RP: Knock Knock [ Horror_Show & WageofWaste]


Feb 15, 2010
Becca Lee Snively sat quietly in the back of a Starbucks waiting for him to arrive. The young female had her iPhone and was nervously looking around. She looked very different than when she was sixteen. At sixteen she had vibrant blonde hair and now she had dyed it black. She was also in the process of getting her last name changed due to her two older sisters running her name and bringing to much attention. Becca was waiting for Evan Webber to meet her here. She had anxiously been waiting for this meeting for weeks since he contacted via email.

Five years ago Evan was the victim of her two older sisters sexual abuse and criminal activity. She had been involved but all charges were dropped immediately because of Evan. Becca had been forced into the situation from threats from her older siblings. They had chose Evan because he had the perfect family, perfect job and perfect life. They pretended to be lost and trying to find an address to a party. Evan willingly let all the girls in. The two older sisters started trying to seduce Evan and got him to engage in a threesom. The next morning they had him restrained. Throughout the 48 hours they were there, they played mind games and tortured him. They ruined his marriage and put him in debt because of the marriage and rehab.


Becca had been so young, so innocent thrown into a horrible and devastating event. She had somehow formed stockhold syndrome to Evan without personally knowing him. She hadn't hurt him during those 48 hours, every time her sisters hurt him she would look away or go into another room. She had been the initial reason the event ended, she had called the police when she couldn't take it any longer.

Five years had passed and she spent those five years doing home schooling, she was doing online college courses, was struggling to work a full time job, a part time job and go through constant therapy. She had secretly sent Evan unknown money orders, money from her own earnings trying to pay him back for the damages done. She had also followed him for years, almost stalking to see how he was doing. Then soon as the final court date finalized her sisters being sent to prison he contacted her.


So now she waited.....
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