At My Mercy (Star Wars) [Tempt x Ivory]

Feb 26, 2013
The World of Tolkien


A brief introduction to the planet:
Tolkien was a swampy and densely forested wetland planet part of the Mid Rim Systems. The terrain itself made up of the Four Lands. It is divided unevenly between different races within the Orc species. Within each race, there are tribes and clan leaders and differentiating cultural norms. However, one norm stays consistent throughout the entire planet - the more boorish looking you are, the more attractive and powerful you can become. A native species labeled under the umbrella term "Orcs" are the dominant creatures that inhabit this large and mysterious planet. Tolkien is ruled primarily between four main breeds of Orcs: Goblins, Gorguns, Uruks, and Orgres.

Goblins inhabit the Northlands. They are smaller in stature, averaging around 5 to 6 feet in height. They are mostly hairless and bald, and have long pointed ears and sharp noses. They are sneaky in nature; known as the tricksters of the Tolkien realm. They make up for their physical inferiority through their cunning inventions and intelligent pawns. They are currently lead by Gortru the Dementor.

Gorguns inhabit the Westlands - the biggest territory. They are the strongest of the races, physically. Though, they are not always the best masterminds. They are often out-smarted by Goblins, who although are weaker in stature, are innovative and therefore challenging to defeat. Gorguns' are defined by their big tusks, massive muscular bodies and big heads. They have small eyes that are normally spread apart, and most carry varying shades of green or brown skin with or without patterned markings. They are currently ruled by King Barok and his monarchy, the biggest enemy of Gortru.

Uruks inhabit the Eastlands and other scattered colonies. They possess a unique physical trait – they have black or dark brown skin and long, dread-locked black hair. They are defined by their face paint and exceptional battle techniques. They are the fiercest warriors in the lands, and a large population of them are military nomads. They are the scavengers of Tolkien – using their ferocity to exploit the planet's resources and take what they want. Although they are similar is stature to Goblins, they are the most vicious and blood thirsty of all the races. They have the smallest population, and are variously scattered across the Four Lands.

Ogres inhabit the Southlands, which consists of mainly sludge-filled trenches and not much greenery. They are the largest of the four races, towering at upwards of 9 feet tall; though, they are the dumbest. They have the biggest feet, the fattest stomachs, and the hardest swing, however the smallest of brains of the Orc species. They are the most primitive in nature, often fighting over stupidities among each other and constantly brawling. Because there are so many physical altercations, Ogres are typically seen with many scars (more than the average battle wounds). They are often called Trolls, though that is considered a derogatory term to Ogres.

Although each breed and separate kingdom possesses their own plot of territory, the Four lands are not divided evenly and are constantly changing. There is a on-going war primarily between the Goblins and the Gorguns, but also occasionally with the Uruks who are nomadic in nature and have set up colonies throughout ALL Four Lands. Aside from inter-breed turmoil, the nations are also plagued with civil war - many different tribes within singular breeds that form to attempt to take power. Because the Orcan civilization is so power hungry and violent, the planet faces constant warfare and chaos.

RE: At My Mercy (Star Wars) - [Tempt & Ivory11]

At My Mercy


Draped from head to toe, I was virtually unrecognizable among an ocean of raging Orcs. Nothing but my crystalline silver eyes remained definitive under my hood and veiled mask. I stood silently and obediently by the side of my masters; the King and Queen of the Mortus earldom. Although they sat comfortably, slouched in their tooth-embellished high chairs, I stood short two feet; inferior by their sides. With nothing but a platter of hog flesh ready at their disposal, I was nothing more than a decoration to them; barely a servant among their dozens of slaves. To the outside world, I acted as a symbol of the power of the Mortus monarchy. I was a prime example of the cruelties of the nation, both brute and barbaric in nature. Completely covered in drab rags and a sac over my head that spared only my eyes, I was deemed too frail for this population to look upon. To punish me for my physical differences, I was enslaved and ridiculed.
For I was deformed, and I was ugly.

As stormtroopers scoped the densely forested marshlands, there was virtually no sign of any living creature, much less an intellectual race. There were only bugs, and many of them; insects the size of Coruscant rats that flooded the humid atmosphere. There was a misty fog that rose several feet high from the swamps, making it difficult to see with enough clarity. Despite reduced visibility, there was one thing that guided the troops through the smog, and that was the sound of a muffled chanting. It was a combination of sounds that were hard to distinguish, though they were evidently coming from the near-distance. The distorted voices lead the scouts through the fog, and out towards a growing bright white light. The light shed from an opening in the forest. The further they traveled over the uneven crater grounds, the louder the voices appeared. Shortly, the troopers met the end the woods to a small split canyon. As they passed through it to meet the light, the opening revealed a heightened view. The scouts' boots now licked the edge of a cliff - the precipice diving down to form a large crater in the earth. The pit in the terrain was evidently formed from a past meteorite strike, though, the hole had been transformed into something much, much more. "Civilization has been established, Lord. You've got to see this."

The crowd cheered over and over again, sitting and standing encircled on the numerous stone steps of the coliseum. The battle arena was recycled from a crater in the surface of Tolkien, one that was big enough to fit a sizable ship. "MADMOCK! MADMOCK! MADMOCK!" The arena was packed with thousands of Orc-looking creatures that all stood and chanted with their fits up in the air. The ruckus came from not only their loud cries but also from the clanging of their axes and other weapons. The monstrous beings smacked their swords on shield, their axes to axes, and their other weapons against the cold stone seats below them. They had erupted into excitement, all of their eyes dead-locked on one specific target. It was an Orc male standing nearly 9 feet in height. He was exceptionally large, even bigger than the other Orcs that egged him on as he brooded over his victim. Madmock was massive, though, he was disfigured - leaning over with a big hunch and a twisted spine. He saw only from one eye, and he was pale; almost as white as a ghost while the other Orcs carried varying shades of green and brown to their skin. He had no tusks, like the others, and his skull was pieced together; indication of past physical trauma. Although he wore spiked armour, he needed only his heightened strength to force any being into submission. For the unfortunate female powerless at his total whim, she stood no chance. Although she screamed bloody murder as he scooped her naked body up into his arms, her smaller frame was destroyed as he took her from behind; completely defiling her femininity. She shrieked as her lower lips tore to her colon - a cry for help that echoed for miles and miles.

I cringed, turning my head slightly to the side to look away as my master, King Barkok, burst out in laughter as the slave Orc girl screamed. He cheered on the creature he had trained as nothing more but a pet. Madmock, they called the monster. Madmock the Defiler. I could barely stomach the scene as I watched him nearly split her insignificant frame in two. Although she was a slave, she was a friend - and she ended up in this arena as a result of her supposed betrayal to the King. Treason - in this kingdom, it was punishable by sexual humiliation, degradation, and death. Madmock, the defiling mega-Orc who proceeded to rape the slave repeatedly, was a celebrity in the twisted minds of this society. He was big, muscular, and ruthless. Although he was famous, he was still a product owned by the King. Madmock was intellectually disabled, and often uncontrollable. As a result, the King kept him chained from the waist down - allowing his only outward movement to be within the confines of this arena. At the end of the defiling, he would retreat to his underground prison where he would continue to rot. He, too, was a decoration.

The slave's wailing ceased. Her voice's silence was indicative of her death. Turning my head back around to face reality, she lay lifeless on the ground, her head crushed in the jaws of the monster as she bled out over the battle grounds. Enough ejaculate to fill a a woman a dozen times over again now remained spewing out of her and on to the ground. The crowd went wild. Alas, the enemy had been punished, and the beast felt his unfathomably vicious urges met. However, the beast in my eyes was not Madmock, it was King Barkok. The man was cruel is more ways that can be imagined. Although this scene was gruesome, it did not match the cruelty many faced, including and especially myself, at the hands of his mastery. Thinking all of this was over, I breathed a deep sigh of relief; wanting to retreat back to the shack I called home. However, the King had a different idea. He stood from his throne, advancing to the very edge of his platform as he reached out his hands to speak to his people. "My fellow Gorguns...!" He announced to the crowd, his deep rumbling voice travelling throughout the coliseum to silence his followers. "For many months, the Goblins have been gaining advantageous information. For many months, the Goblins have had the upper hand against the fight for these lands. But now... This favor ENDS NOW!" There were grunts throughout the Orcs in agreement and triumph. "The snitch has finally been disposed of..." He waved towards the decapitated slave. "... But the justice does not end here." The King's first lady motioned for me to serve the King. Confused, I moved forward anyway with the tray and greeted the King by his side. "THERE IS A SECOND FINK!" The area was filled with gasps. My eyes widened slightly as the information even shocked me. "And she stands here among us. She stands here... beside us." His head slowly turned to face me.

"WHAT!? No!" My fingers loosened around the tray and it fell from my hands. It crashed against the stone floors at my feet, but before I had a chance to defend myself, King Barkok grabbed my upperarm and tossed me over the balcony. He snatched the material from the cloak which veiled my entire body. As I was sent overboard, I screamed and plummeted onto the platform several feet below. Raising my head after the fall, I lay sprawled like a broken woman as the crowd flared into anger. Raising my head from my compromised position, I looked upon the ground surrounding me to find complete and utter disgust. "She's hideous!" "Burn it with fire!" "Kill the betrayer!" Madmock the Defiler licked his blood-stained lips as he approached me. I was even tinier than the last thin slave. And like him, I was pale - completely discolored in the eyes of Gorguns. I panicked at the whim of this monster as I faced completely false accusations at the hands of the King. I turned around, looking up at him as I peeled my remarkably thin frame off the ground. Why had the King forsaken me? The Queen looked down upon me like I was filth; his wife at his side sneering with the most evil and sadistic of smiles as she glared down at me. This was surely her idea. I could see it in her face. She had grown too jealous of her husbands' favoring of me. If there was anyone who would frame me, it was certainly her.

"I have placed our enemy where she belongs, Iron Hoard!" He shouted out to the scalding Gorguns. "On her KNEES!!! ... At our MERCY!!!"

While the crowd went wild, Madmock sprinted into pursuit - beelining right for me with the most savage look in his eyes. "No, no!" I bounced up from my knees, scurying in the opposite direction as to get away from this raging beast. But, on foot, I stood no chance; I was no match. Within moments he snatched me with one hand, instantly moving the other to tear off the single-rag of clothing that hid my entire body. With one quick pull, the entire robe tore to pieces, leaving me bare in front of him in nothing but a skimpy, provocative slave bikini. Madmock licked his chapped lips, his eyes filling with desire as he slithered out his slime-ridden tongue and rolled it over the side of my face like an animal. I squirmed and groaned in his grasp. "You disgusting pig-" Before he could make any further violations, my hand dropped to my pelvis. Tucked away in the strap of my bikini bottoms, buried nearly between my legs, was a hand-held blade. King Barkok subsequently spotted the concealed weapon, and jutted out forward with his hands outreached. There was immediate panic within him. "MADMOCK-!" He shouted out, helpless and nearly whimpering and he felt the impending doom of his beloved pet.

Within a split second, I drew the dagger from my hip and swung it around as hard as I could. I aimed for the one target I knew I could hit - his face. Before Madmock could even fathom the danger to come, the sharp jagged end of the knife slammed right into his only-functioning eyeball. The creature shrieked, taking an unbalanced stepped back as the blade sunk so deep into his socket, it struck his brain. He wailed as the pain consumed him, no longer able to focus on the target before him. His grip around my waist loosened and I slipped right out of his palms. Although the jab at his eye did not kill him, it did however slow him down. Far most, it blinded him completely, allowing me an advantage against this boorish creature nearly twice my height and 4 times my mass. "No!!!" The King cried out, but it was too late. I already had the advantage.

The moment I hit the ground, I sprung into action. In such a dire situation, adrenaline pumped through my veins, allowing me the stamina to do what I had to do. If I were to survive this hell hole, I needed to defile the defiler - and I had no time to waste. Without a second to spare, I lunged toward one of the many chains that held him to this arena. Gripping the heavy metal with two hands, I began to run around Madmock - encircling his legs and tangling him in chains as he held his face. Bleeding profusely, he remained blind, confused and dazed. I grabbed more chains, throwing them around his arms and running around him again to further mesh him in his own restraints. Finally, I grabbed one of the thinner, loose chains and used all of my inferior might to toss it over his head and noose it around his neck like a rope. Grunting out at the top of my lungs, I pulled as hard as I could on the chains, knocking the beast off balance and causing him to begin to wobble. Seeing this minute victory, I took a deep breath and shouted, "I will place your beast where he belongs!"

The King, completely wide-eyed and jaw-dropped, leaned over the banister to witness this historical take down. With a single, heavy-handed haul, I used all of my weight and adrenaline to register and devastating blow. I ripped Madmock right off of his feet, the strain on his neck from the pulling rendering him unsteady. I screamed, keeping a strong hold on the chains as he came tumbling down. Madmock collapsed onto his shins, moaning as he struggled to squirm his way out of the net I had created from chains. Regardless of his failed attempts, I threw myself onto his back and looked up at the King with a most devious frown. Hovering my hand over the blade that still protruded from the creature's terminated eye, I finished my maxim. Snatching the dagger right from his socket, I slammed the weapon right into the monster's jugular. There was a shriek beyond volumes - echoing with fury several miles out; Madmock's last yell sounding more like a demon's roar than it did a cry. Within seconds, the beast's squirms began to cease. His body withered underneath mine, as the battle arena's floor became stained with the pool of the Defiler's spilling blood.

"... On his KNEES!" I shouted out, my voice so intense in its delivery echoed throughout the arena. "... At... MY... mercy!!!" The crowd went silent.
RE: At My Mercy (Star Wars) - [Tempt & Ivory11]

Deep below the arena, within a small cell made of 3 walls of stone and one wall of iron, with a heavily armored guard weilding a morning start outside sat a lone human among two dozen orcs also in the cage... "Outlander" they called him, the few other non-orcs there referred to him as "Offworlder" though his name was not important. Months in the cage had left his skin pale, his eyes sunken, his head was bald exposing intricate patterns of tattoos across the top of his head. he leaned against the rear stone wall, his knees pressed up to his chest, his wrists laying on his knees with his hands hanging down. as the crowd above went silent and the echoes ceased, so to did the chattering of the imprissoned cease, till finally, from a young male, barely a teenager next to the human whispered "Madmock... dead?" soon these words were echoed by others, the human remained silent. the tone went from timid, fearful of saying those two words together, yet slowly, it became louder and louder, the inmates began stomping their feet in unison, in beat with the 2 word chant "Madmock dead! Madmock dead!" the human however remained silent, yet not unmoving. Across his face, a grim smirk began to emerge, the human looked up, exposing his bright blue eyes to the small beam of light which penetrated into his cell "... well well well..." he glanced to the guard as he slowly got to his feet, he walked to the bars and looked the guard in the eye "I'd like to see the victor" he said, the guard responded by slashing his morning star across the bars "SIT DOWN!" he barked visciously, the human didn't budge "I wish to see her... alone" he droned with a slight wave of his hand, the guard didn't obey, instead slashing his weapon across the bars again "DOWN OR YOU'RE NEXT!" the human chuckled "I'd like that, just say when" withh that he turned back around and slumped down the bars, sitting like he was before, under his breath he let out a slight murmur "Ikath mthaghn, Chulhuka faphn" he droned on in a tongue none other could understand.

As the new prisoner was bought underground to the cells, bound and muzzled like a wild animal before the cages, the inmates began going wild, males reached out from their cells, mercilessly groping her as she was forced down the thin corridor between the cells, one would fondle her crotch while another pulled at the coverings over her breasts, yet no matter how much they attempted to violate her with their hands she was forced to keep moving, every time she would slow she would be jabbed with the cold sharp steel of the guard's spear in her back, moving her ever towards the female cells. as she passed by the one with the human he looked up to her, turning his head to face her he gave her but a smile and a word "you did good, kid" he said as she passed, of course there was no time for her words to sink in as another orc male reached out through the bars, going straight under the cloth covering her ass and slipping a finger inside her for a brief second, none of the other prisoners would be punished, after all, who cares if some slaves destined to die fighting each other decided to rape the new meat? if anything that would just give the guards some entertainment, as they passed by one of the guards came up behind her, on his regular rounds, as he passed he almost whispered "the outlander wants to see you" as soon as he said it the other guard escorting her smacked him with the side of the spear "What!? why you care huh?" the guard with the morning star shrugged "dunno" and continued on walking as if nothing had happened, yet clearly confused... why did he tell her that?

finally they got past the male cages, yet the female cages weren't much better, still the hands shot through the bars, still she was groped, smacked, threatened to be raped only now the jeers and calls from other prisoners also included the prisoners calling her ugly and scum. her cell was right at the end of the hall, a small cell on the right, yet in an act of small mercies, it was only inhabited by a single other inmate, another female with half her face covered in bandages with both of her legs severed at the knees and one arm quite clearly torn from her shoulder by brute force. her new cellmate looked up "so.. you killed Madmock huh? not bad for a disfigured little freak like you, if I still had my limbs I'd probably kill you myself to show how weak that beast truly was, but as it is, I guess I should be thanking you"
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