"That's my fetish" moments.

Magic Breeze

Dec 4, 2011
Home is where the bra isn't.
Discovering your sexual preferences isn't exactly a flip of a switch, where you suddenly have a concise kink list (like many of us link to on the site) and know everything that turns you on or off...There are, however, those moments where you watch, read or even listen to something and it does kind of feel like a switch was flipped as you realize...You might be into that.

Surely I'm not the only one who's had these?

I kind of had one of these for anal. I use to be just "What? NO! Nothing goes in there!". A bit of exploration (not much, it could hardly even be called anal sex) with my now ex boyfriend contributed, as I was "oh hey, this actually isn't...unpleasant", but I often think of a particular story on literotica that just...I really didn't think I'd be turned on reading something with anal but by the end I was squirming.
I feel I had a better example when I thought of making this thread yesterday, but I can't recall now. Ah well.

What about "this was always my fetish" moments?
By which I mean things you now know you're into, but thinking back to things you did when you were younger or something...you've might been into it longer than you realized. If that makes any sense.

An example from my end - I tied up my barbies. A lot.

I wasn't sure, but this feels like the right place for this. Don't think it's exactly Bluemoon Academy material. xD
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