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Thinking of running a duo


Sep 23, 2016
So...I've noticed a distinct lack of GMs on here, but as I've been wanting to be part of a more Mature gaming experience I figure the best and most likely means would be to just run one myself. I haven't really decided what to run as of yet, but I feel compelled to mention to expect anything I run to be as much(or more) normal RP, with the focus on the erotic just being more casual. The intent here will be that I will play a character, and the other person would play one, if you WANT, we can take turns running stories. Otherwise, I can simply run the show.

Possible Systems I'm considering running:
-White Wolf(Generic because it would probably be a World of Darkness scene rather than genre specific.)
-Less interested in but may be willing to do 3.5, if this happens would likely be in specific settings. So Eberron, Faerun, Dark Sun, etc.
-Legend of the 5 Rings
-Star Wars Saga
-Mutants and Masterminds (Settings: Wheel of Time, Heroic Setting, Anime World(One Piece, Naruto, etc.))

If you're interested, I guess lemme know which setting you'd prefer and an idea of what you'd like to see in it.
lilwhiterabbit said:
Id be down for either Star Wars Saga or 3.5

Glad to see a response. :) Any preference in details of any kind in either game?

ie: If playing 3.5 what Setting/Character would you want to play(Assume level 10). And the same of Saga. Your character will help me decide the Story I make. :)
I would be interested in Legend of the Five Rings or Star Wars Saga. If Star Wars, I think I might like a non Jedi Force user, maybe a healer hybrid (putting the high Wis to use). If L5R, likely some type of hybrid char (though really depends on setting for details), and would prefer 1158 or earlier for the setting.
Leonadare said:
lilwhiterabbit said:
Id be down for either Star Wars Saga or 3.5

Glad to see a response. :) Any preference in details of any kind in either game?

ie: If playing 3.5 what Setting/Character would you want to play(Assume level 10). And the same of Saga. Your character will help me decide the Story I make. :)

Um 3.5 setting wise im pretty open to any world Ive got a lot of experience playing 3.5 so there isn't anything I'm like totally most play or such. So I would leave that to maybe the other player....if its solo we can talk in private i guess.

Saga: Depending on era like a Force user or Force Senative would be my cup of tea. Thou have an idea for a two-four person game but its a bit odd.

I dont know L5R but would be willing to learn if you and kckolbe are cool with a newb.
I'm fairly neutral on era, though not a big fan of the post rebellion stuff, and would prefer something not as black and white morally. Put together a rough sketch of a 10th level char, 4 levels of Soldier, 3 Medic (PrC), 1 Jedi, and 1 Scoundrel. Since I want to play a non-Jedi, could I trade the proficiency in lightsabers for any other proficiency? You can choose, but I know that if my char can use them, I'll want to use them...too cool and powerful.
So...considering changing the format of what I was going to do, Rather than me + 1, will be 3 characters plus myself...I rather hope people do not mind a GM-PC...but simple fact is I want to play as well. I will have requirements of responding within a reasonable time, minimum of around 5 Posts/week(They could theoretically be all in 1 day) or so depending on everyone's willingness...may be higher, will NOT be lower.

Note: I may be busy for the next day or 2. If you've posted in here and are interested in it, we'll go with a Saga game I'm willing to hear your thoughts Lil on the "2-4 player game" you mentioned. No promises until you post it though! Go ahead and make Level 10 Characters, rules will be rather generous, so swapping out a feat for a REASONABLE replacement feat is acceptable. I will have the following limitations(Keeping in mind enemies get them too.): Only 2 Base Classes + 1 PrC at this point. I prefer people to be a little more focused.
I rather hope people do not mind a GM-PC...but simple fact is I want to play as well.
I feel it's kind of expected. I do it when I run games, too. As long as the other PCs don't become spectators, no issues.

I'll take light armor prof in place of lightsaber. How do you want to do point allocation? Point buy? If so, how many points (it's 25 in the book)?
kckolbe said:
I rather hope people do not mind a GM-PC...but simple fact is I want to play as well.
I feel it's kind of expected. I do it when I run games, too. As long as the other PCs don't become spectators, no issues.

I'll take light armor prof in place of lightsaber. How do you want to do point allocation? Point buy? If so, how many points (it's 25 in the book)?

I actually prefer something a little different. Everyone has the following at Level 1:
18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8

It ensures a great stat and a bad one for everyone. :)
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