Bending the Elements. (Avatar) (Ursa & rskde)


Sep 3, 2016
Shina shivered as the frigid air hit her, ripping through her thin coat easily. She'd given her sister, Io, the best clothes, per usual. Being the older sibling meant she had to sacrifice her own comfort more often than not, and so she'd accepted being cold as they trudged through the thick snow. They were still in the Earth Kingdom, but it was now snowing, almost a blizzard. Shina sighed as she squeezed Io's hand, pulling her onward.

"Only a little bit further."
She whispered. Shina wasn't sure if she was speaking to herself or her sister, but either way, it didn't matter in the end. They were both tired and weak, having barely eaten in the past few days, and living without shelter. The cold had seeped into their bones, and they were practically frozen now. Shina had done her best to keep Io warm and fed, but no one was willing to help them at the moment. Shina couldn't seem to get work, either. Io tried to work as well, but she was sixteen, younger than Shina, and no one wanted to hire her.

Licking her dry cracked lips, Shina realized that if they didn't find shelter soon, they most likely would freeze to death- despite how unlikely that sounded. It was at that moment that Shina wished, for the first time in her life, that she was a Fire Bender. If she was, she could easily make a fire for them, and at least melt the snow as they walked. Shina was about to give up hope, and just fall right there in the snow, when she spotted light ahead. Peering at it through squinted eyes, she realized it was a fire. Gasping, Shina shook Io, who had practically fallen asleep, and pointed to the light ahead.

Seeing the fire ahead made them both speed up, so they'd arrived at the fire within minutes. Two men sat around it, one around Shina's age, the other much older, and much kinder looking. Swallowing, Shina approached slowly, carefully, before clearing her throat and speaking gently. "Excuse me, may my sister and I share your fire? We won't stay long, only an hour, but it would mean the world to us. I can work for you in return if you like." The fire sat in front of Shina, enticing and warm, the heat reaching her slightly, teasing.

Katara sighed as she exited her tent. It was snowing now, and outside the tent was cold and wet, something that she was used to, of course. Even so, Katara did enjoy warm weather, and she hadn't been expecting it to snow here in the Earth Kingdom. Luckily, she and Sokka came from the Northern Water Tribe, and it was always icy and cold there. Aang and Toph didn't deal with the cold as well as Katara and Sokka, but they were managing. Aang had curled up with Appa, wearing Momo as a hat, and Toph had made her Earth tent, after taking two blankets for herself. She'd cleared the snow on the ground first, using a lit log. It melted enough snow for her.

Hoisting the basket up higher on her hip, Katara pulled her hood on, glad that she'd kept her warm coat from home. Her boots, too, which were definitely coming in handy. Sokka had decided to stay in the tent, complaining that he didn't feel well. It was just an excuse to get out of work, per usual. He promised to keep the fire lit- something Katara hoped he would keep his word on. The fire was nicely lit at the moment, and if anyone wanted dinner, it needed to stay lit.

Katara had the job of going to the market to buy some food, to replenish their supply. They were basically completely out of food now, and she was usually the one who could find decent deals. She was in charge of cooking as well, though she didn't think everyone liked her cooking. Sighing, Katara made her way through the snow and to the market, which had been moved inside, due to the unexpected snow. Before she could get inside, however, she noticed a commotion nearby, shouting and some banging around. Turning to look, Katara saw a male bending, fighting two guards.

He was bending, obviously the guards had found out about this. Seeing that he needed help, Katara intervened, dropping her basket of food on the ground as she jumped in front of one of the guards, pulling a wave of water up from her pouch, creating an ice shield as the guard went to attack. Katara managed to block it, and send the shards towards the guard, who jumped backward, flipping out of the way. Katara knew she'd just exposed herself, but she couldn't stand back and let someone get hurt just because they were bending.
Zuko and Iroh, a Prince and his uncle sit by a fire Zuko had created using his bending, it was a simple trick that didn't cost him much of his energy, and made the unnatural feeling of the cold less noticeable. Of course his uncle had broken out the tea, though Zuko didn't take any for himself. His eyes are fixated on the flames, a hood connected to the heavy cloak around him covers his head where the fire doesn't quite reach.

Iroh of course was ranting on about how good tea was for health and such, but Zuko never really listened any more. He sighs softly as he thinks to himself about their next move. They had received a tip three days ago about the Avatar being in this town which they are on the outskirts of now, but three days of searching has shown them no such luck.

The fire nation Prince raises a hand to his scarred eye, his fingertips brushing against the ugly mark before returning to his lap, his fingers tapping against the fabric of his cloak as he thinks to himself. He finally looks over at Iroh. "Uncle." He says to the old man, who immediately stops talking to give his nephew his full attention. "We haven't found the Avatar here, I don't think there's any other place to look." Zuko says with a shrug. "Maybe we should just move on, go back to the ship." He suggests.

Iroh gives him a shrug. "Something I've learned about tips and gossip is that people like to exaggerate, that tip was not exaggerated, that man seemed like he saw a ghost." Iroh says. "He's here nephew, we just have to search harder." The old man says. Zuko sighs and nods. "You're right." He says, jumping slightly at the new voice. His head turns so that he looks at the two, his scar not visible as it is on the other side of his face. "Uhm, I don't..-" Zuko starts to say, but is quickly interrupted by Iroh. "Of course you can stay!" The old man says, a smile warmer than the fire itself spreading across his face.

Zuko sighs quietly, unable to be heard by his Uncle and the two new comers. He moves over to make room for them, his eyes going back to the fire.


Ryan shivers in the cold air of the night. Of all things.. Why snow? He had always disliked the cold, the fire nation was almost always hot, it just got warm during the winter and blazing hot during the summer. He had been homeless for a little while, traveling from town to town in search of small jobs and rooms to rent just so that he could sleep in a bed, but sooner or later the patrons found out about his heritage and immediately turned him away, no matter how much money he offers to give them to let him stay.

The fire nation was afraid of people like him, those that could bend fire from thin air, only royalty was supposed to do that, so his ability is extraordinary to say the least. Which is probably why he was exiled. He had walked into town earlier that day, unable to find even work much less a room. His shoes make imprints into the snow as he walks towards the market area. He stands in the corner of the market, a small flame dancing around his fingers in an attempt to keep himself warm while also remaining unseen by any of those who take the war against the fire nation a little too seriously.

"Hey! Fire bender!" A guard calls over, two of them walk over, one brandishing a sword while the other appears to be a bemder, both wear the Earth Nation guard uniform. "We don't like your kind around here." One of the guards growls. "I'm sure the people would love a fire nation scumbag for the stocks." The other suggests, they start moving towards him. "Now, where's your source of fire?" One asks with a chuckle, Ryan's flame goes out, just so he still has the element of surprise against the two.

They take another step towards him, Ryan's hand reaches behind him, his hand closing around the hilt of his dagger before letting go again, he couldn't kill these two even if he wanted to, murder was not a crime he was willing to commit. His hands raise in front of him, he whips around and extends his hand towards the bender, a ball of fire slamming into the man's chest and sending him falling over backwards. The swordsman charges towards him, but is taken down by.. Ice? Ryan is distracted for a moment, seeing a tan girl in blue running towards him and the battle. The sight of her throws him off so much that he doesn't see the boulder flying towards him. He reflexively ducks, the bottom of the boulder hitting his head and sending him sprawling on to the snow.

He jumps up and pumps his hands towards the bender, each movement sending another wave of fire towards the man, he whips around and kicks out at the bender, sending him running with his uniform nearly burned off, small second degree burns litter his body. Ryan looks over to see the swordsman had also been dispatched by the water nation girl. "Thanks." He says while taking a moment to the breathe, the fight had been slightly exhausting. "Why did you help me?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
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