Still looking for that perfect family member.

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Nov 30, 2015
In the last couple months, I have made a few different posts suggesting brother and sister plots. While those posts have gotten an overwhelming response, I just haven't managed to find exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm picky. (I definitely am)

Anyhow, I'm going to try a different tact this time around.

About me
I've been roleplaying for longer than I want to admit. It's an outlet for me in that I love being able to experience and express things I'd otherwise probably have to repress. I'm in my late twenties now, and in the real world I have plenty of responsibilities between school, work, and family. This sometimes makes it difficult for me to spend very much time at the computer, or at best I'm forced to work from my phone for a few days on end. When this happens, I try to be responsive and vocal about what is going on. There are times when I'm around for hours on end, and I love making the most of those whether it's real-time posting via the forums, email and PM; or something more personal like IM.

I love to write, and when I'm inspired, it feels like paragraphs just fall out of my fingertips. All the same, I'm not fond of forcing some magic length in each of my posts. Rather, I love engaging stories with plots that sometimes fit into our reality, but they don't have to. Science fiction and apocalyptic alternate realities can be all kinds of fun. Above all, I want believable characters acting on motivations that make sense!

I have a very basic F-list here. It doesn't go over absolutely everything, as I got scared halfway through when I realized I only understood half of the options on the site. ;) That said, if in doubt, don't hesitate to ask. If it spices up our story, I'd love to talk about incorporating it! If you happened to read this far, please mention terriers in your message to me. It makes me feel better talking to someone who's comfortable with all these things.

The Craving
I'm starving for a brother and sister or father and daughter story that goes beyond the sex. I don't just want to create circumstances that drive two people together when they shouldn't be. That can be fun, but I'd absolutely adore a story that goes on for months; a series of interactions between two individuals that my partner and I genuinely grow fond of. I want to create a perfect storm for two individuals who shouldn't be together, and when they do crash into one another in that delicious way, I want to revel in it. I want to be conscious of the conflict in them - The juxtaposition of a knowledge that these acts are wrong, humiliating, and irresponsible against desires and cravings that they simply can't ignore. I want to spend lots of time writing amazingly steamy sex, but I also want to feel like it has substance; to see them struggle with lies, guilt, and maybe other ancillary demons that help us make the story a little more interesting.

Interested? Send me a PM, and let's talk. :) I love being able to have an OOC conversation with my partners, so please be prepared to brainstorm with me rather than dive right into something raunchy! If you've gotten this far: Thank you so much for reading the whole thing! Mention grape popsicles if you happen to PM me. ;)
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