Seeking LT Literate Futa x F (Open)

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May 1, 2014
In the confines of my mind
Welcome to my request thread. I do not have a strict line that I follow in my role plays but I do have a generalized plot I would like the story to EVENTUALLY get to. I am also not a grammar Nazi. I am not perfect and I am perfectly fine with this. However I do appreciate the basic ability to spell. NO TEXT TALK PERIOD. If it's in OOC (and not in the role play thread itself) fine.


PLEASE DO NOT POST HERE. PM ME. (Don't need clutter between my plots.)

Now, onto a few basic personal rules that I keep:
1. Do not take control of my character and I will keep the do the same in regards to your character.
2. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or complaints bring them up in a pm, not in the thread.
3. If you plan on dropping the role play, tell me. Don't just drop and vanish. Also, I understand that everyone is busy and has a life (or hope you do) but if you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, a quick pm informing me would be appreciated. Otherwise I will drop the role play after a certain time (2 weeks).
4. I do believe in quality over quantity but it is very difficult to put quality into 3 sentences. I like seeing creativity. I enjoy reading, otherwise why would I be on a role play site?
5. My fantasy characters have been modified and created by me. Don't attempt to change them or tell me I'm not following the classic lore. I honestly don't care. It's my character.
6. I will NOT role play with any characters that are under 18. All of my characters will be over 18.
7. If you wish to use any of the plots or ideas, ask me via pm. Do not post here. Don't ask me if I want to role play. Have a topic/idea or mention which of my plots you like. I obviously want to role play if I'm on a role play site.

Now that that's out of the way I'm going to give an "in a nutshell" description of my male characters. They all have the same basic mentality. Small differences here and there but the raw basics are the same.

Some of my plots will just be a short and sweet general ideas for my partner and I to discuss and build on while others will come with a background story of my character as well as what he is currently doing and why. For all of my role plays I tend to get a bit carried away in descriptions and detail. I find that if you can picture yourself in the characters shoes and see what they're seeing, it makes for a more enjoyable experience. That and I have an insanely large imagination and its hard to stay focused on one thing sometimes.

Okay. If you've made it this far that's good. If you just skipped down here I'll find out one way or another. Now onto my layout. I have a specific layout I follow, mainly with my vampire characters. I'm open for discussion on the matter but only on certain things. If you would like to know which things, ask.

Alright, so after a few messages have been sent my way I'm editing this. I tend to steer toward fantasy, supernatural and the like. I like my stories to have 60% plot and 40ish% smut (Maybe more depending on how we mesh). I enjoy story, description, creativity, things like that, not porn literature.

Vampire Layout:
*All vampires can walk in sunlight. However the older they get the more tolerant they are to the effects. If the vampire is young it will make them physically exhausted or simply make their reaction time, healing, speed and strength severely limited.
*Garlic, crosses, holy water and all the other classic lore is nixed. Killing a vampire involves removing their head. Period.
*My vampires DO NOT SPARKLE.
*Vampires rarely if ever feed from humans. Human blood is too weak in comparison to vampire blood, so vampires will simply feed from one another. Most commonly from the opposite gender as feeding often times leads to sex because of the venom in their fangs. The venom is to dull pain and make the "victim" more comfortable and relaxed while feeding.
*Vampire venom creates a rush of endorphin's in the blood stream often leading to heightened arousal. From vampire to vampire the affects are controllable to an extent. However from vampire to human the affects can be addicting and if left unattended, painful. There are certain ways around this which mainly involves the vampire using a small amount of mental power to force the human into a slumber.
*Vampire saliva holds a healing agent within to heal minor wounds like cuts, scraps, minor burns and, most commonly, fang punctures.
*The older a vampire, the stronger he/she is. Pure Blood vampires have the ability to wield an element. (Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Spirit)
*Humans can be turned into a vampire but it is a dangerous process for both the male and female. The human body needs to be dead in order for the vampire blood to be able to reanimate the human and compensate for the energy and power that will come with the change.
*Females are the rulers of the race. Without females the race would die off. Males are the protectors, warriors and hunters.
*There are three classes of vampires:
Civilian: Vampires who are like the average joe and try to avoid combat and confrontation at all costs and just want to live out their lives in peace.
Noble: The watchers of the Civilians. A lot like Noble's back in medieval times. They protect the Civilian's and make sure they stay in line. They're stronger than the Civilians, faster and a bit smarter. They don't wield an element. They answer to Pure Bloods and only Pure Bloods.
Pure Blood: Rulers of the race as a whole. Often times they are Coven leaders, Master Vampires who delegate their Nobles to guard and oversee a certain section or city of Civilians. They control one of the five natural elements.
*Due to the higher healing rate and high energy output that a vampire naturally has, having children is very hard. 1 in 3 infants survive the womb. The female has to not only decrease her feeding habits but she also becomes very vulnerable to attacks as she is severely weakened.
*During times of pregnancy with a mate, males are extremely protective of their females and have been known to even attack their own if they fear injury to their female.
*Infants are top priority in the vampire society in terms of guarding. When an infant is born they need a year of being kept from the others to be fed and their skin and bones to strengthen. No one other than the Queen and a few other select vampire are permitted to see the infant during this year. Parents of the infant are also highly aggressive and protective during this time due to the frailty of their young.
*If a mated female dies, the male will die as well, the pain from the loss is too great and the heart and mind simply give up. If a mated male dies and the female has no off spring, she will perish as well. If she has a child, the child is her reason for living on without her mate. Though she will never take another mate.
Here are some pictures that don't have plots. They are females that I am willing to play:





Each of these females are different in their own way. Some more submissive then others but none of them will instantly bow. Terra is the most aggressive of them all. She will only bow to the one she trusts and she'll fight tooth and nail the whole way to make sure they're worthy. Just fyi
Pairings- I'm the bold pairing:

You can choose any of the girls from the posts above if you like.

Anthro Escort/client
Neighbor/new to the neighborhood
Student/student (All girls school) Possible for Anthro as well
Survivor/Island native(s) (Possible harem)
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