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Playing with morality

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Edward Thatch

Sep 9, 2016
Being a newbie to this site and such a risque RP I will probably be a little tame for some of you, but here goes.

I have a primary character his character sheet will be below the main thing is to understand the character species concept and his struggles with morality. Just how far will he go? That's really what I am here to discover. I am not at all into BDSM, MxM, humiliation. I do do in depth and sensual love scenes with a lot of him paying almost worshipful attention to his partner.

Character Species Concept:

Ok, to give you an idea of how very oddly my mind works, here is an idea I have been kicking around and it combines both hebrew mysticism, rules of magical religions, good old fashioned role player games and a bit of twisted imagination. Just take a look and see what you think:

`One day I was considering the Nephilim from the Pentateuch and other non canonical sources. As we all know they were the offspring of angels and human women, and were destroyed for their universal wickedness. Now, most people translate Nephilim to mean giants. This may not be accurate, there are those translations that say “giants in the earth” and those that say “great ones of the earth”

Well, this got me to thinking about what “great ones of the earth” might mean and I considered some of the prevailing thinkers of the time, like Aristotle. Who believed the world was made of five basic elements, earth, wind, water, fire and aether, the first four being mutable but aether (spirit or life force) not so much. Well, could that mean that these Nephilim had some control over the elements? If so, might it not be powered by aether? Wouldn't be a direct correlation between how much aether was used and the amount of control exercised? If so how would one replenish their aether?

Well, from various forms of witch craft and other religions we know of basically five ways: Blood sacrifice, worship, sacrifice of a relic of power, meditation and sex. And then I wondered how one would “play” such a being.

Well, they would have to be “god touched”, having a deity in their distant family tree. The trait would have to be so rare that it is practically unheard of. They would have to strive to stay below the gods radar or at least not piss any of them off. Replenishing the aether would be a relatively simple choice; most half way decent characters would eschew blood sacrifice, gaining worshipers is nixed or they would come to the attention of the gods. Relics of power are too valuable to randomly destroy and meditation takes too long. That leaves sex. Makes a kind of perverted (no puns intended) sense, since it is by way of sex Nephilim came into the world to begin with, a kind of a black joke on anyone who is willing to wield the power. It would have to be completely consensual and the degree of sacrifice made directly relating to the intent, therefore directly relates to the power conveyed to the Nephilim. The more pure the intent of the relations the more powerful it is for the Nephilim. A woman would is liberated and feels free to go and do as she pleases does not provide as much as a good-wife or mother, who does not provide as much as a virgin or vestal virgin who does not provide as much as one who freely and completely gives herself for affection or friendship.

We've seen what the Nephilim gets from the interaction, what about the woman? Well, if he can control the elements he can heal to extra ordinary degrees, with prolonged contact (see Piers Anthony “For Love of Evil”), open a womb, making a barren woman capable of conceiving and so forth. The vehicle for this healing? Bodily fluids of course. Say swapping spit can heal fatigue or abrasions and first degree burns, the greater healings would have to be through his seed and the greater the healing the more …. exposure to his seed required. His blood would just be too powerful, even if it could be transfused in this world it would be like using a nuclear power plant to power a flash light. How much aether could he store? A set amount of several times more life force than a usual human of course, a great amount is used in healing and lesser amount in control the elements because he already has an affinity to them. Staggering large amounts for a short period of time, that must be used or he goes up like a roman candle. He can heal simply by manipulating the elements in a person but the cost would have to be an order of magnitude higher than his normal way.

This would also provide a good device for moral development for other characters. Does a mother or wife want to pay the price? A queen for an adviser? And he will be faced with deep moral challenges too. What if his mother or sister fall ill or a child? Is he more a moral monster for letting them die or healing them? Obviously, in theory, such an arrangement would be any man's dream, but think about it; does the woman in his bed care for him or using him to stay young and healthy. What happens if word got out about his abilities? Even with the price required wouldn't there be a mob of people wanting what only he can provide?

Character profile:

Edward Philippe Teach

37 years old



Height: 6’6” Weight: 247lbs
Eyes: green Hair: Black
Complexion: almost brazened
Home: Roseshire
Distinguishing marks: Facial scars. Both ears pierced with silver studs

He can be quicksilver in demeanor, one moment buying rounds and laughing it up and the next have a sword at your throat, or sizing you up for some business dealings. Eager to restore his families fortunes so they can reclaim their rightful place in Noble society. Hard as nails, but has been known to leave gifts for women who have shared his bed or little children in general.

Talents & Abilities:
Master sailor and explorer, just as capable of using a sextant and compass as a computer to find his way. He tends not to think out side the box, but out the box, round the corner the next street over. Tends to show less capabilities than he has and to be more of a wastrel than he is to his advantage and is a very forward thinker and strategist.


Often seems to be in your face, but also is seen as a bit of a wastrel, but that impression maybe put on rather than real, to his own purposes.

Likes: Rum, old fashioned sea shanties and antiques and trade.

Dislikes: Will not suffer fools or stupidity.

Ambitions: To restore his ancestral line to the status they had before his grandfather lost all their money. A titled and landed noble who is poor is barely considered noble after all. To go further, faster than any explorer before him.


Walks with a swagger, is rumored to wear a cutlass when he thinks he can get away with it, as well as lit fuses and red ribbons in his beard during battle.


Traveling and exploring, new places and people, making as many contacts and friends even he doesn't have a current need for them, he realizes he may in the future.


Strong code of personal ethics
Charismatic Personality
Natural brawler
When he does give his loyalty, it is to the death.
Very quick on his feet, he is known to be a survivor and a bit of a scoundrel


Singularly driven to restore his family to wealth and social standing
Heavy drinker
Quick tempered
Does not tolerate stupidity or fools lightly
Has a deep seated resentment for the established Noble families

Personal History:

He is the grandson of a Noble who, though retaining their lands, lost all their money and thus fell out of standing in court and their family home has come to disrepair. He spent many years in as a young adult traveling the Kingdoms and saw an opportunity to fill the coffers; trade, smuggling and bootlegging. His travels were ended when he was called home to defend his youngest, who is still a year older than him, sister when a neighboring nobleman thought to take advantage of her and her families diminished standing. Edward lived, but earned the scare on his face for it. Since then he has been fiercely protective of his six sisters and keeps an ear to the ground after his five brothers. His mother died in child birth with him and his father died months later, “from grief”, more likely drink. As children they were raised by their aged grandfather and generally ran wild, but after his travels he came home, even as the youngest and took over as head of the family. His siblings were too shamed to oppose him. Youngest of 12, his father was a sailor and mother was a scholar before marriage but then choosing to commit all her time and efforts to her family. The vast portion of the family wealth was squandered by Edward’s grandfather, for whom he was named. This grandfather is a bit of a hound on family history and the traditions. Edward is his grandfather’s favorite grandchild.
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