Not Even Hell Will Destroy The Guild (Mountain Zaki & darkangel76)


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
Disclaimer: All characters are site compliant.

*At an unknown time in the future...*

The light flickered, a crash of thunder and a crack of lightning. The ground trembled as dark clouds billowed and rolled through the sky. Black shadows swallowing up the silvery rays of moonlight and soft twinkle of stars. The air was oddly still, an ominous tension slowly building as the air sizzled with magic. This was not the familiar magic of wizards or even the nearly lost dragons. This was something far darker and far sinister than anything anyone had known.

Slowly, time and space began to tear at the seams. The carefully woven fabric of existence unraveling, making worlds collide, awakening things long dormant. No one was ready for the onslaught, not even the infamous guild of Fairy Tail.

Light footsteps clicked against stone, a wisp of air and a gasp of breath. He was in her sights, the one she was ready to pounce. Her instructions had been clear, her aim unquestionably specific and for her, alone, to complete. Mirajane Strauss carefully eyed the large man as he casually leaned against the brick residence. His face was shadowed, carefully concealed by darkness looming overhead. A soft growl rumbled in the back of her throat, eyes glowing red, and she dared another step forward.

Mira poked the tip of her tongue out from between her lips. The tiny bit of pink moving to lick her lips as the hunger began to burn. She steadied herself, the perfect predator, the perfect being, to complete this mission. To see it through to its end.

"Hi," Mira said sweetly as she approached the man, her eyes searching for his. She brought a hand up and flicked her hair before shrugging sheepishly and smiling. "I could really use your help." She stood in front of him, her gaze cast down before she looked up into his face. "Do you think you're up for it?" A light giggle escaped her, the sound sweet and nervous. "Would you help me?" As she bit down on her lower lip, she already knew she had him right where she wanted him.


*Fairy Tail Guild*

Lucy Heartfilia slammed her fist down on the heavy wooden table. Her dark eyes narrowed into slits, as she glanced around the guild hall. Everyone seemed to be going on about their evening like nothing was wrong. But Lucy knew better. Things were slowly sliding into chaos and it all started the day Mirajane disappeared.

The blonde remembered the day quite vividly. Elfman had been a mess and his little sister, Lisanna, had locked herself away in her room. Evergreen had tried to tame the beast within the brute, but not even her charms were enough to soothe. The man had been beyond consoling. Lucy was shocked to find out that Mira had disappeared. She was an S-class wizard, powerful with her Satan's Soul. But something had happened, something had drawn the beauty away and now her family couldn't function.

Lucy had tried to sway her closest friends to search for the girl. But Gray had already had a job lined up, Juvia having chased after him to tag along and Natsu...well, things had become awkward between them once she realized her true feelings for the guy. If only she could be like Erza, or her dearest Celestial Spirit friend, Loke. But she wasn't and the more awkward she let things stay, the greater her fear became that she'd lose him forever. All too often, she feared him running back to Lisanna or leaving Fairy Tail all together.

She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't!

It was when Aries had come to her desperate and tearful, that she knew she had to push things aside. She had to ask—no, demand—Natsu for help. Lucy looked over at Natsu, her heart racing as she mustered up the nerve she knew she needed. Without dwelling on things any longer, she walked over to the fire dragon and dropped a book in front of him. The book was old and tattered, dark splotches of crimson smeared across the cover and page edges. It was Levy's book. And Levy had not been seen for at least two days.

"You know what this is?" Lucy asked as she sat down in front of Natsu. "It's Levy's." She said it loud enough that anyone nearby might hear. Looking up, she saw Gajeel sitting across the way. She turned back to Natsu. "She's been gone for two days," she continued. "And..." she inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. "And so is Wendy. I haven't seen her since yesterday."

It was true. The book had made Lucy suspicious, her thoughts running wild as she tried her best to know the whereabouts of everyone. Wendy Marvel had always been someone at the top of her list, the girl now woman, having become one of her closest friends. Despite her age, Wendy had always been so innocent, so idealistic in her outlook on life. A part of Lucy had hoped Wendy wouldn't have to know all the ugliness in the world. Already, she'd been far too exposed and at far too young. But none of that could be changed and it made Lucy wish to preserve such things all the more.

"I can't just sit back any more," Lucy went on. She was leaning over the table now, her breasts squished between her arms and against the table top. "When do Gray and Juvia get back? Did they say, did they..." She stopped mid thought, her eyes pricking with tears over the loss of friends. Looking at Natsu, she tried her best not to cry. But nothing could stifle the tears, the raw emotion she felt as her guild was getting picked off one by one.
The man walking down the ally looked towards the voice that seemed to beckon him. His name was Kira and he stood at a fairly average height of 6 feet tall. His skin was tanned and he had short brown hair. He was fairly in shape as well, his profession as a mercenary insured that. His brown eyes locked onto Mira's red ones...they seemed to glow, which he found odd, but he was enchanted by them and by her voice.

"Of course...a warrior lives to help beautiful ladies...what can I do for you this evening, madam...?" Kira bowed as he showed he was quite eager to help her. Knew that things had been strange recently, people vanishing. He figured maybe she just wanted an escort for the evening, which he would be happy to provide....he didn't want such a beautiful girl to vanish, after all.


When Lucy brought the news of Levy's supposed disappearance, Gajeel practically bolt from his seat, slamming his fists down onto the table.

"Lucy! Where was this found, tell me, please! What's happened to Levy, where is she?!" Gajeel questioned, his voice desperate. After all, Gajeel basically lived to protect and be with Levy, and her going missing was troubling news.

She was powerful on her own, so if something had truly managed to get the jump on her...they would have to be quite powerful indeed. Gajeel couldn't even begin to think of what might have happened to her, and he didn't want to as he just prayed she had wandered off somewhere and gotten lost.

Natsu looked at the book and then at Lucy and let out a soft sigh. He was worried with all these people seeming to just up and vanished. At first, he figured it was just people out on jobs doing what they needed to do, now things seemed odd. Still, as much as he wanted to help, he didn't have the mind nor the time to. He saw Lucy starting to cry and he let out another sigh as he reached over and gently patted her head.

"I'm sure they are fine, Lucy...they are most likely just lost or wandering around somewhere, they'll pop back up." He tried to reassure her with a small smile of his own. "I would love to help you look...but you know me...pretty much the only way I solve problems is by beating them up. I don't think I'd be any help in a search party. " Natsu explained as he moved back to his chair.

"I think you and Gajeel will be enough to look for them. I have a job lined up that I really can't pass over, so I'm sorry I can't help...but..." Natsu slammed his fist into his open palm. "If you find out something did happen to them, get a hold of me. I'll drop what I'm doing to help, alright?" He reassured Lucy that he was willing to help, so long as that help involved beating something up. With that, he stood up from his chair and stretched as got ready to go to his room to get ready.


Walking down the street towards the Fairy Tail guild hall were two people...if they could be called people. One was male and very tall, wearing a crisp and clean red suit with red hat and a pair of shades. His two guns were holstered to his hips as he grinned to himself. This whole being in a different world thing made for some excitement he had not had in sometime.

His name was Alucard and he was one of the most powerful being in existence. He was a vampire, one of the oldest around and his vampric abilities made him immortal and nearly impossible to kill. He reveled in making himself stronger and taking on powerful foes, and he had a feeling he would have a chance to do that in this new world.

He and his partner...a girl he referred to as "Police Girl" were making their way towards Fairy Tail to join their ranks. They worked for the Hellsing Organization and they fought against the supernatural. Once the dust had settled and they had figured out what had occurred, the higher ups at Hellsing realized that a powerful being was moving in the shadows and making ready to strike at this world. Only by allying themselves with a strong ally could Hellsing hope to combat this menace. That is what Fairy Tail would be.

"So, Police Girl...are you ready to make some new friends?" He asked his partner with a chuckle, his voice calm and smooth like it always was. He peered at her from beneath his glasses to gauge her reaction as they neared the guild hall. He was hoping to meet some powerful people hear. Based on the rumors and news he had heard, there should have been a few.
Mira inwardly cringed as the man attempted his swagger, that grin she knew all too well thanks to posing for several photo shoots. She was well aware of how men thought. This one was no different. No wonder he'd been targeted. He was a perfect addition. But, it was up to her to ensure things succeeded. This man was wanted, needed and there was no room for failure when it came to the cause. She knew her role was of vital importance and...she could never let him down.

With a shy smile, Mira looked up into the man's face. "Thank you," she whispered. "I'll reward you for your efforts." It was a promise, her eyes sharing secrets he would soon unlock. Oh, his allegiance would be unwavering, exactly what was needed. Pity he'd soon forget this moment.

Mira dared a step closer, her nipples at attention as they brushed against the man's chest. Her cheeks reddened, a deep burn clawing at her throat, the closer she got.

"I'll give you...anything."


Meanwhile, back in the guild hall, Lucy was beside herself. More than anything, she longed to grab Natsu's collar and shake him. How could he be so relaxed when Levy and Wendy had gone missing? She knew damned well neither had taken on a job. Both were always so good about letting others know their whereabouts. The fact that Gajeel sprung into action said it all. Too bad Levy couldn't see the Iron Dragon in this state. Often times, Lucy found herself wishing that one of them would say something to the other. After all, someone needed to find happiness.

If only she could for herself. Lucy's dark eyes lingered on Natsu and she sighed. He could be so dense sometimes. Setting her jaw, she turned toward Gajeel and handed him Levy's book.

"Aries found it," Lucy said, unable to look at Natsu for fear of showing her disappointment. "It wasn't too far from here. Maybe a couple of miles."

Lucy chewed on her lower lip as various scenarios turned through her head. None of them were good. A part of her wondered if the strange storm had something to do with it. Aries and the other Celestial Spirits had been very uneasy during the whole thing. They'd all asked for some time once it passed and that was when Mirajane first disappeared. It couldn't be coincidence. Three wizards. Gone. Vanishing as if they'd never even existed.

A chill ran through Lucy's veins, her emotions utterly raw. She couldn't even look at Natsu, she was so angry. Furious! "Maybe if we start back where Aries found this," she offered. "We'll find some clues. Something." Unable to help it, she glanced Natsu's way. "Anything."


*Magnolia Town, Fiore*

Seras walked a few steps behind him. She always did and always would. He was her maker, her master, her everything. Of course, she was well aware that Alucars saw her as nothing more than his own personal minion, a pet he could train and mold as he wished. With that meant she'd never be anything more than an obligation. Knowing that stung deeply. But there wasn't much she could do about it. Not now, anyway. Fortunately, she had forever.

And she'd wait. She'd always wait.

"Yes, master," Seras spoke, her eyes cast down. She flicked her blonde locks, slightly grown out from the short wisps she'd always kept. She had to admit, she preferred it longer. "Hopefully Fairy Tail will prove useful as an ally. We'll need the help," she admitted.

As they walked the night, Seras felt her hunger rise. She needed blood. And soon. In the distance, she saw Fairy Tail Guild come into view. She stopped abruptly and hung her head.

"I'm hungry, master. I need to eat before we go inside." Seras' cheeks burned at the admission. She wasn't like Alucard where she could go long periods of time without blood. But one day she'd prove her true day.
The man was surprised by how forward Mira was being. On the outset, she seemed like a fairly innocent and naive girl..but that look she gave him, and that tone she used with her words made it very clear she was far from that. He gulped as he licked his lips in desire, eyeing the beautiful young woman in front of him, various different ideas running through his mind as he felt her nipples brushing through their clothes, his cock already starting to harden and stand at attention in his trousers.

"How about we start with a kiss then..." His voice was deeper now, more gruff and so very full of desire as he wrapped a strong arm around Mira, pulling him into his sturdy and hard chest her breasts molding against his form. His chest was hardly the only hard thing pressing against her now though as Mira would very easily be able to feel his desire pressing up against her crotch and ass now. It was rather impressive in size for how he was acting before.

His lips pressed up roughly against her own, hungry with desire as his tongue lashed at her lips to seek entrance. While this assault began, his hand slithered down her back and gave her firm ass a nice spank before he squeezed it gently.


Alucard kept his thoughts to himself for the most part as he and his charge walked down the street. It was a a good night for them to be out for sure...the moon shining brightly and the wind crisp.

"Yes, hopefully they are more agreeable then those damnable Catholics." The ancient vampire scoffed at the idea of ever having to work with the Catholics again, especially that Father Anderson. He looked up at the moon, thinking about their clashes and how he had most definitely been one of his favorite foes due to his power.

He did however, let out a light sigh as Seras mentioned the need to feed. She was getting better about not needing blood as often, but she was still no where near his level of being able to go months if not years without it. Still, he couldn't fault her much, she was only a few years turned...he had been around for much longer than that.

"Very well then, Police Girl...go hunt and make it quick. I've trained you well so it shouldn't take you long at all. No violence though....seduce whoever you feed off of. We don't want any awkwardness if you end up feeding off a guild member." Alucard instructed her, his back still facing her.

He before she left however, he turned to look at he, his eyes seemed to glow beneath those glasses as he gave her a grin. "Oh, and Seras...." He called her by name, a very rare thing indeed. "You've been doing well as co-leader of Hellsing alongside the new brat....I just wanted to let you know that. " A rare sparkle of praise before he started off towards the guild hall again without looking back. Just as this was occurring as well, Natsu was leaving the guild hall and making his way down the street towards the duo.
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