Here Lies The Abyss - DA:I [ Trinimad x Mountain Zaki ]


Sep 5, 2015
Maker-forsaken piece of— Where the fuck were they?

Indigo had not had the fortune of experiencing time travel before, or even the knowledge of thereof. So when that slippery eel, Erimond, threw out the amulet, her first reaction was to deflect whatever spell he wanted to inflict on them - a curse or something equally as nasty. What she hadn't expected was for it to open up a gaping portal, one that was distinctively different than any time they had been in the Fade (like about five minutes ago that ended in Hawke pushing her indignant behind out before him), and then... Then...

They were here. Indigo had no idea where here really was; with its sour milk palette throwing a somber atmosphere on everything and the massive Breach in the sky now literally everywhere. Around them was the ending shifting sands that restlessly erased any distinctive landmarks they could have tried to guess at - not like there were many anyways. Just worn-away ruins that could belong anywhere, and that only baffled the Fereldan Warden-Commander even more. She had traveled to many places, experienced many spells, but never had she felt this particular tinge of magic. It left her uneasy instead of sick the way red lyrium affected the Wardens, and what was even more frightening was that the false Calling was completely gone - silent.

So one really had to excuse Indigo from when she started cursing in Andraste’s lily-white ass what the fuck had happened.

She had always been a restless soul, a firey wisp who flickered here and there without rest, and as soon as the Grey Warden had reclaimed her feet underneath her again, she was already moving. Not far, of course, but at least it would give her some semblance of bearing - hopefully. And the selfish part of her just wanted to clear her head from the rush of events that tumbled together just hours ago first in Adamant Fortress, then in the Fade, and now, who knows where. She needed time to breathe, to let her mind catch up with her restless body, and with an deep aching in her chest, recalling that every time something momentous that consumed her attention, Alistair would probably have swept her up into his arms to stop her from moving - he always did. The big rascal of a man laughed at her too, always got his fingers onto her sides to make the usually hot-tempered Warden-Commander yelp and giggle as if they were young careless kids once again. By fire and Blight, she wished Alistair was here. He always brought out the best of her, always knew when she was about to break under the weight of the world, and she was completely unashamed to boldly state that he was her sun - a constant bright presence always there by her side.

There was no sun in the sky any more though. Just swirling clouds of the Fade and eerily broken chunks of the previous incorporeal world stabbing jagged points into this one.

Whatever happened, where ever they are, Alistair wasn't here. She was the one who sent him off far to the west to follow one of the cure's leads, after all; told him to only come back when their lead was nothing or if she sent a raven to him. Of course he had argued with her, and she with him, but in the end, they both knew that one of them had to go while the other remained to investigate the corruption within the Warden ranks. It only seemed fitting that the Warden-Commander would remain with her people while the Warden-Constable would have more freedom to investigate beyond their jurisdiction. But now, just having Alistair away seemed like the worst decision she ever made. Perhaps it was the stress of the day, the bewilderment of being so utterly devoid of any answers, or just the culmination of suddenly missing her husband so acutely, but it all came crashing down in the form of tears silently splashing dark dots onto the white sands. She did not sob though; just the slight shaking of her wiry lean body as she used her staff to climb a nearby sand dune. It had been some time since she had last cried, and seemingly alone, it was a crack in her armor before the tears were roughly wiped away on her sleeve.

Then, she looked up, and what - no, who, she saw in front of her was someone she never expected to see. For a moment, Indigo thought she was seeing illusions, considering her eyes were still slightly watery, and then her next thought turned to that of demons. Could it be that this was a Desire demon, having easily broken through the Fade, only to manifest as Alistair in front of her? She dared not to believe that it was true, and her training was instantaneous in the way she stopped right in her tracks and lightning crackled dangerous on her staff. "Halt! Stay back, demon!" she yelled out hoarse, not daring to hope that it was really Alistair... Because... How?


A fair distance away, fate did not smile kindly upon Leliana in these dark futures. In the previous one, she had been tortured, her body seemingly aged past her years, but this one was no better. The demons that surrounded her cackled, the various types trying to brush up against the former Spymaster to break her indomitable will. Waves of terror, anger, fear, and despair rushed through her mind, making her tense against where she was being hanged by her wrists - helpless. Her mind had long exhausted any options of escaping without them tearing her to pieces, but she continued to steadily run the Chant of Light through her mind. No foul demon claws running up against the chain mailed shape of her form would distract her, not even as the silent Reverent who had formerly lingered in the distance finally approached.

"You will break, little bird. The Elder One has given you to us for our pleasure and amusement," the demon rumbled out, its grisly visage smiling in what could only be described in sadistic glee. The Nightingale did not miss the way its hellish gaze raked up her body, nor the way it allowed the blade of its sword to touch on her inner thigh. But she was still stoic, giving a barking laugh in return.

"I would rather die first."

The Reverent merely widened its smile as with a careless clang, its shield dropped - and the sword followed onto the ground. "You will be screaming for death by the time we are finished with you," it growled out before surging upon her, cold hands sliding hungrily underneath metal and cloth to seek out the warm flesh underneath. All Leliana could do was pray now.

Though darkness closes, I am shielded by flame. Andraste, guide me. Maker, take me to your side.
Things had not been going well recently for Alistair; not that things normally went well for him to begin with, but somehow, things had gotten worst. For starters, he received a raven that his wife and love of his life, Indigo, had been sucked into some kind of portal at Redcliffe. Indigo was Alistair's foundation, the rock upon which the rest of his life was built. She meant the world to him, and as soon as he received the news he raced back to try and hunt her down, only to discover his homeland had been torn apart by the Fade and demons.

He had rallied what few Wardens he could and together with the remnants of the Inquisition and other various armies and forces, they found the castle of Skyhold and sought refuge from the growing chaos. It was a desperate struggle, one in which the allied forces had come close to completely losing on a number of occasions, but they still clung to hope.

For Alistair, it was the hope of finding Indigo. Just the thought of her kept him going, he knew she had to be out there somewhere. He just happened to be on patrol today when he spotted a portal open up near Skyhold. He rushed towards it, prepared to fight the demon that emerged from it, only to find a familiar figure.

"Indigo?" His tone was one of disbelief and shock...after all, how could she just pop out like that? That isn't how the world worked...well, how the world normally worked. He wondered if rules even applied anymore. Still, he was caught off guard when she shouted at him and he even noticed her eyes were watery. His eyes narrowed as he drew his sword and pointed it at her.

"Oh, no no. I'm no demon, your the demon here, and your really even not a good one at that." Alistair pointed out, this tone his normal aloof and joking tone. "I mean, here you are, an Envy demon most likely, right? One of the most power, and you can't even get the details of Indigo right!" He began to complain as he tapped his foot. "I mean, for starters, she would never cry, ever...and not only that, but you are about a head too tall, demon. Indigo is at least a few inches shorter than that, last I check." He commented on her height with a laugh, almost like he was baiting her.


The Reverent laughed as he heard Leliana praying. "Foolish little bird....your Marker and Savior cannot hear you hear. Only the Elder One has power here, and you will soon pray to him." He chuckled as his cold hands slithered up her smooth stomach and towards her perky and sizable breasts currently contained by her cloth and chainmail. His digits squeezed, her flesh molded to the form of his digits as some of his fingers sought out he nipples and began to twist and tug on them.

Leliana's mental defenses had been worn down because of the constant pressure of the various demons, as such, it was easier for the lust and desire to slip in unnoticed beneath her prayers. The groping and the touching, which should have felt disgusting and cold to her, instead made her body feel like it was on fire. It made her heart pound and her face flush as she felt way more pleasure from the simple act of groping than she should have.

A long, snake like tongue uncoiled from the Reverent's mouth and began to slowly lick up Leliana's tongue, painting a path up her smooth neck with his saliva, leaving a wet and hot trail. His tongue brushed against her cheek and was soon pressing against her lips for a few brief moments as he groped her again. Not only that, but a rather large bulge was also starting to pressing against her crotch too...certainly the largest she had ever felt.

As all the sensations assailed her though, they soon stopped, leaving her wanting. His tongue and hands withdrew and he stepped back, grinning at her as he licked his lips. He knew the desire and lust was slowly starting to eat at her. He snapped his fingers and the bounds that held her suspended in the air shattering, freeing her. She was by no means free though. Surrounded by so many demons, she would be slaughtered if she tried to escape.

"Now then, strip for us, little bird." The Reverent spoke again, his voice loud, dominant and command, but also, to Leliana's ears...strangely attractive? In any case, the command sent a wave of pleasure through her as all the demons watched and waited to see how she would respond.
This had to be a Desire demon. Leliana had been trained to fight against all kinds of demons, but the Chantry mothers had always warned her that the Desire ones would be one of the strongest if most subtle; by enticing people’s most basic instincts, they were tapping into something primal and inherent in everyone. Thus, they were powerful, and for now, she simply did not have the energy to resist how the Revenant’s hands crept up her body, touching her in ways that would put any ordinary man to shame. In a different situation, in a different world, she would have enjoyed it wholly to be teased and played with this way.

Instead, the Nightingale hissed, arching against the magical bonds that immobilized her. If possible, she would have kicked the demonic creature, using any resources she had to even momentarily it. But it was all impossible, not when she just felt so… Tired, so much more willing to just give in. Already, her body was reacting to it, and even as her mind attempted to fight, a shudder already ran through her spine at how the unnaturally long tongue pressed against her skin and then against Leliana’s gasping mouth; flashes of how sensual this would be otherwise, put in a more romantic scenario without such a craven audience watching.

She was a Chantry sister, and by such, was expected to lead a fairly chaste life. But this, this was something that any woman would want; the attention, the desire that was now coursing through her veins as she was released and the Revenant drew away. Leliana could only catch herself by her hands and knees, panting out of both the mental exhaustion and now the addelement of lust that was warming her body - priming her for it. She hated it, hated every bit of this, but at the same time, there was now that insistent want to be with it, one that began to make her wet between her legs.

So it only seemed natural, and even more so when the Revenant ordered her to undress. How could she resist when she already felt so warm, so overdressed? It felt like she was in some sort of stupor as the former Spymaster slowly climbed back to her feet, and with her piercing grey eyes glaring hatefully at it, her hood was lowered first. And then, it was loosened, dropping to the ground as her leather gloves and armored boots followed. It was as if her actions didn’t feel like her own, drowning in a haze of desire just to be filled. Maybe… Maybe the creature in front of her was not so terrible if it would promise pleasure for her in the end.

The prayers began to flee her mind then as each article of her armor fell to the ground like her disappearing resolve. The chainmail first, then the simple leather armor underneath was unfastened, until all that was left was her modest undergarments. This was also vehemently discarded, though now perhaps not with so much venomous disdain for the Revenant as she was finally naked, her lean but shapely figure still well-maintained into her age and stress now. Boldly, Leliana began to step towards the demon with a tightened expression, one that locking the mental battle going on in her own mind, though seemingly unwavering in her confidence as she hissed out to it, “If you thought that would break me and force me to reconsider my faith, demon, you are sorely mistaken. I will never bend to the likes of your scum.”
The Revenant watched as Leliana began to strip her clothes, at first defiantly..but that defiance slowly left her body, especially as more of her skin began to show. It fed the lust and desire of the Revenant, which in turn made Leliana's own lust and desire grow. It was a feedback loop that she was quickly starting to become lost in as the desires of each of them mutually fed into one another.

At her defiant words though, the demon merely laughed as he stepped forward, undoing his trousers to reveal his massive and throbbing demonic cock, standing at attention and ready to be served. He stepped forward, his hulking figure a towering presence before her. He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her into his strong and muscular chest.

"Oh, little bird....I won't break I'm just going to make you mine." His voice rang in her head, it felt so hot and sensual. He leaned forward and planted his lips against her own, kissing her passionately. His snake like tongue lashed at her lips and wiggled its way into her mouth to feel up her own tongue and explore. His hands traveled up and down her body. One hand gave her ass a good spank, and then tenderly groped her jiggling rear, rubbing his digits against the flesh. His other hand found one of her lithe breasts and squeezed the mound of flesh, her body molding against the skillful act of his hand. All the while, his manhood pressed against her crotch and womanhood, feeling that she was growing wet even now only felt into the desire loop that immersed them both.
By Andraste and the Maker, it was practically impossible to resist the Desire demon, not when it had taken one of the most attractive forms that it could in a corpse. Being pressed against such a chest, one that most men would be envious of made an involuntary shudder of excitement run up Leliana’s spine, further enhancing how moist she was starting to become and making her gasp even more.

She couldn’t resist. The way he, clearly a male by the cock that she dared not to gaze at for too long with its corruptive nature, intoned the possessive way he claimed her was inherently desirable, and the assault on her mind began to break through. The kiss was all that was needed to seal the deal, a broken moan escaping from the Nightingale’s lips as she closed her eyes, one of her hands unknowingly bracing herself closer onto his armored shoulder while the other was wrapped around the Revenant’s muscular torso. For now foreign and disgusting it should have been, feeling his tongue twist against her own in the most lascivious dance possible was only even more arousing and spoke of the demon’s skill.

So Leliana began to cave in, finally leaning into the Revenant’s relentless advances and touches that left trails of fire behind. If she had thought he was being gentle, he was not - but at least he was careful. Even the smack of her ass made the Nightingale hiss, but it left behind an even heightened sensitivity that made her moan even more at how his fingers worked the tender flesh. Her body now seemed to have a mind of its own, greedy for whatever touches it could have, and even more so for the obvious aching that she now had between her legs. She wanted him in her, wanted to be loved - or whatever twisted desire it was weaving into her mind of how it wanted to dominate her.

But at least, she had one last trick. Even now, she was cunning, her mind scrambling for anything that it could reason to leverage with the Revenant. And even if she couldn’t, at least it still easily fit into the fabric of lust that was blanketing them both. “Tell me your name, demon. What do I call you then?” she gasped out once they parted, intelligent gaze not even touched at all by lust even as the rest of her was practically begging for him by this point, most obvious by how her hips were teasingly grinding against the rigid stiffness of his cock.
The Revenant dominated her in ever way; from its tongue wrestling with her own in her mouth to the way her breasts molded against his firm and muscular chest and finally, the way his massive and bulbous cock, its tip large and knotted and his shaft ribbed, seemed to be built to pleasure a female far more than the average human cock. He rubbed the throbbing rod against her labia, coating it in her love juices and preparing it for the penetration that he knew was to come after he made her submit to him completely.

As they withdrew from the kiss, his assault of pleasure did not let up. His armored hand continued to grope at her rear, giving it another spank before tendering rubbing her reddening skin. His lips and tongue assailed her neck, hot kisses being planted up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on the canvas of her smooth skin. His mouth then reached her breasts and soon he was upon them ravenously. He sucked on one of the mounds like a babe trying to draw milk from its mother as his tongue swirled around her perky and rosy nipple. At her question though, he chuckled as he pulled away.

"For may call me, Master." His voice rung out again, strong and dominate and seeing through her last ploy to try and gain some sort of control over him. He gripped the woman's shoulders and forced her to the ground, her body pressed against a soft fur rug that was in tatters. The demon then drew back, stepping a foot or so away from her.

"Now then...spread your pussy open like a proper slut and beg to be fucked by your master."
He commanded her, his voice so hot in her head again. This was a chance for her to escape if she really tried, there was enough separation between them and the could bypass some of the weaker demons, but the Revenant knew she wouldn't try to leave now...she was his, and she craved this pleasure too much to leave now.
Saying that the Revenant was skilled and equipped was quite the understatement; he was, undoubtedly, a master of what he knew to do best as a Desire demon possessing a body - sex. The way his cock seemed to independently jerk and twitch against her womanhood, now soaking with desire, to how his lips now trailed down to her breasts. They were modest in size as compared to most women, nothing more than average, but to have the demon lavish so much attention upon made Leliana blush. Everything that was happening here was lewd, completely astounding on a mental level that she could have never truly prepared for… But through the overwhelming power of the lust, it was inescapable, like being trapped in the best nightmare anyone could ask for.

Everything about this was pleasurable. From how he smacked her ass again, getting another yelp from the former Spymaster, to how his mouth tweaked and teased another gasping jolt from her with her hands clutching even tighter against his armored form… This was probably most women’s (and some men’s) most filthiest yet vivid dream come true. Even for someone as seemingly holy and chaste as Leliana couldn’t escape the insidious influence of a Desire demon at least once in her life, and she was so lost in the overwhelming need to be claimed by the Revenant that she even allowed herself to be pressed down onto the ground.

Leliana, a fiercely independent and dangerous woman in her own right, allowed herself to be subservient to a Revenant who called himself Master. And for that, she reasoned to herself in her lust-addled mind that she would humor him for now, even if the taste of addressing him as her superior left a delicious taste of further desire throughout her mouth. Calling someone Master was never something she had ever done, yet… By demonic influence or not, it seemed quite appealing now. “Fine. If that is what it takes to humor you, Master then,” she intoned quietly, almost hissing it out as she sprawled onto the rug, naturally falling with her legs apart already to brace herself.

However, what he asked of her still gave her pause. It wasn’t enough to completely break the spell, but what would have broke lesser women immediately and made them babble simply made her freeze, regaining some senses to try and negotiate out of such a degrading situation. Yes, she would call the Revenant Master, but to be reduced to a slut? Never, not even with how forceful his demand was. Besides, there were other elements in it, and with that, the Nightingale dodged around the crushing influence to retort back with her still burning fire, “You cannot be my Master if I am a slut. That in itself is a contradiction. And thus, I am not obligated to be reduced to such.”

Now, Leliana gave him a wry smile, even as her body cried out to surrender to the throbbing cock that was obvious in front of her. She still ached for it to be inside of her, still too entangled in the Desire demon’s power to resist much further than twist words around - as befitting the status of a mastermind as she was. “I will be taken by you, but without me, your power is for naught, demon. You want me, but for you to retain your full command over me, I can contract a deal with you,” she continued, still half-laid out on the rug as vulnerable as a naked woman could be with her glistening entrance just primed for his cock, but still clinging onto whatever dignity she still possessed then due to her iron will, “I establish my own position with you, and in return, I will agree not to escape nor to resist you beyond a reasonable doubt. The Inquisition is long gone, but as long as I live, I will do whatever I can in this cursed world that your Elder One as wrought.”

It was the best that she could hope for then; a hope that was slipping in the midst of just how looking at the Revenant’s demonic and unholy cock was overwhelming, yet desirable in the most warped way possible.
The Revenant thought Leliana to be completely his, that the lust had overwhelmed her, consumed her and that he would have a beautiful slave to do what he pleased with. He watched as the woman laid herself bare on the floor before him. He was expecting her to quickly beg and give in, but instead, he found himself listening to her as she tried to strike a deal with him.

This woman was truly very interesting, she certainly wasn't a normal human, that was for sure. Still, her struggle and willpower made him want to break that last bit of resistance in her even more. It seemed to fuel a fire in him as he laughed and approached her, his bulbous cock throbbing and seeming to grow more erect before her eyes as he got on his knees behind her.

He smacked his cock up against her ass and watched it jiggle, his hands moving to grope her rear. He sandwiched his cock between her ass checks and began to move the throbbing and rigged meat stick between her ass.

"Oh, but I am your Master...and you are my slut whom I can fuck wherever and whenever I please...and whom I can lend out to any demon or man to fuck as well." He stated firmly, his voice so powerful and dominating as his tongue uncoiled from his mouth and licked up her back, coiling around one of her breasts and squeezing the mound like it was in a vice as her nipple was played with.

"You are nothing more than a slut who wants to be fucked and drown in desire." His voice overwhelmed her, every word he spoke seemed to make her grow hotter and more wet with desire. His cock slipped out from between her ass and began to press itself against her wet and needy entrance. the tip rubbing against her clitoris as he grinned.

"Now...renounce your Maker before me and proclaim me your one and only Master...that you will be my slut and then beg for me cock like a good whore." He laughed as he slowly started to push his tip into her before pulling it back, giving her just a taste of his knotted, ribbed and fat cock felt like inside her. All she had to do to receive it was obey...
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