Extreme Midgar Brothel (Squishypink x LillytheLez)


Apr 12, 2013
Aerith winced at the dryness in her throat. It had been at least a full day since she'd been given anything to drink, bound by her wrists to a crude scarecrow in a stone chamber carpeted by blooming flowers. They grew well in the pools of sunlight that filtered through the shattered roof of the building, somewhere in the slums of an unknown district of Midgar. Aerith knew nothing of where she truly was, or why she'd been imprisoned, or the identity of her captors. She knew only one thing.

To live was to suffer.

She longed for death, after so much degradation that life itself had become synonymous with misery. But above her head, the glowing halo of a re-raise spell reminded her that death was an impossibility. She'd tried enough times to know that whoever they were that kept her here, they would only refresh the spell if she managed to die. There was no escape, only submission to avoid the terrible penalties for defiance.

And so she sat there, naked and afraid and alone, her body filthy with sweat and dirt in a dim chamber waiting for the next abuse, the next creative torture. She'd give anything for a drink at this point, drink anything. It didn't even matter if the others were alive or dead at this point, and she desperately hoped for the latter, to spare them the awful indignities of this place and its customers.
The place the three heroines of Midgar had found themselves was in the clutches of one Matilda McFarside. A devious woman who made the owner of the Honeybee in look like an upstanding gentleman, after Avalanche failed in its duty. Tifa, Yuffie, and Aerith had been captured, while the men had been sold to some mine in some far off country. The one known as Aerith had been tied to the scarecrow post. Her eyes blinded by a strip of cloth over them, and her naked body was basted with what looked like paste covered in flower seeds.

Their plan was to make flowers bloom on her body. However, the woman would be unspared from her torment, as a guest a woman in her 30's entered and turned around unbuckling her pants and then letting them drop she farted in Aerith's face grabbing her head and shoving her face deep into her ass. The rank smell would likely make the Ancient gag unceremoniously. It smelled like cabbage and steak after a bit of time in ones stomach. "She gags wonderfully Matty, I'll rent her for a bit." The woman would say as she lowers the girls blind fold and stared at her dead like a fish eyes.

In another room, Yuffie, would be hung from a small beam in a dark as night room. Her neck had a loose noose around it, and her slender body was stripped. If she struggled to free herself, she'd find no arm room to do so, for on both sides of her was a section of blades jutting out from some sort of Iron Maiden like torture device which would start up, the only comfort she has was the chair she was forced to stand on. It kept the noose from closing around her slender neck, she was also ballgaged because since they caught her she hadn't stopped running her mouth. There was the sound of a sliding door opening. Heavy footsteps coming close, it sounded like someone heavy approaching her. Then standing before her was a rather girthy woman a chubby one at that.

She grins darkly, "Mat she is fine, such a skinny little thing, and that neck, ohhh I could just wrap my fingers round it and ring her like a dead chicken I could." The owner smirks leaving the woman to enjoy her rent for the afternoon. "Just remember she will re-raise so you can choke her as much as you want." The re-raise spell having been cast on all three of the girls there was no worry of them dying on her.

And in the last room, there was Tifa, strung up at the center of some boxing ring, she wasn't butt naked like the rest. She was allowed to keep her skirt, shoes and underwear on. However her top had been removed and her big tits had been slightly enhanced with a special materia making them adjustable in size for better punching bag quality. Standing before her was a burly brawler of a woman, she towered over the bound up brawler, giving her pale tits a swat and testing their jiggle. "Your right, she don't bruise easy, perfect for working on my boxing." The woman said giving Tifa's tits several jabs, having left them at their default size for now.
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