If: Informant (Re:Zero RP) [Wingshadow and Mountain Zaki]



The second week of classes had just drawn to a close, and the usual freshmen enthusiasm still ran high among the students. Some had already begun to create waves in the athletic clubs, while others remained relatively unknown within the student body. In either case, meeting new people who could potential friends or important contacts, and working toward their lifelong goals doubtless took up a majority of their thoughts. They likely considered confronting a bloody and brutal end the least of their worries. Even so, such a fate remained hidden within each one of these idealistic youths' shadows. Its arms reached wide around the college, gazing down upon the collection of unwary prey.

Three years prior, and again ten years before that, a vicious chain of murders had erupted at public schools. Students, teachers, both popular and obscure alike had fallen victim to a mysterious assailant. No connection between the victims had ever been established, and the deaths would stop as abruptly as they had begun over the course of a few days, claiming over a dozen lives each time. Without any substancial leads, the investigation stopped entirely and while the suffering of those who lost loved ones remained, those not directly effected went on with their daily lives before long as if the earlier tragic events only bore temporary signficance.

Not all had forgotten, however. Some took it to heart, desiring to search for the truth and uncover it at all costs. Some sought to bury the past and move on with their lives. One would become entangled in it, and one would seek to bring it to pass once again...

This particular morning began like many others had before. The early-risers had already begun heading to their respective classes, milling about the campus with their book bags and backpacks. One of these students stood a full foot shorter than the rest, her beautiful blonde hair carefully styled into long drills on either side of her head. She reached one hand up to shield herself from the piercing morning sun which had decided to hang in the air at just the right angle to shine directly into her sensitive eyes. Her eyebrows knit together in mild irritation, her free hand gripping her backpack's shoulder strap a bit more firmly as she continued on her way. Her short stature and unusual style of dress drew much unwanted attention, adding somewhat to her frustration.

She stepped quickly, compensating for her shorter gait with a faster pace, as she made her way over to the college library. Passing through the door and nodding toward the librarian at the front desk, she sat down at one of the wide tables in the center of the room and slid her backback off from her shoulders, opening it quickly and depositing its contents onto the wooden surface in front of her. She laid the books out neatly, and drawing one toward herself, she opened the volume and began to carefully scan each line.

She was not, however, the only freshmen who had decided to start the day off early. Twin sisters, the elder sporting pink hair and the younger a pale blue, discussed their plans for the day as they stepped out of their shared dorm room. They walked in unison, nodding to their fellow students that waved to them as they passed.

"Sister, Sister," the younger whispered to the older, "The morning breeze is very pleasing, is it not?"

"Rem, Rem," the older whispered back the younger, "It is indeed best enjoyed before the sun fully awakens and enforces its will upon the earth."

As the pair walked, they passed by a silver-haired young woman seated beside a fountain, her gaze directed toward the bubbling water as it reached up toward the sky. She shifted her weight toward the right slightly, her left hand reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, her thoughts dwelling on matters other than her studies and the weather.

The stage had been set and the players assembled, and all that remained was the inciting incident to sent everything into motion, a simple text message that would appear on a certain young man's cell phone which read:

"Transfer out of this college. Your life is in danger if you stay."
Subaru was lounging under a tree, playing a game on his Vita when he felt his phone vibrate. He paused the game for a moment and looked at the number. Not recognizing it, he thought about just ignoring it, but curiosity got the better of him and he opened the message.

"Transfer....pfffttt. I just got here though. This must be a prank someone here is trying to pull." Subaru scoffed, not thinking anything of the message for now. After all, he had just gotten to this school and he was enjoying it so far. Not only that, but he was far removed from the incidents of public school murders. He assumed stuff like that only happened in mystery anime, or when it did happen in real life, it happened far away from one of the most unassuming human beings to ever walk the Earth, himself.

Pushing his phone back into his pocket, he let out a yawn as he looked at his watch. "I still have some time before class...I should get some coffee before the day starts." He stood up, putting his Vita away and stretching as he took in the morning. He would start to make his way to the Student Center, passing by the fountain as he did so.

His eyes were drawn to the beautiful silver haired girl sitting next to the fountain. She seemed so...exotic with her silver hair and regal like bearing. Above all though, she was beautiful and that is what drew his eyes towards her the most and why his walk slowed to a crawl as he passed her, wanting to take in more of her beauty and not wanting to be separated from it for as long as possible...he just hoped she didn't notice him staring.
As Subaru stood and stared at the young woman, the twins paused to overlook the scene as well, albiet with a very much different angle. The younger sister turned to the older, "Sister, sister, it appears that man over there has become filled with lust for that young lady..."

"Rem, Rem," the older sister turned to her sister, closing her eyes and shaking her head slowly, "Do not sully yourself further by gazing upon such a scene... Let us depart before his eyes turn toward us as well." The two joined hands and hurried away from the scene, casting concerned glances both toward each other and at Subaru as they fled.

The silver-haired young woman blinked twice and looked over toward Subaru, the twin's voices alerting her to his presence. Her cheeks flushed slightly in emberassment upon hearing their words, but rather than object directly she instead merely stood up and nodded to him politely, "Good morning..." The awkwardness of the scene began to set in, even as the phone in his pocket once again began to vibrate.

"It has already started. Second-year student Sumiko Amori has gone missing."
Subaru was snapped out of his trace when he heard the voices of the twins. He turned just in time to give them a glare before he heard the voice of the silver haired girl. He felt his face turn about 10 shades of red as he rubbed the back of his neck meekly.

"Go...Good morning." He managed to get out without stuttering to badly. He wasn't the best around girls to begin with, but now to have such a beautiful girl standing in front of him and speaking to him, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. The phone vibrate was like a blessing as he muttered a sorry and pulled out his phone to look at the text. He let out another heavy sigh.

"Another prank text....I don't even know who Sumiko Amori is...." Subaru looked up at Emilia, his eyes locking onto hers as he felt a blush return to his face, but he pressed on with his question. "This is going to sound weird...but have you been getting weird text from an unknown number...I figure its someone trying to prank freshmen....here, take a look." Subaru showed the two text to Emilia, hoping that would dispel the awkwardness that had arisen and hopefully allow him to figure out what theses texts were about.
"Sumiko Amori..." the young woman blinked, her eyes widening slightly, "I am in the same Biology class as her... Why do you bring her up?" She stepped over closer to him, her shoulder nearly touching his as she bent forward to look over the texts. "That's very strange... I have not received any texts like that. Perhaps the sender just wants to create a stir? I have heard that some of the sociology club members have been known to start up false rumors from time to time in order to study human interactions and the spread of information, but I do not think they would circulate something like this... It sounds pretty serious, whatever it is."

She raised her hands, "I'm sorry, I guess I got a bit excited since I have not seen Amori-san for the last few days. Do you suppose she caught a cold?" The silver-haired young woman began to stare off into space a bit, clearly concerned about her classmate without considering the possibility that the mysterious informant's words concerning Sumiko's fate were true.

"Anyway, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation, but if the texts are bothering you, you could always just block the number," she granted him a reassuring smile, her face shining with a brilliance that could rival that of the sun itself. She folded her hands behind her back and stood up straight, her lovely hair reaching down to her waist as she looked directly back at him.
Subaru could feel the heat continue to rise to his face as their shoulders basically touched as she read the text, her bending over giving him a good look at her form that only made him blush more, she was literally beautiful and perfect in every way. "Sociology Club, huh?" Subaru mulled the thought over for a few moments, but he agreed with what Emilia thought as well, that they wouldn't do something like this just for studies.

When she mentioned she hadn't seen the girl that had been mentioned for a few days though, this did trigger a nerve in Subaru though. What if this text really was from someone who knew what happened to Sumiko Amori...was she really just out with a cold...or was it something else.

He decided to not mull on the thought for too long as he nodded his head. "Yeah...hopefully that's the case. She's just out with a cold...as for this number..." Subaru decided to send a quick text backing, simply asking "Who is this?" before putting his phone away...he had a feeling, a creeping feeling that even if he blocked the number, he'd still be getting text.

He pushed that to the back of his mind though as he reached his hand out towards Emilia. "It's a late introduction...but I'm Subaru...it's nice to meet you. Would you...like to go get coffee with me this morning, possibly?" As he waited to see if she would shake her hand, he decided to invite her out for coffee as well, because he didn't want to be away from her.
The phone remained silent for some time after his reply. Perhaps it was merely an automated message? With such a lovely beauty before him, Subaru doubtless had other matters in the forefront of his mind for the time being.

"Ah..." the young woman looked down at his hand, as if confused for a moment before reaching her hand out as well and accepting his gesture, "I'm Emilia. I'd be delighted to join you for some coffee." She withdrew her hand and stepped over beside him, casting the occasional sideways glance at him as they walked. She did not wish to dwell on such a drab subject either, so she made an effort to lighten the mood with some idle conversation, "So, have you gotten used to your new schedule yet? I lived a few hours away before moving on campus, so it took me a while to fully adjust. The professors here seem very knowledgable. A few are already calling me by name, even." Granted, considering her family circumstances this was not particularly unusual, but she decided to play down that angle as the young man she spoke with seemed unaware.

As she walked, she led them toward one of the on-campus coffee shops, a popular gathering place for sleep-deprived students to put a little energy into their system before heading out to class. This morning was no different than usual, with a sizable group of students already seated at many of the tables with a few empty booths scattered about. She slid into one of the bench seats and waited for Subaru to join her as she folded her hands in her lap.

Just then, the phone in his pocket vibrated once again:

"Someone who cares about your well being, Subaru."
Subaru smiled as Emilia shook his hand and he learned the girls name. It seemed he had managed to reverse the situation from the start of their encounter when he had just been staring at her. So he considered that a win. As they walked, Subaru was also taking glances at Emilia as well, he even allowed his hand to brush up against her own and for a few moments, he laced a few of his fingers together with hers, just to see how she would react.

"I like it here...I moved from pretty far away so it's taken me awhile to adjust to the different time here, but I love all my classes so far and I'm trying to make as many friends as I can." He grinned as they entered the coffee shop, his eyes widened when she mentioned her professors calling her by name. "That's impressive. It means you are doing a great job. You must be pretty smart, Emilia! " Subaru praised her as he rubbed the back of his head. "I only have one professor calling me by my name so far...so I guess that's something. I'm doing well in one class!" He chuckled as he looked at the menu and saw Emilia walk towards a booth. He followed her and sat down across from her as he let out a yawn.

"Sorry, really need my coffee to help wake me up." He felt his phone vibrate and excused himself as he checked his texts. He managed to hide his reaction from Emilia, not wanting to let her know it was from the mystery person. He simply replied with "How do you know my name?" before ordering his coffee from the waiter.
When Subaru allowed his hand to touch hers as they walked, she casually withdrew her hand, but showed no outward sign of dislike. She merely assumed their hands touched on accident, and she stepped a few paces to the side as a result. After all, she did not want him to feel uncomfortable, unaware that it was an intentional gesture on his part. "That's good. None of my high school friends are attending here, but I try to keep in contact with them," Emilia replied with a slight nod, then waved her hand dismissively when he began to praise her, "Not at all... I just get average grades at best." She turned aside, adding in her own mind,"Its not my grades that makes me stand out, after all."

"Oh, which class is that?" Emilia smiled, picking up the opportunity to once again shift the subject of the conversation away from herself. She tilted her head to the side slightly when he yawned, taking note that Subaru did not seem like a morning person.

"Don't worry, plenty of my friends back home are the same way," Emilia shrugged, adding with a giggle, "Sometimes they would joke that the coffee shops in the area would be in trouble if they did not get their cup every morning." She rested her hands on the table, ordering from the waiter as well when he stopped by the table, "Have you declared a major yet, or are you still undecided?"

"It would be strange to send a text to someone without knowing his name"

"The next disappearance will occur sometime in the next two days."

"Don't let it be you."
Subaru had noted Emilia's reactions, noticing that weren't negative. So maybe he just needed to warm up to her more. He couldn't believe he was trying to get such a beautiful girl to like him. Still, he came to this college to start a new life and try to be a better person. He wanted to have the courage to try and get Emilia to focus on him.

So for now, he focused on the conversation. When she tried to deflect the praise, he just grinned. "No need to be so modest, Emilia. I'm sure you are doing well. You seem like a thoughtful and intelligent girl, so I'm sure every professor would be happy to have you in their class!"

"Oh for me, its one of my history classes...though I do have another teacher that calls me by my first name..." Subaru thought to Elsa and his cheeks tinted a slight red, but he certainly didn't want to bring THAT up in front of Emilia.

"Coffee makes the world go round, especially for overworked and tired college students." Subaru grinned back at Emilia as their drinks were dropped off at the table. He took a sip of his coffee, letting out a blissful sigh as he texted back the stranger. "Where is Sumiko Amori?"

"My major? I'm thinking history or philosophy. I have a really knack for history I'm told and I enjoy studying it. As for philosophy, I love studying ethics and the more sci-fi stuff like multiple world theories or time travel!" Subaru stated enthusiastically, unaware of just how ironic that statement would become. "What about you, Emilia, have you declared your major yet?"
"Overworked? But its still just the beginning of the semester," Emilia blinked, honestly more than slightly worried about her new acquaintence's future if he could not manage to keep up with his studies when he probably had not even reached a significant test yet in his classes. She raised her lips to her own cup as well, hoping that her comment would not earn too much ire. Granted, she did most of her studying at night before bed each day and relaxed in the morning hours before class due to enjoying the brisk morning air. Who was she to pick at other people's schedules?

"History, hm? I find it interesting as well. I see history like a collection of stories about various people that we will never meet in person, but have helped shaped the world we live in today. We can learn from their triumphs and failures, and guide our own lives toward success in the future," Emilia looked down at her cup and the dark liquid it contained, "I would like to become a civil servant. In a very real way they help support society in the present, which I believe is a very important task to undertake. Not everyone is cut out for that level of responsibility, but I believe I will be able to enact change and help point the country in the right direction."

She looked up at him and smiled, "Sorry, I guess I got a bit off-topic..."

The text message read:

"I cannot tell you that."

"You would be targeted next if I did."
"I meant more in general than anything else, I'm managing alright." Subaru tried to cover himself as he took a sip of his coffee. Indeed, he was managing alright and his grades were fairly solid so far. He hadn't meant for that remake to include him, per-say. He hoped she didn't see him as some sort of slacker now.

"History truly is interesting. How the fate of the world and everyone in it can hinge on a few key characters and a few key decisions...but at the same time, how societies as a whole also work to shape history as a collective...its really fun stuff..." Subaru blushed a he realized he was going off topic himself. "Sorry for nerding out there...I think its great you want to be a civil servant. We need more people like you who want to change the country for the better and help make the world a better place." Subaru took another sip of his coffee and then pointed to himself with his thumb with a grin. "If there is ever anything I can do to help you realize your dream, Emilia...let me know, okay? A better world is something I strive for too...and I see in you someone who can truly change the world for the better... I want to support that." Subaru again caught himself running his mouth too much and looked away with a blush, muttering a small sorry as he took a sip of his coffee while he answered the text.

"What is your name...tell me that at least." Subaru thought for a moment, and while he had his phone out, he decided to text Elsa too.

"Elsa...are you doing anything after class?"
"That's right, keep a positive attitude," Emilia nodded, trying to be encouraging while at the same time conveying the fact that she still believed he was included in the number of students who had already let their grades drop. Hopefully her misunderstanding would become resolved over time as the conversation topic shifted to Emilia's plans for the future. She looked away from him slowly, her gaze dropping toward the table, "I appreciate your kindness, Subaru, but why would you go so far for someone you just met?"

She spoke a truly pointed question, not that she intended it to be an accusation, but very few had ever expressed an interest in supporting her aspirations. Here, this boy she hardly knew had offered to help her after only speaking with her for a few minutes. Was he only speaking empty promises in order to make her feel better about herself? She could not say for certain, and she certainly wanted to believe he only had the best intentions. Even so, in the face of such a bold declaration, she felt rather uncomfortable.

"As long as you are safe, that is enough for me."

"I will meet with you in person when I am ready."

"If you seek me out before then, it would only put both of us in danger."

Elsa's text came almost instantly:

"Nope :3"

"I'm 100% free. Where do you want to meet? <3"
"I've seen what a terrible place the world can be and how terrible the people in the world can be to each other. To see someone who truly wants to help other people and make the world a better place is something I want to support. I can't do it myself, because like you said, not everyone can shoulder that responsibility. I know I can't, but I want to support someone who can and who I believe can make a difference, and I see that in you, Emilia..."

Subaru explained his reasoning, sipping on his cup of coffee. "Sorry! I'm being over-sentimental, I'm sure...that's just kind of how I am, I hope you don't mind it." He bowed, hoping he hadn't insulted her in anyway or creeped her out. He truly did want to make a difference, but he believed he could do that best by helping others.

He decided to not reply back to the mystery text for now and focused on Elsa's, a blush coming to his face as he read her replies.

"I picked last time, so you pick...just somewhere semi-public...I like the risk. Also, send me a picture of yourself real fast ;)" He turned into a deviant with Elsa...but that is what they used each other for...to vent their stress and sexual frustration and to relax. He didn't mind as long as she didn't mind.
Emilia didn't reply at first, letting him speak his mind as she slowly turned back to glance at him. She could hear his words and the tone of his voice, but she could not feel them or hold them, not that his words lacked conviction. Perhaps it stemmed from the years of ridicule and hatred she had endured due to her family's reputation, but for whatever the reason she could not accept his support as he it to her. "I really don't understand, but alright," Emilia nodded slowly, her eyebrows slightly nit together.

She shook her head, "No, I don't mind it at all. It shows you think a lot about things, and that is never a bad thing." Emilia raised her cup to her lips once again, the warm fluid filling her mouth and running across her tongue as she considered how she should continue the conversation. Thankfully, Subaru's texts helped fill in the void.

Elsa's replies filed in quickly, one after another:

"You naughty boy..."

A picture appeared in his inbox, the viewpoint upward toward Elsa's face, her lovely breasts fully in frame as she gazed down with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes.

"Hm... How about behind the storage shed nearby the library?"

"There are plenty of people walking by, but hardly anyone looks behind the building."

"Unless they wanted to hide a body or something :p"
"Well, we did just meet. So I'm not surprised you don't trust me all that much yet, which is understandable! I'll work to earn that trust though! Have you thought of running for Student Government here? You'd make a great President! You just need a good platform." Subaru tapped the table, trying to think. After all, there was always a freshman representative elected to the Student Senate on campus and that wast the first step to becoming President. Maybe he could help Emilia get elected and that would help her trust him more? That was this thought process at least.

"If you do decide to run, let me know! i'd be glad to help out. I haven't joined any clubs yet so I'd be happy to help run your campaign!" Subaru thumped his chest with his fist, trying to seem manly. He opened his phone to look at Elsa's texts and picture.

His face turned another shade of red at the picture as he felt a bulge starting to grow in his trousers that he fought to suppress. It was Elsa's last text that really caught his attention though. He felt a chill run down his spin, the hair standing up on his neck. It normally would have just been a joke, but with the mysterious text he had been getting....No. He was just being paranoid...there was no way Elsa was a kidnapper or murderer. He had been watching too many horror anime lately.
If anything, he should be worried about getting caught in a sexual affair with a teacher..one that was both physical and over the phone!

"Like anyone here would ever need to hide a body....I'll see you there soon. You better be nice and wet for me. ;P"
"I've considered it, but like you said, I really do need a strong running platform if I am going to get much headway," Emilia shrugged, "I really need to decide what I want to stand for on various points so the students will understand what I want to change and why I want to change it. Everyone agrees that making things change for the better is a good thing to strive for, but everyone has their own idea of what changes should be made. I need to pull everything together to make it easy to understand." She looked up and smiled, "I still have time, so there is no point stressing over campain decisions right now."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Emilia nodded, standing up from the table, "You seem pretty busy, so I'll let you go for now. I'll be sure to say hello if we run across each other again on campus, so take care, Subaru." She placed some coins onto the table and excused herself, a bit more comfortable around him than before despite her lingering doubts.

Elsa's reply was as prompt and cheerful as ever:

"That's what I think too. No point in hiding my body at all :p"

"Alright, see you."
"I'm sure you'll figure something out, and when you do, you'll make a great candidate." Subaru gave Emilia a smile as he pulled out a piece of paper and jotted something down, standing up a brief moment after she did as he too was finished with his coffee.

"Here, this is my cell phone number. Just send me a text whenever you want to talk or hang out or just need advice! I'll see you around, Emilia, it was nice meeting you." He put down his money for his coffee as well and after handing Emilia his phone number and bowing, he was off towards the storage room, sending a quick text to Elsa.

"On my way."

It took him a few minutes to reach said storage shed by the library and it was as Elsa said...there were a decent number of people walking past, going to and fro the library, but it was far enough away to be considered isolated. He stood around, a feeling of unease over him, thinking about the texts from earlier today. Was it alright for him to be on his own? If he was attacked now after all, there wouldn't be any witnesses here by the shed which just brushed against the out edges of a nearby forest. He tapped his foot on the ground, patiently waiting for Elsa.
"Oh... Thank you," Emilia took a glance at the number and nodded, placing it into her pocket before turning to leave. Her light footsteps carried her out, as the eyes of more than just a handful of the other students in the coffee shop remained locked onto her. None of them rose from their seats, however, and before long they returned to their previous discussions without further note. To someone who was unaware of her reputation, however, this would strike them as odd... Or perhaps not, considering how highly Subaru appraised her beauty.

In any case, the young man set off to meet up with his biology teacher. The two had met while he was in his last year of high school, and in fact she had highly encouraged him to attend that very college as a result of their arrangement. Whenever either of them felt like it, they agreed to help alleviate whatever sexual tension they might arbor. The relationship, simply put, was merely physical and nothing more, even though Elsa might have teased him quite a lot in private concerning that detail.

As Subaru waited for Elsa, the wind died down significantly, the air warmign as the shadows began to shrink and the sun rose higher in the sky. It did not take long for the dark-haired beauty to make her appearance, her low-cut dress doubtless drawing much wanted attention. She peered out from aroudn the edge of the storage shed, "I found you..." Her words rolled off her lips in both a threatening and seductive manner, her usual demeanor when not lecturing. Of course, to some of the student body Elsa couldn't help but be seductive and threatening, even when she did not intend to be.

Elsa slipped over to him, her hand reaching out and grasping his shoulders as she pulled him close, resting his head against her lovely breasts. Her skin was already flushed, the color hidden only by the wide shadow that loomed over them. She tilted her head back and bent forward to capture his lips with her own, patience hardly being her strongest point."
"Elsa...." Subaru's tone was one of a hungry, lustful young man ready to burst. Her figure in that dress brought Subaru's cock to full attention and hardness in his pants as his teacher began to kiss him. He didn't waste any time in returning the affection, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain access to her mouth and taste her.

Despite how dominate Elsa was outside of their relationship....whenever they hooked up, it was Subaru that liked to take the dominate role....he liked being the one in power when they were like this. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pinned her back to the wall of the storage shed. His free hand move moved to grope one of her sizable and lovely breasts through her dress as he pressing his growing bulge up against her crotch.

"So...did you get wet with arousal when I texted you?" Subaru chuckled hotly in her ear, nibbling and sucking on her earlobe as his other hand slithered down her back and groped at her firm rear, giving it a nice spank and feeling it jiggle.
Elsa's lips parted slightly, allowing just the tip of her tongue to brush against his own. "You're rather eager today... As you often are," Elsa purred softly back to him before letting him dive a bit deeper, teasing him and following his lead as he rushed forward with a lustful gaze. While normally preferring to take a more forward approach, she enjoyed surrendering a bit of control to Subaru. Being able to fully indulge in being desired rather than the one desiring had its perks as well, after all.

Subaru certainly wasted no time asserting his demands either, pressign her against the storage shed, her back pressing against the cold surface as her hands reached up, fingertips brushing his sides before settling on his shoulders. His hand grasped at one of her womanly mounds, a soft gasp escaping her as his palm's insistant groping rubbed her clothes against her already hardened bud. Already she could feel his hips press against her, welcoming another opportunity to enjoy the sweet pleasures her body offered.

"Care to find out on your own?" Elsa whispered back to him, one hand reaching down to lift her skirt just high enough for him to reach under and caress her body directly. She let out a pleased sigh when he grasped her butt, her hips shifting back slightly to press his fingertips more firmly against her body. She turned her head and pecked his cheek before swiftly capturing his hips with her own, deepening the kiss as her passion grew.
Subaru's tongue had wrestled for domination with Elsa's in her mouth as his appendage pressed and swirled around her own as he tasted her. He let out a pleasured groan in the middle of the kiss as he kept pressing his bulge up against her crotch. When their lips were separated, he used that time to plant many hot kisses up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush painting on canvas as it moved up and down her smooth skin.

His hand on her ass squeezed it even harder as she pushed her rear into his grasp. His other hand slithered down her front side and into her panties to feel just how wet she was indeed. She was soak, her panties mostly soaked through already as her love juices coated his fingers as he want to work teasing her clitoris by tugging and twisting on the most sensitive bud. "You are soaked...what a naughty teacher~" Subaru teased her before her lips were on his again and one more his tongue was battling with hers between their lips for control and supremacy.
The muffled sounds of their mutual struggle for control echoed behind the storage building, fading into the foiliage that surrounded them into a dull, distant murmur. The passing students did not take any more note of it than they would the sound of wind against the pavement. By the time the pair had finished, Elsa's eyes gleamed, shimmering with a deep-set satisfaction. She parted from him, stepping back to gather the strewn clothes which they had cast aside in the rush to indulge in the pleasure of each other's bodies.

"Take care of your body until we meet again, Subaru-kun," she gave him a playful wink, "It simply would not do for someone else to tear you to ribbons." The biology professor slipped away with a final morbid joke spoken in passing, the busty teacher's stealth and skill in escaping unseen an ongoing mystery. The morning hours had drawn on to nearly midday, with the majority of students milling about the campus to or from their respective classes. The insessent murmur of voices reached around the storage shed to Subaru's ears.
Subaru dusted himself off with a blush on his face as he waved goodbye to Elsa. Something about her finals words though sent a shiver down his spine. He eyed the woodline around him, his skin felt itchy...it was like he felt like he had been watched just now...that someone, or something had watched in his and Elsa's satisfaction of their carnal desires.

He quickly made his way out from behind the shed and out into the streets, into the relative safety of the mass of humanity that was ebbing to and fro to classes. He looked at his watch to check the time and then pulled out his phone to see if he had gotten any messages since he last checked.
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