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Paid in Full: A Fallout Story


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Fucking super mutants.

That was the only phrase inside of Michael's head as he staggered his way into the settlement of Bunker Hill, in the Commonwealth that used to be Boston. He was bleeding profusely, and it showed in his face that the blood loss had just started to get to him. Leather armor was great and all, allowed him a good bit of movement and a decent level of protection after the few modifications that he had applied to it, but bullets were bullets, and while leather was good against them, there were still one or two areas that were relatively bare of protection to allow for the range of motion he desperately needed in order to sneak around as he desired. Somehow, during an infiltration of a super mutant stronghold, one of the fuckers had managed to get a stray bullet in one of these gaps, hitting Michael right in the crook of the arm, rendering it useless. Lucky for him, it was his left arm that was hit and he was right handed, so not too much was sacrificed there and he still was able to write and slash around with the knife he used as a weapon, which was probably the sole reason he was walking back into Bunker Hill alive, and not being carried in by some poor son of a bitch send out to retrieve him.

At least he got the contract completed. Whoever wanted this damn pistol in their possession better pay him well for this.

Michael's first stop, however, was to the doctor's office, and luckily it was midday, meaning she would likely be there, standing and ready for assistance. Sure enough, as he approached, she darted out from behind the counter and went to his side, causing the man to chuckle weakly.

"Betcha can't guess why I'm here, Doc." That caused a bit of a chuckle in itself out of the weathered medic, and she set the wounded man down on the bed she used for operating.

Michael was relatively young, being only about 22 years of age. That was especially young for someone of his profession. He had buzzed brown hair and blue eyes, and no facial hair was present on his chin, cheeks, or neck. While a lot of mercs went for facial hair to make them appear that little degree more tough, the scars that were present here and there on Michael's features did that well enough already. Each of them had a separate story, and of course Michael was able to recall those stories wit varying levels of detail. On his thigh was the sheathed combat knife he used as his weapon. It had a unique blade, colored a blood red and serrated near the hilt of the knife. The handle was worn, the leather for grip slightly loose, but not to the point of slipping off any time soon. His shadow leather armor covered his body, making him hard to see even now if one were to glance over at what the doc was up to. He grimaced as the arm piece of the set was pulled off, the bullet wound screaming in pain at the slightest brush of anything against it.

The doctor herself was named...something, Michael was unable to call her name at the moment. something about blood loss and all that. She did her work rather damn efficiently, removing the bullet (much to the dismay and pain of Michael, who felt every nanometer of its removal), cleaned the wound, stitched the hole closed, and bandaged it all up. It was a process she had to undergo more than just this one time, much more, so Michael was more or less thankful that she had skill at what she did. Even if her kid was a bit of a brat.

The merc's blue eyes stared at the ceiling as he waited for the process to be complete. Sure, he grimaced in pain every so often, because who wouldn't, but he had taken so many bullets to so many different locations of his body that he was surprised a more serious condition hadn't come out of it all. Soon enough though, after about thirty minutes of surgery, he was given a once over by the doc and then helped up. Michael was thankful, of course, and handed her the payment for the job as well as a little bit extra for a sort of tip. A minute or two passed as the pair of them shot the shit, but soon enough, Michael was on his way again to the anonymous man or woman who had posted the notice in Diamond City. Looking at the small hut that was apparently built rather recently, judging by the relative lack of damage or decal on the structure, he walked up the steps and knocked on the red metal door that was blocking his entrance.

The man heard faint footsteps coming from the other side of the door, and about ten locks be unlocked before the door opened. He would be lying if he expected some sort of ugly hag or slimy crook to be on the other side of the door. What he received was easily one of the most beautiful women that Michael had ever seen in his time, and that was certainly saying something. She was wearing a set of wastelander clothes, which consisted of a dirty plaid shirt, a pair of torn jeans that were a tad bit cleaner than the rest of her outfit, and a pair of relatively new looking boots. The woman didn't appear to have a bra on, but even then, her bust was full enough without one, pushing the fabric of the shirt out a rather considerable amount, and leaving a small bit of her stomach showing. Her face and skin in general were rather clean despite the decrepit clothes, the skin positively glowing in the soft light of what seemed to be some sort of lantern in her home, near the door. Her hair was black as night, her skin pale, and her eyes a darker brown than his own, similar to the color of a chocolate bar. Her lips were somewhat full in shape, and her eyes were round and medium sized. While thin like most other citizens of the Commonwealth, she had a tiny bit more meat on her bones.

All of this beauty was marred slightly by the suspicion she had in her eyes and her expression. It was warranted, living in an area such as this.

After eyeing him up and down for a moment or three, she spoke, her voice soft and calm. "Can I help you?"

Michael woke himself up from his awed daze and put on his best personable smile, nodding his head when he registered her question. "Yes, I, uh, I'm here because of the contract you put up in Diamond City." When her eyebrow raised, he cleared his throat and clarified further. "You needed a man to retrieve a pistol from a stronghold of super mutants, said the reward would be negotiated upon delivery?"

The realization hit her face, and her suspicion rushed off her face like a waterfall, the replacement expression being one of happiness. "Oh, yes! Come in, come in." She stepped aside, allowing the merc to enter.

She kept the place clean, it seemed, and aside from a few pieces of clothing strewn around the place and some tools by one of the shack walls, the place was pristine. The hut was one room, all of her amenities fitting neatly into the space. On one wall, there was a a painting of a forest, and underneath it was a slightly torn up couch, with one leg missing. The missing leg was replaced by a stack of burnt books, the only use for them after the text was scorched beyond readability. Against the wall directly opposite the door was a bed with no sheets and only two flat looking pillows. Underneath the bed was a small strongbox that Michael could only assume held something of value to her, unless it was just there to ward off thieves. Against the third and final wall was a cooking stove, the kettle sitting atop it quiet and empty. Above the stove was a hole in the roof, supposedly so smoke didn't fill the place when she used the stove.

The woman rushed about the place picking the few items on the floor up and shooting an apologetic look his way. "Sorry for the mess. I didn't expect anyone to really come with that contract in mind. Usually just merchants trying a bit of door-to-door salesmanship or the drunks at the bar trying hit on me."

After placing the last piece of clothing in a small dresser at the foot of the bed, she huffed, and turned towards Michael with a beaming grin on her face. "Did you manage to get that pistol for me, then?"

The merc heard her question and gave a small smile, reaching into a brown messenger back he had at his hip for when he was in town and pulling out the weapon. It was a revolver, but it had some differences to it, similar to his knife. Instead of the bright metal color that usually accompanied these pistols, there was a black finish applied to it, and the handle was a white marble instead of a dark brown wood. Moving his hand to grab the weapon by the receiver, he held the handle out towards her. The sight of the weapon lit her face up even more, the brightness of her smile now leaking even more into her eyes like a kid being given a Grognak comic for his birthday. She snatched the pistol out of his hands and went immediately to the bed, pulling the strongbox out from underneath and sticking the small weapon inside. After replacing the strongbox, she turned back towards him, and wrapped her arms around his body in a tight hug. He felt tears fall onto his hands, and he returned the hug, his arms wrapping around the small of her back and resting there.

"Thank you," she said, sobbing gently out of joy, "thank you so, so probably have no idea what this means to me..."

Michael smiled gently and nodded his head. "You're very welcome, ummm..."

"Riley." The reply was immediate, not one bit of hesitance in her tone. "My name is Riley."

Michael nodded his head again. "Riley, then."

The hug lasted a little while longer, breaching the layer of friendly thankfulness only a moment before Riley pried herself away. She sniffled a bit and still had that beaming grin on her face as she spoke again. "I don't have a lot of caps...let me make you something to drink while we discuss payment."

After giving a moment of thought, Michael smiled a bit and nodded. He wanted to get to know Riley a bit more, anyway. She seemed like a decent person to be around.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Hours passed like minutes as they sat and talked, the tea that was initially prepared for their discussion of payment turning into light sips of alcohol as their negotiation turned to jovial chit-chat. They told stories of each other's pasts, Michael learning about Riley's pistol a bit more than was already revealed in the bounty. Apparently it belonged to her father, and he had been her biggest influence in life, since her mom had died birthing her. That small story added a small somber tone to her mostly chipper voice, and Riley seemed to notice, immediately changing the subject to something that she thought would be a bit more positive.

"So, you, uh, have anyone waiting for a return?"

At the question, he chuckles, shaking his head and taking a small swig of the whiskey he had asked her for before speaking. "Nah...I never tried to get a woman to be with me because of my lifestyle. I can't imagine putting someone who loves me and cares for me through the pain of worrying my next contract might be my last." A small, sincere smile came onto his face as he continued. "On top of that, no woman has really caught my interest in that way...well, save one."

Riley was seriously interested when he said that last phrase. "Oh? Tell me about her!" At Michael's resistance to the idea, she shoved his arm a bit. "Come on, you've told me so much until now! This can't be too different."

Michael grinned and took another swig of whiskey, taking a moment to think about the idea. "Well, funnily enough I had met her on a contract similar to this. It was a retrieval mission for something in a stronghold, much like yours. She, uh..well, she was the most beautiful woman I had seen at the time, despite some dirt and tears in her clothes." He looked at the ground, wondering if Riley would be able to catch on to his meaning. He had read this tactic in a pre-war romance novel, so he figured using the tactic here couldn't go too wrong, right? "She had preferred to remain anonymous in her contract, like you, and when I came back to her home to collect she was the most friendly woman in all of the Commonwealth to me.

Looking at her, Michael noticed a small bit of confusion on her face, prompting him to smile. "She worried about her home when I entered, cleaning up the inconsequential mess that had accrued over the day. Then, we hugged...and I felt this odd warmth go through she belonged my arms..." Now the confusion was gone, replace by realization...and a small bit of a blush on her cheeks. "So, Riley, what do you think of - MMPPH!"

Michael was taken off guard as Riley kissed him suddenly, her lips smashing into his as she did so. There was a tad bit of clumsiness to the movements from the alcohol in her blood, but nonetheless, the tactic seemed to have worked its magic. His body turned towards her and his hands wrapped around her waist again, this time pulling her body into his. She set her glass on the ground, again, her movements clumsy as it fell over, ice tumbling onto the wooden floor as the two of them kissed. Her hands went to the back of his head, the pair making their lip-mashing that much more passionate and intimate as it happened. Michael was certainly taken aback at first, but now he had a feeling he would definitely get some sort of payment, but it wouldn't be in bottlecaps.

Riley eventually pulled away from the kiss, her eyes now lit with something other than gratitude and happiness. " wanted to do this as soon as I saw you...I , uh...I hope you aren't disgusted or anything..."

Michael grinned at her comment and shook his head. "Nah...think of this coming event as...well, payment for my contract." Winking, he removed his hands from her form, his eyes scanning over her in a much more lecherous fashion than he had when the two of them first met. "I hope you are a woman who wanted...well, more than just a kiss."

Riley grinned at his words, and stood up, walking in front of him. After taking a short but deep breath in and out, she began to unfasten the buttons on the front of her shirt, one by one. Michael watched with some small bit of excitement in his face as she did this, before his eyes went wide when the fabric was finally tossed aside. Her torso was now bear, and this had to be the most glorious pair of breasts that Michael had ever encountered with his own two eyes. They were the perfect shape, and just happened to be his preferred size as well. Once it was off, Riley smiled at his positive reaction and got on her knees, shuffling her way between his legs and fiddling with the straps on his armor. Luckily, one of the modifications he had installed on his armor was not one for protection, but one for convenience. He had made a small flap on his armor in the crotch so that he could more easily take a piss when need be, but of course, it could be used for other, more lewd purposes, as Riley had apparently figured out as she unfastened the two necessary straps to pull open the flap. Michael was wearing a pair of clean briefs, having found them in a laundromat nearby. Once she noticed this and he remembered, they both sighed a bit, and Michael stood. He expertly removed his lower body's armor and set it aside, leaving him barefoot and only in his upper body armor and his briefs. after sitting back down, Riley giggled a cute giggle, and pulled down his underwear just enough to get at his man meat.

It was certainly sizable. Michael knew the length was about three quarters her forearm and the thickness easily more than she could wrap her hand around, but only slightly. That was when it was fully hardened, however. Right now, it was about half flaccid, half hard, and Riley was still staring at it as if it were the most glorious artifact that she had ever encountered in her lifetime. She gently wrapped her hand around its base, slowly pumping the flesh of it as Michael's breathing hitched a bit. She stared directly at the shaft as the skin moved from her actions, but then looked up into Jason's eyes before pulling her lower lip between her teeth. After the cock was fully hardened, she leaned in and planted a kiss on the tip. Then, her tongue slid out from between her lips and swirled around the tip, making Michael's breath even more staggered and ragged. Then, the final step, her lips made their way over the mushroom head of his dick and her head descended upon his shaft.

This caused an outright moan to come out of the merc.

Moaning a bit herself from the taste, Riley continued her blowjob, her head continuing to pump up and down Michael's dick. Her tongue licked the shaft heartily as the head moved up and down, up and down, the pleasure mounting and mounting in Michael's head as it continued to be provided. After a minute or two, the pace started to increase, and a bit of precum started to mix itself in with the woman's saliva, making Riley moan again because of the taste of the organ in her mouth. Her fingers went to his sack, fondling the balls as she blew him. As if she could see the future, her eyes cast themselves upward when Michael looked down to see her act of lust. That did it. The merc let out a long groan as he tangled his fingers in her hair, thrusting his hips upward. Riley pulled her mouth off of his dick just as the first rope of cum shot out, landing across her face and with part of it in her mouth. The second shot was more accurate, 90 percent of it landing in her mouth, the last 10 percent of it finding its new home on her bottom lip and chin. The third rope was very similar after, most of it landing in Riley's mouth while the rest landed on her chin. The final rope of cum completely missed due to its sheer power, the new velocity causing it to shoot out and land across her face once more.

Grinning, Riley waited for him to relax after his muscles had contracted from the orgasm. Michael did look down after a moment, and watched as Riley wiped the cum off of her face with a couple of fingers and put those fingers into her mouth, sucking the cum off of them and swallowing. She went half lidded and moaned from the pleasant taste, and opened her mouth to show the merc that it was all gone.

Michael had not pegged her for a swallower, that was for sure.

Riley slowly made her way up his body and kissed him on the neck before moving to his lips, the two of them kissing just as passionately as before. Michael could taste his own cum, and while the act of kissing was nice, the taste of that in her breath kinda threw him off. As such, this kiss was a lot shorter than their previous session, and he was the one to pull away this time, looking the woman dead in the eye. The woman had a lustful gleam in her eye, and while Michael had been ready to give her a bit of oral pleasure himself, she was far too eager.

Her words dripped with lust as she spoke to him. "I can't wait anymore...could you know..." Just because they dripped with lust didn't mean she was used to saying them, that was for sure.

Michael chuckled and nodded, standing up and carrying the woman to her bed. Setting her on her bare back, he kissed her neck, his fingers moving south to the button and zipper on her pants. As if he had done it billions of times previously, his fingers unfastened the two pieces of her pants holding them up and moved to the waistline of them, pulling them down her legs. Tossing the fabric aside, Riley took a moment to kick off her boots, leaving her completely nude. Grinning, Michael was slowly becoming hard again, so, while his hand stroked himself to get up again, his mouth moved to her breast, sucking on it as his free hand went to the breast he wasn't paying attention to. Riley moaned gently and ran her hands over his buzzed hair as this took place, her eyes closing to let the feeling wash over her. Soon enough, Michael had flipped it, his mouth on the other breast while his fingers worked the slightly wet nipple he had just abandoned. This process continued for a few more moments before Michael was fully hardened up once more, and he was ready to move on to the main even.

Removing his mouth from her bosom, the merc smiled and looked her in the eyes. His dick was in position at her entrance, ready to storm her temple. "Ready?"

Though she looked a bit nervous, possibly due to his size, Riley gave a gentle and happy smile before nodding slowly. She wrapped her legs around his waist, ready to take everything he had. Michael was ready to give it to her, and he thrust forward, moaning at her tightness as she moaned from being so full all at once. It was glorious for both of them, that was for sure, glorious enough that both needed a couple of moments to adjust to this new level of pleasure. After those couple of moments, Michael started to move. The thrusts were gentle, Riley's possible hypersensitivity to his size always at the back of his mind. She was dazed still, her eyes closed and her mouth agape as she felt this man's cock move in and out of her, her breathing hitched as all hell as it happened. He effortlessly got deeper than any man before her, and that was when he wasn't even trying to go deep inside of her! Groaning, her mouth began to move, and then incoherent sounds of utter bliss became words. "Michael...fa-faster..."

Never one to disappoint, the merc nodded and began to fuck her faster, her legs moving with his hips as they thrust with more force and speed. He moaned, his head leaning down and his forehead pressing against hers. Both of their eyes opened simultaneously as he gave her the best sex she had ever experienced, and the kisses began. This time, the pleasure of her velvety tunnels made Michael unable to taste his own cum on her tongue, and the pair of them passionately locked lips. Michael continuously accelerated his hip' movement inside of her, and Riley began to match those movements with her own, increasing the depths he reached, much to her enjoyment.

Riley felt a tightness slowly develop in her chest, one that she had only felt when pleasuring herself. Her head pulled away in disbelief, and her expression matched. She had always thought her own orgasm was unattainable by any man she was with,and because of this, her eyes were glazed over as she stared into nothing, though it looked like it was into her partner's eyes. "Michael...I'm...I'm gonna...cuuuuUUUUUUMMMMM!"

As she screamed, her body convulsed and tensed up, her pussy in spasms around his shaft as she came the hardest that she had ever done before, even when it was self induced. The powerful orgasm racked through her body, and her hands whipped around Michael's back, her fingernails digging into his skin as she gripped at him. The merc groaned himself, getting close to his own pleasure threshold. Sooner rather than later, he pulled out of her, and jacked himself off for only a few moments before he let out a roar, spewing a second load onto her pelvis and stomach. It was one rope short of his previous load, but that was understandable.

The two of them stayed in the position they were in, breathing hard and sweaty, for only a moment longer before Michael had to pry her legs apart from being around him. Once that was complete, he rolled off of her and laid on his back as well, their bodies close to one another as he did so.

After scooping up and enjoying the taste of Michael's cum, Riley smiled and curled up next to the merc, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders before she spoke. "So, was that good payment for that contract?"

Chuckling, Michael looked at his bandaged and healing arm, judging that versus the sex he had just experienced before nodding his head. "Yep. Fully paid off...but I wouldn't mind supplementary payments for expenses and such."

Riley laughed and the two of them stayed curled up, sleeping the night away as a pair.
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