Feel The Fever (The Force Awakens) [Tempt x Jokerama]

Feb 26, 2013
Feel The Fever
The Force Awakens


My chest rose and fell with every heavy breath and beat of my heart; the battle had rendered me exhausted and depleted. I looked down below at the enemy of the century, taking a short moment to gaze upon the man I had just ultimately defeated. The very man who killed his own father and threatened to destroy anything that stood in his way. Kylo Ren.

There was a look of anguish on my face as I hesitated in my actions. Although Luke Skywalker's lightsaber remained firm in my grasp, there was a uncertainty in the energy of the Force around me. I was unsure; split between two avenues of action and I was conflicted. A sentiment and exuding energy that felt all too familiar. My eyes fell on the sizzling gash that nearly split open your face and I felt nothing but impending guilt. A strike I thought I would feel so proud of quickly turned to haunt me.

"You're a monster." I thought to myself. Those very same words I had just spoken of Ren only moments ago, suddenly rushing back to me. As I watched you recoiled on the ground, I wondered in this moment as I deliberated whether or not to take your life, if the monster were truly you... or was the monster me?

Before I even had a chance to decide, and with not another minute left to spare, the soil beneath my feet began to tremble. The blue luminescence from my lightsaber retreated to its hilt. With a sudden jolt, the earth began to split, right across several kilometers of terrain. The crack served to divide the ground between us; a cruel reminder from the universe that we were two opposites - separate souls committed to contrary lives. Just as the planet began to self-destruct, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Rey!" Finn called out for me at the top of his lungs; both panic and relief in his voice. He stood several yards behind me, holding his hand out forward to non-vocally urge me to come with him to safety. My head instantly turned to look over to him; the ground still roaring around me. I looked at him for a split second; a sense of loss resonating in my eyes.

After a quick moment of hesitation, I finally turned around to run and join Finn. "I'm sorry." I confessed to him, his brow lowering to a confused frown as I approached him and secured the lightsaber to my waist. Before he could further react, I spun right around on my heel and galloped back to the cleft in the earth.

Finn, aghast of my sudden betrayal, burst out running behind me to stop me. "Rey, NO!!!" Right as his fingers brushed against the flowing material of my scavenger's robe, I took my biggest leap. As my toes licked the earth on my departure, I jumped for high and hell water towards the one man I was certain I loathed.

The crack in the terrain abruptly turned to a chasm, sending Finn nearly barrelling off the side and into the canyon's crease. He fell to his knees, plummeting into the snow right at its merciless edge, holding his hand out to my soaring body as I became airborne. It was a massive jump, one not any normal human would be capable of actualizing. The distance between me and the other side only grew with the self-destruction of the Starkiller base. The whole planet was in total meltdown. But amid the chaos, I had made my decision. I was choosing to save you.

My arms slammed into the planet's gaping ravine. My fingers clawed at the ground and my boots chafed the fissure's sides; but the snow made the surface too soft, and I was slowly sliding. "Ahhghh!" I moaned, struggling to pull my lithe self over. Having barely made it onto the other side, my body flailed as it dangled off the gully's fringe. In a twisted turn of events, I heard the Force call out to me. It was warm, like a hot summers' breeze gently caressing my skin. I felt its strength hoisting me, slowly, off of death's peak. But it wasn't enough. My fingers, deep into the grime of the snow, were beginning to slip. With the grounds splitting around me, little did I know that the very ledge that barely cradled my life was soon about to tatter. In just a fragment of a second, that once soft breeze had turned into an wave of regret. I get suddenly ill; the feeling taunting my naive decision to take the leap.

Fever had consumed me. Faith had failed me.​
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