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Hello Darkness, my old friend (f/f, f/m, plots pls)

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Mar 21, 2009
Well, it's been a while. Four years or so, it seems. Hit a bit of an unexpected bump in the personal life, but it finally feels like things are looking up!

Which means that I can put some effort into doing some more writing again.

Ain't that some shit?

General Interest Stuff

I'm looking for something at least moderately long-term, and most importantly, something with a plot. I like RPing smut as much as anyone, but if there's no room for a story or character development, I promise I'll get bored with it a few scenes in.

I don't have a post size or length requirement, just enough to keep things moving. I'm most comfortable shooting for 3-5 paragraphs, usually, but can go shorter or longer, depending on what's needed. I also don't expect or require people to match post length, but I tend to mirror what my partners give me, so if I get a lot of short posts, just expect shorter posts in return.

This is also a good place to point out that I'm incredibly rusty with the whole writing and RPing thing. I may make some mistakes, I've been told that I can get a little god-mode-y at times (pretty much the only RPing I've been doing for the last few years has been with my girlfriend, so things have been very lax on that front). I will make every attempt to catch myself, but don't be afraid to smack me a bit if I go overboard. I promise I won't get pissy about it; it's just honestly something I don't catch myself doing every time.

If you've made it this far, you're probably getting antsy for the meaty bits. General purpose, I have an f-list all set up from way back when, but I do have some specific pairings/plot cravings/settings I'm itching to play, which I'll list below.

I do have a preference for Female/Female pairings, but I generally won't turn down playing against male characters, either. I also don't care if your gender matches that of your character or not. I don't care for playing male/male pairings, though, and really don't enjoy playing male characters, at least as a main character. If the RP calls for it, I will play side characters/NPCs/secondary characters, but I have a strong preference for playing females.

Fantasy plots and settings are also a plus. I rarely bite on just casual slice-of-life type RPs. Feel free to suggest something if you think it's up my alley, but the idea usually has to really wow me if it's real-world business as usual.

Plots and Settings and Things
Any of these I'm willing to discuss/change details on. Some are a little heavier on the sexual themes, others are just snippets or settings I'm interested in playing around with.

The Dragon's Treasure: (mxf or fxf; prefer to play human, but will play the dragon in a fxf pairing)

A village has a problem; a dragon* has taken roost in a cavern nearby. As all sensible villagers know, the only way to deal with a dragon is to send it annual sacrifices until it leaves or decides to raze the town regardless.

However, the dragon is young, in its prime and sees a better use for the hapless townsperson than a quick meal, and takes them back to its lair.

*People invariably ask me how I like my dragons when I want to RP with them. The answer is...yes. I just like dragons. I'll take shapeshifters or ones that remain bestial, highly intelligent or nonverbal monsters. HOWEVER, I am very much craving a male, non-shapechangeing western-styled dragon to be played along a female humanoid character.

*I've got a few with this plot going right now, so I'd rather do something else.

Sacred Rites: (any pairing, semi-structured for playing multiple characters each)

Set in a temple dedicated to a goddess of fertility, the priests and priestesses serve the needs of several small villages, farmers and traders often visiting to ask for the blessing of the goddess to ensure a plentiful year.

Forbidden Magic: (any pairing, characters can be discussed)

Once, magic was used freely in the world. After a nearly-catastrophic event, magic is outlawed, or at least highly regulated. Those who try to operate outside of strict jurisdiction are hunted down, jailed, or executed.

Lords of the Fourth: (D&D lore, previous knowledge not super required. Incest, politics, and devils, oh my.)

(Synopsis shamelessly lifted from here)

In name, Fierna rules Phlegethos, commanding the fiery layer from her palace of rock and magma. In truth, her father, Belial, is the power behind the throne. Sequestered away in the central Hall of One Thousand Sighs and Screams, he advises his daughter in the arts of love and pain, taking a personal hand in ensuring she learns all there is to know. Up until now, the situation suited Fierna just fine. But thanks to her flowering relationship with Glasya, she has become more interested in taking Phlegethos in more than just name.

World of Warcraft: (any pairing, big plus for cross-faction stuff)

No real plot in mind for this one, but I've been really into the new expansion, so it's an itch that could use some scratching. I'm not super up on all the lore stuff, so you may need to bear with me a bit.

Bonus points for demon hunters or cross-faction shaky alliances. Double bonus points for male Tauren/female Draenei pairing.

Themes and Pairings

If you can come up with a little plot snippet regarding any of these, send it my way! Doesn't need to be much, just as long as there's some story to be had.

Roles I'd prefer to play are bolded.

  • Vampires
  • Monsters/Bestial characters (think minotaurs, orcs, etc) paired with human(ish) females
  • Incest
    • Twins
    • Father/Daughter
  • Drug use
  • Prostitution
  • Master/Slave

I'm game for most anything else, as long as it's not on my 'no' list, or obviously not loli/shota/whatever terms you kids are using nowadays. Feel free to shoot me a message, and we can try to work something out!

I'd prefer to keep things on-site, be it in a thread or over messages, just for ease of use, but I'm willing to RP over AIM or Discord (no voice chatting, though; I'm not comfortable with it) if you're really adamant about it.
Updated the f-list a bit the other night, nothing major, but added a couple things and shifted a few others around.
Guess I'll put this one up, too, for the less gore-inclined crowd.
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