Looking for some longer terms.

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Aug 21, 2016
First thing’s first, I guess. This thread is very much a work in progress.

I’m female in real life and over eighteen, but I don’t really care about your gender. I do care about your age though, and expect you to be of legal age in your country. I’m happy to play both female and male characters, and with any luck you’re willing to do the same. I’m mostly into M x M or M x F plots – I’d be willing to consider F x F; though it’s really unlikely.

I don’t double, so I wouldn’t expect you to. I just don’t really understand it? In having said that I am willing to play multiple characters should a plot require it, though they’re typically more of an ‘NPC’ type inclusion.

I’m primarily interested in OC’s, though canon characters are negotiable. I’d prefer to use existing worlds rather than create them where possible.

Smut and romance. I love both of these, and if I’m being really honest? I need them. But for a longer term role play I’d prefer there to be build up. I’m open to one shots with less build up, so just let me know if that’s what you’re after.

I consider myself literate, and while I hate to be one of those people – I need you to be too. I don’t mind typos, I don’t mind when you’re having an off day and words just won’t work for you. But please, mind your literacy if you can. Length of posts really depends on what’s happening in the story. I can sometimes get a little carried away; but I don’t ever expect you to match me if that happens. At a minimum I’d hope for a few paragraphs, but there’s no need to fluff up your reply if nothing much is happening.

Honestly? I try to keep my expectations to a minimum, because I don’t want to dissuade you from contacting me! I can get pretty busy, but I try my hardest to reply as frequently as I can. For this reason, forum or email role play is preferred. OOC chatter is not absolutely necessary, but loved! Once I become invested in an RP, I do like to chat about it, send pictures, and squeal about whatever’s happening or brainstorm up and coming events.

Kinks are variable depending on character, but the broad spectrum is no vore, gore, bodily functions – the usual kinda jazz. I’m fine with drugs, violence, etc. Basically just ask if you think it’s taboo, and I’ll yay or nay it.

Okay, so. Enough ranting. Without further ado~

Current interests:

World of Warcraft.
Probably my dearest love when it comes to role play, and where my most developed characters are found. I’m flexible with timeline (doesn’t have to be the current expansion), and have characters of various race and faction affiliation, and am more than open to crossover. Kinks and such will vary a little depending on character, but please ask if you’d like to clarify. (Keeping descriptions as brief as possible). Listed in no particular order.

Saianth Duskwatcher, Druid of the Antler. Kaldorei Druid, male. Bisexual, prefers males. True neutral. Nomadic.

Naerwyn Sunsorrow, the Light of Dawn. Sindorei Paladin, female. Strictly heterosexual. Lawful neutral. Served extensively in Northrend.

Maktou Dawnstrider. Tauren Warrior, male. Bisexual, prefers males. Alignment undetermined. Young and inexperienced.

Sen’jali the blooddrinker. Troll Warlock, male. Uncertain of orientation, likely bisexual. Neutral evil / chaotic evil tendencies.

Ze’vaku the Younger. Troll Hunter, male. Heterosexual. Boisterous and outgoing.

Fallout universe / post-apocalyptic.
I’ve only played Fallout 4, but I’m open to just using the world as a whole and creating something ourselves. (Will expand on this more but it’s nearly 2am, oops).

I really hope to hear from someone soon, please just drop me a PM for the moment and we’ll work on something from there!
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