Join Shadaloo (Caius/Lady Red)

Feb 18, 2014
Ishaq Al'Aqrab walked through the myriad of streets in Damascus, intent on finding this arena he had heard about from the lowliest of hashish dens. This Shadaloo group was looking for members and required everyone to pass through a gauntlet of fights.

He had learned the methods of an assassin, the way of crossbow and daggers. The way of the silent and stealthy kill in the darkness of night and shadow, where the good assignment was one that no one ever knew he was there until he was long gone. This fight would not lend itself well to that sort of ability, but a straight fight was occasionally required.

Coming to the place, he found the arena and made his way to enter as a candidate for recruitment.
((Sorry for the wait))

Shadoloo (or Shadowlaw, Shadaloo, or Shadowloo) had recruit points all over the world, in every continent and in many countries. The arena was well hidden. In an alley, you'd have to enter a casino from a rear entrance. Mention to the guard there the password, "Shadowloo lives on." He'd take you down a flight of stairs or two, to a room where you are scanned for weapons, after being searched and stripped of weapons, you are then asked to walk through a small passageway which was dark and horrifying. Getting past that, allowed you access to a staircase, where more guards, these having the Shadowloo emblem on their clothing, searched you again. Passing the doors, there was casino like venue with a giant cage at the center. Women danced naked in front of the shadiest of men, an occasional dead body here and there, and of course, people watching and rooting for their favorites fighting in the cage. To try to get in, you'd have to approach one last guard, whom you could spot because he was dressed in crimson red. You'd have to pay him a fee, and he'd stamp your arm with the mark of Shadowloo. Showing this to whomever the monitor was, you'd be a allowed into the cage to fight for a spot.

"Lift the cage upwards!" Yelled a man, dressed in expensive clothing. He was tall, blond, lean and intimidating with how he wore a mask to cover his face. The rumors had gotten around about him. He was undoubtedly Vega, the Spanish Ninja and one of the Four Kings of Shadowloo. It was difficult to ever actually spot any of them, but there he was, in the flesh, and the claw on his arm seemed capable of dicing through bone without any trouble at all.

As the cage rose up, one fighter managed to crawl out into a group of men, who help him get to the back of the casino, the other, remained lifeless on the mat, his neck having been twisted until he was dead. "Get him out of here! Let's go! We have more men to recruit!" Vega barked, spotting a stamp on Ishaq's hand. "Come boy, hurry. You're next up to fight. Try to stay alive and do as I say." He looked around and found another man with a stamp, he matched Ishaq's weight and height nearly perfectly.

People gathered around and started placing bets, laughing and drinking like this was just a common sport.

A bell rung, and the men were left to themselves, the cage didn't come down, so either one could run should he suffer too much pain.

Ishaq's opponent immediately rushed at him and attempted to clock him with a right hook from the get go.
Normally, Ishaq would have his knives for this sort of encounter. This was just a fist and foot match, no cage. They weren't even taking the two of them seriously as recruits. Shadaloo was anticipating one would get so intimidated by this, they'd duck out and let the real contenders have the stage. He wasn't going to give them the pleasure of seeing his back in this situation.

Ishaq ducked the right hook and countered with a jab to the solar plexus followed with a sweep with his legs. He returned to his full stance, waiting for his opponent to stand up.
Vega watched as the basic footwork and fundamentals seemed to be there. The opponent scrambled to his feet, his eyes looking a bit frustrated and scared. He again ran at Ishaq and jumped, spinning acrobatically before unleashing a powerful kick.
Seeing that he was committing to his attack with the jump and spin, Ishaq sidestepped where his foot would land and countered while he was still in the air, snap kicking him in the kidneys before sweeping him again before his balance had adjusted to being on the ground.

Since this opponent hadn't learned the error of getting back up the first time, Ishaq grabbed his foe's legs and lifted him up to put the weight of his body on his neck vertebrae. Either he taps out, he manages to wriggle out or his neck snaps under the weight and the angle of the bend.

If Ishaq even noticed Vega watching him, he didn't show it, being far more focused on the fight at hand.
The man struggled and tried to wiggle out of this deadly hold, but he didn't have any strength left to escape. "Aghh! Stop! Stop! You're going to kill me!"

Vega started to laugh as the crowd saw yet another fatality coming. "Kill this moron. He had no business being here with that low level of skill. Kill him now."

The man continued to struggle, trying to twist his legs to roll Ishaq off, or kick him off, but he was simply out of energy, and couldn't do much about him but yell at him to stop. "Stop it please! I can't fight anymore!"
Hearing the crowd cheer and rise in volume, Ishaq knew they wanted blood. This was Shadaloo and they did not have the reputation of being merciful. This man knew what he was getting into when he signed up and that this was a possible consequence. If the crowd wanted blood, they would have it.

He lifted up his foot and brought it straight down on the man's head. The jaw snapped with a wet crunch and blood flowed out on the arena floor. Ishaq let the body drop with a dull thud and stepped away from the scene so everyone in the audience could see the unfortunate victim.

If he had put up more of a fight, there may have been room for mercy. However, he never got started, not even with such a raw fighter as Ishaq. A more disciplined fighter would have ended him even faster and he would serve no purpose of Shadaloo's. Ishaq finally looked at Vega, to see if there was going to be another round or if he had something else in mind for Ishaq.
Vega slowly clapped after Ishaq murdered his opponent. "Well done. And excellent and painful way to end a fool's life. You will be put into the winner's pool. From there, I'll match you up with someone a bit more talented. Should you defeat that opponent, yes... then I'll seriously consider bringing you in."

Vega beckoned him with his pale hands, his nails sharp and filed. "What was your name boy? It skips my mind..."

Having even a little bit of Vega's favor was a good thing, but knowing Vega's reputation, he could be smiling at you one second and clawing your eyes out the next.
Ishaq nodded in acknowledgement of Vega's favor. From here on, he'd start be taken seriously and given more proper fights. Eventually, he'd be given real rewards for his work. The thing was balancing skill without being seen as a threat to a volatile person like Vega.

"Ishaq Al'Aqrab. That will do for a name around here."
"I have to ask you... Would you have any moral issues... say... if we asked you to kidnap a young child, or assassinate a woman... Shadaloo has many members, but even more enemies... it's safe to say that every country with military capability in the world, wants Shadaloo dead... Our enemies come in all shapes and sizes, from ages 6 to 96. As far as firearms and explosives... we can train you on that separately. Hand to hand is what we truly enjoy." He put his mask on and waved for the other fighters to battle. He took Ishaq to a small feast they had for winners. There were only a few people there, eating meat and drinking alcohol. "Please enjoy your reward. But don't over eat... you'll have to fight again in a while. I know it may be tempting... but eat what you need... there will be plenty of rewards if I select you."
When Vega asked if Ishaq had any concerns about kidnapping children and killing women, he could only smile. Allah and the Prophet may have forbidden such things, but it seemed few had their scruples in these times. "Look at this country, Vega, and tell me if I should. Not even those who say they submit to Allah follow His commandments with those they should call brothers. If they do not wish to abide by the Prophet, peace be upon him, then I see no reason to follow when it comes to them."

While training in firearms and explosives may intrigue others, he could get that from any of the vultures fighting over the carcass that was Syria. Shadaloo was offering more, though. He made a fair meal of the food provided. He refrained from the alcohol; not just from the fact that it was haram, but also the effects alcohol would have on his fighting prowess and the fact that alcohol was death in these arid lands.
There were several fights, about an hour's worth of men and women alike being destroyed by their opponents. Wether he chose to watch a few rounds or not, Ishaq would soon learn that his second fight was coming soon. Vegan could be seen walking into the feast with another man, he got battered pretty badly. "Take your time and regain your strength. Hopefully that teaches you a lesson, even annoy half your age can decimate you if you underestimate him." The man was badly injured, luckily landing a hard punch against his young opponent's temple and eventually strangling him. "It was a clean kill... and you are the last of the winner's circle. I like all of you here... but sadly... half of you have to go... and by go I mean die."

"The winner's round will start in half an hour. Out of the 20 of you, 10 will join Shadaloo as grunts. If you wish to leave you have ten seconds to scurry away like rats before the point of no return. Shadaloo is not for everyone..."

20 fighters, everyone looked capable. There were even a few women, and they didn't look like pushovers either. The weakest looking one was the man Vega just brought in, who grabbed a jug of water and swallowed it feverishly, taking a bite out of a half chicken and barely chewing before swallowing.

The battles started as Vega ordered, the first two were absolutely brutal, with a woman having her neck snapped and another woman punched until her eye dangled from her eye socket.

Vega sighed, "Hurts to see such beauty extinguished. Anyhow, "Ishaq, you are next. You will be taking on Rong. After this match."

A well toned woman with long brown hair tied into a tail approached Ishaq and looked at him. "Ishaq is your name? I am Rong. I will pray for you after I kill you." She smiled at him as if he should thank her for her kindness. Sure, he had size on her, but she had a very disciplined look to herself and didn't show a blink of fear. Her clothing was tight and fairly revealing, it could be distracting, but the main reason was to not limit her movements.
If this woman was in the winner's circle, she had more skill than merely distracting her foes with her body. She still rankled him as if praying for him after killing him was meant to be some sort of small consolation.

"Do not waste your breath. Prayers for the dead are useless and yours are even more useless."

He got up and took his place for the battle to start.
She smiled and shrugged lightly. "As you wish. I'll do it anyway. Every soul deserves it." Rong got into her own fighting position and waited for Vega's mark. The masked psychopath raised his hand and in a flash, Rong was in front of Ishaq, delivering strong, quick, knocking blows to get a feel for his body and reach. She was like a wild cat, each punch was perfectly measured and didn't leave her very exposed at all. Her striking ability was precise. A few good connections would send an opponent to the ground for sure.
Ishaq moved back, content to dodge her blows and find an opening. He didn't want to give away too much of himself to her and also wanted to see where her flaws were.

She wasn't wearing much in armor. If he had his daggers, he'd aim for her exposed stomach, spill her guts or at least leave her major muscles torn. With just his fists, he needed to wait until she provided an opening. He watched her move, looking for gaps in her defense.
The woman noticed that his defense was solid. This man was not likeable. Normally she'd try to sympathize with her opponent, but he seemed like a block of malice. Wasting stamina, Rong flipped back and got into a defensive position. She'd let him bring the fight to her. He had her beaten in reach and raw power, but she had some advantages over him too. He would tire quicker than her without question, she could pick away at him and avoid his blows. If it came to grappling, as long as she kept herself elusive, she would have no problem.
((Sorry this took so long, I've been wondering how to approach this))

Seeing Rong go defensive, Ishaq realized she was trying to lure him into a bad situation, but he'd have to gamble on an attack. He had the reach advantage and probably strength, but he'd have to be careful not to overextend with her. The best way with this arrogant woman was to coax her out, keep her guessing on what he was going to do until he got an opening he could capitalize on.

He feinted with her, making her reach to his attempts to grab her and take the advantage. He kept an eye on her attempts to attack and pulled back, waiting for an opportunity to counter. She wanted him tired, so he conserved his movements.
The crowd was watching this fight with particular interest as the two weren't equals... but they seemed to balance each other out.

Rong had grown tired of this game of cat and mouse. He seems reluctant to do anything, so perhaps this would give her some freedom with her attacks. She rushed him with a jumping spin kick, likely to be blocked, but the goal was to get inside. With a fury of punches and low kicks, Rong finished with a well-balanced uppercut.
Ishaq watched Rong jump and aim a kick for his side. He put his arm into her leg and pushed her over and off balance, only for her to kip up and land several punches and kicks to his midsection before laying him out with an uppercut. His vision exploded with stars from the impact of her fist against his jaw as he went to the floor to the cheer of the crowd. He wasn't going to go out that easily and he attempted to get his head clear before she capitalized on this move. He had to find a way to get her down and out of this fight if he was going to survive.
Rong pounded her fists together after she nailed him smirking. "Got him!" He went down like a sack of shit and she knew he must have been reeling. "This will end you!" She said, rushing to him as he started to rise, seeing his neck as the perfect place to deliver the finishing blow. "Rest in Peace!" She yelled, side kicking as hard as possible. This kick could snap the man's neck should it connect. Rong hated to kill, but she didn't care much for this man either way.
The fog in his head finally cleared as he heard her shout "rest in peace" and his vision solidified to see the foot going for his neck. His next action came as a reflex. He grabbed her foot and pulled her along the momentum of her kick, throwing her off balance enough for him to get to his feet and grab her, pulling her close in a clinch. Her breasts smashed against his firm chest as he flipped her in a suplex and put her on her back.

Getting the advantage, finally, he got on top of her, putting his body weight on this arrogant woman so she would know the feeling as he violated her body in front of everyone after rendering her unconscious. His fists went after her face and stomach, the dull thuds of flesh being battered drowned out in the roar of the crowd. He looked at her with dispassionate interest. She rubbed him the wrong way the whole time they knew each other and he was going to have her remember him before he extinguished her life on the arena.
Rong paused when she felt him stop her attack, "Shit!" She tried to jump back, but his grip, his advantage, his strength was already on display. Rong was hurled and lifted up, her breasts pressing against him the least of her worries. Her shoulders and back echoed in pain as a loud groan escaped her mouth, the man mounting her like a bull, luckily too wild or passionate to lock her arms. Before she could gather her breath, the blows came. Seven, ten, thirteen? She wasn't sure, but she held her arms up as long as possible, dropping her guard once he hit her side, causing her to pop her head up in pain, only to have her head knocked on its side. Rong's vision was blurring and she grunted and growled with every hard hit whether it was blocked or clocked. Rong managed to dodge a blow just barely, and crack Ishaq's face with a hard fist of her own. Blood rand down her nose as she struggled to get free, but his weight was too great.

Ishaq needed one or two more good punches to end her life.

Vega stood up, watching very expectantly.
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