Long Term Lesbian Sister x Sister Futanari Neko Roleplay

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Dec 20, 2015
Hiya ;) I'm Scarlett Clarke, and I'm looking for a long term Sister x Sister Lesbian Neko Futanari Roleplay using Chatzy.

Before I get into the story, allow me to give you a description of my Character and a bit of information about the Roleplay.

Appearance: I'm a Futanari Neko who is 17 years old, Half Japanese and Half German, 5'6", my eyes are Blue (Left Eye) and Red (Right Eye), I have Long Black Hair that goes down to my bum and has Purple Streaks, Perky Cat Ears, Cute Whiskers, a Long Black Tail, a Slender Body, Pale Skin, 38DDD Firm and Perky yet Soft Breasts, a Nice Ass, a Tight Pussy, and 2 Cocks, one Measuring 11.5" and located right above my Pussy, and one Measuring 9.5", only this one is retractable and appears from an unnoticeable sheath just above the base of the first cock.

Attitude/Traits: Cheerful, Innocent, Cutesy, and Shy due to partially stunted mental aging caused by extreme bullying, though I'm completely able to act and function as a girl my age, but my neutral state is rather childish. I also tend to get Upset and Distressed easily even over small things, also caused by the previously mentioned bullying. However, I am secretly very easily Aroused and have an incredibly high Sex Drive. I am also Fiercely Defensive of you, and will do anything in my power to protect you from any sort of harm.

As for your character, the only things I'd like for your description to include is also being a Neko Futa (You only have 1 cock though, which is in between 7"-9", you decide), being 4 years younger than me, having a height around 4'5", being submissive to me in the sense that you'll do what I say with few questions asked both during sex and in everyday life while also able to sometimes be dominant during sex, and being rather innocent and almost completely oblivious to how sex works except for the basics, but also being quite mature for your age.

Concerning the Roleplay, along with being very story based, it will also be very sex focused (Frequent sex scenes, sex with other people later on including friends, classmates, our parents, etc...). In regards to sex, please look over this list of kinks: https://www.f-list.net/c/scarlett%20clarke . It may sound a bit demanding, but I would like if you were okay with everything in the Fave, Yes, and Maybe columns. If you have any kinks you would like to add, be my guest and tell them to me, just know that I am not into scat, pain/torture, etc...

Lasty, I'm looking for someone who will be on available most of the day (My timezone is EST) and responds within a few minutes. Odds are if you are constantly away for hours and dont respond frequently, I won't be likely to carry on with the RP. Also, the Roleplay will be in First-Person, and I would like it if you are able to play more than one character if such occasions arise (Examples being talking with parents, having sex with someone else other than eachother, etc...).

Now, on to the backstory!

In this version of the world, due to an initially unknown cause, multiple sub species of humans started being born over the last 5 decades. Futanari was the first of three, named after the Japanese term for Hermaphrodite as the first recorded birth of one was in Japan, and started showing up a decade before the other two. They are entirely female except for the addition of a penis above their vagina and testicles within their bodies, giving them the ability to both become pregnant and impregnate others. No one is certain what causes a child to be born a Futanari, but it is estimated that nowadays there is a 1/200 chance of a child being born a Futanari rather than male or female, and currently there is approximately 1 Futanari for every 1000 people on the globe. What is known though is that the Futanari gene is quite recessive amongst Futanari/Female or Futanari/Futanari couples, with the child of a male and female only having a 20% chance of being a Futanari, a 40% chance of it being a male, and a 40% chance of it being a female, and the child of a male and a Futanari having a 30% chance of being a Futanari while the chance of it being a male is 35% and the chance of it being a female is also 35%. However, the child of a female and a Futanari has a 60% chance of being a Futanari and a 40% chance of being a female, with the chances of the child being a Futanari increasing to 90% and the chances of it being female lowering to 10% if both parents are Futanari's, completely eliminating the chance of it being a male in both pairings.

As to be expected, the arrival of this new sub species of human caused world wide panic. People said that pollution was mutating babies and thats what caused Futanari's. Some more extreme theories claimed it was a conspiracy to slowly kill off men, which garnered a lot of attention amongst the male population who feared it to be true. The governments, wanting to find the source of the problem, started testing the new "cross breeds", but were unable to find anything. Over the next few years, many of the Futanari's born were given up for adoption, as parents who had Futanari children were ridiculed by the public. People also demanded that separate washrooms be made specifically for them, and that they shouldn't be allowed in the same schools as normal kids, similar to mid 1900's racism towards people of colour. Eventually it calmed down a bit and people accepted that they were here to stay, although many people still thought of them as abominations, and they were able to live somewhat normal lives as long as they kept the fact that they were Futanari's a bit of a secret and just pretended to be normal girls.

However, less than 10 years later, another type of sub human appeared, this time causing even more panic and confusion and almost completely confirming that some sort of chemical pollution was messing up the genes of humans. This new breed of humans were called Neko's, also a Japanese term, although the first recorded birth of one was in America. Unlike the previous species, which was simply an altered human, the Neko's were a hybrid of cats and humans, having a mostly human body except for a few cat-like traits such as cat ears, tails, and whiskers. They also had the tendency to purr and meow like a cat, and also go into heat when they are fertile, which is a week or so every month after their period. It was almost immediately discovered that the cause of the Neko's was acts of bestiality between women and cats, as men were found unable to impregnate cats. While it is still uncertain why or how the female reproductive system suddenly changed to be compatible with cat semen and not just human semen, it was also discovered that Neko's were only born female, the reason for this still being unknown. Understandably, they were incredibly rare, and still are to this day, as no more than 30,000 exist around the globe, and are mostly found in North America, Europe, and Asian countries, with Japan holding the most Neko's per person, at a current population of 2,000.

Unsurprisingly, these new humans we're treated even worse than the Futanari's. The mothers were ridiculed by the public for having sexual intercourse with cats, and often had their houses vandalized, and, in extreme cases, we're killed along with their children in some third world countries. Also, many parents of Neko's in the early days of their existence were found to have killed their "hybrid" children to avoid the consequences, disposing of them and trying to live normally again. It took more than a decade and a half for Neko's to be able to leave their house and feel somewhat safe, and eventually people learned to co-exist with them, although just like the Futanari's, many still believed them to be abominations. However, unlike Futanari's, the Neko gene was entirely recessive, meaning that the child of a Neko would always be a Neko as well.

The third sub species was less of a new species and more of a mix of the two new ones, and didn't gather much attention from the general public as it was sort of expected. Dubbed the "Futaneko's" or "Nekonari's" depending on who you ask, they were simply the offspring of a Futanari and Neko couple, having the traits of both. They were mostly treated how the average Neko was, and have only started appearing within the last 20 or so years, as the first generation of Neko's and Futanari's had reached adult hood around that time. This new species was also even more rare than the previous 2, believed to have a total of 1000 or so living on earth at the current moment.

Nowadays, the Futanari's are mostly able to live normally, as most have now learned to see them as just another gender. For Neko's though, life is still very hard. While people learned to live with them, they are still discriminated against for not being entirely human, and are often bullied severely and have hard times finding jobs. However, many people find Neko's extremely attractive, and thus many have turned to being prostitutes, strippers, and cam girls in order to get a good income.

Now that you've learned the history, time for OUR story.

We are the children of a German Futanari named Alissa and a Japanese Neko named Kana, who we called Mom and Mommy so we didnt confuse the two. I was their first child, being born 4 years before you, and am a Futanari Neko. However, I was very unique, as I was the only known Futanari Neko to have 2 cocks, one of which could retract into my body. Our parents loved me all the same though, and a few years later you were born, a Futanari Neko just like me, albeit without the retractable cock. We we're raised together in Tokyo, Japan, in a very nice house, which was also quite large, as Mom was the owner of a very successful business, so we had lots of money to spare. We we're always very close as kids, playing around and play fighting with one another, much to our parents amusement. However, once I was enrolled in school, things started going downhill.

Because I was a Neko, within the first week a group of girls started harassing and bullying me. It started with them just calling me names and taking my pencils, but as the years passed it turned more physical, and the comments were more emotionally abusive. Gladly, no one really picked on you much because you had a few friends that you had met before you first enrolled, and the bullies tended to go after people without any friends, such as myself, because they were easier to bully. By the time I was 15, the bullying had gotten extremely severe, and I was constantly covered in cuts and bruises. I had also started self harming, and it got worse by the day, always wearing shirts with long sleeves to hide my arms which were littered with cuts. I had also developed a dependency on alcohol, which I stole from our parents, because it helped me block out the memories. Despite how stupid it sounds, I never told my parents about the bullying, as I wanted to show them that I could handle myself, but by the time I realized I couldn't, I was too ashamed of myself to tell them. The relationship we once shared was also very strained, as most days I just lay in my room playing music loudly to cover up the sound of me crying, and only came out to eat.

Soon after my 16th birthday, the bullying finally pushed me over the edge and I tried to take my life. While everyone was asleep, I went into the bathroom and swallowed the majority of pills in the medicine cabinet after cutting deep gashes into my arms, falling unconscious minutes later in the bath tub. I woke up a few days later in the ER with you asleep in the bed with me and our parents sitting by the bed, immediately telling the doctors that I was awake. Turns out you had gotten up to go to the washroom soon after I fell unconscious, and ran into our parents room crying about how I was bleeding in the bath tub. My parents were devastated when I finally told them what had been happening, tears streaming down my face as I did so. They contacted the school board and the children who bullied me were expelled, and when I eventually returned, people had learned what happened, most of them feeling terrible for not helping. Over the next few months I managed to make a few friends, and me and you once again were very close.

Not long after we rekindled our relationship, I started having these strange feelings when we were with each other, which developed more and more as time went by. I felt that I was always happier around you, and I found myself hugging you more and acting more affectionately when we were together. While I was unsure of what these feelings were at first, eventually I realized what had happened.

I had fallen in love with you.

I felt disgusted with myself, as you were still quite young and we were siblings. Because of this, I hid my feelings and tried to live as normally as I could, not wanting to ruin our relationship. However, unbeknownst to me, you too had developed these same feelings.

The two of us both hid the feelings from each other for a long time, and it wasn't until a few weeks after I turned 17 that our feelings for one another were finally revealed.

This is where the Roleplay will begin: One day when both our parents are out for the evening, you come home after school in tears because somebody was picking on you. Seeing this, I take you up to my room and comforted you, telling you that you need to either stand up to the bully with your friends or tell our parents, or else it would just get worse. After you stop your crying, we look at one another and hold each others gaze, something clicking between us in that very moment. I slowly move forward and pull you into a long kiss, and after a moments hesitation, you kiss me back, and as the kiss goes on, we both shed our clothes and instinct takes over, the next few hours filled with passion as the first day of our loving relationship begins.

Sorry this is such a long post, I get carried away with story telling. Anyways, message me if you are interested, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
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