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Succumb to Temptation (Ziyi & DarkRiffs)


Apr 27, 2009
Sizzle! A blue lightsaber met a green one as the two blades crossed and hummed with energy as the two fighters jumped away from each other, not making use of the Force for that would be cheating. In this fight at least. When it was to the death and the opponent was a danger it was best to make use of every single thing around including the Force for the latter was an ally in battle. This afternoon it was a sparring match between Master and Apprentice with the Master critically judging the fight as each minute passed and each pass was made.

"Once more! Again!" Came the gruff voice of the Jedi Master who was trying to train his pupil, his padawan learner on how to fight effectively against a skilled opponent when the Force could not be used.

"You must carefully observe the way your opponent moves, Kyrlin. Watch their shoulders, eyes and footwork. And pay attention to your own!" He exclaimed, quickly sweeping Kyrlin's feet out from under him.

Kyrlin did not expect such a fast movement and tumbled to the floor, wincing as he rolled up again, his only consolation was that he had kept his lightsaber in his hand. His Master had drilled it into him time and time again that to drop his weapon was to invite death and defeat and he'd finally managed to keep ahold of it. If he'd forgotten such a thing today he knew his Master would have scolded him and he didn't want that to happen. He wanted to excel. Kyrlin took a defensive stance once more as he searched for a weakness in the other male and lunged forward only to feint.

Right at the last moment so that it would be hard to react. His Master just barely managed to avoid the blow Kyrlin was directing at his side and the corners of his lips twitched as he smiled at his apprentice. Not bad. Not too bad at all.

"Good job. You've learned a bit. Let's take it easy for a few hours, the Council has called upon us to take a job."

"Thank you, Master."

"One of these days you are going to make a fine Jedi, Kyrlin."

"I hope so, Master. I want to become the best!" His Master chuckled and shook his head as he put an arm over Kyrlin's shoulders and directed him towards the exit.

They left to clean themselves up and then a few hours later reported to the Jedi Council who gave them a mission to go after a Sith master and his apprentice who were reported to be heading towards this general area. It was an important mission and the Council expressed doubts about sending Kyrlin and his master but the latter had faith in his apprentice and managed to persuade them to allow them both to go. Departing from the Jedi temple, Kyrlin and his Jedi Master headed out to where their ship awaited a few miles away.

They did not know that the Sith Master and his apprentice had already landed on this planet and were exploring the ship Kyrlin and his Master intended to board...
"Yes, this will be where it goes down" the master cooed, running his fingers along a smooth metal railing with a grin."When the time comes boy, stand aside and watch, an insolent fool like you will not be able to contend with a Jedi" he stated callously to his apprentice.

"Yes master, I understand, I will stay out of your way" the young lad stated, bowing softly before his master.Trad was a young man and apprentice to the sith, having lived on the streets his whole life he'd been forced into the appealing life of a sith, It was that or starve."Master I-" he was cut off."I know, they are prepared" the master cooed quietly.

Trad strode off to observe from a distance as his master meditated quietly.His fingers rested on his lightsaber eagerly, running along the smooth hilt as his nerves twinged.He was a man run by impulses and desire as was normal for a sith, he just hoped there was something for him to celebrate after this was done, he did so love those after parties his master threw.
His Master suddenly paused when the ship came into sight and held out a hand to prevent Kyrlin from taking another step forward. Using the Force he came across a presence concealed quite well and he narrowed his eyes, motioning for Kyrlin to be silent as he tried to pinpoint the exact location of the disturbance he had felt. It was important to figure out how far away from their current position the enemy was since it would make all the difference in the world.

"I sense...great darkness. Nearby. Be on your guard Kyrlin."


"I do not know. Reach out with your senses and tell me if you can sense anything."

"I'll do my best, Master." Kyrlin said as he wet his suddenly dry lips for even though he was eager to prove himself out in the field, he didn't want to die.

For some reason he felt death in the air and he was uncertain as to why he should be feeling such a thing since there were no dead creatures lying around. Which meant it might be a sense of what was to come. But why should he be afraid? This was what a Jedi was meant to do. To battle the forces of evil and come out on top or at least serve some greater purpose in death than they had in life. Many had done so before and many would continue to do so.

Kyrlin cast out his senses as he used the Force to try and find this enemy presence as instructed by his Master and caught it a few minutes after he'd first started to search.

"I found it Master! What are we to do?"

"Get ready, they're coming."

"They? There's more than one?"

The elder and more experienced Jedi launched himself forward as he whipped out his green lightsaber to fly through the air, using a technique to make sure he caught the enemy off guard. It also had the advantage of finding out where the enemy was and what he was doing and what sort of weapons he could possibly have. Besides the expected lightsaber of course. Hours later the battle was done and the apprentices would be left to pick up the pieces...
Tran had simply stood staring down at his master quietly."Weakling....lost to a filthy Jedi" he spat, gazing sourly at the corpse.Everything his master had taught him had made him calloused and cold, even towards his master.To him, being slain by a Jedi was the ultimate hypocrisy and betrayal."I hope you burn!" he shouted, booting his foot angrily against the ribs of his master.Fishing into the mans robe he stripped him of his lightsaber, angry tears streaming down his face.
Kyrlin was stunned. His Master was gone, he'd been taken out by a Sith Lord, most likely the one they were heading off to confront and he wasn't entirely sure what to do now. He wanted revenge but the Jedi had taught him to cut off all emotion for fear, anger and hatred were all paths to the dark side. So he stopped the tears that came to his eyes and forced them away as he calmed himself down, not thinking about the loss he'd suffered and narrowed his eyes at the remaining danger.

The Sith apprentice. It was his duty to take out the remaining Sith and then report to the Jedi Council on what had happened and then immerse himself in training so that he wouldn't think of his beloved Master.

"Fight me Sith!" He exclaimed and whipped out his lightsaber to hear its calming blue hum as he launched himself towards the Sith apprentice.

Hoping that his skill was enough so that he would be able to take Tran out. Kyrlin was aiming for a clean strike which would slice open the Sith from head to toe and if the other dodged it he would reverse his strike to cut through Tran's side. To cut him in half. Perhaps he would catch him unawares for Tran was currently kicking his former Master and telling him that he hoped he would burn which was rather strange.
Tran had been deep in thought as he punted his master in the side angrily.For all the anger and betrayal he felt, he felt an equal amount of exuberance.Unlike the Jedi who graduated an academy to become masters, the Sith became masters by succession.Whenever a Sith master died, his apprentice was thrust into masterhood, some early, some very late in their careers, but all would grow to be equally as deadly.

Had Kyrlin not declared his challenge Tran might not have even noticed him swinging towards him.Turning quickly a snarl painted his face as his hand thrust out, using the force to catch the Jedi mid-leap and suspend him in the air.For everything a Sith lacked in the discipline of the Jedi they made up for in raw power."I WILL NOT HAVE YOU SLAY ME SO EARLY IN MY CAREER YOU LITTLE WELP!" he thundered hotly.So badly did Tran want to squeeze the life out of the little shit, but had it not been for the boys master He'd still be polishing shoes and servicing his own master.

Thinking quietly for a moment he smirked."I think I'll bring you with me" he cooed with a sick smirk."It isn't every day a silly little Jedi so fool headedly makes an attack" he finished."Drop your lightsaber or I'll squeeze the life from you" he demanded.
It was due to his inexperience that Kyrlin had lost. His master would never have declared his attack nor would he have done something so rash as to jump into the air after declaring said attack, both moves were vulnerable to a Sith's power. Kyrlin was held in mid-air by Tran's force-grip and he discovered his limbs were rendered useless which made him rethink what he had done and he grimaced, wondering why he had been so stupid. Probably due to the loss of his master but still...Kyrlin blinked in surprise when he heard Tran say that he was going to bring him along and the Jedi padawan's brow creased with uncertainty. "You should kill me. Or when I get the chance I promise I will kill you." He exclaimed, his anger barely held in check as he glared at Tran from the air and did not let his grip on his lightsaber falter, he'd learned that lesson a long time ago and it had been reinforced throughout his entire training.
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