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A Dragonkin's Fate (closed)


Aug 23, 2009
The wind dulls, and starts rushing and whirling again. Along that comes Kylar sprinting. Not just running more akin to chasing a huge dragon. Luckily it was wounded before his fight. Kylar is what you call a dragonslayer, it has been just a few years since had become a journeyman. Carrying a long steel lance and donning a iron dragoon helmet so protected it has smaller radius of view from the inside. The rest of the plate armor goes running to his legs defending him from harm. Standing roughly at 6 ft, he had clearly noticeably red hair. Chasing the dragon as if it was his last meal, his last meal ticket. You see in the area, they are very few dragons which is alone great news, but in the same way, Kylar no way of earning alot of gold from this.

Chasing around fervently has really made him less than energetic now, definitely dead tired. Sure he had protection, but all that protection adds up alot of weight especially when his running. The dragon looks as if its not losing any energy in fact. It going fasting that the dragonslayer. Stomping around like its on its last burst of energy while it was heading toward the town. Looking ahead he could see a town nearby. Flicking back on the sight of dragon, it was no longer then anymore. It was as if it just randomly disappeared. Kylar stopped briefly and shouted "Arggggghh Stupppppiddd helllmmmettt !"
Re: A Dragonkin's Fate [sharkfish1e + Ellianne]

Flying high in the sky, Ellie glared down at the man that had caused her pain if he had not been trying to kill her she would have never fallen onto the rocks and scrapped her wing. Glancing at her wing again, she sighed she was loosing to much blood, she needed to fix it as soon as she got close enough to town. Twirling in the sky, she laughed to herself even when she was in pain she still was somewhat acting like her hyper energetic self. Streaching her wings out completely she showed him her wingspan of about 8 feet which in the dragonhunters prespective was probably big but for her kind she actually was quite small, considering her brother had a wingspan of 12 feet before the hunter had killed him off.

Shutting her eyes as the sun exited from behind the clouds, making her light blue wings glitter in the sunlight, she turned her wings in making her fall about 30-40 feet. Noticing the town was right below her, she let herself drop stopping about 7 feet above a building on the outside of town before she changed in the air landing on the top of the building with a loud thud. Sliding down the slanted red roof she jumped down quickly grabbing some clothes she had stashed under a box next to the building. She put on a black t-shirt and a short white skirt that stopped just above her knees. The wind blew slightly causing her shoulder length blonde hair to fall infron of her blue eyes, moving her hair out of her eyes she walked toward the center of town.
Re: A Dragonkin's Fate [sharkfish1e + Ellianne]

A midst the shining sun, the green grass terrain, Kylar has now officially lost the dragon. Though he admitted to himself if he were to continue chasing it he might not able to kill, since he was really exhausted. Trudging along he finally entered town. The busiest times of the year, the summer period, the streets are more packed, the crowd is bustling along. He took of his silly helmet, holding the helm in his left hand, while his other hand held the steel lance. He had finally reached the Smiling Draco, a famous inn for its extremely popular food and waitresses. He wondered in there, everyone stared at him, as if he was convicted of some crime. Kylar sat at the front of inn. "A shot of Flaming Mexican" said lightly by him. "Ooh Right Sir, coming up" Said the barman. A drink known for its cooling effect after near passionate burning sensation at the start. Some time later the eyes that were staring at him were divided and back to normal.

Resting his lance he placed it standing up near the oak table. It wasn't long before his drink was done. He looked around and noticed nothing really had changed, the usual crowd in here, a few starers, but won't start shit. He stared aimlessly at the wooden sun dial just above the barman on the wall, showing the time and all its glory.
Re: A Dragonkin's Fate [sharkfish1e + Ellianne]

Walking in a more deserted part of town, she pulled her shirt down a bit more so it covered her black sign of the dragon on the lower right side of her back. Seeing the exact man she was looking for, she walked up to him poliently buying some white gaws from him for her arm. She quickly wrapped the upper part of her left arm up to cover the spot that was gashed, and bleeding. Walking toward the main part of town she pasted many of the commoners and upper-class towns people. Seeing the hunter in the window she growled slightly her blue eyes turning a more redish color as she watched him, through the window. Seeing him drink at the bar she smirked atleast he would possibly be drunk and have a harder time finding her.

Ellie walked cautionly in side to walk the human hunter drink at the bar she sat down in the small restrant section at a table, still glaring at him sispiciously to see if he had given up completely. Whating the waitress come she smiled happily like nothing was wrong. Ordering a simple glass of water, her age of 19 not ableing her to drink.
Re: A Dragonkin's Fate [sharkfish1e + Ellianne]

Kylar picked up his "Flaming Mexican" and started guzzle it down. Fire built in his stomach and quickly rose up to his mouth before letting out a cool breath of fresh air. "Mmmm yeah thats nice..." Commenting on his favorite drink. He turned around on his stool and noticed quite a few cute girls in here, then he thought Oh yeah its a popular inn for its lovely looking waitresses.

One of the barmaid behind him asked "So how did you dragon hunt go?"

"Its alright, nothing special I lost her as I chasing her into town, don't worry the dragon is wounded, so it can't escape me forever." He proclaimed.

"Let's just hope its not in town right, Kylar," She laughed as if it was a simple joke.

Kylar just tilted his head at her, as if it was as-if sign. It was rather unusual to see a cute girl in here, since most were at elsewhere, not to mention the fact she was drinking a glass of water. He couldn't hide his smirk.

The doors of inn burst open, as if something hit exceeding hard and fast. Everyone was surprised and somewhat a little shocked. A gang of thieves and no-namers walked in calmly after their noisy entry into the inn. Everyone stopped staring as if they were trying not to get their attention. The thugs walked slowly and confidently with full of pride, one of them caught their eyes on the unique girl who drinking a glass of water in an inn..
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