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The Hunt For The Lost King (With DaveTheHuman)


Apr 13, 2012
Someplace where depression always finds me.
It had been over a year now. Or maybe it was two. Elena was not sure. She had come to know the king that once walked these halls. The one whose people loved and adored. The one who worried about his people. From the mightiest Captain of the guard, to the lowliest of widower on the outskirts of his territory, he knew them all and he kept a running tab of them all. He sent his knights out on all of them. She had not been told such stories. Elena was a beautiful girl of 17. Long black raven hair that curled, haunting blue eyes, and fair pale skin. She stood at 5'5 and her figure was shapely.

Stories of this land were horrible and grizzly at best. Witches lived in the mountains and golums lived in the rivers. And the forests? Well, if any little princess dared to venture into the forest, she would have her body ripped inside out and hung from the highest tree. As for the villagers, she was taught that they did not worship her gods, they were heathens, and would be taxed of gold that they hid greedily in their coffers.

It was a hard winter that came when she found the secret tunnel that lead to a high tower. It used to be a bell tower because a large bell slept in the rafters like a great sleeping bat. Looking out, she could see all of the village. Even though it was very cold, the view was beautiful. She went up there to think and read, but it wasn't long before she found a loose floor board and found a chest built into the ground. In it were many different books. At first she didn't realize to whom they belonged to, then she realized it was the king that her father overthrew. She knew that her father destroyed everything of the old king, so this only escaped because of its hiding place.

Elena then hunkered down and began to read the history of the king. From the announcement of his betrothal, to his marriage, to the birth of his many children, to the love of his wife. Then the night when she read about the brutal rape and murder of his family by her own, she decided that she would find him. She would find where he was laid to rest. Find anything. Find his grave.

Dressing as a deformed beggar, she went to the villagers she knew by name and asked about the king. Where he was. She was taken in and told that the true king had escaped into the hills far away to the enchanted castle. Thanking the woman, she began to prepare her getaway.

Dressing as a lad, packing her bag, she stole away into the night and began her trek to find the enchanted castle. She took his last journal in her bag that held so much sadness and heart ache. She had to make it right somehow.
Walking down the long hallway, David went about his usual routine. Once he reached the end, he stepped through the doors and felt a warmth that matched a Summer's day with air as crisp as one could imagine. He was told it wasn't magic that kept the room so warm. Instead it had something to do with the glass ceiling harnessing the sun's heat along with a hot spring beneath the cobblestone floor. Magic or not, it truly was impressive.

The room wasn't simply designed to enjoy the warmth of summer in the dead of winter. It's purpose was to grow various fruits, vegetables, and herbs year-round. The sea of green and crisp air proudly displayed its success.

David reached down, grabbed the leaves of a plant, and pulled out a large orange carrot from the dirt. He then chopped it off with a small knife, put the carrot in one basket, and the foliage in another. Yesterday he was busy harvesting the fruit trees and today it was time for the vegetables. The work was simple and kept the one unanswerable thought out of his head.

The man continued pulling up carrots. He stood over six feet tall and had a strong muscular body. His skin was light, but not nearly as light as his hosts. David's hair was a dark brown with a matching beard that was kept short. When he first looked at himself in the mirror, he figured he was probably some kind of laborer. His hosts knew as little as him, but they gave him a name regardless, David.

As they stood on the far end of the greenhouse, the elvish lord spoke to the king. "He still hasn't regained any memories of his past, your majesty."

The king nodded and said "Perhaps that is best."

The lord looked confuse and asked "Forgive me, but why is that?"

King Neron continued looking at their guest while he replied "There is only pain for him to remember and should he decide to challenge his usurper, I'm afraid no army would rise for him... yet."

The lord understood. The decision was traveling along the fine line of deceit and mercy. It was a decision the lord was happy not to make. Lord Lenson remembered back nearly two years ago when they found the deposed human king. The man was walking down the winding trail wearing commoners clothes with hay clinging to the fabric. His walk had no urgency or care in the world, just a slow curiousness. The elvish guards brought the king to him, and that was where Lord Lenson recognized him. Many times he had visited the neighboring human kingdom for royal invites, King David's face was hard to forget. So when the weary king looked up at the lord he had seen countless times before and asked where he was, Lord Lenson knew amnesia was to blame. King David had never forgot his name in the many years they knew each other. But King Neron was right, perhaps it was best he had lost his memory. So the lord tread carefully and consulted with his own king who hurried over to the place the humans called the enchanted castle. Even after that first meeting, King Neron still came around to check on King David.

The enchanted castle was a unique place. From the outside it appeared to be a run-down castle covered in thorn bushes and ivy but that was just an ancient spell to serve as a defense. Without being brought in by an elvish citizen, any outsider could toil endlessly with the foliage without any hopes of reaching an entrance. The impossibility in entering the domain had caused countless rumors to spread among the neighboring humans as to what resided in the castle. As expected, the stories ranged from every corner of the imagination.
Elena walked night and day through the vast woods. Whenever hungry, she stopped briefly to take a drink from the stream that ran along the foot of the mountain range, that she would have to eventually climb to get to the Enchanted castle and ate her dried fruit and meat that she had packed. Unscheduled stops had only happened when she thought she heard someone moving along the path. Even though she was in disguise, she had to be careful. Many people knew what the princess looked like, and they would see quickly through her disguise if they were clever.

On the day that she reached the mountain of the Enchanted castle, she sat looking up and down the great mountain. She had lost count of how many days she had been walking. She slept when tired and ate when hungry. All her thoughts had been focused around how wrong her family had been to do what they had done to this king and his family. Once she was rested, she raised on her feet again. She looked at the mountain. Pulling her robes around her a bit tighter so they would catch or snag on any outcroppings, she began her careful climb upwards. She could see the faint mark of the castle in the distance. She began the climb. Her hands were beginning to chaff and bleed, but she was a princess determined. Wincing, she looked up and felt that he was alive the closer she got.

"If I get there, and there is an obvious path, I am just going to kick myself." She grumbled to herself as she continued to climb up the mountain trying to move around the ivy that was suprisingly thorny and sticky with a strange kind of sap that made her itch.
In the evening, Lord Lenson sat in his study staring at a large map of the known world on his wall. It was getting late and he had grown tired from having a large meal with King Neron and King David. However he often found himself gazing at the map, full of curiosity. The lord's eyes were beginning to droop when he heard a knock on his door and the captain of his guard enter.

"My lord, there is a woman disguised as a man climbing our eastern ridge. Normally I wouldn't trouble you with such matters, but she bears a very strong resemblance to Princess Elena."

The lord was silent for a while, hoping to gain insight into the matter. He finally said "Show me." Standing on the magically shrouded wall, he looked at the woman who was climbing through the dense brush. Although she felt she was climbing higher and higher, in truth she was moving painfully slow. The power of the ancient enchantment never ceased to amaze the lord. With no fear of his voice passing through the enchantment, he said to the guard "That is her, wake King Neron. He will want to ponder this."

After a while the king was awake and looking at the climbing woman beside his lord. Despite the time, she was only a foot higher than before. The King remained silent for several minutes, clearly deep in thought. "Bring the Princess in, but make no mention of David. We need to see why she has traveled all this way by herself. She is clearly determined."

With that, the guards stepped forward. In their hearts they were inviting the Princess in, and that was all the enchantment needed. To the Princess' eyes, the cliff and harsh shrubs faded away to a short stretch of manicured grass leaded to a short wall where the elvish lord and king stood. The guards neared her and one said "Come with us Princess Elena."
She climbed over the ledge and sighed. It was a well welcomed sight. She groaned. The vines had not been friendly. She took a deep breath and took several draughts of her water skin. She looked up into the eyes of the men standing before her. Elves? She thought that they were long dead. Standing on trembling legs, she cleared her throat and bowed her head low. But before she could speak, she was given her orders and she began to walk. So she did.

Moving forward, she tried to keep from itching, but the ivy had done its job. She was incredibly uncomfortable, but would not complain. This was part of the penance of her family's crime. She followed the elves and looked around. The kingdom was beautiful. But then again, what of elves wasn't beautiful. She was suddenly very, painfully, aware that she had climbed and was sweaty from travel, and was human. She chuckled and shook her head. Humans could not help the way of their bone structure. She smiled and told her nerves to calm themselves. She continued to walk and looked around.
The guards walked her through the castle, avoiding the wing where their guest was sleeping. They opened up a door for her, which led to a small meeting room which overlooked the forest. The guards then left and closed the door behind.

After the king and lord talked for a while, the Lord stepped through the doors and looked at the princess. "What brings you all the way here, Princess Elena?" Lord Lenson sat at the table across from her. It was long dark outside now and usually the stars and moon could be seen vibrantly, but the thick clouds kept them masked. A small knock was made against the door and a servant came in with a plate of food and a pitcher of water. The woman set it in front of the Princess and left as silently as she entered. Normally Lord Lenson would eat with his guests but he figured she would understand it was very late in the night to be doing so without the exhaustion of climbing an endless cliff.
She walked to the room being silent. She sat and took off her cloak feeling a bit butter but she was obviously road weary and the ivy had not made her journey better. Her hands and arms and face were angry red with cuts. Sighing, she waited. When the king and lord came in, she stood and bowed in respect.

"It is a long shameful tale, and one I am not proud of. My father has a few years ago overthrown a king. To what extreme and terror I did not know." She stopped as the food was brought in. Leaning forward she said her thanks to her hosts and poured herself some water and drank. "I found his journals I damaged, and ever being the curious creature I read them. Upon finishing, I have come to pay penance for my family even though I know it will never begin to cover what has been done to him."

She swallowed and ate the fruit she was offered. She was exhausted and she felt awful. "What brings me to this location is that all sources say that he is here."
King Neron and Lord Lenson sat quietly as the woman talked. Both had often wondered if someone would come looking for the king. The fact that she was here meant that the secret was let loose by someone within these walls. When the human king arrived, he was disguised to look like a commoner, and it was very convincing. However, both of the elves had plenty of time throughout the seasons to formulate their response. But in this case it's primary purpose was to gain insight into the princess, deception was secondary.

The king spoke and said "The late King David... yes. Many rumors have circulated about this place and his connection, unfortunately they are only rumors. I wish we had the optimism of your sources but we have no basis for it... I am sorry." The lord nodded solemnly once the king finished speaking and he followed with "You spoke of penance. Do you have reason to blame yourself for what was done to the royal family?"

That was the elves' aim of the conversation, was she worthy of the truth? The stories of what happened did not mention her as being to blame for the crimes, however something could have always slipped through the cracks causing her to be placed in a more favorable light. The lord wished to speak the truth to her if she was innocent, but the king would need more convincing than that. If the usurper was to discover that King David still lived on elvish lands, then their hidden kingdom would surely be burned to the ground. But if the Princess had a way of giving hope to putting King David back on the throne, then that would certainly be an easier sell.
She swallowed and then shook her head. "I am related to the family. I saw the family as monsters. I swallowed what my father fed me blindly..." She swallowed tears. She covered her face as tears threatened to spill. She had to take several seconds before she could collect herself. "My father brutally murdered his family before him. And the last entry in the journal said all of that... how they he tried to barter anything to my father." She took in a shaky breath. "And honesetly, I have found myself caring for the great king. And I am deeply and profoundly sorry for what happened. And if it takes me forever wandering the earth looking for him, I will. I will find him. In one form or another and I will tell him how sorry I am." She sobbed and leaned forward tears flowing freely.
The lord was sold, however the king needed to be cautious. Her words and body language seemed genuine but there were some in the world who had mastered those two things. Since his people had a lot to lose from this, he made one last plan and that was time. As the king sat and thought, the lord said "The sins of the father do not fall on the shoulders of his children. But you should do what you must to find peace." King Neron nodded and said "A room is being prepared for you. You may stay as long as you wish and when you are ready to leave we will give you all the supplies you need for your travels. I hope you understand why we are unable to escort you outside of this protected area."

With that, the king stood and left. The lord said "A servant will show you to your room once it is finished being made." Lorn Lenson was afraid there was nothing more he could do for her without his king's consent. He understood both the king's and princess' desires, yet he had a responsibility to his people and he would not bring risk upon them. After he left, it was only a few minutes before a servant came for the princess.

Inside his room, David had been asleep almost the entire time. His days had become very regimented. He would wake up, eat breakfast with Lord Lenson and then head to the greenhouse. For the majority of the day he would remain there doing the tasks which soothed his mind, and then after he would eat with Lord Lenson again. Then afterwards tended to be less predictable although lately he had been practicing archery with the Lord's daughters. The sport came naturally to him and his daughters told him he may have been a hunter or soldier. And after that, David would return to his bed for the next day.

The routine was a peaceful one, simply keeping busy until his memories returned. However recently he began having nightmares. They were the strangest things, he would not see, hear, or feel anything through touch. Instead the dreams were just emotions. In these dreams he would feel the deepest and darkest of emotions; grief, helplessness, and hatred. When he woke up he always wondered what he was dreaming about until he finally realized it was simply the emotion, no basis at all. It was a difficult thing for him to wrap his mind around so he decided to keep it to himself, although they were becoming more and more frequent.
"Yes I do understand. Thank you for showing me shelter. And if you could show me where the king eternally sleeps or where he last was traveling, I would be forever grateful. Whatever you would have me do for such information, I would do it." She said. She leaned back and looked at them both in the eye. She was serious. She was not above doing maid work. She would do anything to find the king and pay her fathers sins back. She did not wish to be forever damned in the next life like she honestly believed her family was and all who knew of this terrible crime.

She smiled to the lord and nodded. "Thank you." She said softly and cleared her throat. She knew they knew something but weren't going to tell her. She would work here and stay until she learned it. She understood why they didn't trust her, but she would wait. Standing up, she walked with the servant, and walked to her room. Walking along the halls, something told her spirit that the king was here. He was here in a way. But she was at a loss, she did not know who she was looking for. She would not know until introduced to him.

Upon walking into the room, she thanked the servant and bid them goodnight. She found the basin and pitcher and gave herself a quick bath and dressed her wounds on her hands and arms. Changing into a gown, she sat on her bed and sighed. She said a prayer to the old dragon god of her grandmother who she trusted and prayed that she would be forgiven in the next life. She then laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling trying not to scratch at her raw sores that had been brought on by the ivy. Rolling to her side, she fell asleep.


Early in the morning, she walked the halls in her pants and a tunic she had managed to find. She looked around wondering where she would be having breakfast, and if she was even going to be offered breakfast. Then she rationalized that if she were a guest here, and knowing what she did about her family, she wouldn't offer herself breakfast either.

Moving to a seat, she looked out of the window into the garden and smiled and canted her head smiling.
Before the sun rose, David woke to head to breakfast at the usual time. On his way there a servant stopped him and said Lord Lenson wouldn't be able to attend breakfast this morning and wondered if he would like to attend lessons with his daughters. David decided it would be good to try something new, plus there wasn't much more work to do in the greenhouses for now, so he accepted.

Arriving in the library, David ate with Lord Lenson's two daughters. The oldest was named Alia and the youngest was Meera. He could tell one was older than the other but an elf in the greenhouse once told him elves aged slower than humans. So if they looked his age, they could be anywhere from their twenties to two-hundreds or more. It was a strange thing, but he figured it was stranger he didn't know his own age. The best guess was late twenties.

Once the meal was finished he sat through lessons with them. Since all the information was very new to him, he mostly just listened. Instructors came in talking of the histories of different countries, differences between races, theories of leadership, and war strategy. It was all very interesting and the information soaked deep into his mind without many questions.
David continued to sit and listen to the tutors until it was time for lunch. Sitting at the table with Alia and Meera, servants came over with platters. They ate together and asked them if they had lessons like this every day. Alia replied "Almost every day. Since I am expected to replace my father when he retires he wants us to be well-educated. As for Meera, I'm not sure." The oldest sister laughed teasing her sister.

Meera smiled and said "I'm here to prevent you from running this castle into the ground when you ascend. You'll need all my wisdom you can get."
Elenas stomach was growling so when she smelt lunch was underway, she got up. Moving to the kitchen, she found some food that the chefs would give her and she went out to the gardens and ate alone. Thinking of what the elves could be keeping from her, she looked into the properly groomed gardens. She smiled and swung her leg back and forth. She then finished her lunch and began to ask where the lord was. She began to search. She looked around and then after a while, she began to ask the elves if they had ever seen the king David around in the kingdom.

She continued to search looking around.
David had never realized how intense Lord Lenson's daughters were tutored. They had a myriad of instructors from dawn to a few hours shy of dusk. Sure he spent nearly the same amount of time in the greenhouse but that was something he chose to do himself, plus it was just him working on it. There was no one he had to sit and listen to. But despite the length of time, the topics were interesting and came naturally to him. When the lessons were finally finished however, he was thankful. It was nice to change up his routine, but he preferred being active as opposed to sitting and listening.

He then went to his room to wash up before dinner. A splash of cool water on his face was refreshing and helped his body to wake up. David then headed down to dinner where he again saw Alia and Meera but also their father. Food was served and together they ate. Lord Lenson didn't speak as much as usual. His mind was still struggling with the fate of the deposed king before him. But again he sighed and followed the lead of his own king. It was the most prudent thing to do.
As Elena passed a mirror, a beautiful woman was standing in it. She stopped and came back. Looking in it, she looked at the woman, the woman regarded her. The woman didn't smile but she didn't seem cruel. She was elf and had long beautiful blonde hair and the bluest eyes that she herself had ever seen. She looked into the womans eyes and she looked back. Elena felt she was falling into a well, and drowning, all at the same time. She couldn't move, couldn't breath. Soon the elf grinned and looked at her.

"The man who you search for is here." She grinned. Without saying anymore the woman disappeared leaving Elena's reflection gaping back at her. Elena had to mentally shake herself before she balled her fists in rage and snarled and walked to the mirror and looked behind it and saw only a wall and then stepped back quickly. A ghost? She panted and she looked back and forth. The halls were empty. She went to her room and sat. The servant soon told her that dinner was served thinking that the woman would want to be invited to the Lords table. Taking it upon herself to dress and wash her face, she prepared herself in a dress she found in the closet, ever the elf fashion and perfection, she thought, she walked downstairs.

She appeared in a flurry of dark purple robes and saw the table. She sat and looked at the dinner guests. Young elf ladies, and one handsome human man. He was incredibly handsome, but incredibly quiet.

Suddenly an incredibly buoyant spirit came in. She had impossibly long, blonde hair that was braided into a thick plait so it hung mere inches off the floor. She was dressed in a light pink. Her name was Arya. She was known as a light spirit. She smiled.

"Lord Uncle Lenson." She giggled. She was a child of the king, but that didn't stop her from seeing herself as family of Lenson. She moved over and kissed his cheek and sat down and began to eat. "Who died? Why so quiet?" She leaned in her chair comfortably. She was very beautiful and very well curved. She sat next to Elena and immediately Elena felt inadequate. The elf had piercings up and down her ears, and everything about her screamed femininity and beauty. Her breasts were the perfect size and perky, she mved like a seductress nymph. Elena blushed and looked at her plate. "And taking in more strays!" She said in her singsong voice. She teased lightly. "I read your coming in both the stones and the cards, not so much the stars, but they have not been to exact the last few days." She giggled and then looked at her then to Lenson. "Who is she?"
At the table David felt as if he had done far too much sitting for the day. He wondered why Lord Lenson offered him a chance to study with his daughters, but next time he may have to respectfully decline. Since his amnesia made everything feel so new to him, having a ton of information thrown at him at once became overwhelming fast. However the real issue was sitting for the majority of the day, the man needed to be active.

As he sat with a small case of stir crazy, he heart a familiar voice. It was Arya, the elvish princess. She visited very often and always seemed happy to do so. Arya had a familiar look to her but familiar was a strange thing for a man who didn't know his own birthday. When she made the crack about bringing in more strays, David looked around to see who else she was referring to. He then saw another woman, the first human he had ever seen as far as his memories were concerned. She was wearing dark purple robes and had dark hair and blue eyes. Nothing seemed familiar about her, but she easily drew his vision before he glance away to prevent himself from being caught staring.

Lord Lenson didn't enjoy hearing the princess call his guest "strays" but at least he was certain David knew it was a joke. So he said "Our newest guest[i/] is Princess Elena, of our western neighbors." The lord felt her business was her own, so he didn't voice it. However he felt very foolish for letting her and David in the same room. What if she recognized him? He was a very prominent King, perhaps she saw paintings of him?
Arya raised her eyebrows as if to ask that was the one. She looked at Elena and then to David. She then looked at her plate and then began to talk to Lensons daughters about an upcoming festival that she needed their help planning. Arya had heard from her father that the human was not to hear about David until he knew the true intentions, so she wasn't going to say anything. She was going to keep to herself as much as she possibly could. But everyone that knew Arya knew that that in itself would be a trial. When she wasn't flirting or bedding whoever she wished, she was getting into everyones business. However harmless she seemed, she always seemed to be getting into the thick of business.

Elena didn't recognize David because by the time she had come into the kingdom, all signs of David had been wiped from the kingdom except for writings of her journal and oral history. She smiled and cleared her throat looking at the man. "So you know my name, handsome lord, may I know your name."

Arya bit her lip looking at Lenson her eyes going wide knowing that if she tried to cover it up, she would just make it obvious. She got up.

"Well, thanks for having me at your table, but I think I shall go." She waved at everyone, kissed Lord Lensons cheek and quickly left.
Arya was acting strange and David knew it. When they first met she wanted to know all about him, however that was inherently impossible, so instead he learned a lot about her, mostly that she had a very outgoing personality. David didn't know it but when they first met, Lord Lenson later had to tell Arya to calm down with the theatrics and that the best lies were simple and not extravagant.

So seeing the Princess get up and leave without so much as a question toward the blue-eyed woman caught him as very odd. However his wondering quickly ended when she spoke. David smiled at her compliment and said "My name is David..." He realized it was clunky how he wasn't able to give a last name or some sort of title, so he continued "I am no lord, but it is a pleasure to meet you, your highness."

Lord Lenson watched the humans from the corner of his eye as he listened to the king. It was a very interesting thing to watch given the extraordinary circumstances so he wondered why the king wasn't doing the same.

David continued and asked "What brings you to the enchanted castle?" He had learned all about the castle's magical defenses so she undoubtedly was invited here. And for that he was thankful, seeing a human woman was new to him and the princess was exceedingly attractive.
"No, the pleasure is all mine." She smiled gently. She put her hands together and then rubbed them together and sighed gently. She loved the way the man looked her up and down. She winked flirtatiously. In her quest for the king, it wouldn't be harmful if maybe she found herself a could be suitor right? Licking her lips, Elena considered the question.

"Ohh, I am seeking someone that my father has recently wronged. He was a great man. And I feel if I do not make it right, then I will be doomed, as will my children, to forever bear the sins of what was done to this man." She smiled and looked at him. She watched him and canted her head. "And what brought you here?"
David listened closely to the Princess, although at times it proved difficult. Her beauty was distracting but luckily her voice was smooth enough to keep him listening. It was interesting how she wanted to atone for her father's wrongdoings. David had learned a lot about elvish culture and their quirks, perhaps this was a human idea or something attached to religion. He did not feel children should pay for their parent's misdeeds, but the Princess seemed serious enough about it for him to take her word for it.

When she asked of what brought him to the enchanted castle, he was happy to talk about something that wasn't clunky from his lack of memory. "Well... almost two years ago the guards found me walking toward the castle. I don't know what I was doing except I was very tired. Lord Lenson and the healers figured I had amnesia... and well here I am. They've been sending word out to human villages across the border, but no news yet." David understood it sounded a bit silly to play the waiting game for two years, but what else was there to do? Beside the lord and his family had taken good care of him. They didn't make him work in the greenhouse, he just wanted to have something to keep busy. But little did David know was no word was sent to human villages, his presence was a closely held secret.

Lord Lenson was becoming worried this was a big mistake. As his king spoke of a neighboring lord's ambition, Lenson kept a sharp ear. If the king wished to keep King David's identity a secret then letting him around Princess Elena was a foolish move he may have to take responsibility for. So before the Princess could respond to David, the lord stood and rang his crystal glass with his silver fork. "I'd like to make a toast to our two guests... It's not often we are visited by humans but that could very well be our mistake given our enchantments." The king laughed loudly, clearly having been enjoying the honeywine. Lord Lenson smiled and said "However we are happy to have you both here." He then went into a long speech about how human and elf relations have returned to their old ways since the death of the last human king. The lord knew he was burning time, but it was keeping the Princess from inquiring more about David. Plus, King Neron seemed to be enjoying what he was hearing.
Elena listened to the man and then nodded. She found it odd that no one came looking for this very handsome man. That no one missed him. She was about to open her mouth and ask him more about it, but then she was cut off by Lord Lenson. Leaning back, she looked at him and smiled. She listened to him for a while, but she cleared her throat. Because of her father, she could tell when someone was just talking to hear their own voice. The elves were acting weird. Too weird. They were hiding something. Then the ghost in the mirror made her wonder, was David....

Looking up at the man, she swallowed. Was this the man that she was to ask forgiveness? How could one ask forgiveness if one didn't remember. She then smiled and at the end of the toast, she raised her goblet and then nodded. "Thank you, Lord Lenson, and thank you for your hospitality, but I feel that now would be a great time to retire to my bedroom." She then looked to David and smiled. "Would you care to accompany me? I find that I do get lost from time to time in this great castle." She smiled to him.
David listened to the lord speak. He had heard about how difficult things were between elves and humans, but it was difficult for him to fully understand since he and the princess were the only humans he knew. So he took everyone's word for it and soaked in the speech.

Then the princess thanked the lord and asked him to show her back. David smiled and said "Of course." At this point he knew if Arya was still here she'd let out a not-so-discreet "ooooooooh" And for that, he was thankful she was gone.

Thanking the lord and his family for the dinner, he also said goodnight to the king and left the hall with Princess Elena. Since everyone was down in the hall it left the rest of the castle quiet. All that could be heard was the occasional guard walking by. Most of the servants had finished their duties for the day. David and Elena passed down a hall which had a long window facing outside. Winter was in full effect, thick white flakes of snow floated down from the sky and were quickly accumulating on the ground and tree branches. It looked amazing, but David's eyes were on the princess even though he knew he shouldn't stare. He broke the silence and asked "What is the human kingdom like?"
She stopped him at his question and then looked out the window and then to him and frowned. "You honestly do not remember anything of the outside, do you?" She whispered and looked into his eyes. She saw it was true. She sighed and took his hands and bit her lip and smiled and then began to walk again loving the feel of his strength and the sureness in his hand.

"The human kingdom that I left is somewhat like this one, I suppose. The people loved the king that is gone. The king that is my father does not inspire loyalty. Only fear and hatred because he deals in lies and deceit whereas the other king cared for the people." She smiled sadly and then walked to her room and opened the door. "I would like you to come in for a moment, I would like to give you something." SHe smiled and pulled him in and set him down.

She saw that her evening fire had been lit. Moving to her bag, she sighed and looked at the journal. "I have read this book countless times, and I doubt that I will prove myself to the elves anytime soon, so I would like you to read this book, read about a good human king." She smiled and handed it to him. "Maybe it will remind you about where you come from." She smiled watching him.
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