Golden Sun: The Golden Age (Zero Frame and I)

Star Pupil

Old soul
Apr 30, 2011
The sun was setting, and fortunately for Abigail, she didn't have to spend another night camping out in the middle of nowhere. She supposed even if she did, she couldn't complain, since she was out of the frigid, icy territory that was Kalt Island, and she had spent days treking past Imil and the Mercury light house. She wasn't so sure what had kept her alive during the first harsh month of her journey, but she was certain if she did not have her strange power to aid her, she would have died ages ago.

The people of Imil were kind, much kinder than her own people. Then again, they didn't know who she really was, and she didn't stay long enough for them to figure out why it was a bad idea to be around her. She was hoping she could find a teacher in Imil, but none of the towns people seemed particularly knowledgeable about "psynergy", just that the Mercury Lighthouse was their saving grace, as well as a healer called Mia who had long since departed the village and simply never returned. Mia might have been the teacher she was looking for, but fate was cruel and did not want her journey to stop short.

Visiting the Mercury Lighthouse was a short trip, she only went their to collect water from their spring. It's healing properties were wonderful, but soon after she collected it, it became useless. She couldn't hold onto anything with magical properties without accidentally using them, and it was quite annoying to say the least. At least she had fresh water for her trip.

The village seemed very small, and from her map she figured she was somewhere at the halfway point between Kolima and Biblin. She was headed towards Biblin, to a place called Vale. She had heard tales of it, that she'd find answers there, that the first people with these strange powers resided there. She wasn't sure how true that was, but she had little choice, really.

Since it was just after dark, she could not ask anyone where exactly she ended up. So she spent a few minutes looking around for a place to stay, and sure enough, she found an Inn. She hoped that they had beds for her to lay on, and food for her to eat. Traveling was much harder than Abigail had anticipated, and she had scrounged up enough gold coins from defeating greedy gold collecting monsters to stay somewhere for at least a week, but she would probably only stay two days at the most just to recover.
Ezra had managed to secure a room at the local Inn for the next week. He was waiting to cross paths with some of his business partners, as the majority of his stock was either sold or accounted for between Bilibin and Kolima--mostly grain stock he had traded for in a different part of the region at that. The money was good, so good that he had managed to pick up a few artifacts from a local trader, with items infused with elemental power or even raw Psynergy itself being all the rage. Though he traded with others as if he were an expert, his understanding of this new force in the world was rather limited, and mostly thanks to his own innate ability to use Psynergy to a certain degree. Still, between those purchases and the need to keep on hunting down new things to sell, Ezra was rather tight on coins.

Rooms were getting full at the Inn, and there were a few people who would have to roll out a mat and sleep on the floor of the common room. He noticed a young woman who had entered the Inn just after dark, and though her appearance was rather striking, she seemed to fit right in among the other travelers that were looking for a place to rest, wash up and otherwise relax before continuing on their separate ways. "Ah, excuse me." He hailed the young woman from his table. "If you're looking for a good meal and some idle conversation, I'm more than happy to indulge." He offered a short, clipped laugh as he waved to the traveler. He wore robes that might have been common to either Xian or perhaps Kalay, though other aspects of his dress suggested a more rugged adventurer's life.

"I'm known as Ezra, a merchant who heeds to the whisper of coins and looks to acquire more of them for both myself as well as my clients. If you would prefer to discuss business matters over a meal, might I interest you in a few curiosities? You may have better use for them than myself, as the world is an ever increasingly interesting place." He motioned for one of the Inn's staff over, as while he was enjoying the herbal tea offered as a refreshment, he could do with something more substantial. "For example, some of these objects are said to interact with the latent power resting within you--though I cannot say for certain if this is the case--but they are fine pieces in their own right." He retrieved a few of his artifacts and fanned them onto the table. One was a brooch with a cerulean gem situated at its center, another was a carved ball of jade, and the third item an amber pendant inlaid with silver.

"No pressure here, though it would be a shame for such pieces not to find a new home with one who matches their beauty and complexity." Ezra couldn't help himself, ever the salesperson and something of a flirt on top of that, though that likely had something to do with being in a crowded space surrounded by people from all walks of life.
Her attention was immediately stolen before she could even look around, and when she met eyes with the one who called out to her, she realized he was talking to her. "Err, yes?" Had Abigail spent a little more time out in the real world, she probably wouldn't have even spared the tradesman a second glance. However, she was not one to simply ignore a soul who aknowledged her, even if all they wanted was to sell her something. She immediately came over to his table, but she was careful not to get too close to him. Not too close to anyone, if she touched people, sometimes she made them sick.

He talked a lot, and that was okay. Abigail was a listener, and she would wait until Ezra finished before introducing herself. However, such thoughts disappeared when he displayed his precious artifacts before her. It wasn't hard to notice the sparkle in her eyes when she caught glance on the treasures, however her eyes instantly focused on the brooch. It would go excellent with her dress.

Perhaps if she had actually listened to what he was actually saying, she would have stopped herself. However his compliment put a flush to her cheeks that made her giggle. "Well, how can I say no to such a flatterer? This brooch is beautiful, how many coins?" She asked as she reached out to touch the gem. Then it happened. By the time she felt it, it was too late to pull away. As soon as the tips of her fingers touched the artifact, a bright spark appeared before both their eyes. The spark then shifted into a cerulean light, which traveled from the gem and into Abigail's hand, and then disappeared as she drew back. The once beautiful artifact was now dull, and had lost it's beautiful luster it had just moments ago. Abigail frowned, her eyes furrowed in frustration and worry.

Ugh. Now she had really done it!
Ezra was happy to speak to someone so willing to listen, and while conversation was a natural part of his lifestyle, he was also the sort of person who was inclined to speak with anyone when he had nowhere to be in a hurry. He laughed when the young woman described him as a flatterer, and while she wasn't wrong, he also wasn't prone to lying about such things either.

"Ah! Well I wouldn't want to deny a woman such as yourself the object of her delight and desire, we'll say..." He was prepared to present a figure, one that was fairly standard for a brooch such as that, when he noticed something was very wrong. "Well, I suppose you can do as you wish with it, since it is apparently not what I thought it was. Consider it a gift from one traveler to another." He didn't make a fuss over what had transpired, as it could potentially spell trouble for the both of them if the other patrons looked down on the use of Psynergy. The woman also seemed to be concerned by this turn of events and Ezra was always one to marry precaution and propriety. He returned the remaining objects to pockets within his robes and sighed.

"Forgive me if I am being forward, but perhaps we can discuss the quality of that item privately?" He looked from one side of the room to the other as a young man who appeared to be the innkeeper's son set down horns of well water and a platter of freshly cut fruit and flame-broiled cuts of meat. "For your trouble..." He tossed the young man a small bundle of coins, covering the meal and extra. The activity of the common room was elevated, with tales concerning storms in other parts of the continent and new monsters on the high roads to and from the towns and villages in the region.

"Dine with me if you wish, and after, we can discuss matters in my quarters? I happen to have an extra bed, and it is yours if you'll indulge me in conversation for the evening." He wasn't particularly happy about taking a loss on the brooch itself, but information was valuable in its own right and it was always worth it to discuss matters pertaining to Alchemy--as he hadn't had a formal education himself.
Abigail couldn't tell if she made him mad, but the fact that he was generously offering her a meal still and a place to stay...well, she couldn't bring herself to say no. Maybe he hadn't seen what she had done? She just felt bad now, but admitting to him that she had done something with it seemed like a bad idea. Besides, he still wanted to...discuss the quality of the item. So it was possible he was suspicious of her, and either way it didn't feel right to blow him off. He was being extremely generous, after all...and maybe she could fix the brooch if she held onto it long enough. Somehow...

"Er, I don't mind sharing a room with you, but..." She was so preoccupied with her own guilt that she hadn't realized how embarrassing it was to share a bedroom with a man. Even if they weren't in the same bed, she'd still be taking off her dress to go to bed. It wasn't exactly something she slept in when she was around a warm fire and under blankets. She'd worry about that later. "But at least let me pay for half of it. I can't accept that, and you paying for my meal and giving me this wonderful brooch. It's still quite beautiful..." She said with a half smile as she looked down on it.

She really wished that she didn't ruin everything she touched...

"Ah, my name is Abigail by the way." She continued as she sat down. "I really appreciate your generosity, Ezra."
Ezra considered the woman before him, nodding slightly to show that he would accept her request. "I feel partially responsible for the quality of the item, as I too have a reputation to uphold." He sighed and took a moment to come up with a fair figure. "As for the brooch, I will accept 150 coins as half of its value." He was reluctant to take the young woman's money, but he didn't wish to start an argument, especially over a meal. He noticed her discomfort when in came to the notion of sharing a room, and he smiled sheepishly.

"Right! I'm sorry for putting you in an unusual position. Don't worry, as you can enter the room first and change in privacy." He offered the young woman the key to the room and reached to sample some of the meal. "I may be a traveling merchant, but even we have some common decency." He laughed, unable to help himself from making light of the situation. It wasn't often he was in the company of a woman, let alone one as striking as Abigail. He didn't dare to get his hopes up, as she seemed to be someone who was rather innocent at first blush, or at the very least someone from a private sort of culture.

"If you don't mind sharing your story, what brings you to a place like this?" For him, it was often an easy thing to discuss his business about town, as his was the business of trade and exchange--though he didn't always have the ability to provide what his clients wanted. There were times when he would have to arrange for another trader to bring goods from a different part of the continent, which often meant a period of waiting around for a caravan to arrive, or worse, joining a caravan and paying for the privilege of protection by mercenaries or the personal guards of more established merchants. That those bodyguards could be as terrible as the bandits who would take their belongings prevented Ezra from hiring his own, thus limiting his resources to that he could manage on his own.

"For myself, I was looking to meet with a partner of mine, but he appears to be preoccupied with other matters. For me, it's not the ideal situation, but we merchants are masters of turning poor circumstances into rich opportunities!" He was pleased with himself, so much so that he didn't notice a group of rough characters that had been quietly keeping to themselves at the far end of the Inn's common room. Three in number and dressed in plain slate-blue cloaks, if they had weapons on them, they were hidden well, and they seemed to be watching various groups of travelers that were coming and going. Perhaps they were guards hired by the innkeeper and her husband? Then again, it wasn't uncommon for brigands to venture into villages to scout out prospective marks, only to waylay them once they resumed their travels.
Well, that solved one of her problems. She still felt guilty about what she had done to the brooch though, and the fact that he was only charging her half for it even though she broke it? Well, at least it was something. "Well, I'm really just passing through here on my way to Vale," She began a her hand slipped into her pouch absentmindedly. "I'm from a small village called Kalt Island. It's in the northern region, if you couldn't tell by my attire." She wanted to be careful with how she explained things, so she didn't arouse suspicion. She was, of course, perfectly aware that Psynergy wasn't something that everyone was happy about. Especially when that was the reason why she left her home in the first place.

"My mother died when I was a baby, and my father left Kalt shortly after, but no one knows where he went. So I didn't have any family to leave behind, and I just wanted to see Weyward and maybe...learn more about it. I've heard amazing stories about Vale, from the people who reside in Imil. So...that's where I'm headed." She smiled, but when she realized she couldn't find what she was looking for in her pouch, she slipped it off and tried looking directly inside for her purse.

It wasn't there. What had she done with it?! It took everything she had not to panic, instead she took off her pack and started looking in there.

400 coins...she was sure she had at least that much! Where was it? "You're story is much more interesting than mine," She continued nervously, hoping to distract him from her obvious confusion. "It must be so exciting traveling as a merchant, with partners and such!"
Given the clothing Abigail was wearing, it would place her from being from one of the northern areas of the world, though Ezra had learned that looks could also be deceiving. He himself wore attire that marked him as being from either Xian or perhaps Kaocho, though he was born as one of several children to a family in Kalay. His interest was pique by her wanting to travel to Vale, as he had heard that the village itself had been at the center of some event in the recent past.

"If you are traveling to see the world, you could do worse than Vale--I haven't actually had reason to go there myself, but I've heard a little and this and that about the village." He said, while looking behind and through the young woman, as while she was fussing with one of her pouches, he wondered if there were unsavory sorts among them. Crowded Inns were a great place to pick pockets and take the measure of a person, and there were certainly those who would take advantage of someone like Abigail, allowing their judgment to be clouded by her beauty and polite manners.

"My stories? Well I've mostly been trying to find ways to make my living off of the beaten path, though the profitability of the Silk Road always seems to draw me in. I've never had to occasion to travel terribly far north, I have been fortunate enough to travel across the ocean to placed like Tolbi and Alhafra, though coming under attack by pirates was not something I would like to experience again." He considered his experiences at that time for a moment, his fingertips lightly touching the pommel of the sword that rested at his side. "Well, let's just say that not everyone expects to encounter a merchant who isn't afraid to roll on the decks for a few rounds, be it for a few drinks or a good brawl." He saw that Abigail had taken off her pack and started to rummage through her belongings.

"Are you missing something Abigail?" He questioned, a little louder than he needed to as he filtered his gaze through the various people at the Inn, looking for some sort of hint of wrong doing. It was a simple trick, but it could catch even the most experienced of thieves off guard if they weren't careful. There were a few quick glances from the tables nearby, along with one of the hired hands who was busy collecting dishes, mugs and horns. One person in particular glanced towards Abigail for a moment longer than they others. It was a woman who wore a blue scarf and the sort of clothing one would expect of a person traveling the roads between towns. Her gaze shifted to Ezra, and she quickened her pace, taking leave of the Inn. It was strange for someone to do that this late, especially with how little there was to do in this village.

"Maybe we should check on that person who just left the building. She might have an idea as to where you might want to look instead of your pack." Normally, Ezra didn't get involved in this sort of thing, but seeing that it was something that interrupted the nice conversation and meal they were having, he found the prospect of a pick pocket ruining dinner unacceptable and a sign of a poor manners--even for a thief!
Abigail nearly mistook his louder tone as anger, but when she looked up at him it seemed he was looking for something. Her eyebrows furrowed and she sighed. "Yeah, I lost all the coins I had...I'm sorry!" She whined, obviously upset about the ordeal. She didn't want him to think she was making up excuses to just take advantage of him. Didn't this just beat all...

It was only when he suggested that they go after someone who left the building to look for her coins did she stop her rummaging. She hadn't even thought that someone might have stolen from her. That was just low! "Actually, now that I think about it...It was attached to my belt the last time I saw it." She muttered, although she hadn't really thought about it until now. Sometimes the terrain was too dangerous for her to have her coins dangling from her person like that, but today was not one of those days.

She got up from the table abruptly and took off out the door without even waiting for him. She didn't even know what the person looked like, as her back was turned, but she really needed to find her money!
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