Beat Blades Haruka Live Go! {darkest_fate&Mountain Zaki}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Emma Watson gasped as she landed only a little awkwardly on the street. Light sandals done in a Japanese style didn't protect her overmuch from the hard cement below; she could almost feel it reverberating up her body. The long white leggings that covered the rest of her also didn't help, though they did help some against the slight chill in the air. Emma took another breath, her now-blue eyes flicking about the Asian oriented street. The bright lights above bathed her yellow jumpsuit in bright color, further enhancing the already bright costume. Emma recalled arguing against the yellow leather and vinyl outfit, but they'd insisted on it for authenticity sake. This also went a long way toward explaining the stockings and sandals, not to mention the strangely comfortable blue contacts turning Emma's normally brown eyes into a piercing shade of blue. She did know that her hair styling did differ slightly from the characters, if only by a little, but overall, she looked a lot like Takamori Haruka, the kunoichi fighting to save the world from the Noroi.

Admittedly when Emma had first heard the plot, not to mention seeing the source material, she'd balked. True, more and more Eastern properties were being remade in the States. Hollywood mixed big budget with storylines that would impress Eastern markets, thus raking in massive international returns. Emma knew all about that, yet she still had strongly protested, had strongly felt, that there should be some adherence to matching the original ethnicity of the character. There had been some backlash, naturally, though Emma had grown used to that. In the end, there had been a deal struck. Emma would agree to star in a property and see the experience first hand. Just a short televised mini-series, which was lower budget than Emma would've accepted normally. In return, they'd produce a bigger budget picture with a more diverse cast.

Hence why Haruka for the new Western adaptation was being portrayed by an English-woman faking an American accent. Emma still suspected that someone, a lecherous friend of her agent's or perhaps the agent themself, had set this up to see her squeezed into the conforming outfit. It didn't help that the one-piece suit ended in a skirt that fell only an inch or two below Emma's thighs. Just walking showed flashes of the pristine white pantie. Emma did know the story though: sex was used to fuel the ninjas and help them. It was all pretty sex-positive stuff, which was the only reason she did it. That and the contract.

now Haruka_Emma hurried down the street, running in a style that most fans would recognize. A pointed Kunai was nestled in either hand, and Emma could feel the hard steel against her palm. They'd spent hours, weeks at least, training her to look and move naturally, and she was in the best shape of her life. Still, she felt like she was insulting someone simply by doing this.

At last she encountered her supposed "foe." She knew that the script called for her first to fight a minion of some kind, and sure enough, there appeared to be a black-clad humanoid of some kind harassing women near a park. Haruka darted forward, lashing out with a wrist while yelling out the Japanese name of her attack, a lightning move. The special effects would send some spiraling energies crackling about.

Which surprised Haruka_Emma slightly, though she didn't show it. The lightning just looked and felt so real, it nearly crackled against Emma's fingerless-gloved hands. She did know that they'd insulted her costume slightly, but she'd thought that had been for effect. Surely their budget couldn't be this high? She was already moving back, getting ready for another move against the "minion."
Watching from behind the scenes was a shadowy figure, cloaked in a jacket and top hat. A grin was on his face as he watch Emma dash about as Haruka in her tight fitting outfit. He was the one who had arranged for Emma to take the role as Haruka; he had pulled all the needed strings to get her to agree. Now that everything was in place, his magic was beginning to affect the production, as evidenced by the lighting on stage. It was all part of a plan, one that would trap Emma and eventually corrupt her to his will. For now he just watched the scene play out before him.

The genin let out a pained cry as the lightning cracked and struck him, but it wasn't enough to kill him. The foe glared at Emma, as if it weren't human itself. It let out a battle cry and charged forward, attempting to slash at her with its own blades. It seemed to move in an inhuman as it attacked, bending and shifting like it was a shadow.

All the while, a fog was being pumped onto the stage to get ready for the arrival of the big first boss. It would be Haruka_Emma's first encounter with one of the Noroi, so the production crew was really trying to build up the suspense and anticipation.
Even with all her training, Haruka still felt like she shouldn't be moving quite as smoothly as she did. It felt all too easy to dodge the incoming blades. Haruka could just feel them ruffling her hair slightly, nearly making her wince. A bit of hair fluttered nearby, forcing Haruka_Emma's brow to furrow as she looked for a moment. Another inhuman shift drew her attention back.

The creature managed to skirt its blade along her protected arm. Haruka winced as she felt a little of her life energy, the shielding that protected her from too much harm and kept her upright, fading away. Not enough faded for her to worry, but she still didn't like the decidedly unpleasant situation. Instead Haruka ducked and moved forward, smoothly flowing. The motion did force the bottom of her ninja-gi to rise ever so slightly. That slight rise meant that all the crew and cast behind her got a nice view of Emma Watson's pantie clad rump, the tight rounded flesh likely quite appealing to anyone who appreciated such things.

Haruka didn't care, however. She simply shifted and stabbed forward, hopefully dealing the fatal blow to this evil creature. She could recall from dealing with these in the past, and from the actual script, that it shouldn't take much, particularly not after her special move had connected. No, Haruka was much more concerned about the fog gathering about, signaling the arrival of one of the vile-nin, the stronger of the darkly sexual creatures terrorizing the world. Soon she'd be really testing her mettle, and Haruka could only hope she'd be up for the task.
Much of the crew could feel the desire and lust growing in themselves as they caught a glimpse of Emma's perfect rear. Little did Emma or the crew know, but the lust and desire of the crew directly affected the straight of all the vile-nin that Haruka_Emma would fight. After all, they fed on sexual energy and all the lustful thoughts running through their heads would only make Haruka_Emma's next task all that much harder to overcome.

After the genin faded from existence a laughed filled the stage as a booming voice spoke. "So, this is the legendary Crescent Moon Kunoichi that dares stand against to Noroi!" It was a strong and dominating voice that had a sadistic laugh tacked on at the end. Emerging from the fog was the vile-nin known as Jizaiya. Compared to some of the others, he looked rather normal. Tall and somewhat skinny but with muscles from centuries of being a warrior, he wore a mask and held two katana as weapons. "Come then, Cresent Moon...let us see what you are truly capable of!" Yelling his words, followed by a demonic screech, he charged at Haruka_Emma with his two blades swinging.
The genin faded, and Haruka nearly breathed a sigh of relief. She certainly felt some flooding into her body. But she knew better than to let too much get in the way: there would be something worse coming. No, that was merely a warm up.

A skin crawling sensation alerted Haruka of the opponent behind her even before it spoke. She whirled, already calling some lightning into her kunai for preparation. Her bright blue eyes narrowed as she saw the approaching creature. It looked... more human than she'd expected. Weren't the vile-nin supposed to be fairly monstrous? Emma seemed to vaguely recall seeing sketches of the characters that she'd be playing opposite, and she could decidedly recall what appeared to be some very odd creatures coming into play. This one did appear rather fierce, she'd grant him that, but hardly all that otherworldly.

Probably had something to do with the budget, or with the idea that humans could become these things or some such nonsense. Emma did know that there were some females that would be introduced, mostly to give her and her future female costars a break. SO it did make sense to get one now.

Thoughts had to be shoved aside for action. Haruka_Emma heard that bellow and matched it with a yell of her own. "Thunder Blade Burst!" she cried out, feeling the powerful lightning crackle around her weapon. Haruka rolled forward to attack, hoping that the move would stun the opponent to some degree, as she was certainly moving within close range of the fierce looking vile-nin.
As the lightning struck Jizaiya he let out a pained scream. Her attack certainly did still harm him and was quite painful, the the additional power he was getting from the surrounding lust of the crew was enough to negate any chance at being paralyzed.

"Take this!" Jizaiya roared as he was upon Haruka now, his blades roaring upward to slash at her in diagonal, upward motions. The blades skewered and tore through her life energy with much more force than the genin's attacks could have ever hoped for. He stood above Haruka now, letting out a laugh as he pointed his blades down at her.

"Is this truly the best the Crescent Moon can offer? Weak, much to weak....I'll be taking you off to my realm here soon enough." He laughed as fog began to pour onto the stage once more, indicating that he was getting ready to transport them to his sub-dimension. Haruka_Emma would only have one more shot at possibly defeating, otherwise she risked being raped by the vile-nin.
Yes! Her attack had scored! Haruka felt a surge of triumph, hoping, praying that she would soon find this vile creature laying at her feet defeated. That elation lasted mere moments before the vicious counter-attack. Haruka barely managed to bring her arms up to help black. Even then, she could feel the stabbing, slashing pain rocking her entire body. It shot against her core, taking a massive chunk of her life energy. The ninja tried to recover, scrambling backward, chest heaving with effort.

Haruka_Emma had to wonder why she was actually feeling this. Was it just because she was doing more of her own stunts? She supposed that at least made some sense and all. But that last hit had felt as if it had actually eaten at her, and her arms felt significantly weaker than they had a few moments before. Surely someone had told her costar here that he needed to go a little easy? Emma wasn't exactly a rippling bodybuilder.

Regardless, "Jizaiya" appeared to be moving the plot along. Haruka_Emma recognized the swirling energies as his efforts to transport a weakened target to his own personal dimension, where he could puppet her at his will. Neither character nor actress would appreciate that, though Emma found she couldn't quite recall what the script said. Wasn't she supposed to get some last minute help or something?

Haruka knew she had to act now and act fast. She gathered her lightning energy, but could tell that she only had enough H power for one attack, and not an incredibly impressive one at that. She just had to hope it was enough to disrupt or even kill. "Thunder Needle Strike!" she yelled, lashing out with her kunai in a quick, darting attack. The lightning around it seemed to be almost an afterthought, however, and the attack itself seemed woefully feeble, particularly when compared to the impressive earlier blow.
Jizaiya seemed to smack away Haruka's last, desperate attempt to defeat him like he would smack a fly. He slammed the hilt of his sword into her stomach to sap away the last of her life force, just to be safe. He looked down at her as the fog increased.

"Ha ha! Looks like I win....time to bring the hammer of justice down on you...but not here." He stated as he raised his arms into the air. "Noroi! Grant me power! Shadow Spell, Art of Dimension Shift! " A flash of light appeared in the air and soon consumed the whole stage, which would literally knock Haruka_Emma out for a few moments.

When she would awake, she would find herself bound to a stand. It wasn't like a normal bondage stand as it left her standing on her knees. Standing in front of her however was Jizaiya, looking down on her as the victor of their encounter...and Haruka_Emma knew what that entailed.
As Haruka had half-expected, the attack failed. She watched in despair as the vile-nin effortlessly backhanded her blow away. Numbness spread from her arm, seeming to seep into her heart, dragging her a little further into darkness. Was there anyone who could come save her? She was supposed to be working with a team, wasn't she? Haruka_Emma seemed to recall a script, something about an intervention. Wasn't that supposed to be how the first fight went?

But a blow silenced thought. Haruka_Emma felt her energy leave her as her air wooshed from her body, bending her double. Weapons clattered to the hard ground as the girl crumpled. That sharp pain lingered only for a few moments before blessed darkness overwhelmed her senses. Haruka had only a vague sensation of movement, a strange, skin-tingling feeling crawling over her for only a few seconds.

When her pretty blue eyes blinked away the darkness again, she found herself somewhere entirely surprising. Haruka_Emma kept blinking, not recognizing this as one of the sets she'd wandered through during her time shooting. Her head twisted, looking about, trying to find a location, something to orient her. Something held her from moving too much, and a look down showed her the intricate bondage that somehow enhanced her figure while holding her in place. It was odd, but Emma swore her hips flared a little more than she remembered, and that her bust seemed perhaps a bit more swollen.

Shaking her head, her gaze settled upon Jizaiya, who looked down on her. "Release me!" she nearly screamed, uncertain as to whether Haruka or Emma said the words. She tugged again. "What do you have planned? You know they're going to find me, and what happens to you will only increase if you dare do anything to me," Haruka_Emma nearly trembled, feeling something like real fear. They certainly had gone for realism for the scene, hadn't they?
Jizaiya laughed at Haruka's defiance as he pointed a sword at her. "You struggle now, but soon you will see the pleasure of submission." He tossed his swords to the side, knowing he wouldn't need them as Haruka was too immobilized and weak to challenge him in any real way. At her question of what he had planned, her merely chuckled.

"You are a woman who was defeated and captured...I'm sure you can imagine your fate..." He spoke firmly, making it certain for Haruka_Emma that in no uncertain terms, he planned to rape her. "I love women with beautiful faces such as your subjugate them is my greatest desire..." Jizaiya voice lingered as he gently stroked Haruka's cheek, his tone changing to one of lust before quite surprisingly, his face seemed to flip upside down.

"JOY!!!" He exclaimed, his manner excited and fanatic "Human's cannot orgasm from their faces alone...but like the other vile-nin...I enjoy it more when my partner gets pleasure as well...thus I have a spell that will let you enjoy you subjugation! Ha ha ha! I'm so kind!" Jizaiya let out a manic and sadistic laugh as he licked his lips.

"Sensation Swap, Version III!" His hand glowed slightly and Haruka felt an odd sensation roll through her body as Jizaya's hands then moved forward to grasp at the fabric of her outfit. He tore it apart with ease at her breasts, exposing her lovely mounds to his view. "Breast as beautiful as your face....perfect nipples...very good." He chuckled slightly, moving his hands forward to grope at her breasts, he flesh molding against his strong digits.
The pleasure of... there had been talk of this happening, and perhaps her character going through this once or twice, but it hadn't been set in stone. Emma swore she could recall actually arguing against this, or talking about having a potential stand-in, or something along those lines. The vile-nin certainly acted as if this were all part of the act. No, no, he didn't act as if this were a performance at all, or at least, not one done by an actor on a stage. He behaved as if this were real.

Haruka_Emma swallowed, again nearly gulping, as the creature intoned his intentions. "you wouldn't dare!" she protested, feeling her voice rise a pitch or two. He spoke of beautiful faces, and she felt a flush crawling up her own. Little bits of red colored just about her ears, seeping down into her cheeks to mix with the creamy white of her skin. The creature seemed to enjoy it, gently touching her there. That touch made Haruka shiver, the shiver traveling all the way to her core.

"K-kind?" stammered Haruka_Emma, blue eyes widening. A motion came, and with it, a strange, topsy turvy sensation. It felt almost like doing a loop on a coaster or some other ride, disorienting Haruka_Emma and leaving her even more dazed. She panted, her world feeling slightly askew, her body feeling... odd. A yelp sounded as he ripped at her garb, baring her breasts. Many a man had wrapped his hand about his dick thinking of what this strange creature bared. Emma Watson's chest did look rather pristine. Creamy white skin rounded into twin hills upon her frame. Both had the proud firmness that came with health, youth, and exercise. Their shape had a near perfection, almost as if someone had drawn a circle over her chest. Each ended in a pale pink nipple, and both those little peaks already stretched slightly, stiffened by fear and contact with the air.

Only Emma knew that her breasts seemed perhaps a little... better than she remembered. The flesh didn't seem to have swollen so much as plumped out. And while she did recall having quite nice breasts, these seemed almost sculpted on her body. She found herself staring at them with some confusion for a few seconds. Then hands covered her view, and she started to hiss, expecting the sensation to flood her.

"Get your hands off me!" she demanded, trying to pull against her bonds. "What did you even do to me?" Besides disorient, Haruka knew that much. But it had felt... different than that, perhaps even... more.
"Oh ho...still so'll submit soon enough. As for what I did to you...well, you'll see as we go along." He laughed as he squeezed her breasts slightly harder now, loving the sensations of her springy flesh against his digits. Her nipples while started to get hard and erect and soon the vile-nin focused his attacks of pleasure there, rubbing and tugging on her pink and sensitive buds.

"I suppose I should introduce you to my cock now though." He unzipped his trousers and exposed his massive manhood to the girl. It was massive, by fire the biggest cock Emma had ever seen, and something in her mind was telling her just how magnificent and glorious it was. It was throbbing, fully erect for her blue eyes to see as the strong scent of his cock filled her. "Beyond, beautiful woman...this is the cock that shall rape your mouth and make you climax from it."He laughed as he started to press his cock against her breasts, wanting to her nice and aroused first before he allowed her to taste him.

He shoved his cock between the cleavage of her large breasts and began to gyrate his hips. "Now I can pleasure your breasts in two ways." He chuckled as he squeezed her perfect mounds with his hands while his cock throbbed in the valley between them, his base slapping against the bottom of her breasts with each thrust and making them jiggle.
Haruka's blue eyes narrowed into icy slits as the creature taunted her further. She could feel its hands squeezing, pressing her breasts together. They worked the titflesh with some skill and no amount of erotic desire. The sensations started worming their way into Haruka_Emma herself. She could feel her chest tingling, dancing pinpricks frolicking atop the swollen mounds. A tug draw a sharp burst of pleasure, shooting it straight down into her chest. haruka knew that at least she should gather some energy from this, that the vile-nin would not be the only being to pull power out of the sexual arousal. She could feel that power seeping into her, a tiny leak to help replenish her empty reservoir.

Introduce? Haruka_Emma's eyes widened, the blue seeming to swell. "No, you can't--" she began, only to nearly have the massive thing slap against her lips. The girl stared, openmouthed, at the truly magnificent member. It easily dwarfed not only every cock that Emma had seen, let alone pristine Haruka, but also any toys. It seemed to almost be as large as the girl's forearm, and she couldn't recall even reading about a human with a cock so large. Worse, its smell, its pungent aroma nearly slapped her in the face. Haruka nearly gagged on that thick musk as it filled her mouth. Her nose wrinkled and her head pulled back.

"Climax from... are you insane?" demanded Haruka_Emma. She hissed as hands formed a valley out of her chest. Her own went up, feebly gripping at his wrists. She might not have had the strength to pull him free had her life energy and H energy not been so recently drained, let alone in her defeated and exhausted state. Haruka could simply see the veiny thing sliding between her, jutting toward her face with each thrust. Hands gripped her tight, and Haruka_Emma could feel her chest growing tighter, nipples peaking and jutting even further.

"You.. monster... stop this.." she hissed, feeling the words buzzing her lips. Even still, she didn't see how she could possibly climax from something like this. Did the creature think her some sort of deranged pervert?
"Silly won't climax from just me playing with your breast, oh no...the true subjugation and pleasure starts now!" His voice and laugh was back to being manic as he pushed even more of his cock up through the valley of her breasts so a large portion of his throbbing cock was now nearing her mouth and lips.

Emma would find that, no matter how hard she tried to close her mouth or bite down to resist, she would fail to the find the energy to do so. Not only that, but she would find that she had been drooling at the site of his cock. "Now then, feel true pleasure!" He laughed and pushed his meat into her mouth. His overpowering scent and flavor overwhelmed all of Haruka_Emma's senses as he pushed more and more of the giant rod into her mouth.

As her mouth was being violated though, she would feel a very strange sensation...a pleasure she normally only felt when she played with herself with her toys. It was the feeling of sexually penetration. "Now do you understand, woman? I've given your mouth the same sensations as your pussy! Now let us truly have some fun" He began to move his hips faster now, his rod slamming between her breast and filling her mouth, his tip brushing against the roof of her mouth which would act as a replacement for her g-spot.
Why had Haruka taunted him? She should've known better, but she'd wanted to show fire, that she hadn't simply given up. That became harder and harder as his heady aroma filled her with every breath. It felt as if each inhale sucked down more of this strange being's flavor, sliding into her throat. The swollen head already thudded near her lips, as if a ram banging on gates.

Haruka_Emma tried to tighten her mouth, to press her lips together, but she found that she could do little more than gum against him. instead, she found her lips actually becoming wetter. Bits of spit started to seep about, falling in great streams around the cock. Some seeped out the sides, drawing lines of drool about the woman's face. Her brow furrowed in confusion, wondering why she'd suddenly started salivating to such an extent. His flavor and scent surely wouldn't cause this, would it? It was far more likely her eyes would water than this.

But as the cock slid, Haruka_Emma did indeed feel what the vile-nin teased. She could feel that increasing pressure. First that strange pleasing sensation around the edges, just teasing her lips. Then a further joy at the parting, at the delving. Fullness hit her mouth with its full familiarity, only she felt the tension drawing more pleasure out of her instead. Her eyes flew wide as the realization hit her moments before Jizaiya explained the situation. Somehow, someway, he'd granted her mouth the same sensations she'd feel from her sex.

The girl squealed as the hips began moving. No one had fucked Emma Watson nor Takamori Haruka before, after all. The sudden fullness wouldn't quite match what real penetration would bring, not with her mouth being so much larger by comparison. But that thick cock still stretched her. It pried her jaw open, widening her mouth into a gape. Tears formed as she felt it stretching wider than she'd managed. she could feel her throat muscles working to try and repel. That quivering only served to send more pleasure coursing through her. It tightened her nipples, quickened her pulse. Haruka still expected it to run between her legs, to heat her core, but her core seemed to have moved up. All her pleasure circled around her mouth.

Blue eyes grew glazed as she felt the pressure building. Moisture seeped out with each thrust, the wet glugging of the girl matching the taunts and the fleshy twhacks of the thrust. With each scrape, Haruka felt more pressure building within. Something about the way the cock moved hit something, pumped more fluids. Great streams of it drooled out of her mouth now, staining her breasts and glazing her body. She could feel the arousal spiraling around her, fortunately providing more energy. Except... except it also twisted that energy, pulled it around inside her. Haruka_Emma didn't quite realize the reshaping, the sexual mapping placed upon her blank slate, but each thrust of the cock acted it out all the same.
"Ah, now here are the sounds I was hoping to hear! The erotic noises of your drool and spittle covering my cock as I fill you mouth, it brings me JOY!" Jizaiya cried out as he too started to moan slightly as more and more of his cock filled Haruka_Emma's mouth. His tip began to leak pre-cum which dripped down into her mouth and tongue, giving her an even sweeter taste of him. His seed was tasty to her and almost addictive as more and more began to leak out.

"Hmmmm, you could be using your tongue have this! Sensation Swap, Version II!" His fingers glowed around her breasts, but Haruka_Emma would feel another odd wave of sensation sweep through her. Once it settled, when his cock glanced against her tongue, the largest wave of pleasure yet would sweep through the girls body.

"I've given your tongue the same sensation as your clitoris now. Come then! Suck me off and pleasure me with your tongue so we can both experience endless pleasure!" the vile-nin laughed once more as his cock seemed to grow even larger in her mouth and throat as it began to throb, a sign of his building climax.
More and more spit drooled out of Haruka_Emma. It dripped onto her shaking, quivering form. It streaked against her upper body, fully glazing her chest. It formed little rivers along her chin. It began pooling on the floor beneath. More and more came with each thrust of the mouth. But it was not the only fluid. Haruka could feel something else seeping inside. She tried to swallow, but the sheer pleasure of swallowing made her tremble, nearly made her see stars. how had he done that? Her throat itself felt like one long tube of pleasure, and there was no way she could stop herself from swallowing when something prodded against her.

Apparently that still wasn't enough. Haruka let out a cry of protest, though the echo from that made her shiver. She felt something glowing and rippling through her again. Then that cock moved, and Haruka screamed. The scream hit her body again, and she felt herself jolt. The jolt flapped her ultrasensitive tongue against the cock, and the process nearly looped again. Haruka had never felt pleasure this intense, cycling about her mouth, pumping from that new location all throughout her body.

She found herself swallowing as she tried to orient. the swallow sent a new wave of pleasure. The pleasure jerked her tongue. Her tongue slid along the cock, accidentally pushing it against the roof of her mouth. Her mouth added more pleasure, fluids gathering and pumping. Before Haruka could even process it, she began cumming from her mouth. Haruka_Emma screamed, eyes flying wide, body jerking, as her entire mouth spasmed. Her throat convulsed and swallowed, rippling around the manmeat skewering her. Fluids slid down and around, only to nearly rise right back up again. Sprays of spittle shot from around her plugged mouth, splattering the vile-nin's thrusting hips. Burst upon burst left her as she screamed. The screams added more, and her body again arched. Raw sexual frenzy seized her.

The looping climax was unlike anything that anyone could have been prepared for. Haruka_Emma certainly hadn't anticipated this, not even with her training. The raw pleasure drugged her, wiped out her conscious mind for several long seconds. Nothing existed outside of her quivering, climaxing mouth and the thick cock embedded within. It felt as if she were cumming directly into her brain, etching the pleasure onto her memory and her core. Eyes spun, and her only slight solace was the mounting sexual energy she felt crackling within her, both restoring energy and working to further cement the Haruka role onto the Emma Watson form.
As Haruka_Emma moaned and groaned as a looping cycle of climaxes sent her body into sexual frenzy, the vile-nin groaned loudly as the vibrations and fluids on his cock only served to increase his pleasure to the point of climax himself.

"That's right, Crescent Moon! Feel the pleasure of Noroi! Give in to the lust and desire we all crave! I'll reward you with me seed! Ha ha ha!" Jizaiya thrust his cock violently into her mouth and throat as with a final, loud moan he came. He flooded Haruka_Emma's mouth and throat with his hot, sticky and sweet seed. This sudden burst of hot liquid filling her would only serve to heighten the climax loop the girl was currently in, intensifying to its highest level yet. He would pull his still throbbing cock out of her mouth and splashed what remained of his load onto her face and breasts. He looked down at her, laughing in a satisfied manner.

"Ah yes, what I good job I've down...your face is mine now...and I will use it forever to..." Just as he was nearly done speaking, a loud roar filled the area. "Damn it, a shinigami...looks like your friends have found us....don't forget our time together, Crescent Moon...I certainly won't." With a laugh, the vile-nin vanished as within a few moments, Emma would find herself back on the normal set.
From Haruka_Emma's position within the daze of chained orgasms, it was hard to grasp onto anything. Still, she could hear the words from the Noroi punching through, barely knowledgable for the girl's nearly delirious brain. He spoke of his own pleasure, and Haruka_Emma's mind had just enough working left to seemingly warn herself. Soon she found her mouth flooded with seed. The hot, wet, thick stuff blasted against her. The sheer force of the initial eruption sent Haruka into another orgasm, her body once more jerking and spasming in place.

Yet another orgasm soon followed as Haruka desperately swallowed. Each ripple of her throat muscles sent another wave of pleasure cascading up her body. More and more pleasure got shoved straight into her already flooded and overwhelmed brain. Spittle and semen bubbled out of her. Some came from the edges of her mouth. It seeped around corners. It shot out in sprays. A few bubbles of it even burst out of the poor girl's nose. Yet more, ever so much more, slid down her slick, sensitive throat, gliding along and ramping the climax loop again and again. The girl could only loll her tongue and make feeble noises when it finally pulled out. Her entire top half, from breast to the crown of her hair, had streaks of white. She could feel some of it sticking her light brown hairs together. A line of jizz pasted one blue eye shut. Several glazed her chest, looking like icing upon delicious pastries. it almost seemed as if they'd purposefully iced her nipples, the little pink surrounded by white that kept oozing down.

Haruka_Emma's lips moved as her struggling conscious mind tried to process, to say anything. She didn't know if she would have managed it even if she could. For soon enough, she found herself pulled out, something yanking against her. The sexual energies settled within her, gathering strength and refilling her potential H pool entirely. Haruka_Emma still lay slumped for several seconds while various crew attended to her. They reworked her mouth as well as cleaning her up, toweling and hosing her off without even dragging her from the set.

"Wha--what the hell was that?" Emma finally demanded as her mouth returned to normal. She'd flung a towel around her wet, shivering body, covering her still bared breasts. They'd cleaned her to some degree, but her body still felt sticky, and something clung to her. Her head whipped around, looking for those in charge. "The damn actor for the stupid vile-nin actually raped me!" Emma felt furious, her eyes flashing, almost seeming to turn a slightly darker blue, which shouldn't have been possible with the colored contacts. "I demand an explanation, now!" She stomped her foot, nearly shivering as she felt more liquid sliding from her. There had to be a logical explanation for what just happened, and why she'd gotten so... so wrapped up in it all.
As the producers and stage hands scrambled around and had tried to figure out what had happened to Emma, the tall man in the trench coat had appeared and he was clapping his hands. Everyone paused at their actions and stopped. Everyone knew that his was the man that was backing the project and paid them all, so no one said a word against him as he looked down at Emma.

"Very good job, Ms. Watson...that scene came out very well...its a good thing too...otherwise we would have had to have re-shot it." He chuckled as he dropped a script and her contract down onto the floor for her to read.

"For starters, that scene was clearly written in the knew you were to be raped in this scene....that or you didn't study the script very for what actually happened...well, you signed that you would agree to such things on your contract." He pointed to a circled clause that stated Emma would agree to do anything to fit the part of the role, including anything sexual would might include rape.

"Please keep up the good work, Ms. Watson...I do believe you have a scene with another vile-nin next." The hooded figure laughed and soon walked away, clearly enjoying what had just occurred.
The clapping drew Emma's attention, silencing her. She turned, pulling the towel a little tighter about her shoulders as she did. There was some strange man that she seemed to vaguely recall seeing. He approached her, reeking of arrogance, his mere presence enough to twist Emma's stomach, as if it wasn't already twisted enough after swallowing the loads of semen and saliva. She stared hard at him as he kept going. Her eyes only fell as he dropped the paper.

Emma dipped down to scoop both up as he continued. Yes, she had read the script, hence why she'd gotten all her lines right and why she'd known more or less what would happen. Yet she distinctly remembered the script saying that she would be saved before anything that sexual happened. That wasn't even taking into consideration her discussions regarding sexual stunt doubles. Even if you did take all that into consideration... how was it that Emma's sexual sensations had actually been switched like that?

She flicked through the contract, not at all surprised to see it signed and so forth. She'd had her people read it and made sure to dig through it some herself. Yes, there had been bits about playing her part, that had all been agreed upon. But Emma knew that she hadn't agreed to be "raped" or anything. Yet she swore she could see it in writing now. Somehow, they'd managed to actually change her contract and the script, not to mention the magic. Emma's eyes narrowed as she racked her brain, trying to figure it out.

The scene was changing around her, and the world didn't stop merely because one of the main starlets had gotten confused. Emma simply found herself being shuffled off set. Yes, technically she would be having another scene with a vile-nin soon (there would also be a scene where she actually got to defeat the creature that had just taken her mouth). Yet before that, Emma had to go through makeup and costuming yet again. Grooming and prepping would take quite some time, hours at the least, during which Emma would catch a quick nap or so. She felt strangely energized, however. She vaguely wondered if it didn't have anything to do with her sexual energy or something along those lines.

It felt odd. Not just that, but, well, it was little things. Emma had taken her contacts out to give her eyes a rest, and she swore that her normally deep brown eyes had seemed... teal? Bluer? Plus they seemed to have widened ever so slightly. Her breasts still seemed slightly larger too, and her hips a little more flared. Emma had always had a good figure and all, but it had leaned more boyish with slight feminine curves. Now... now she seemed to have developed curves all of a sudden. Had she just missed that? She must have.

At least the script felt familiar as she read it. Haruka's lines came really easily to Emma. Sure, she'd read through and memorized a good deal of them, but the character just felt oddly close to her. Emma tried not to think about that as she slid back into the ninja garb yet again, settling the yellow, black, and white fabrics onto her body once more. She did feel better, rested, charged, and her makeup and hair had made her stunning yet again. Now it was a matter of approaching and being "filled in" on whatever the supposed next threat had started doing. She just had to hope that it wasn't the bathroom oriented one she'd heard was in the source material. She definitely didn't want to have to deal with anything that weird or gross.
In the next scene, Haruka had once again defeat a batch of genin that had been harassing the local populace only for smoke to fill the stage once more. A guttural laughed filled Haruka_Emma's ears as a wet, almost slithering like noise could be heard through the smoke as a massive figure emerged from from the void.

He was giant and could only be described as a slug...a slug that looked and sounded awfully familiar to a certain character from a rather famous sci-fi franchise. His long tongue hung from his gaping mouth as he stared at Haruka_Emma with his feline like eyes. He let out a lustful laugh as tentacles began to emerged from his fat body, making his glistening fat rolls jiggle as they emerged.

"So this is the beautiful Crescent Moon kunoichi I've heard so much about is it." His voice was like his laugh, guttural and disgusting as he laughed. "I am Lord Jabbku, and I will show you the pleasures of Noroi and make you submit to me like a slut." He laughed as his tentacles surged forward, ready to attack Haruka_Emma.
Fully charged and noticeably stronger than before, Haruka_Emma had little trouble dealing with the genin. One after another fell before her power, most without her even drawing forth the lightning or using up any of her energies. The ninja knew full well that her earlier experience had indeed added to her strength, had made her a better ninja. The thought disturbed Haruka_Emma slightly, only a little unnerving to think about pulling such power from having her facefucked by some foul creature.

Rising mist signaled the new attack, and Haruka dropped to a crouch, weapon pulled to the ready. Her motion meant that once again her ninja-garb raised just enough to show her perfectly perky butt so pleasantly held by the white panties. The muscles there tensed as the ninja readied herself.

The creature that appeared did vaguely match the script, so Haruka_Emma was somewhat prepared. Still, reading it on the page and witnessing it in all its... glory were two entirely different things. The pungent smell that wafted from the creature made Haruka roll back slightly, grimacing. At least she didn't see any glistening pillar of flesh, though the roiling tendrils did seem to hint to something. What had this creature been doing? Making slave girls out of the populace to dance for his amusement? For some reason, Haruka_Emma got an all too vivid picture of her own nubile body undulating before the bloated creature, hips rolling in a decidedly sensual manner.

The disgusting voice quickly banished the image, and Haruka's eyes narrowed. "I doubt it," she said. She darted forward, flicking away the tentacles as they attacked. Pulling forth her energy, Haruka readied her strongest attack, planning on ending this quickly, before "Jabbku" could even think to pull in any real power. "Thunder Light Burst!" she yelled, unleashing the powerful blast of raw lightning energy. It crackled through her body, extending out through the points of her weapon.

Though unbeknownst to Haruka_Emma, a few of the crew were likely chortling. After all, they'd read ahead, they knew that the creature had quite the high resistance to lightning. Poor Haruka indeed...
Jabbku merely laughed as the lightning struck him; in fact, he almost seemed to be enjoying himself. "Is that all you have, Crescent Moon!? So weak!" He roared as his tentacles lashed at her from all directions now.

They struck her hard, tearing into her life force with each strike as he beat her down into the ground. Not only that, but with each strike, some of his slime coated her skin. It had an aphrodisiac like property to it as it soaked into her skin, severing to make the girl aroused and wet. Jabbku licked his lips as his tentacles wrapped around her wrists and ankles to suspend her into the air in front of him, his monstrous eyes locking onto her own.

"You have lost...I will enjoy turning you into my perfect slave!" He let out a laugh as his long and fat tongue licked Haruka_Emma's soft and smooth cheek. "Oh Noroi! Grant me power! Shadow Art...Art of Dimension Shift!" Jabbku bellowed out as there was a bright flash and Haruka would feel a very familiar sensation as she was knocked out.

When she awoke, she would find herself lying on a lush cloth that was draped over a stone floor. Her ninja grab had been stripped from her and it had been replaced with a chain bikini top and thong...once that looked very familiar to a certain outfit she knew. Attached to her neck was a chain collar that was attached to a leash that Jabbku held in his hands as he looked down on her lustfully.
The tentacles blurred. Haruka_Emma tried to defend herself, bringing her arms up to ward off the worst of the blows. Some she even managed to dodge, scurrying out of the way of the incoming blows. But it only took one to slam her slender body to the ground. More almost beat her into the cement below, only her life energy and H powers preventing her from completely blacking out. Haruka could feel the remnants of the slime gathering upon her skin with each hit as well. That strange, tingling sensation coursed through her virginal body, igniting pleasure centers wherever it went. This did, at least, add more to her own power, as well as sending more of the h-energy to do its work upon Emma herself, but H energy didn't necessarily equate life energy or stamina, and the few lightning blasts Haruka managed with it served only to amuse.

Thus the kunoichi found herself pulled up, all but bound by the creature. Panting, her chest heaving, Haruka stared down the creature. Emma felt some anger rising up, but panic was eclipsing it, particularly as the creature licked at her with a disgusting, oversized tongue. "No," she hissed, nearly whimpering. She jerked, limbs flailing, trying to draw on power on something on---


Haruka_Emma groaned as she pushed against the ground. At least he'd put her on something soft, and she didn't appear to be bound in place. Blinking blue eyes clear, Haruka looked down. Her garb had been... changed, replaced and... "Someone's going to sue," muttered Haruka_Emma, noting the chain bikini, in particular how her breasts filled it out. They had definitely increased a cup size or so. What was going on there?

Haruka's eyes traveled further up, finding her collar. She followed it, seeing the creature. "You're disgusting!" she spat, jerking and trying to pull away. "And if you think I'm just going to do whatever you want, you're disgusting and insane," she pulled at the chain, hoping to upset the creature. She'd seen the movie; she knew that the foul beast did get choked with the chain. That struck her as quite the plan indeed.
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