makes them realize that they love/need each other and wouldn't be able to live their lives without the other being in it somehow.

My characters tend to be a very fiesty in bed, biting and fighting passionately, as well as very kinky. Otherwise they tend to be rather smart, though beneath their cold, calculating and seductive appearance they can be very childish and cute too, even innocent in a way, when they want to be.
In short they’re a mix of vicious and merciless, sinful and dangerous, jaded and depressed, loving and affectionate, childish and innocent.
And of course those sides clash together in her actions and desire, and can be the source of a lot of character-driven drama.
I can tweak and change all this depending on what your preferences are and what the plot demands, though. I can go from full badass to sweet girl, and i can do slutty too.

I prefer playing with OCs due to the amount of freedom they offer, but i guess i could play opposite canon characters if you want to play one or several, though usually the problem with cannon characters is if you want to be accurate and start using one, unless special circumstances apply you end up with a whole bunch of them to deal with.
Also for the OCs please don’t go with the cliche Cannon-character-family-relative-thing because that is just boring. Unless you can really make the character interesting as hell because of who he is and not because of who he is related to.

For the writing, i can be detailed and write several paragraphs, in each post or only when needed, and would like the same amount of quality from the person i RP with. I am open to very Smutty RPs just as well as Story driven ones, as long as the writing itself is good.

About kinks and all, i'm a switch, okay with vaginal, anal and oral sex, i really like biting and fighting for dominance, i don’t mind some light bondage, i really like body jewelry, piercings and tattoos, as well as sex toys and many other kinky things.
I just don’t do hardcore stuff like scat, vore, extreme gore.



Harry Potter:
Characters i may like to play against:
°Snape because of his smarts and the fact that we could whip a plot around creating new potions and discussing ingredients and the similarities with chemistry.
°Any Malfoy male because it would be fun to deal with their pride and greed
°Harry Potter or sons because there is much to discuss about the messed up family affairs and psychological traumas
°Voldemort because he needs someone to tell him exactly how upside down his way of thinking is. And i can play some majorly powerful dark/grey characters who could enjoy discussing with him exactly how making horcruxes is the contrary of becoming immortal.
°Any one you want! Surprise me!

Also I would quite like the story to be out of the usual Hogwarts context of the books. I’m kind of sick of hogwarts

-For example my (our your) character being a healer in a remote part of the world ending up with having to save your (or my) character from certain death and things could go crazy from here, like magical creature blood demanding that they mate, or some prophecy being put into motion, some mystery they have to elucidate, or a curse affecting one or the other suddenly being triggered.

-Or my/your character has been raised in the muggle world for 20 or so year and her/his magic only triggers now, causing a ruckus because she/he can’t really go to hogwarts since she/he is an adult so she/he would need someone to do some private tutoring. We can add the fact that she/he comes from an ancient and powerful pureblood family and was hidden in the muggle world for safety, and now she/he had lots of suitors after her/him, and has to learn how the magical world works and what her/his place in this society is. This person could also try to find the similarities between magic and science to create things that go beyond the limits of both.

I would be quite open for uses of magic not seen in the books so if you have some imagination you’re welcome on that plot! ideas:
°the potential limitations (or not) as to what kind of animagus one can be or what kind of patronus one can have: what about extinct animals or magical ones like dragons?
°the potential unlimited uses of transfiguration if they affect the atoms themselves: this could be a power on the scale of a god, because if a person can understand the atomic and molecular layout of things they could regenerate limbs, build or disintegrate anything in a few seconds. Turning lead into gold is just the tip of the iceberg.

As you can guess i’d feel like playing a researcher kind of character who seeks to push the boundaries of this world!

Characters i may like to play against:
°Zaraki because that would be funny for him to be up against a character who would use only kido and never her zanpakuto (though she doesn’t use it for a real big ass reason that i will not spoil because it’s an important plot point) and somehow beats the ass of all his men using only kido. (works for any OC and character who fights by relying on his blade and brute strength a lot, like
°Nnoitra, and especially because this guy is macho as fuck.)
°Aizen because i can’t resist picking an evil genius’ brains and discussing unethical research.
°Urahara and Szayel and Kurotsuchi for the same reason. Though since they are less purely interested in world domination and more hell bent on research we could whip up a plot with one of them creating a perfect homonculus (like Nemu) and raising her, studying her, perhaps falling for her, and the implications of it. (Can potentially be very Dom/Sub)
°Grimmjow, just because i fancy him XD
°Anyone you want! Surprise me!

I would quite enjoy toying with the Hell dimension who has only been hinted at, except in the Hell movie, though i also like the usual types of characters like shinigamis and arrancars.

-one plot could be about old and powerful vasto lorde (arrancars or not) who had hidden themselves deep into hueco mundo when aizen showed up. They’d come back from their self imposed exile and would try to fix that world. Though that would require playing multiple characters and doing some serious world building in the RP. We could have a king and a queen, or just one ruler and the other would play his/her right hand, and then all the other side characters played by us both as they rebuild the society of the hollows and arrancars and deal with the shinigamis too. (i’m aware that it may be very hard to actually do but the idea interested me.)

-We could also make it easier and just about the arrancar king finding a bride,
-it could be the arrancar queen falling for a rogue arrancar/shinigami that got arrested in hueco mundo for whatever reason,
-it could be about one arrancar or shinigami being the messenger between both worlds and falling or being courted by one or several espada/captain of the other race.
-it could be about a relationship between two shinigamis, ranked or not, during or after they rebuilt the seireitei, like two captains or a captain and lieutenant

-one other idea that i liked was playing as i said with the hell dimension, with its own king (or kings, like one governing a fiery hell and the other a freezing one, or seven kings for the seven sins of christian folklore, with seven hell levels/circles, perhaps more) and its own army/emissaries, and due to the event they’d go out of hell, a rare event in itself, and would knock on the shinigamis’ door with a serious WTF face and a good many questions about their recent fuckups. That may be funny to design. One of us could play the demons (like me for example XD) and the other the shinigamis. It would be a complex story due to the potential amount of characters though.

-there is also the option of making it simpler with the ruler(s) of hell sending only one spy/emissary who’d have to deal with the shinigamis. For example if the emissary is mine she’d be found somewhere in the seireitei knocked out or something so they’d bring her to the 4th squad, who wouldn’t be able to ID her, and she’d pretend to have memory loss and would have a (fake) zanpakuto on her so they would (conveniently or through her manipulations) decide to integrate her to the seireitei, and she’d start snooping around while assessing the powers of the shinigamis, and reporting to her boss regularly. Your (main) character could be for example the captain she’d work for, and since he’d have a crush on her he’s stalk her and end up finding things out, having lots of questions and stuff. And the rest we’ll make up as we go.

Batman :
Characters i may like to play against:
°Batman because i’d love to pick his brains and make him second guess everything he thinks as well as his idea of justice, and because we could play it a two-sided coin with on one hand the fancy elite life and Bruce and my character getting to know one side of each other, and on the other hand Batman against my character’s villainous/mercenary side, that he wouldn’t recognize because she’d wear a full body black and demonic looking iron man armor, and they’d clash ideologies and all. That may get very psychological and philosophical.
°The Joker because he’s just awesome and there are some days i feel like harley
°Crocodile because for some reason i like him, with the scales and all the teeth, and perhaps even the tail, though i’d see him more on the anthro/hybrid side, freaky but still beautiful and deadly in a way.
°Anyone you want! Surprise me!

-You could play any kind of hero against my villainous lady and we’d battle gloriously with weapons and with words, and we may even end up having some equally glorious hate-sex or angry sex between them to burn off the tension, and they’d become addicted to the sick relationship they share (which may most likely include bondage as the one who’d win would get to tie up and dominate the other), eventually falling in a strange kind of twisted love. We could have some plot twists happening later in the story who would force them to face the feelings they have for each other and form a tentative truce.


PM me if you are interested ;)
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