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Naruto: The Village Hidden Underfoot

Timmothy Kirkman

Jun 13, 2016
Hello everyone. I have another idea that i hope does the trick this time around, and the idea is this. Everyone lives in a place very few people know about called the Village Hidden Underfoot, which is home to very tiny people anywhere from one to six inches tall. Why are they all like this? No one knows. Not even the people who live there know the real reason, but many rumors do exist. All anyone really knows is that one day they woke up, quickly realized their situation, and then proceeded to build a Village for people like themselves to call home.

As for where and when we start off, we will all start off in our Village sometime after Tsunade takes her place as the Fifth Hokage. It should be noted that the Third Hokage knew about us and our Village, and did everything in his power to provide the things we couldn't get without outside help. And he also made sure that no one would ever stumble upon our Village on accident by making a shrine that only himself, and the future Hokage's could visit. I should also note that our Village is only a few days trip away for us, but more like half a day for anyone else, and it is off the beaten path where very few would travel.

And with all that our of the way, I'd like to start off by saying that as far as character creation goes in this story, I'd be willing to allow furs in addition to humans if enough people wanted to play as tiny furry ninjas in the world of Naruto, but that's your choice to make. As for rules and such when and if we get started, I'm open to pretty much anything, so feel free to ask me some questions if there's something you'd like for me to include in the story, and I'll try to work something out with you.
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