Erotic Evenings {Plots Inside!} (Literate F for M - fantasy, historical, and fandoms)

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The Evening Rose

Sep 18, 2016
Warmest welcome to you all! Please allow me to introduce myself. Formally I am known as The Evening Rose, but you may call me Rose. I'm 25 years old, of the feminine persuasion, and a graduate student. I would like to roleplay here on the site and through IMs please! (I have AIM, Gchat & Skype). I've been roleplaying for about ten years or so, and honestly I absolutely adore it! There's no hobby I enjoy more than crafting wonderful stories with gripping characters - and of course a taste for the erotic.

Speaking of tastes, allow me to introduce what mine are and what they are not...


* Scat/Watersports
* Non-Con
* Vore/Sexual Brutality and Torture
* Vomit
* God-modding

My Tastes:

*Dark Romances - I absolutely ADORE romances between villains/anti-heroes and heroines. Dark sorcerers falling in love with their bright eyes apprentices, Sith lords obsessing over beautiful young Jedi, ruthless feudal warlords with young wives that are the 'moon of their lives'. Yes please!
*Dominant leaning men - For my taste, I truly enjoy a man who takes the initiative and is more aggressive when it comes to seduction and sensual delights. Now, don't get me wrong, I won't play a simple, whimpering flower. Oh no. My females are complex and strong in their own ways. I'm just leaning Submissive in the bedroom.
* Seduction - Let's not jump to the sack right away, I like erotic build up! Make me and my gals crave your character to the point where they can't wait to yank them into bed ;)
* Rough Sex - spanking, biting, light hair tugging, pinning...I am absolutely game.

Still here? Fantastic! Let us get to the fun parts - pairings, fandoms, and ideas!

* Medieval/Renaissance
* Fantasy
* Ancient Greece and Rome
* Celtic/Anglo Saxon England
* Jacobean Wars in Scotland
* Urban Fantasy

Character Pairings:

* Peasant/Knight/Prince/King x Princess
* Peasant/Knight/Prince/King x Peasant
* Gladiator x Roman Lady
* Were-creature/Anthro x Human Female
* Vampire x Human
* Sorcerer x Apprentice
* Reaper x Mortal Woman
* Demon x Mortal Woman
* Fallen/Angel x Mortal Woman
* Father x Daughter
* Father x Son's Girlfriend/Wife

Fandoms: (For a lot of these, I will play OCs, but for a few I will play canons. If I do, then I will put who I play in parenthesis)


* A Song of Ice and Fire (Margery, Sansa & Dany)
* Lord of the Rings
* The Dresden Files
* Dracula
* Le Fantom del'Opera

TV Shows:
* Daredevil
* Avatar the Last Airbender
* The Tudors
* The Borgias
* Star Wars: Clone Wars (Padme)

* Star Wars (Rey & Padme)
* Van Helsing
* Underworld
* Twisted/Erotic Disney Fairy Tales

Video Games:

* Dragon Age: Origins
* Dragon Age 2
* Dragon Age: Inquisition

That's all the fandoms for now. In closing notes - I'd like to thank you for stopping by! Please PM me if something interests you. Pre-thought out plots to come soon!​
RE: Erotic Evenings (Literate F for M - fantasy, historical, and fandoms)

Bump! Working on my plots today - hopefully to be posted this evening~
The Evening Rose’s Plots~
These plots are deliberately a little ambiguous when it comes to character and are open ended because I believe in giving room for nuance and subtletiesa brought about by the different characters everyone can make! These are meant to be expanded and turned into something greater to suit our tastes.

- The Demon Lord – in a setting either in fantasy or in our (paranormal) world, a young woman’s father goes missing. Desperate to find him as he is her only living relative, the daughter turns to one of the stranger books in her father’s library: the Key of Solomon. In a last attempt to try something that works, the daughter summons a demon to bind into helping her track her father. YC is a powerful demon lord who is risen, and is none to thrilled…until he sees the daughter and realizes she looked exactly like another mortal woman who lived long ago that worshipped and loved him. Has she been reincarnated? Does her father have something to do with it? Lord only knows…

- A Royal Affair – Trapped in a loveless marriage to a woman who despises him, a powerful Monarch travels around his kingdom on progress and does not stop until he comes across *her*. Walking on the side of the road, he spots a beautiful young woman that he simply must have. The young woman has no real choice in the matter but she comes willingly and she sleeps with the King. However, this proves to be more than just a relief, as the two of them click and connect with one another. The King chooses to stay with her for a few days, and they bond. So when the King is forced to return home, he takes her with him as his new mistress, much to the ire of the established Queen. We can add in elements we both like – maybe the young woman is married in her own upsetting marriage? Maybe the Queen is sleeping around herself and she with her lovers plot to undo this young woman? Maybe there is a coup about to unfold?

- The Haunted Knight – A noble Knight is sent off to the Crusades to fight for his kingdom, with the promise that when he returned, the daughter of another nobleman would be waiting for him as his bride. The Knight was a longtime friend of the family, and knew both his betrothed and her younger sister very well. Thoughts of his betrothed helped him get through the worst the Crusades had to offer. But when the Knight returned home he discovers that the daughter ran off with another man. He is in his rights to demand blood from the father, but instead the father offers his youngest daughter to him as a bride. What other secrets await the Knight as he travels home? Will he be able to put the horrors of the Crusades behind him?

- Blood and Talon – Werewolves/Werecreatures/Anthros have come out to society. They walk among us in the daylight as opposed to in secret. Humanity as a whole have accepted them…but because of the way human nature is, these creatures are usually put in a certain city or neighborhood and heavily regulated to make sure there are no incidents. Tis all for *their* protection, of course… Human/Werecreature/Anthro interactions are there, of course – some more lurid than others – but those looking for a mate would be disappointed as interactions with humans 99% of the time do not lead to offspring. But there is that 1%. No one knows how or why but SOME encounters do lead in pregnancy – and more often than not, they can smell the scent of the specific human who they can impregnate. So needless to say, these humans are exceedingly valuable, and wars are fought over who has rights to which human. And when that human happens to also register as YOUR biological mate…well…things are bound to get interesting…

- Kept Women – In the near future, a certain cancer that only affects women breaks out and sweeps all over the world. Hundreds of thousands of women die out, and even less are born every year. No one knows where this cancer came from and by the time the right procedure had been invented to fix it, the number of females in the world was about a third of what it had been. So, women have been mandated to leave the work force, become wives and mothers again, and more often than not are betrothed to the most powerful, most fertile men. MC is one of the few left, and at the appropriate age to be betrothed, and ready to be married.
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