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Wanted: A Subby Maid

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Viktoff Samson

May 16, 2016

I am Vik, a not very socially forward roleplayer who wickedly enjoys campy/home like roleplays where the characters are mainly a man and his sweet lover in their large home. While I don't hate plot, I do hate a convoluted focus on such. The promise of fun and involving so much raw and deep... Character growth, always being held behind a wall built by intentionally endless quests-Well, that can get boring. Just as repeated sex scenes with weak characters and writers with no creativity can grow to be almost too cringe worthy. Understand that this doesn't mean I hate smut and I hate plot, just the opposite! I have a hard time with writers who can't possibly just sit down and write a lovely smutfest or put enough personality into their plot only questfest to keep me entertained. This request thread is more or less a search for a smutfest, but there are-and will be other request threads for big plot plays ~

The search here is for a deeply submissive, and happy to be, character/writer. I don't mind writing in pms, but I do prefer threads. I need a player who can be on to communicate and play at least once a day and capable of informing me if they will ne away for two days or longer. Characters can be women, fem-males, kitty/doggy people, the works. Medium height or short, thin or chubby, big or small boobs, etc. Those specifics should certainly fit the character in someway, that's what I care about. Example: An average height woman with a decent or better upbringing and especially noteworthy breasts and body shape, her anxieties should be matching. Maybe she is worried about the male only liking her for her breasts. Or, maybe she has very little self respect or she isn't gifted with exceptional mental tools and actually fears she isn't hot enough still(really happens).

The world I prefer for a fancy subfest is one where my character has vast power and wealth, he is a sex fiend and is often a vampire. Handsome, tall, fit, with an impossible cock. Might seem pretty petty and hard to feel depth with, but I am sure there are plenty of dark problems we can work into him!!

What I am looking for(Specific examples to give a more direct idea) :
Forceful, anytime anywhere groping and sex of all intensities all across the house.
Costume/outfit play: (Just underwear, or the sub doing chores in embarrassing clothes).
Little to no interruptions in their constant, mind blowing power play interactions.
Extra credit(Not exactly required, but beneficial): A focus on fertility and the details involved, like cum amount and such. Impregnation/pregnancy. Biting/pinch/spanking. "Daddy" or "Master", "Pet"/dirty talk play. I don't mind mild body distortion play between the cock and the subby's little tummy bulging either.

The goal with this thread is to start and play out a very exclusive and fun game that involves all of the elements above (With exceptions taken to accomodate your limits)

Essentially, if you want a paradise mansion fuckfest with myself writing a powerful 'master'-esq discipline focus male to your almost completely(if not, maybe reluctant at first) Submissive feminine character, PM me.

I love to talk~
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