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The BMR Fighting Game Community


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Hello there, potential fighting game fans! I am looking for someone who is in possession of any of the following games to play with. I really onlyhave a few people I play these games with and would love to get some more people with different mains in to play. Feel free to respond here or in a PM with your Xbox Gamertag or PSN ID/CFN Name so all of use fighting game nerds can get playing with each other! jokes...

Here's what I own:


Street Fighter V
King of Fighters 14
Mortal Kombat X
Nirto+ Blasters
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Last Blade 2


Xbox One:

Killer Instinct (2013)
Mortal Kombat X
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round


Xbox 360:

Samurai Shodown II
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Street Fighter III: Third Strike
Soul Calibur V


If there are more then I will add them. Brain's kinda fuzzy at the moment. >.<

Hope to hear from some of ya!

I do have Street Fighter 5 on PC, but thankfully it's cross play. I'm kinda shitty at it but I like to mess with it. I also have Tekken Tag 2 on 360.

I got 3rd strike!....just....on the PS2 Street Fighter Anthology XD

Awesome! If you'd like, PM me your Capcom Fighters Network ID, the name you assigned yourself when you first booted up the game, and we can play against each other!

That anthology is pretty sweet as well. Wish I owned it myself...I actually should think about wanting to buy a PS2 first before the games for that system. xD

I think it's Crunchy_TACo but I'll have to double check when I get home later tonight (Finally done dog sitting, woop woop).

My X-Box Live should be xMelevolencex if we want to play Tekken Tag.

Heh. If only CFN had a phone app, I would be able to add you right now. If I can't find something on the computer I'll have to add you when I get home. >.<
Haven't been playing many fighters lately do to some work and life stuff but i'm planning on getting back into SFV with Urien and putting some more work into King of Fighters
Urien is a good point to get back into SFV, and King of Fighters is loads of fun. What's your team in that game?
About all I have access to at the moment is Skullgirls on Steam, but if you don't own that already you really should.
I definitely need to buy myself that game. Unfortunately, no computer, but 2nd Encore is backwards compatible on Xbox One and available on PS4 in general, so I do plan on buying it eventually. :)
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