RP: Matrix : Front To Back [ Horror_Show & Howbout..blue]


Feb 15, 2010
Madilyn was finishing dance recital and was wiping her face off with a towel and grabbing her belongings. Some of her fellow classmates were fooling around as others were leaving for tonight. She had taken ballet since she was a little girl and had evolved into taken other types of dance such as street dancing and hip hop. Music and dancing was her personal escape. A few of the other classmates had asked her if she wanted to go catch a drink but she declined, using homework as an excuse.

Leaving the studio, she was waving at the others as she walked toward the car garage. She lived alone in her fathers one-bedroom apartment. She had to fight for the apartment because of her mother. Her father had divorced her mother long ago, she almost felt like they were separated before she could even remember. Her father had lived on the other side of town, not in the best building. She had to fix it up as her father lived the minimum. She could remember walking into the apartment after his death.

His computer desk was cluttered and his computer screens active, clutter and trash was everywhere. He had electronics and wires everywhere. She had packed and stored so many hard drives, Cd’s and disc drives. She figured some of them were illegal programs her father had made. She knew her father despite being a programmer for his career did a lot of underground trading.

She unlocked her car and suddenly felt like she was being watched. She thought maybe it was some of her friends messing with her and was looking around the car garage. She saw black vehicles parked on the far side of the garage with tinted windows.
Trinity leaned on him and said "Are we doing the right thing Neo. She seems fine and we didn't see anyone but us tracking her." Neo looked at her while she was walking to her car. At least that was what she was seeing. After all, everything around them was just well written codes. He then turned his gaze to Trinity, his closest friend. Then he said "You don't understand. They have eyes and ears everywhere. If any Agent finds her, we all are all out." Trinity looked at the innocent girl who is sitting in her own car. She put her hand to her forehead, thought that if it would be worth it to save her.

Neo was seeing her doubts, literally. He put his hand on her back and made her look at him in the eyes. He said "Trust me, it will worth it." while rubbing her back "Now let's get onto her quickly, " She nodded her up up and down and turned the car on. Their plan was taking her out of the matrix, saving her from this prison. In order to do that, they were being sure that she was not being followed by anyone. It seemed like they were the only ones who care about her and it was just what they wanted. Trinity started the car, looks like she was about to leave
After checking her phone, she kept eyeing the black vehicle on the other side of the garage. She had no idea that inside of that vehicle was Thomas A. Anderson, otherwise her father. Though he was no longer that Alias, he had a new identity after being disconnected from the matrix. He was sort of a prodigy in the real apocalyptic world. He was now known as Neo, which was an anymon for One.


Before his disappearance and death he was just like any other bluepill connected to the matrix. He worked as a computer programmer for MetaCortex software company. Aside from his career life and being a single father, he was a hacker selling contraband programming under the alias he was called now. A lot of the illegal contraband was in storage boxes in a closet at his old apartment where she now resided.

She knew that her father was subconsciously aware and paranoid that something was wrong about the world. Her mother had said it was the reason she left him years ago, that he was unstable and a manic depressive. She had no idea that upon his research he had heard something about the matrix and began searching for a man called Morpheus.

A year ago one night her father had supposedly had overdosed and was found dead in his apartment. Madilyn had been in denial for so long grieving, her father had issues and he had some antipsychotics he took occasional but he did not do drugs or sell them. Because of his underground contraband involvement, it was easy for everyone to believe not only was he a criminal but a druggie. It didn’t even look like his body in the coffin, it felt so weird, like it wasn’t him. She remembered leaving the funeral service.

Madilyn started her car and turned on music on her phone and drove out of the garage. She pulled into the city streets and headed toward the other side of town.
"She is moving." Trinity said and started to follow her on her way into her lot. It was an easy plan; get inside, take her out and bring her to the Morpheus to save her from the Matrix. Simple as that. While on the streets their car was safely distanced from hers. Just enough to not get any attention of hers and just enough to engage with whoever wants to get to her. She was driving carefully and Neo was watching around them for Agents.

It was her neighbourhood at last. After a long driving here they were. Trinity let go a huge breath, she was thankful for nothing has happened on their way home. After this last turn, they could just get on her flat and take her out. While she was thinking these Madilyn was taking the last turn. Suddenly Neo stood up and said, looking at the way she just passed "Catch up on her, now!"

Trinity was confused but yet, she did what he said. After taking the turn she saw that Madilyn was pulled over. A police officer was near her window. She asked him "What's wrong?" and Neo answered while looking straight into the officer "He is an Agent. They have found her. Wait here, I'll take care of it." and got out of the car. Started to walking at the police officer who was about to question her.
Madilyn was almost home when randomly a cop pulled out behind her and immediately turned on his lights. She pulled over to the side of the street. She rolled down her window and put the car into park. The officer got out of his vehicle and made his way to her car shining in a flashlight.

“Sir, is there a problem? I don’t recall speeding and my tags are up to date?” She asked. The cop bent over shining the bright flashlight in her eyes.

“Ma’am just doing random checks. This isn’t the safest part of town. You live down here?” He asked and Madilyn pulled out her driver license and registration. It showed she lived at her father’s old place. The cop nodded.

“This isn’t really an ideal living environment for a young girl.” The cop said.

“It was my fathers place. I’ve fixed it up. I’ve never had any problems.” She said still confused.

Then suddenly someone was approaching the officer and he turned to shine his light on Neo, who looked like a black silhouette.

“Excuse me…..sir stop right now.” He said pulling out his gun as Madilyn was wide eyed.

Then suddenly the most terrifying and unrealistic thing happened in front of the girl. The police officer started shaking and was having some sort of seizure when he transformed into a completely different person, a person with glasses and a suit. Madilyn was in shock.

“Mr. Anderson…so we meet again.”

Madilyn was trembling in the car and was looking up at the agent and looked backwards and couldn’t make out who the other person was, he was in the shadows and all in black but that agent had just called him Anderson, her last name?
Neo knew he had to be quick but he was afraid of scaring her too. So instead of jumping right on to him, he walked carefully while the cop was questioning her. Then the cop realized that someone was coming. He wasn't an Agent, for now. His face was confused and asked Neo to stop. Neo hoped he could save his daughter without any fight. But his hopes got lost into darkness. An agent was capturing him. After seconds, the poor police officer was gone. It was the an Agent, but not someone ordinary. It was the Agent Smith...

He looked at Neo with his emotionless face, calmly saying "Mr. Anderson... So we meet again" Neo stopped immediately. She shouldn't be harmed at all. She was the only thing to keep him alive. Neo, started walking back, slowly. In order to keep him away from Madilyn. But if they would start fighting, everything would be destroyed around them.

As Neo was walking back, Agent Smith started to walk on him as well. Saying "This girl seems important to you, Mr Anderson. I wonder why? She has some anomalies like you have. Her record was hard to find in all that code. But here we are..." Neo tightened his fist. Shit was about to go down. He slowly moved his hand, as warning Trinity not to come. It probably would attract more Agent's here, it was too risky.

Neo lifted his fists up to his chest, challenged Agent Smith to a fight. At the end last time, Neo kicked his ass. He was up for another round. In order to protect his daughter from him, nothing could be standing on his way. He said "You will stay away from her." from between his teeth, threatening him.
The young girl stayed seated in her car, motor running, seatbelt still on. Her window was down and she had her head turned as far as it would allow to see back at the agent and the man he was approaching. She heard the man reference her to the unknown man. He had said they had similar anomalies whatever that had meant. Her heart was pounding, her breathing heavy. She had no idea what the fuck was going on but things didn’t feel natural. Why would she be important to this man and why did he call him Mr. Anderson. The girl left the motor running but unbuckled herself frantically and clumsily opened the door climbing out of the car.

As she leaned against her door for support she heard the man growl for the agent to stay away from her. That voice even from afar sounded so familiar, it made her knees lock and her stomach churn. Then she saw the agent crack his neck and in seconds they had attacked each other in super quick martial arts fighting you would only see in a sc-fi movie.


Another woman appeared out of nowhere looking at her and Madilyn cried out alarmed. The woman was dressed in latex that was shiny and black and had on sunglasses with her short hair slicked back.


“You need to follow me. We have to get you to safety. I need you to trust me right now.” Trinity’s voice echoed as the young lady was cringing and cried out from all the force of the other two fighting.

“Now!” Trinity yelled and the girl cried out nodding. Trinity grabbed the girl’s hand and drug her from the car and leapt into the air as the girl screamed. She landed with the girl pressed to her chest crouched to take most of the force. She opened the door of their vehicle and shoved the girl inside locking the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. Madilyn was in tears, hyperventilating.

Trinity in seconds grabbed a rather funny looking medical device that looked like a gun. Without asking she bent over grabbing the girl and pressed the needle into her neck and injected her with a tracker. Madilyn cried out shaking and Trinity let her go as the girl grabbed her neck grasping for breath. Trinity talked into a cellphone.

“I got the tracker in her. Tank affirmative.”

“Wasn’t you supposed to wait for Neo to give you the sign to do so? She is supposed to be given a choice and she still needs to take the pill.” Tank said through the earpiece which the girl couldn’t hear.


“Right now she doesn’t have much of a choice if he wants her out.”

Madilyn was crying hysterically holding her neck falling into emotional pieces in the back of the car.
Shit, she was getting out of the car. He needed to do something quickly. Looks like the only way out of this was a good fight. Agent Smith cracked his neck, it was like his ritual before a fight, and attacked Neo. He easily moved away from his first attack and made him punch the air, so called air. Then they started to fight, their punches and kicks was so fast that a normal person wouldn't be able to see anything clearly; just some colours moving around. He successfully evaded all of his attacks, he could kick his ass right there, but the only thought in his mind was Madilyn and her safety.

He saw some dark figure moving, it was just a glimpse. He begged that it would be Trinity. To see what's going on clearly, he turned some of Agent Smith's attacks back on himself. When he was startled he saw that Trinty was taking her out of the combat zone. Without her support, they would be dead for a long time ago. While he was looking at them, Agent Smith was recovered and kicked Neo from his jaw relentlessly. Now it was time for Neo to startle. He took a few punches to his stomach while seeing that Trinity and Madilyn was leaving. After seeing their escape, there was nothing around to hold himself.

He was on the ground and the Agent was about to make his last move. He said "Goodbye Mr. Anderson" as he prepared to punch Neo from his face. Neo holds his fist on the air and made him stop. The agent was surprised. Even though he was wearing glasses, his eyebrows were showing how surprised and confused he was. Neo pulled his fist to him and punched him right in the face that he flew over the street and hit a wall. The wall cracked into his shape, but it wasn't over. He still was able to move, but Neo had no time for this fight. She was secured and they needed to get her out of the Matrix as soon as possible. So he jumped to air and started flying like an F-16 Raptor to the meeting point.
Trinity immediately put the vehicle into drive and started speeding down the city streets maneuvering in-between cars and dangerously switching lanes. Madilyn was an emotional wreck in the back seat being thrown around as Trinity was heading toward a secured location. Cops would eventually be attempting to get on Trinity’s tail but it was useless as she merged onto a highway. Trinity was doing her best to keep focus and get the girl to safety.

Neo meant the world to Trinity whether he knew it or not. The oracle had once told her that she would fall in love with “the one” whether he believed in himself. Trinity wasn’t even so sure that Neo believed he was the one, but he definitely had come a long way since she met him in the club months ago telling him what he wanted to know.

Trinity also knew that even if this young blue pill wasn’t really his daughter in the real world, for years being plugged in he thought he was her biological father. From the moment he had been reborn, he desperately talked about her and had the team do frequent check ups. They forbidden him from making any contact for her own safety. Morpheus had tried to convince that as long as he had no contact she could live safely in the matrix, but because Neo knew that wasn’t going to happen demanded she be freed or he would do it himself.

She was young so it would help her adjust to the truth, Neo had been the exception as most adults couldn’t handle the truth of the real world. The poor girl was about to go through a horrifying experience of waking up.

Trinity had gotten off the highway to a residential area and pulled into an underground garage. She stopped the car and Tank confirmed they were off radar for a few good minutes but their time was limited. Trinity turned back to the girl who was quiet but breathing hard with snot and spit. She looked horrible.

“Your going to see someone you know very soon. You need to try to control your emotions and listen. We don’t have much time and you’re in serious danger.”

“What? Danger from who? What are you talking about and what did you do to my neck….what the hell is going on?” The girl cried.
After a long flight Neo landed before the aperture of the garage. Garage was almost empty, there were just few cars and bikes. He checked that no one is around to see or even hear them. Then he stood up and started walking to the black car which Trinity and his beloved daughter were in. He saw them talking, Madilyn was crying. His heart fell into pieces that second and he opened the door to get inside. Their speech was stopped. He put his glasses off, looked into Madilyn's eyes and said "Honey, it's so good to see you again! We are gonna get you out of this mess, I promise"
Suddenly the door opened and Madilyn jerked, eyes beady and wide in fear as someone climbed in. Immediately he took of his sunglasses and revealed who it was. It was him! It was her father, Thomas A Anderson but he looked a little different in the combat attire and his hair. It was his avatar change when he plugged into the matrix. Madilyn looked like she was seeing a ghost and didn’t know if this was some sort of bittersweet nightmare.


“How is this….real? Your…. your-your supposed to be dead! I saw you get buried, they said you overdosed!” She snapped in tears heaving in. “What the fuck is going on!” She said with a ragged breath. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

Trinity was quiet and facing the front to give them privacy, she only hoped Neo could calm her and get her to listen.
He hugged her and let her cry out her grief and confusion. Once she was done with that, Neo hold her up and said "Madilyn, I am so sorry for leaving you without saying anything. But... there are things you need to know. This car, this clothes, this... everything. Everything is just a well programmed simulation." He stopped to check on her, after all she was with her supposed to be dead father and he was talking about reality and simulations. But they had no time for a family reunion, not until she was secured and out of Matrix for good.

He continued his talking while she was still in shock "Listen, I know this sounds crazy but you saw with your own eyes. How that Agent fought with me. Do you really think that someone could be really that fast? You saw that innocent police officer changing into deadly Agent." he rubbed her shoulder and said "Now, Trinity and I are going to get you out of this and make sure you are in safety."

While she was still proccessing the whole thing, Neo turned Trinty and said "Get us out of here" and turned back to her. Stroked her back while she was looking at him with her eyes are all wet.
Madilyn wasn't even sure this was real. She really did feel like she was in a nightmare of sorts. That when she woke up she would be in her fathers apartment and would still be dealing with the fact that he was dead. Maybe this was her minds way of coping, of making some crazy paranormal and unnatural things take place. He kept talking about programs and simulations but the only thing that made sense was when she saw the cop turn into an agent and saw him and the agent fighting.

Trinity had started the car and was in motion to keep them more secure. Madilyn held onto her father, staying in his arm. He felt real but something felt completely different about him. He wasn't as tense as before. Trinity had quietly spoke from the from.

"Neo, we don't have much time. Tank needs to start the process....you need to hurry." Trinity said and Madilyn with big tearful eyes just looked at her father.
Meanwhile his team was locked to her pod. Waiting for Neo to give her the pill. Neo nodded and put his hand into his pocket. There were two pills, one red and one blue. She clearly had no idea what was going on and what was going to happen. He could have just given her the red one to take her out right away. But at the end, he was a father and he needed to give his daughter a choice.

He held the pills in his hands. Each one had one pill. His left hand was holding the blue pill while the red pill was in his other hand. He then said to her, "Madilyn, I know it's too much to process in one day. But this life isn't real. This is just a dream, a fantasy. A program named Matrix. We have lost the war against robots and now they are using us like batteries. They are keeping us in here with their Agents. You saw how that policeman changed into someone else. It was an Agent. A program to make sure everything is in order in here. But you and I are not compatible and now they know about you. Please you have got to believe me." He showed his hands and continued "These are your choices. If you take the blue one, you will wake up in your bed next morning, feeling fine and alright. Remembering nothing. But..." he paused "But if you take the red one, I am going to show you the truth."
Madilyn listened to her father and everything he was speaking of sounded crazy. It didn't make any sense. The only thing that she could compare was during his funeral. How she felt the body in the casket wasn't real, apparently it wasn't if he was alive and breathing right now. She had always wondered about her father, she could remember years ago when he told her how he felt. She assumed it was his mental health that made him feel that way.

She felt like Alice In Wonderland and slowly grabbed the red pill. She popped it in her mouth and Neo pulled a bottle of water from underneath the seat. She downed half the bottle of water. She sat there.

"Now what...will I be sedated, what's going to happen?" She asked scared.

"Tank's locking in....be ready Neo." Trinity said.

Madilyn looked so confused but then everything felt weird. All of a sudden her heart started racing, pumping blood vigorously through her small body. Her breathing became more rapid and everything was starting to become disoriented. She let one hand grip the leather seats and the other was clutching to her fathers shirt.

"What's happening.....oh god.....DAD!" She said and starting panicking. She felt her body start to go numb and she screamed out and then blacked out.



The young female was unconscious in the med bay on the hovercraft. They had located her and after she through the horrifying experience of waking up in her holding pod. She was dispensed into the sewer pipes and was brought onto the ship. They had cleaned her up, given her some clothes. Right now just shorts and a black bra and tank top. She was hooked up to several IV's and had needles inserted into all of her muscles because she had never actually used her body in real life. Machines and monitors showed her stabled vitals.
They were succeeded saving her. She was resting in the holding pot where he was once did. He was sitting in his room, thinking what's next. Maybe she wouldn't be able to handle all of this. What if she just couldn't handle with all of these? He put his hands on his face. Thought about his first times in real world. It was so strange. His muscles were almost dead, because he had never used them before. He remembered himself, asking to Morpehus why his body was so weak. It was like a century now. He smiled, maybe everything would go just fine. Maybe she could embrace all of this. Maybe she and Neo could be "One" together.

He was lost in his thoughts when Trinity opened the heavy metal door. He looked at her, she was smiling. He was about to ask her what' going on but she couldn't hold it inside of her and said "Neo, she is awake!" He immediately stood up and started to walk where she was held. His lovely Madilyn was awake and better than he expected. She was wearing some exposing outfit. Probably it was all they had. He slowly walked to the pod, fearing the thought that he could disturb her. And he said calmly "Madilyn, can you hear me honey?"
Madilyn had been unconscious and sedated for hours as Morpheus, Switch and Tank worked on patching her up. She was sitting up with an old thick blanket wrapped around her upper half. Luckily she looked a tad bit different than most newborns. Her skin was deathly and sickly pale, her body even smaller in real life but she had hair. Most somehow didn't grow hair in the organic liquid of the crop pod. Her hair wasn't as a long and had been pulled back into a pony tail so they could work on all of her jack in points, they were bandage.

Madilyn opened heavy tired eyes and saw Neo there. She looked so confused but her eyes lit up are seeing Neo.

"D-Dad..." She coughed, her voice barely worked and Switch was rubbing her back as she coughed up a little blood. Everyone got quiet because they didn't know how Neo was going to reveal anything. Was he going to tell her the full truth, that they wasn't actually related. That he wasn't really her father. Would it matter? Would Neo act any differently. He had safely gotten her out of the matrix.

Her vitals were at acceptable rates and her cheeks were about to gain their healthy pinks. That relieved Neo until he saw her coughing blood. He was worried while Switch was rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. She was in great pain, but needed to hear the truth as well. At the and, that was his promise to her.

He came closer to her pod, caressed her head. She was so beautiful to him. He started to talk, slowly. He said "Madilyn, I promised you the 'truth' and you have every right to know that. And the truth is, we are not related. No one is other ones parent or child." He paused, she was looking confused. He continued to explain. "Honey, you remember what I told you in Matrix right? About everything was a program and such. You remember that I said machines are using us as batteries. Do you have any idea how they reproduced us?" She nodded her head as no, how could she know anyways?

He cleared his throat and talked really clear and slow. At the end she was in Matrix couple of days ago and she was just awake. He fondled her cheek and smiled. The warmness coming from her was amazing. He said "They were creating us Madilyn. And randomly assigning us as parents and children. We are probably sharing a piece of DNA since we have similar anomalies but we are not related. It's not possible. But I want you to know that, I always loved you honey."
Madilyn listened to her fathers words but it was hard to put two and two together. She was even confused with her environment, being on the the hovercraft. It was a completely different setting than being in the matrix. Neo despite saying they were not really related didn't change his tone or how he acted towards her. Morpheus had suggested giving her some space since she was awake and trying to process everything. As everyone left she noticed Neo left side by side the woman who was known as Trinity. She watched the way Trinity put her arm around him. Morpheus stayed with switch to do a little more patching up, re-applying fresh bandages.

"Were get you some warmer clothes now that you have plenty of vitamins and fluids in your system." Switch said and the girl nodded.

"Is my father....whoever he is, is he with that woman.....trinity?" She coughed out.

Morpheus and Switch looked at each other briefly before Morphus spoke. "The man you once knew as your father....we call him Neo." Madilyn remembered that use to be his hacker name. "Him and Trinity have come along way since we found him. We don't really talk about relationships but you could say they are." Morpheus said trying to be careful.

"Your welcome once you understand what's going on to give yourself a new name if you want." Switch added.
She still needed more time to recover. Neo was feeling down since he told her about their relation. Trinity came to him while the others were taking care of Madilyn and said "The everything must be hard for her." and look at the Neo with her arms crossed. Neo turned his gaze from Madilyn to Trinity and said "She is strong. If she wouldn't be, we couldn't be able to rescue her from the Matrix." Trinty smiled and said "You still have some feelings for her right?". Neo said "I do, yes. After all, she was my daughter for years. I took care of her after her mother left us. At least that was what I lived for years. And that memories, even though I know they were just the part of the simulation, are not going off easily." Trinity hugged him and said "Everything is going to be just fine. After some time, she will be at her full streght." while patting Neo's back. Neo hugged her back and put his head to hers and said "I hope she will, Trinty, I hope he will."
Madilyn had taken a few more days to recover. They had to regularly hook her up to a type of IV device to get nutrition. In those days the crew would help her learn to take her actual first steps. They also gave Madilyn her own personal quarters to rest in. They had given her extra blankets and pillows to get comfortable. They had dressed her in old leggings, a worn out tee-shirt with a sweater pulled over. The clothes were extremely Baggie but they would do for now. Switch had helped the girl put her hair up as having long hair upon being woken up wasn't normal.

Morpheus had showed her training simulations of the other members and showed them where they jacked into the matrix. They had offered to take her through a light training simulation but she was terrorfied of anything remotely that had to deal with the matrix.
Neo was so happy that Madilyn was recovering that quickly. He was worried about her. He was afraid of her, since she was just out of matrix. What if she couldn't adapt this like? But apparently she was adapted more than he thought. She learned basics very quickly and her combat simulations were enchanthing. But when they have offered her to get into Matrix again, she rejected it without even talking about it. Apparently she was scared of it since she heard the ugly truth. But she needed to be prepared in order to survive. So one day, Neo apporached to her. She was in her room, alone. Maybe thinking, maybe resting. She was sitting on her bed. Neo slowly opened the door and came in. He sit next to her in bed and put his hand on her shoulder. He said "Madilyn, how is everything going? Are you okay?"
Madilyn spent a lot of time in her personal quarters on the small hovering space craft. She came out for food, to watch the others in training simulations. She was still adjusting to the truth. She felt like she was in some bizarre science fiction. It was hard to believe what was real. Often she would let her fingers feel the fabric of the withered blankets, or slide against the cold metal of her room. She would let her five senses work, trying to compare this world to the simulated one she was prisoner in all of her young life. Her family, her friends, they were all just asleep in some alien like pod being used for energy. It was utterly terrifying. They were on their way to Zion, the only human city left in the real world. That would be an easier place for her to adjust, the environment was better for a young girl mentally. It was safe from the simulated world, there was plenty of food, shelter and tasks to keep busy.


There was a knock and she looked up as Neo opened the chamber door, he stepped inside and she quietly looked down. He put a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged awkwardly letting him know she didn’t want to be touched, he would easily pick up signals of distress and perhaps an attitude? Was the realization of them not being related affecting her.

“What the hell kind of question is that…..I’m alive.” She said and looked up at him. “I’m not going into a training simulation or back in that program.” She said. She was also questioning why he risked everything to save her when they were not even related by blood.
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