~Megane: love reflected on a clear stage~ Wiki-Aeon


Jan 4, 2014
Candy mountain
It was finally the first day of a new life, a new experience, a new development in a young persona age to finally be attending college. A place where even more useful knowledge would be taught to the young students attending so they could use what they learn to make their lives much easier and far better. Luka megurine, a young girl and one of the many female students though along with boys as well attending the local college that she lived a bit aways from but still being able to actually attend all her class in a reasonable fashion.

Her general likes mostly included exploration and learning new things when she had the chance though also being sort of shy and withdrawn at times not doing good at making much friends especially with this being the first day as well. Soon she would be dropped off to the front of the schools as large gates at the front invited all the new students into the main courtyard of the campus with a large clock tower at the center along with four large buildings and pathways leading to them at the corners of the school. Entering the school she could see to the left one of the buildings with stairs leading to a second floor as well as another building across from it being an indoor self serve cafeteria with the same to the right side accept across was the student store and to the right was the outdoor gym area.

The mornings were rather cold as she shivered a bit in her usual casual outfit she was still early so it was lucky for her she could explore a bit with her new surroundings she pushed her glasses a bit and gave a little determined nod as she walked through the gate and decided to check out the cafeteria first being an easy and obvious place to remember first of course.
Oren Thigg hadn't had the best first night in the dorms.

He was late to arrive, his flight delayed three times and as a result, spent a two nights in two different airport lobbies, curled up in uncomfortable plastic chairs and under a scratchy blanket. The flight had been hellish on his nerves and worse on his luggage, most of which had been damaged, lost, or misplaced.

The few boxes that had made it to the dorm unscathed, however, contained most of his more prized posessions at least. He'd set up his pc with haste, clumsily hung his clothes and made his bed, just in time to pass out before setting up his telescope.

He'd woken up realizing he'd missed his very first six a.m. class. After begging for forgiveness and explaining the situation, he'd decided to get some lunch. Three days a week he had one class in the morning, another late at night... and everything else was free. Today was one such day.

He was barely out of his pajamas, but luckily it helped the normally tidy boy blend in with his new college peers. The campus was bigger than he'd expected and much, much more efficient, too! He couldn't suppress a grin as he made his way to the dining hall.

He neared the door and opened it, looking inside to the plethora of cafateria style dining and miniature restaurants that littered the two level complex. It was honestly more like a shopping mall than a school! He stood gaping for a minute, his stomach grumbling.

As he did, he heard footsteps behind him and pulled the door open for the person. He turned to face her, and had to blink. He wondered if his heart had stopped, what on earth was a girl like her doing here?!

"A-ah, sorry... I was spacing out," he said with a little nerve to his deeper voice, "Is it your first time here too...?" he found himself asking the questions he'd prepared for peers, silently thankful he'd remembered to speak at all.
As she walked through the campus toward the door of the cafeteria things seemed a bit better for the moment being that she was out of the cold and at least somewhere than just staying outside and going nowhere than the gate. She could see the flood of students from the hall as most of them also made their way to the cafeteria through the doors to get something to eat as well being one of those people herself. Luka wasn't someone for the food when she was in high school or elementary school though she had to say it was a bit better in high school than the grades before it.

She sighed as she could see another student looking to be trying to rush and get out of the cold as well though not knowing if he was waiting for her though as he had already pulled the door for her, walking in and stopping to get the views. " a-ah yes...yes it is..." She said awkwardly not knowing if he was trying to start a conversation or just a hello but she wouldn't be rude and walk away from him. " I am a first year student here as well, the campus is bigger and more free than I thought..." Her pink hair flowing as people were passing along and opening the door letting the wind blow her hair a bit.

" well...please excuse me but I'll be getting some breakfast..." She excused herself from him giving a small bow as she walked over to the cafeteria to we a few things.
Oren would've been a liar if he'd denied the girl's beauty. The way she moved, her voice... and those glasses. It all hit him just right. But she seemed awkward about talking with him, and quickly excused himself before he could respond to her. He felt his mouth open to speak, but she was gone. He closed his mouth and chastised himself inwardly. 'Well, that went as expected. Don't know what I was expecting...'

Oren didn't mean to follow the girl, but there was really only one way into the cafeteria. Even still, as he made his plate he kept passing her and began to feel self conscious. What if she thought he was being creepy? He tried to avoid her, getting some milk, a bagel, several strips of bacon and a small salad with nuts and fruit to start the day with a more balanced meal.

He paid with his campus card, but in the dining area all the other people were raucous and laughing, most of them sitting together in groups and already deeply engaged in conversations. He sighed. 'No different than high school, I guess...' and took a small table off to the side, sitting alone and pulling out his phone to flip through facebook.
Soon she headed down herself getting what she wanted to eat, taking a yogurt and some French toast and syrup deciding to eat some warm and saving the yogurt until later if she could also having some water of course. The young girl waited in line as she finally got to pay walking out into the crowd but seeing that the tables were already full.

She sighed turning to glance out the window to see the sun rising a bit higher as she looked around at the various tables around her, heading to the table where she was just talking to the boy sitting down alone. Soon she walked off toward his table taking a seat across from him, " I hope you don't mind if I sit here do you?" She asked softly leaning back as her long pink hair was off to one side with the end touching the floor. Slowly she began to eat already starting her day now.
Oren had been eating quietly, browsing his feed and looking at all the fun his friends were having back home in the community and state schools. It would've been so much simpler to have gone there... then he wouldn't have had to deal with fucking Delta airlines. Then he wouldn't have had to eat all... alone?

The gorgeous girl from before sat down. Right there, at his table. He froze, eyes wide as he looked at her as if to say 'did I do something wrong?'

Then she spoke simply and began to eat. Slowly he remembered that no table was really private here. It was a common area. And looking around he could see that pretty much every other table was full. He turned back to her in understanding.

"S-sure, of course you can. It's... well, I don't own it or anything," he said awkwardly. "...Umm... you... said you're a first year? I'm Oren... though all my friends back home called me Orion," he said with a lopsided smile as he offered her his hand to shake.
Slowly she started to eat more as she looked around seeing he didn't want to really talk at first so she ignored him. " well there's the possibility that your saving a seat for someone before?" She said with a light smile as she leaned over holding her head in her hand with her elbow on the table looking outside for a moment before she heard him actually talk to her again. " yes...I'm first year same as you..." She paused for a moment as she saw him lean forward with his hand. Luka leaned over and starting to introduce herself now, " my name is Luka...nice to meet you Oren...if that's ok.." She said deciding to call him that.
He shrugged, not minding it one bit. "Sure, Luka. Whichever has always been fine with me. My friends just always made fun of me because I stargaze... like, ah, a lot. More than most, at least... that's why the weird nickname," he said with a laugh, leaving out the other significance. "I want to be an astronomer, it's why I came to school here actually. Their astronomy program is amazing here. What about you? Just... general studies? Or do you have some nerdy dream too?" he asked with a more charming grin, taking a bit of his food.
"Hmm didn't know this school had one though I took it in high school and it was kinda hard but also not really, it wasn't hard until the very end learning all the math stuff with it..." She shrugged taking another bite as she sat up and moved her hair to the side a bit more, " well for now, but what ok planning on taking classes for is maybe being a biologist, or a historian or even a history teacher...." She shrugged, " I love animals and learning how things work and I love learning about all the battles that happened in the past and I feel like I could be good at explaining it to someone so that could maybe be good for teaching..." She replied with her somewhat known plan for now. " hmm class should be starting sometime soon...so I'll be out in a little while..." She warned taking her food and throwing away the things she finished as she walked back to sit down.
He shook his head in understanding. "No worries, Luka... I've got a lot of free time today, but I know most people aren't so lucky. But history, huh? That's cool. I wish more people had a love for the past. Everyone now is so captivated by their phones that they forget the stars even exist, yknow?" He asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Ah, umm, since we're both first years... let's support one another! We could even study together sometime if our schedules happen to work out... here, this is my number," he said, turning his phone to face her, his number displayed for her. "I may not be a historian, but I've got a head for facts and I can at least run through flash cards," he offered with a slightly nervous laugh.
Luka slowly took her bag looking through a few things so still listening as she slowly looked up at him, " mmm...of course..." She nodded with a small smile as she turned back around and stretched a bit looking at her with emerald eyes causally. Though couldn't help but blush a small bit at the sudden offer, "hmmm I think that will work out fine then..." For a moment she took out her own phone putting his and closing it as she put it back in her pocket. " well I'll see you around...please excuse me..." Slowly standing up as she waved at him ten turned around her hair flowing behind her as it fell down her back walking back out into the somewhat less cold outdoors to her class.
Oren watched her take down his number with a soft smile. As she looked at his screen he waited for her to return the gesture and provide her own number... but none came.

Instead she bagged her phone and stood a little coldly, perhaps... and then walked away. Even her goodbye felt somehow insincere. Manufactured... after all, who said 'please excuse me' in this day and age except for grandmothers and politicians...?

The strange gorgeous girl walked away and out of the cafeteria. Oren sighed and shook his head. He finished breakfast, went for seconds, and then got a text! ...From the airlines. They'd retrieved most of his luggage and would be delivering it to his dorn within the hour. He huffed and headed back for the dorm.

When he got there he plugged his phone in to charge before finally unpacking. REALLY unpacking. The Telescope he set up on its tripod, his xbox plugged in, games and movies organized, clothes hung up as well as a few posters. Enough to make it feel like home, or something close.

The dorms here had six rooms adjoining a common study area. This common room had a tv and couches for gatherings, desks for studying, and a few other odds and ends. Two of these 'pods' shared a central kitchen with several microwaves, two ovens, and two industrial sinks, along with long tables. Essentially, twelve dorm rooms, a dozen men and/or women, sharing two living spaces and a colossal dining hall.

Several of his new dormmates were watching a tivo'd football game and smoking pot to kick off the new year, so Oren stayed to himself, playing video games and waiting for his delivery.
Finally she headed toward he class in one of the building that was located downstairs, going in and sitting for the lecture, notes, and the homework as class started to begin for at least the next hour or two, opening her phone and sending a quick text " here's my number..." Luka turned her phone off as the teacher came in of course starting with the basics at first before they officially started with everything they needed to know then to the actual first lesson. After a while class had finally ended as she walked out to a somewhat dusky sky seeing it was late afternoon to early dusk walking into the cafeteria again to get something for herself before heading to the dorms for the rest of the day.
wiki234 said:
Finally she headed toward he class in one of the building that was located downstairs, going in and sitting for the lecture, notes, and the homework as class started to begin for at least the next hour or two, opening her phone and sending a quick text " here's my number..." Luka turned her phone off as the teacher came in of course starting with the basics at first before they officially started with everything they needed to know then to the actual first lesson. After a while class had finally ended as she walked out to a somewhat dusky sky seeing it was late afternoon to early dusk walking into the cafeteria again to get something for herself before heading to the dorms for the rest of the day.

Noon passed, and so did Oren's ramen noodle lunch. The boxes arrived and he spent the afternoon unpacking them, settling into his dorm and napping to stave off the exhaustion. Only when he was getting his things together for his night class did he notice that he'd gotten a few texts.

One from his mother, making sure he was having a good time. One from Sam, one of his highschool friends that had chosen a different school, asking when they could hit the new raid dungeons together, and... one from a number he didn't know?

Only after seeing the text did he remember. He saved her number in his phone. She had been strange... stand-offish, quiet, and detached... he barely felt any presence from the girl at all... but he remembered her eyes hidden by those shiny lenses... and a shiver went through him. What the hell? She wasn't his type, but she was nice to look at. And he was lacking in new friends.

He sent her a text back. 'Hey Luka. How was class? Heading to my second one now. Wish me luck.'
Luka headed to the door as she slowly passed into the room. It was nice and large reminding her of a hotel room strangely with how most of the rings were, putting her things down as she explored for a bit before settling down herself as she got a text. " fine first day, hope you have fun in the classs then :)" she sent going into her room and deciding to relax though maybe exploring s bit and eating out at the cafeteria again. Luka was mostly one to go out and eat since there was a chance she could explore and have some fun being bored than to just stay and eat alone. She set her phone down as she started to choose what clothe she would be wearing tommirow and later on when she would go out again.
Oren went to class, lugging his telescope in his sling across campus to the stargazing field in the wooded area just outside campus. It was a long walk but it gave him time to think.

He got his syllabus, enjoyed a lecture, and at the end he took a picture of the brilliant night sky, the collossal field of stars. A momento of his first day as something more than a high school nerd.

Then, he decided to share it. He sent it to his mom, saying 'Sky over school!' to which there was a warm exchange, his mother wishing him well and nagging him to take care of himself.

He sent it to Sam, who said 'Cool! Looks about the same here, but it's nice to know we'll always share the sky, Orion. lol'

And then, he sent it to Luka. 'Sky is pretty at my astronomy class. It's not too late to drop out of a class and join you know! haha'
Slowly she walked out of the form to the clear night sky herself, seeing a text from him again as she smiled to herself, " I'm outside myself and looking at the sky, I do love the stars at night..." She blushed a bit reading his part of the text about her joining, " y-you really want me to be in your class?" She asked now deciding to think about it, " I'll think about it...I'm outside the dorm, gonna go out to eat..." She sent in a third text as she walked out toward the front of the campus. Maybe she would sit in the field and do some stargazing herself though hopefully not alone....Luka sighed pushing away the thoughts, leaving the campus for the town to find a place to eat at.
The reply came faster than he would've expected. He stopped typing a reply to Sam and moved to her message instead. He couldn't help but smile. A text like that was easy to read. She didn't say 'out with a friend' or 'about to go have dinner with some people' or anything... his fingers flew.

'You could join if you're interested. Or, if you want, I could teach you in the evenings. I don't know many people here, and it would be nice to have someone I could practice my charts with... how about this? You buy the food tonight, and I'll teach you something. Next time, we'll switch?' His heart raced, feeling so bold as he pressed 'send.'

Maybe it was the new life. Or the low stakes, since no one knew his as the blundering Orion... maybe it was just being free of that damn nickname. Whatever it was, Oren felt elated. He just hoped he didn't manage to blow it.
She stretched as she took her glasses off putting them up to the sky and seeing the light reflecting off then, whether she had them on or not it was simply beautiful. Hearing her phone again she looked over the message from him, " I'll join then, but I'll have to see the teacher of course...." She couldn't help but giggle again before continuing, " hopefully you teach me good enough so when we do and I have to teach you I'll...be decent...I'm at the clock tower now, I don't know where to go..." Her face was a bit scrunched up feeling awkward writing that little part to teach him but deciding to send it
Oren found himself anticipating her message a little too much. He stilled his breathing and shook it out, trying to remain calm. Just a pretty girl. Weird, but pretty. Maybe weird enough to like a dork? Only time would tell.

His eyes lit up as the mail came. He looked up from the moonlit path he was traveling with a bright smile. His text was quick. Then, he was off.

'Clock tower? That's near the edge of the campus where the stargazing grove is. Hang out, I'm on the way.'

Within a few minutes he emerged from a path and into the courtyard outside the tower. He waved to her and approached, adjusting his thick frames. "Luka! Hey, I hadn't expected to see you again today. Lucky me," he said with a boyish grin. "What kind of food are you in the mood for? I don't know many places, but my roommates are gurus, I can text them and ask. They'll just be getting blazed and playing Tekken. Do you have transport? I'm an exchange, so I'm only as fast as my sneakers..."
She sighed covering most of her face with her hand and blowing air into it to warm her hands and face as the wind started to pick up just a bit. Standing there Luka just sighed as she looked at her phone then looked over at the noise seeing the same boy again from earlier of course. " i usually go to the market or go out to eat, didn't have time to shop today so I was going to eat out..." she replied her hands down held in front of her. " I walk too usually, most of the places are close to my house...it's a bit of a walk but they have some good restaurants at the east shopping district..."
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