RP Idea - anyone interested? F x F only

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Jul 8, 2016
Anyone like to play the blonde in this plus the two Asian girls? PM me if you would like to.


Amanda Beaumont was a 23 year old high-flyer, having graduated with honours degrees in mathematics and business studies. Just twelve months after graduating she was already the chief cashier of the London branch of Greenfield Securities Private Bank, an achievement virtually unheard of at such an age.

She appeared to have the world at her feet. In addition to her academic achievements and her accelerated promotion at the bank, she was also stunningly beautiful with her long golden, brown hair, her stunning figure and legs that seemed to go on forever. Men drooled over her and she literally could have her pick but she was not interested. From the age of fourteen, she had known she was lesbian and there was no prospect of that changing, no matter who the man was.
But, on that warm mid-summer evening as she stepped off the bus on her way home from the bank, she could have had no idea that her life was about to change totally and never be the same again.

She noticed the tall, well dressed, blonde who stepped off the bus in front of her and allowed herself a brief moment of lustful thoughts before putting it out of her mind and walking along the street for the three hundred yards it took to get home. She had also been aware of the two young Asian girls who jostled and pushed past her as the also stepped off the bus. They were quite pretty but not her type. They looked like some sort of girl gang members in their leather jackets and torn jeans. She ignored them and concentrated on what she would eat when she got in.

As she fumbled in her purse at the bottom of the steps, looking for her keys, she had decided on pasta. She put the key in the lock and that was when her life changed. She was not immediately aware of what was happening. She was being grabbed and bundled through her own front door. She struggled and caught a quick glimpse of her attacker before she was bundled to the floor in the hall and the door was slammed shut.

She was rolled over onto her back and immediately recognized the blonde, who was sat astride her chest, as the same blonde who got off the bus in front of her. The two Asian girls were stood behind her, by Amanda’s feet.

“Listen and stop struggling,” the blonde hissed at her. “If you do not want to get hurt, just do what you are told. We only want you to get us into your bank. Once you do that, we will be history and you can get on with your boring life!”
Trembling with fear, Amanda said, “even if I let you into the bank, you can’t get at any money. The vaults are on a time lock and no-one can open them until eight forty five tomorrow morning.”

The blonde smirked at her and said, “which is exactly why we are staying here with you until tomorrow morning. Then we will all go to the bank together, nice and early and disable the alarms and then sit back and wait for all the staff to arrive. And then, when the vault opens, we take what we want and then we leave and you can go back to your boring life again. See. Simple isn’t it?”
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