Tinkerer Nadia
Armageddon Pilot
- Joined
- Sep 28, 2016
- Location
- Canada
-I only roleplay over blue moon, preferably pms but not mandatory. Please do not ask me to play on any other platform, as I will just ignore the message since I’m not interested on skype or whatever. I promise not to be mean, but usually I just won’t reply if I feel incompatible with a person (I know, that’s bad).
-Please for the love of all that is holy, only message me after reading this thread in its entirety. I know we all make mistakes, and I can live with minor stuff like accidentally suggesting a plot I said was full, or misreading something, but there is a difference with a misread and a miss-read. It’s infinitely frustrating to get a pm that is so lame and either off topic, or completely against my rules.
-One line messages suck and are bad. Do yourself a favour, and really think about the suggested roleplays here. Look it over, think about what you like, or dislike. What would would change, what you would include, or subtract. Then, if you message me and it’s something thought out, I always make sure to read it a few times, the reply. I know the rules list seems really harsh so far, so I do apologize for that, just be understanding. This is only getting worse and worse, so please, for both our sakes, come to me with: what idea you like, why you like it, the changes or ideas you want to include, your kink preferences, and your favourite yugioh card.
-I am flexible. NOT LIKE THAT!
plots, characters, everything is up for debate. I’m picky, but still open to listen if you want to change things. Not everyone likes everything I may suggest, and that’s a good thing, since it may enhance the play.
-I only accept and use art for characters, sorry but NO irl images please. Non-negotiable
-I write based on what I can be motivated for. What motivates me? The scene naturally! Something more just one off, sexy scenes? I can write one or two paragraphs with some good details and fun writing. If you want more? Let’s make more. I do edit and reread my posts to ensure quality, but sometimes I just make errors, and I don’t mind if you do too. Let’s just have fun and keep roeleplays a hobby. Note: I will take critique though, I love to improve.
-The following ideas are guidelines, meant to be open ended and not be too specific so that we can craft something together.
-Kinks can be discussed, but this is the list of the verboten:
-bathroom play (no exceptions)
-gore/bloody scene (combat is fine, just not sexual please)
-excessive abuse (let’s not leave the girls with broken bones here)
-May add more, check back if unsure
Now that the verboten are dealt with, let’s move on to the main event!
In the middle of any map found in the world of Gia is the vast and perilous land of the Fel, where settlements of farmers, prospectors, and all kinds have come to seek fortune and fame in the monster inhabited wasteland. Many that have come from overseas seek treasures and riches on the many temples and ruins of the once abundant land, and even more seek to dominate the land under banners for kings or empires. Whatever the reason for entering, all with an adventurous spirit and will to seek their own path will one day come into contact with the Call, the mysterious power that grants any that heed its words the power of magic and strength.
Those worthy are imbued with magic and unique manifestations for their new found abilities, be it a gun, a sword, a creature of magic, everyone gets something suited to them. Those that are granted such magic are called Drifters, and while all seek to travel and change the world, for better or worst is up to them. Some seek revenge, others to protect. Some seek to destroy and plunder, and yet others to research and preserve the knowledge of the land. Everyone has a reason once they become a drifter, and that purpose is what gives them such power to see it through.
Fel is a land of great danger and peril. with demons and monsters commonplace, only those foolish or driven by purpose venture away from the saftey of the settlements. For this role play I would love to play a group (likely of at least 3 unique characters between us) that travel the land seeking to explore and prevail against evil in the wasteland. primarily i had hoped for a several factions to fight, starting small and working towards a larger one. Our characters would be drifters, maybe not at first but eventually they should all heed the Call, and receive powers to fight with. I except this rp to last at least a half year, assuming there is at least one post a day. I would also assume this is based on a paragraph per character. Personally I would love someone willing to help drive the story rather then just react to everything, but not in an overly destructive way (you know like shooting everyone regardless of who is who.) and I want someone willing to explore a world and not want an overly sexual rp. Essentially, if the music and theme don't hook you, it may be best you move on. Being a huge fan of westerns and the RPG series wild arms, I really would love that we try and make this as western and fun as possible, and both of us being enthusiastic about story telling and this theme is a must. (Wild arms fandom is optional, thats just an inspiration that recently had me wanting this.)
That being said, here is my idea for the world in Gia and Fel as a whole. Lore time!
Summary: Gia is a land with smaller islands and continents circling the massive land mass of Fel. Fel is inhabited by a nomadic group of tribal peoples that are the native inhabitants of the land, the imperial northern forces of Helgrave who seek to dominate Fel's resources, the eastern kingdom of Mika who come to do much of the same, and the unaffiliated settlements and towns that seek just to survive the demons and monsters that roam the realm. Many people suffer and strive just for one day of survival, but while the work is hard and the land harsh, people that come here willingly rarely have much options. Geographically, Fel is a land that is very flat, with poor land and water resources, rich mineral and oil reserves, and also strange supernatural and magical occurrences.
Northern invaders of a post industrial Empire, The Helgrave have come to Fel to lay claim to what they claim are ancient lands once connected to Hel, until many years led to it breaking off and separating. Being the second largest landmass on Gia, they indeed have already a large abundance of land and people to work it. Nearing an economic crisis due to its costly wars with the nation of Mika, the Emperor has decided that it is time to reclaim the lost lands, and take them back by force if need be.
Average military uniform
Technologically skilled, most magic found in Helgrave is tied in some part to technology, and because of its militaristic nature, men and women that can use these magics are highly respected. most children are raised to be soldiers, only those unfit allowed to try and carve out a life they choose. While other nations call them a fascist dictatorship, they see themselves as the last remaining members of the true rulers of mankind, the Helions. Culturally they are ahead of most other nations, having basic forms of radio and film, as well as wide rang broadcasts available even in northern Fel.
Women of Helgrave are very respectful, intelligent, and expected to be noble, with full manners at all times. Trained along men, they are often required to preform as well as the others and are not allowed to slack behind for any reason. The empire treats women mostly the same as men, so this is of course expected of everyone, but women more so as they do face some prejudice (however fair or unfair it may be.) Women are expected to attend 5 years of schooling, 8 if they wish to be accepted as soldiers.
Men of Helgrave are expected to be as close to the ideal solider as possible. Cunning, effective, and powerful. Birth defects and/or other natural flaws are shunned, and laziness or selfishness are seen as sinful.Young men are somewhat allowed to be rowdy and the like, but are expected to grow up quickly and assume military positions as young as 15. Education is highly prized in Helgrave, and all men are legally required to attend a full 8 years. The cost of 8 years is covered by the Empire, but only if the boy has intentions to join after graduation (and is able.)
The Helgrave are mostly known around the world as a fascist empire that seeks to crush and conquer, and will not tolerate resistance to their delusional mission of uniting the world. Derogatory terms are often used to describe them when they travel abroad, but in Fel they are called "Hellions", a play on the Helions name. Many people blame them for the uncertainty of peace, and so they are unpopular globally, sporting few allies. Their largest enemy, The eastern Islands of Mika are exceptionally distrustful to say the last, and maintain constant war and strife with them to this day.
View: https://youtu.be/VZxK58tPU4I?list=PL1AC584471FD4F040
The people of Mika are a proud and plentiful lot. Hailing from the east of Fel, they indeed are another invading force that has come to try and lay claim, under the pretense of protecting the realm from the hated Helgrave empire. Horned humanoids that call themselves Oni, these dangerous and powerful people have not taken major strides towards technology, relying on traditional arts and powerful magic to rule the battlefield. Used to a more simple life, The monstrous appearance they can posses often hides a gentle, peaceful soul.
Average Mikaden Oni woman
It should be noted that the Female Oni are rarely if ever truly demonic in appearance, and so they only possess horns pale skin to identify them as Oni at all. Though, it should be noted as well that they are still very strong, and can often lift things 30 times their weight. Women are expected to support and protect the homeland while the men focus on marching outwards, as well as raise the children and maintain the household and family businesses. Oni women work very hard most of their lives, and are considered very important and wise. Women make up a great deal of the political and mercantile population, and often are village elders and leaders.
Average Mikaden Oni man
Unlike the female, the male are often large, hulking monsters that exhibit countless power. Unpredictable in battle, these men often can fly into berserk rages, breathing fire and slashing enemies to shreds without pause, only too resume their gentle disposition once the battle is won. Men are expected to protect and serve the wife as a life long duty, failure too grim a thought to even be spoken of. While men are treated well, they do not possess the right to attend political gatherings and are expected instead to stay to war and the arts as careers.
Globally, little known of the Mikaden people. Being previously an isolated area, they only recently (forced by Helgrave rather) have ventured out of Mika, and so are treated by settlers of Fel much like demons: shoot on sight and don't stop till its down. Few in Fel trust the so called peaceful intentions to drive out Helgrave, and even fewer want a demonic 13 foot man that can crush a man's skill with his pinky hanging around his gal. While some drifters have made peaceful contact, settlements are rarely as friendly, and conflict is assured once miko has enough of its forces overseas.
View: https://youtu.be/flL5ERlsQPg
Fel, the wasteland in the center of everything. Largest of all the continents, and where the young men and women known as drifters call home. A land characterized as a harsh landscape full of desolation and pockets of struggling life, few would call it home happily. Everyone has a story, and everyone has their own code and way of life. Magic is abundant, but only to those that hear the words of the Call, a mysterious force tied to the very land, that grants powerful magic and weapons to any that have a free heart and a desire to change the world. Drifters are what these people are called, and all of them have a past they want to protect, bury, or seek retribution for. when a drifter pulls their fire arm, there is no telling what magic or power they have.
There is no expectation or set rules, drifters do as they wish: hunt down bandits, strike back at Helgrave, or blast demons back to the void, with not so much as a "see you around". Some seek treasure in the many ruins and ancient tempoles that once stood tall, seeking ARMS (Ancient Relic Machines) to turn a profit or help match the power their drifting arts allow. While settlements are around here and there, there are only a few major cities, and even then they pale to what can be found around the globe in other lands. What Fel lacks in infrastructure they have power, and that is the unwritten law of the wastes. Power makes the world go 'round, and no one can tell you what to do with yours unless they can make you.
Naturally, Fel has a reputation as a lawless land of brigands, unwanted criminals and of course, the demonic hordes that seem to spawn just where you don't want them. Helgrave sees the land as its troublesome brother, and has laid claim to it relying on ancient land claims and maps. Mika sees it as just another battlefield, where Helgrave will be struck down and defeated for the last time. No one asked the drifters, but even if you did, they only share one common thought on the wasteland.
-I only roleplay over blue moon, preferably pms but not mandatory. Please do not ask me to play on any other platform, as I will just ignore the message since I’m not interested on skype or whatever. I promise not to be mean, but usually I just won’t reply if I feel incompatible with a person (I know, that’s bad).
-Please for the love of all that is holy, only message me after reading this thread in its entirety. I know we all make mistakes, and I can live with minor stuff like accidentally suggesting a plot I said was full, or misreading something, but there is a difference with a misread and a miss-read. It’s infinitely frustrating to get a pm that is so lame and either off topic, or completely against my rules.
-One line messages suck and are bad. Do yourself a favour, and really think about the suggested roleplays here. Look it over, think about what you like, or dislike. What would would change, what you would include, or subtract. Then, if you message me and it’s something thought out, I always make sure to read it a few times, the reply. I know the rules list seems really harsh so far, so I do apologize for that, just be understanding. This is only getting worse and worse, so please, for both our sakes, come to me with: what idea you like, why you like it, the changes or ideas you want to include, your kink preferences, and your favourite yugioh card.
-I am flexible. NOT LIKE THAT!
plots, characters, everything is up for debate. I’m picky, but still open to listen if you want to change things. Not everyone likes everything I may suggest, and that’s a good thing, since it may enhance the play.
-I only accept and use art for characters, sorry but NO irl images please. Non-negotiable
-I write based on what I can be motivated for. What motivates me? The scene naturally! Something more just one off, sexy scenes? I can write one or two paragraphs with some good details and fun writing. If you want more? Let’s make more. I do edit and reread my posts to ensure quality, but sometimes I just make errors, and I don’t mind if you do too. Let’s just have fun and keep roeleplays a hobby. Note: I will take critique though, I love to improve.
-The following ideas are guidelines, meant to be open ended and not be too specific so that we can craft something together.
-Kinks can be discussed, but this is the list of the verboten:
-bathroom play (no exceptions)
-gore/bloody scene (combat is fine, just not sexual please)
-excessive abuse (let’s not leave the girls with broken bones here)
-May add more, check back if unsure
Now that the verboten are dealt with, let’s move on to the main event!
In the middle of any map found in the world of Gia is the vast and perilous land of the Fel, where settlements of farmers, prospectors, and all kinds have come to seek fortune and fame in the monster inhabited wasteland. Many that have come from overseas seek treasures and riches on the many temples and ruins of the once abundant land, and even more seek to dominate the land under banners for kings or empires. Whatever the reason for entering, all with an adventurous spirit and will to seek their own path will one day come into contact with the Call, the mysterious power that grants any that heed its words the power of magic and strength.
Those worthy are imbued with magic and unique manifestations for their new found abilities, be it a gun, a sword, a creature of magic, everyone gets something suited to them. Those that are granted such magic are called Drifters, and while all seek to travel and change the world, for better or worst is up to them. Some seek revenge, others to protect. Some seek to destroy and plunder, and yet others to research and preserve the knowledge of the land. Everyone has a reason once they become a drifter, and that purpose is what gives them such power to see it through.
Fel is a land of great danger and peril. with demons and monsters commonplace, only those foolish or driven by purpose venture away from the saftey of the settlements. For this role play I would love to play a group (likely of at least 3 unique characters between us) that travel the land seeking to explore and prevail against evil in the wasteland. primarily i had hoped for a several factions to fight, starting small and working towards a larger one. Our characters would be drifters, maybe not at first but eventually they should all heed the Call, and receive powers to fight with. I except this rp to last at least a half year, assuming there is at least one post a day. I would also assume this is based on a paragraph per character. Personally I would love someone willing to help drive the story rather then just react to everything, but not in an overly destructive way (you know like shooting everyone regardless of who is who.) and I want someone willing to explore a world and not want an overly sexual rp. Essentially, if the music and theme don't hook you, it may be best you move on. Being a huge fan of westerns and the RPG series wild arms, I really would love that we try and make this as western and fun as possible, and both of us being enthusiastic about story telling and this theme is a must. (Wild arms fandom is optional, thats just an inspiration that recently had me wanting this.)
That being said, here is my idea for the world in Gia and Fel as a whole. Lore time!
Summary: Gia is a land with smaller islands and continents circling the massive land mass of Fel. Fel is inhabited by a nomadic group of tribal peoples that are the native inhabitants of the land, the imperial northern forces of Helgrave who seek to dominate Fel's resources, the eastern kingdom of Mika who come to do much of the same, and the unaffiliated settlements and towns that seek just to survive the demons and monsters that roam the realm. Many people suffer and strive just for one day of survival, but while the work is hard and the land harsh, people that come here willingly rarely have much options. Geographically, Fel is a land that is very flat, with poor land and water resources, rich mineral and oil reserves, and also strange supernatural and magical occurrences.
Northern invaders of a post industrial Empire, The Helgrave have come to Fel to lay claim to what they claim are ancient lands once connected to Hel, until many years led to it breaking off and separating. Being the second largest landmass on Gia, they indeed have already a large abundance of land and people to work it. Nearing an economic crisis due to its costly wars with the nation of Mika, the Emperor has decided that it is time to reclaim the lost lands, and take them back by force if need be.

Average military uniform
Technologically skilled, most magic found in Helgrave is tied in some part to technology, and because of its militaristic nature, men and women that can use these magics are highly respected. most children are raised to be soldiers, only those unfit allowed to try and carve out a life they choose. While other nations call them a fascist dictatorship, they see themselves as the last remaining members of the true rulers of mankind, the Helions. Culturally they are ahead of most other nations, having basic forms of radio and film, as well as wide rang broadcasts available even in northern Fel.
Women of Helgrave are very respectful, intelligent, and expected to be noble, with full manners at all times. Trained along men, they are often required to preform as well as the others and are not allowed to slack behind for any reason. The empire treats women mostly the same as men, so this is of course expected of everyone, but women more so as they do face some prejudice (however fair or unfair it may be.) Women are expected to attend 5 years of schooling, 8 if they wish to be accepted as soldiers.
Men of Helgrave are expected to be as close to the ideal solider as possible. Cunning, effective, and powerful. Birth defects and/or other natural flaws are shunned, and laziness or selfishness are seen as sinful.Young men are somewhat allowed to be rowdy and the like, but are expected to grow up quickly and assume military positions as young as 15. Education is highly prized in Helgrave, and all men are legally required to attend a full 8 years. The cost of 8 years is covered by the Empire, but only if the boy has intentions to join after graduation (and is able.)
The Helgrave are mostly known around the world as a fascist empire that seeks to crush and conquer, and will not tolerate resistance to their delusional mission of uniting the world. Derogatory terms are often used to describe them when they travel abroad, but in Fel they are called "Hellions", a play on the Helions name. Many people blame them for the uncertainty of peace, and so they are unpopular globally, sporting few allies. Their largest enemy, The eastern Islands of Mika are exceptionally distrustful to say the last, and maintain constant war and strife with them to this day.
View: https://youtu.be/VZxK58tPU4I?list=PL1AC584471FD4F040
The people of Mika are a proud and plentiful lot. Hailing from the east of Fel, they indeed are another invading force that has come to try and lay claim, under the pretense of protecting the realm from the hated Helgrave empire. Horned humanoids that call themselves Oni, these dangerous and powerful people have not taken major strides towards technology, relying on traditional arts and powerful magic to rule the battlefield. Used to a more simple life, The monstrous appearance they can posses often hides a gentle, peaceful soul.

Average Mikaden Oni woman
It should be noted that the Female Oni are rarely if ever truly demonic in appearance, and so they only possess horns pale skin to identify them as Oni at all. Though, it should be noted as well that they are still very strong, and can often lift things 30 times their weight. Women are expected to support and protect the homeland while the men focus on marching outwards, as well as raise the children and maintain the household and family businesses. Oni women work very hard most of their lives, and are considered very important and wise. Women make up a great deal of the political and mercantile population, and often are village elders and leaders.

Average Mikaden Oni man
Unlike the female, the male are often large, hulking monsters that exhibit countless power. Unpredictable in battle, these men often can fly into berserk rages, breathing fire and slashing enemies to shreds without pause, only too resume their gentle disposition once the battle is won. Men are expected to protect and serve the wife as a life long duty, failure too grim a thought to even be spoken of. While men are treated well, they do not possess the right to attend political gatherings and are expected instead to stay to war and the arts as careers.
Globally, little known of the Mikaden people. Being previously an isolated area, they only recently (forced by Helgrave rather) have ventured out of Mika, and so are treated by settlers of Fel much like demons: shoot on sight and don't stop till its down. Few in Fel trust the so called peaceful intentions to drive out Helgrave, and even fewer want a demonic 13 foot man that can crush a man's skill with his pinky hanging around his gal. While some drifters have made peaceful contact, settlements are rarely as friendly, and conflict is assured once miko has enough of its forces overseas.
View: https://youtu.be/flL5ERlsQPg
Fel, the wasteland in the center of everything. Largest of all the continents, and where the young men and women known as drifters call home. A land characterized as a harsh landscape full of desolation and pockets of struggling life, few would call it home happily. Everyone has a story, and everyone has their own code and way of life. Magic is abundant, but only to those that hear the words of the Call, a mysterious force tied to the very land, that grants powerful magic and weapons to any that have a free heart and a desire to change the world. Drifters are what these people are called, and all of them have a past they want to protect, bury, or seek retribution for. when a drifter pulls their fire arm, there is no telling what magic or power they have.

There is no expectation or set rules, drifters do as they wish: hunt down bandits, strike back at Helgrave, or blast demons back to the void, with not so much as a "see you around". Some seek treasure in the many ruins and ancient tempoles that once stood tall, seeking ARMS (Ancient Relic Machines) to turn a profit or help match the power their drifting arts allow. While settlements are around here and there, there are only a few major cities, and even then they pale to what can be found around the globe in other lands. What Fel lacks in infrastructure they have power, and that is the unwritten law of the wastes. Power makes the world go 'round, and no one can tell you what to do with yours unless they can make you.
Naturally, Fel has a reputation as a lawless land of brigands, unwanted criminals and of course, the demonic hordes that seem to spawn just where you don't want them. Helgrave sees the land as its troublesome brother, and has laid claim to it relying on ancient land claims and maps. Mika sees it as just another battlefield, where Helgrave will be struck down and defeated for the last time. No one asked the drifters, but even if you did, they only share one common thought on the wasteland.
"Out here, its do or die. The Call only gives you what you need, its up to you to see the winds of change flow your way."
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