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Relationship in School [Willow/Tezumak99]


Mar 19, 2009
"Can anyone tell me whats going to happen when I bring this torch close to the balloon filled with hydrogen?" He said out loud to the classroom. A few minutes passed by and Ethan still couldn't get an answer out of them. To be serious, he felt bored too. It was the day before the weekend and already the kids were talking about their plans coming up. One student perked up the comment of 'this class is boring' and Ethan couldn't help but shake his head, smiling.

"Well," he said, bringing the fire closer to the balloon. Suddenly, the balloon popped and zoomed around the room. A few screams and gasps could be heard as some students tried to get out of the way. "No homework for the weekend. And may I remind you, don't drink and drive. Some of you live close to me and I can hear the music blasting all the way down the street!"

Some students smirked as they hurried out of the door. Ethan watched the last one go before turning around and erasing the board. He filed everything into his folder before. He sighed a relief that the weekend was finally over and un-did his tie. Shooting his papers into the trash can, he sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.
It wasnt really her first day for teaching the class it was really the following week. She walks into a classroom and stopped. Her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and she smiled, light red lips. Her hazel eyes saw the teacher sitting there in his chair. "I'm so sorry. I'm the new English teacher. I start Monday. I was just looking for my classroom. I wanted to get to know my way around the school so I wont get lost." She says to him as she walks into the classroom. "I'm Jasime Mason." She says and offers her hand to him to shake it.
Ethan almost fell off the chair when he heard a voice behind him. He sat upright and shook the sleepiness out of him. "I...guess you've come to the right place." He stated, getting a good look at the person in front of him. He reached in, taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Ethan Bennet. And this is my class."


"Finally, this is your classroom." He ran his hand through his dark curly hair and sighed a relief. "So when do you start?" He asked, taking a chair and sitting down.
"This Monday. I see why I got classrooms mixed up. It's right next to yours." She says to him softly and smiles at him. "Since I am new here and all. I was just wondering if you would like to join me for dinner at my place?" She said but didnt make it sound like a question. She looks at him and pulls out her little notepad which she wrote down on a peice of paper, hands it to him. "I love to cook besides loving to teach." She says to him softly. "English and cooking are my thing." She says to him softly. "Seven tonight is when I'll have dinner. I just hate eating alone." She explains to him softly.
He was taken a bit back by her invitation to her place. "Uh...okay." He shrugged. He had nothing to do tonight. "How about you tell me where your place is and I can come over." Suddenly, she started to write down her address on a notepad. He smirked, taking it. " sure are something."
She smiles at him and nods. "Wait till you taste my cooking then tell me what kind of woman I am." She says to him softly and looks at her watch after putting away her notepad. "I must run to the store to get everything I need. I'll see you at seven Ethan." She says to him softly and looks him in the eyes. "Unless you want to walk me to my car?" She suggeseted to him softly.
"Actually I was gonna leave in a few minutes. Might as well just walk you to your car." At this point, Ethan began to take an interest to the woman. She was beautiful, and she did seem smart. Taking her hand, he walked her all the way outside to her car. But when he saw her car, he whistled out loud. "That sure is a nice car." He said gently, looking back at her.
She smiles at him. "Thanks. I won it actually, in a contest." She says as she looks back at her black corvette and looks back at him with a smile. "Half the time when I walk outside to my car I look around and think its not my car." She says and lets out a small laugh.
[[the link doesn't work for some reason]]

Ethan looked at her, surprised it was hers. " Well, guess I'll see you at seven." He nodded towards her before turning around and walking all the way to his car. He drove out of the parking lot and after a few minutes, reached his house. There, he took a shower, put some nice clothes, and ate a bit before sitting down in front of the T.V.
(sorry i fixed it now u can see it)

She smiles as she gets into her car and drives off. She drove to the store and went shopping for what she needs. She drove home and showered. She put on a lovely blue dress and went downstairs and start cooking. She cooked and set up the table. She looked at the clock and noticed that it was six-thrity. She smiles and hopes he would come early since she was finished cooking earlier than she usually would finish dinner.
Seeing as he had nothing to do except watch television, Ethan turned the T.V. off and got up, cracking his neck. He picked up his car keys and the notepad that Jasime wrote on. He locked the door behind him before getting into his car. He turned it on, revved up the engine, and drove out of the parking lot.

It took him a whole fifteen minutes to find the right address. When he did, he parked on the curb near the house. He took out a mint from his pocket and put it in his mouth. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the car, locked it, and walked towards the door, whistling to himself.
She smiles as she fixes up the house a bit as she waits for him to come over. She saw movement outside of her window and noticed it was him. She went to the front door and opened it. "Hey, your early but that's okay. Dinner is done anyways." She says to him softly as she looks at him. "Come on in. Would you like some soda with dinner?" She asked him softly. "Or would you prefer wine with the pasta?" She asked him softly just to see what he liked. She had already chilled the wine in the fridge but wasnt sure if he liked wine or not.
He walked into the house and was greeted by Jasime. "I'll have some wine." He replied to her question as he walked towards the kitchen. He was suddenly hit by a smell coming from the kitchen. "My God that smells great," he said gently as he sat down on the table.
She shut the door and smiles at him. "Like I said I love to cook." She says to him and goes to the fridge to get the wine out. She pulls the wine out and pops the cork. She fills upo two glasses of wine and hands one to him. She sets hes down and puts the wine in the ice wine bucket.

She went to the stove and filled up both plates and brings them to the table. She sets them down on both sides of the table and takes her seat. "I hope you like it." She says to him as she sips her wine before eating her chicken pasta.
"I don't like it..." he said, eyeing the food. "I love it!" He picked up the for and started to eat the food in front of him, sipping his wine once in a while. A few minutes later, he set his fork down on the empty plate. "How about some seconds?" He asked as he refilled his glass.
She smiles and gets up. No one has ever asked her for seconds so she was happy. She picked up the pot and brought it to the table. She filled up his plate again and set the pot down on the table since it was cool enough to stay there with them. She sits back down and finishes up eating her pasta while drinking wine every now and then.
"Thank you," he said as she stood up to get some more food. "And might I add you like beautiful in that dress." He said gently. As soon as the food was set down in front of him, he picked up the fork and ate everything on his plate, drinking the wine once in a while. As soon as he finished, he set his fork on the empty plate and rubbed his stomach. "Again...that was good."
She smiles. "Thank you." She says about his complement on her dress. She eat the rest of her food just like he did and smiles when it was all gone. "You see why my passion is cooking as well as teaching?" She asked him softly and took their plates to the sink. She goes back to the table and clears off the table and puts all the dishes into the sink. "Would you like to drink some more wine in the living room?" She asked him softly as she loads up the dishwasher and starts it.
"I'd love to go to the living room." He stood up, pouring himself another glass of wine along the way. "So how long have you lived?" He asked as he sat down on the couch, watching her load up on the dishwashing.
“Lived here?” She asked him but answered it anyways. “I lived here for two weeks now. But I bought the house years ago, I just rented it out.” She tells him softly. Once the dishwasher was full she set it and went to the living room, sits on the couch with him. She had her wine glass with her and smiled as she filled up her own glass. “I transferred after last year. But the board said I would start after the first week of school.” She says to him softly.
By now, he was a bit drunk from drinking all the wine. He set his glass down on the table in front of him before scooting closer to Jasime before putting his arm around her. "You really do look beautiful," he said gently as he reached in, kissing her on the lips.
Jasmine’s eyes widen and kissed him back. Her eyes soften and her arms went around his neck as she presses her body against his body. She pulls from the kiss and smiles at him. “Would you like to stay the night with me?” She asked him softly as she looks him in the eyes. “I could use a good few rounds of sex with an amazing looking guy like you.” She says to him softly.
Smiling, he picked up Jasmine by the buttocks and set her down on his lap. Immediately, a boner started to form under his pants. "I'd love to stay the night and have a few rounds of fun." He reached in one more time, kissing her on the lips and sliding his tongue inside her mouth. Meanwhile, his hands started to rub her legs. "Do you wanna do it here or in your bed?" He asked as he started to nibble on her neck. One of his hands went under her dress, rubbing her panties.
She kissed him back and moans out as she felt him grow under his pants. When he pulled away she looks at him in the eyes. “My bed sounds better.” She says to him as she feels him rubs her legs and moans out when he starts rubbing her covered slit under her dress. “I see you want more.” She says to him softly as she gets off his body and slips her panties off, leaving them on the floor as she walks towards the stairs that leads up to the second floor to her room. She unzips the dress and lets it falls to the floor as she starts walking up the stairs. She wore nothing but heels on her feet. “Are you coming?” She asked him softly.
Ethan watched Jasmine throw her panties on the ground and smiled. "Yeah I'm coming," he replied. Cracking his neck, he took his shoes off and walked to the stairs. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to get some pussy tonight, let alone have a date. As he was walking up the stairs, he un-did his tie. He turned a corner and found himself in what he thought was Jasmine's room. He saw her on the bed, wearing nothing but her heels. Suddenly, the lump in his pants started to get bigger and bigger just at the sight of her. He threw his jacket and tie aside and started to unbutton his shirt and pants. "Come here," he said softly. He reached in and pushed Jasmine onto her back. Spreading her legs, he started to suck on her pussy.
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