Hyrilian Empire ( Zaki x Princess)

Mountain Zaki

Aug 26, 2016
Ganondorf entered the royal wing of Hyrule Castle with an exhausted sigh. He had just gotten done inspecting and drilling the new combined army of Hyrule which had come to include his original Gerudo forces as well as the original Hyrule army. It had been hard, but even since he and Zelda had been married, the two cultures were slowly but sure starting to meld together rather than fight and bicker. This was encourage in a state was was rapidly becoming more militaristic and less peaceful due to Ganondorf's ambition.

Much like the Kingdom itself, his marriage to Zelda had its ups and downs two. There were actual moments of passion and intimacy between two, but there was the conflict and misunderstandings as well. It made for a turbulent but at times exciting marriage.

"Zelda....where are you?" Ganondorf's powerful voice rung out through the Royal Quarter. It was forbidden for anyone except the Royal couple to be in here unless they were a servant preforming a duty, so it was normally empty. There was their bedroom, a large bathroom with hot spring and a large study/lounge room for them to enjoy. He hung his cloak up on a nearby rack as he waited for his wife to come out and greet him.
Zelda sighed upon hearing her husbands booming voice, though she stood up anyway from her vanity and greeted him with a smile nonetheless. "I am right here, Ganondorf. Is there something wrong?" She asked curiously. It was clear that she had retired early today, as she was not wearing her normal, decorative hair pieces, nor her crown. Her corset was already unlaced, indicating that soon she was about to change into more comfortable clothing.

They had just started sharing a room together, truthfully it took months for her to trust him enough to not slit her throat in her sleep. Despite all the times they had made love, she still didn't feel quite comfortable, for Ganondorf was a large, hulking creature of a man, and sometimes his temper got the better of him, and it scared her. However, she had seen other sides of him as well that indicated that he was not as evil as he made himself out to be in the past. He was ambitious, vengeful, yes, but...not evil.
Ganondorf looked upon his wife and scowled to himself but also...he appeared to be somewhat embarrassed as a small blush tainted his tanned cheeks. He appeared to be upset at himself for having disturbed her. "My wife...I do apologize for interrupting your preparations for bed.....I hope you'll find it in you to forgive me." He spoke calmly, and in quite the charming manner as he gently picked up her hand with his own and kissed the back of it gently.

He looked towards the door of the study and then back to Zelda. "I have had...quite the long day, and I could use the company of my amazing wife. If it would please you, I'm hoping you would grace me with your presence in the study after you've changed?" He asked her as he drew back slightly. Even before he married Zelda, he had a respect for her as a fellow ruler, now as her husband...he basically venerated her, as he believed he should as she would one day be bearing their children and heirs. "If you' rather rest though, I do not want to keep you, my dear." He kissed her forehead gently and then waited patiently for her response.
"Well how could I say no after you asked me so nicely?" Zelda said jokingly as she turned her back on him. "I'll join you in a moment. Let me just change first." It was...strange. Some days he was as sweet as could be, others..not so much. It really all depended on how she treated him, to be honest. Her smile seemed to be his weakness, her anger triggered emotions inside that ran deeper than anything she'd be able to understand.

Sometimes she wondered if he actually did love her, or if he was simply playing nice to continue doing what he wanted. Zelda didn't like it much, she didn't see a need for his continued power trip, but resources were low...the people were concerned about shortages and they needed to open their borders to trade. Problem was that the neighborhing country was not so ready to strike deals with the Hylians, and seemed perfectly content to ignoring their pleas for help.

She waited until he left to slip out of her dress, slipping into a gown that would still be considered too formal for bed for most Hylians. It had no sleeves and stopped just after he knees. She joined him in the study and looked at him curiously, wondering if he just wanted her company or if he needed something...else. Which she did her wifely duties just fine, but...it was just strange doing them with him even after all this time.
The study was immense, with a grand library that spanned most of the room and a map table of the Kingdom and the surrounding countries. There was a fireplace mantle and a love seat and a lounge chair for relaxing as well. Ganondorf was staring into the flames, drinking a glass of wine he had poured for himself. There was another, full glass on a nearby end table he had poured for Zelda.

When she walked in, her turned and gave her a tired smile. "Zelda...please, take this glass and drink with me." He offered the glass of wine to Zelda as he moved to take a seat on the loveseat. He did, however, pat his lap instead of the spot right next to him, indicating he wanted his wife to sit on his lap instead of next to him.

"I worry for our people, Zelda...they are just now beginning to intermingle and get along, but all these shortage threaten stability." He let out a heavy sigh, the burden of rule getting to him. "Not only that...but..." He started at his Triforce of Power for a moment before looking at Zelda in the eyes, his eyes filled with dread and worry...something she had never seen. "I had a vision...a few nights ago...I think one of the Goddesses sent it to me..." He spoke softly, unsure of what he had even seen.
Zelda took the glass of wine, though she did not feel like sitting in his lap. It wasn't like there was plenty of room, but it was a tad bit embarrassing. Seeing the look on his face though, that serious look made her decide it was best not to argue, so she did as she was told. She listened to his words, and she too felt worry for her people. However, she waited for him to finish, and when she trailed off she blinked slowly as if she was processing what she had just heard.

"One of the Goddesses sent you a vision? What did you see?" She had to inquire, although she was absolutely sure she would not like the answer. The look on his face said it all.
" I saw Hyrule ablaze and our people slaughtered....I saw the world consumed by some other worldly force...enslaving the women and kids and killing the men..." Ganondorf gripped his head as if to try and make the nightmare vanish.

"We must make ourselves stronger somehow to stop this..." He clinched his fist, anger at his powerlessness getting to him, but then he looked to Zelda. His grip loosened and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I am sorry to trouble you with this nightmare, my love...I will figure something out..." He smiled and kissed her forehead. " I know you hate me at times and I understand why...but know that I love you, my dear..." He stroked her cheek and gently kissed her lips, indicating that he wished for her to preform her wifely duties if she was willing.
Zelda didn't pull away from the kiss, but she didn't exactly return it either. How could she when she was thinking about his horrible vision? It was discouraging to know that there was another looming threat out there, after they had just settled he ageless war with a truce. All Zelda wanted was peace, but it seemed like that was impossible at the moment.

"We will both figure something out..." Zelda muttered after their lips separated. She wasn't looking at him, she seemed lost in thought. "Whatever this evil is, we will stop it. Nothing can stand against us when all the pieces of the triforce are together."
Ganondorf growled when Zelda seemed to brush him off as she was lost in thought. "You will pay attention to me....I am your king and husband. I will not be brushed off like this. You are mine, Zelda!" Ganondorf roared, his anger clearly triggered now.

He gripped Zelda's shoulders and forcefully pushed her down to the couch as he hovered over her. "I have the pressure of an entire country..two whole races on my shoulder! The least you could do is give me the pleasure I seek after a long day." He snarled slightly as he reached down and groped at one of her breast through her gown, his flesh molding against his strong hand beneath the fabric as he kissed her much more forcefully this time, pushing his tongue into her mouth to explore and swirl around inside her while a massive bulge had sprouted up in his trousers and began to rub up against Zelda's crotch.
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