The Corruption of Terra (Zaki x Xana)

Mountain Zaki

Aug 26, 2016
Lorgar, Primarch of the World Bearers Legion stared down at the beauty of Old Terra, otherwise known as Earth. He was a servant of Chaos, a corrupting force that strove to devour and consume all living things until they were corrupted. Somehow, Lorgar and a handful of his closest Space Marines had found themselves thrown back in time to quite the early history of the homeworld of Humanity.

To see Old Terra so pure and ripe for corruption filled Lorgar with a desire like that of an unquenchable thirst...a pure desire to ravage and taint. Still it was only him and his few Space Marines at the moment, and despite their power and near demi-god like abilities, they could not take on the entire population of Earth combined. Furthermore, Lorgar had seemed to have lost his connection to the Warp for now, leaving him unable to summon the Chaos Demons that would allow for the easy conquest and corruption of the planet.

So for now, they planned a different way of that was subtle and undetectable. He and his men would hunt down the champions of the planet and corrupt them from within...they would then have a much easier time corrupting all the denizens of the planet. Thus it was that they had found such champions and spirited her away to their flagship orbiting above the planet, it's invisibility cloak active to avoid detection.

She was suspended in midair with the power of Chaos, her wrist and ankles shackled with invisible bounds that were unbreakable. She was suspended to look out of the bridge of the dark and empty ship, the glow of the sun and the beauty of Earth present before her.

"Beautiful, isn't? The glory of Old Terra?" Lorgar spoke, his voice eloquent and almost divine as he stepped forward from behind her. He removed his helment to reveal a scarred by still beautiful face, with tanned skin, brown hairs and crew cut brown hair. For even in his corruption, he still bore the beauty of his original creator. "To think that such a beautiful woman would be a champion of the people...they are unworthy of your protection. You should be a trophy for my men instead." He chuckled as he reached out, his large and calloused hand groping at one of her breasts underneath her sailor uniform which still remained on her, but in tatters.

His tongue emerged from his mouth and licked up her smooth and exposed neck up to her cheek. He seemed to let out a contented sigh, almost like he was tasting her...sampling her. " will make a fine addition to our cause." He nibbled on her ear as he groped her breast harder now. Already, she could feel a strange sensation eating at her, the corrupting power of Chaos working on her, trying to influence her mind and desires; it was weak now, but the longer she remained, the stronger it would become.
“Save the princess!”

“Rei! Rei!!! REI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Usagi escaped. Ami and Minako and Makoto escaped. As long as her friends were safe, there was hope. Still, bound within the strange spaceship, overlooking the sun and Earth, alone with the fearsome leader of the monsters that attacked, Rei was scared. She may have been the reincarnated soul of an ancient sailor guardian, but she was also a sixteen year old girl. A sixteen year girl who had barely been further than kissing boys, and yet, she knew this would go far further than kissing. Already going further, as his rough hands groped her breasts.

“You may possess my body, but you will never possess my mind!” Rei growled, defiant as she could be, in her given situation. The difference between them was staggering. Him, this large brute of a man, tan skin and short hair. Herself, a petite woman, with slender curves, long black hair and violet eyes. Her sailor fuku, which already covered very little, covered even less now that it was torn in places. Long lean legswere covered in scrapes and bruises, and she was still wearing her trademark red stilettos which made her costume seem sexy and ornamental.

Wincing as his tongue traveled along her body. She could endure. She would endure. Her friends would find a way to overcome this evil, and she could go back to being a normal teenaged girl. Not that she was ever normal. All she could do now was bite her lip and clench her eyes shut, as this man prepared to have his way with her.
Lorgar let out a booming life as he violently ripped the her sailor fuka off her, exposing her lovely breasts to his eyes. They bounced for a few moments, free of their confines before they glistened in the light of the sun. Just then, the bonds that kept Rei suspended vanished and she feel quite violently to the ground, slamming into the cold, hard steel floor.

"That is where you are wrong, woman..." Lorgar licked his lips as he gripped Rei's head and lifted her in the air like she was as light as a feather, the pressure of her skull immense, but not enough to damage her. "I will have your body and your mind! You will be nothing more than a sacrifice to our Gods in preparations for the consuming of Old Terra!" Lorgar let out a sadistic and manic laugh as he slammed her against the viewing screen of the bridge.

He kept her pinned to the hardened glass with his massive and powerful body. His hand moved to grope her now fully exposed breast, her flesh molding against his digits as he squeezed. His tongue once against assailed her neck and moved to her cheek this time. "I will enjoy tasting you. " He spoke firmly before pressing his lips against her own, his tongue trying to force its way into her mouth as he pressing his body against her own, a massive bulge now rubbing up against Rei's crotch.
It all happened quickly. Her sailor fuku ripped from her body, its meager protection now completely absent. Rei screamed as she hit the ground, the sudden and unexpected impact adding to the terror of being this man’s captive. It was but a second on the metal flooring, before she was pulled up by her head. A gasping cry exploded form her lungs as she was shoved into the glass, this man clearly much stronger than her, and willing to exert his strength upon her.

Try as she might, Rei could not pry herself from the mad man. Even as his hardened hands mauled her svelte figure, leaving redden marks in their wake, she could only squirm. Shuddering as his tongue streaked her neck and cheek once more, leaving her coated in his saliva. And then he took a kiss, pressing his bulge into her, promising far worse would happen, in time.
Lorgar seem to enjoy tasting Rei as he let out a pleasured groan as his tongue swirled around inside her mouth, his bulge pressed even more firmly against her crotch now. When he drew away from the kiss though, slowly licking her cheek in the process, his eyes locked onto her own.

In her eyes, Lorgar saw fire; it was the fire of defiance, of strength and of will. It was the same fire his father, the Emperor had always had. It triggered something inside of him as he let out a primal, ferocious roar.

"That look! That damned look! That fire in your eyes, I will see it extinguished as he extinguished his fire!" His hand shot out and grasped her throat, squeezing hard as he lifted her up into the air with ease. He knew his own strength well, squeezing just hard enough to cut off her breathing but not hard enough to break her neck or crush her windpipe, thus killing her. No, he wanted her to suffer, he wanted to see that fire be replaced by the blank stare of despair and hopelessness as her body shook in near death. Indeed, that fire was the anthesis of what Chaos stood for, and it was all Lorgar desired to see it fully extinguished forever from the universe.
One moment he was kissing her, the next his thick fingers wrapped around her throat. A single gasp was she was able to manage before her air was cut off. From there it was a primal struggle against his inhuman strength. Rei slapped at hus armsb kicked out her legs, anything, anything to get him off her. He screamed about fire, about the look inher eyes, but now all that was left was a wild desperation to live.

Her vision went dark and her strength failed her. This was it. There was nothing left in her, nothing she could do to prevent her fate. Was this better? Dead, with her honor intact? Her body was limp now, lips parted and turning blue.

I am sorry, Usagi.
Lorgar laughed as the fire of life left her eyes, replaced with the darkness of death and despair. He watched the life leave her as her body went ragged, submitting to his strength. Once she was nearly gone, he released her; tossing her to the cold, hard floor with an audible thud.

He was upon her in an instant afterwards, tearing of her skirt and panties to expose her firm rear and pink sex to him. He licked his lips as he undid his trousers to reveal his massive and throbbing cock. He got behind her, pressing his tip against her clitoris and entrance as he took a handful of her long and smooth raven locks of hair into his hand like a leash. He didn't penetrate her yet though, no, he wanted her to be fully aware for that.
Hitting the ground seemed to bring her back from the brink of unconsciousness. Rei gasped, her entire body convulsing with the effort of forcing air back into her lungs. Still disoriented, and not entirely sure she was indeed still alive, she screamed as last bits of her sailor fuku were ripped from her, and her hair was pulled. It caused her back to arch sharply, her nubile body contorted for his pleasure. Then she felt the domed head of his manhood brushing against her delicate sex.

She hadn’t seen it yet, but from the feel of the pulsing crown pressing her clit, it was massive. He was massive, and she was tiny in comparison, her virginity aside. Still, better her than the princess. Endure…endure, she coached herself, feeling her breathing grow shallow and rapid, having no clue how her body could take such violation or cruelty.
"I claim you in the name of Chaos!" Lorgar laughed as with one, violent thrust of his hips, his massive cock invaded her womanhood. His throbbing mass easily shattered her hymen and was soon pushing past her cervix and entering her womb, causing a bulge to appear in her flat stomach. His girth was spreading her open to the limit as he let out a moan, tugging back on her hair so her ass slapped back against his base as he fully sheath his cock inside her.

"You are our woman now...your body will learn of the pleasures and taints of Chaos." Lorgar laughed as he licked her cheek and lips all the while gyrating his hips and slamming his cock in and out of her now longer virgin sex violently.
He soon pushed her head forward, into the crotch of another Space Marine. He was still in his armor, but his lower half had been undone to reveal his massive cock, now quite as large as the commanders, but still much larger than a human males.

"Suck...unless you want to get choked again." the marine commanded her in a gruff voice, pressing and slapping his massive rod against her cheek as Lorgar spanked her ass and watched it jiggle, fucking her all the while.
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