A Song Girl and A Mighty Warrior. [Xanaphia & Sugo ]


Nov 7, 2015
United Kingdom
The Story of Lu Bu, his role in tyranny, fall to faux humility and rise to power.

Dong Zhuo was a name that was known across Han Dynasty. He was a politician, and unfortunately like a lot of politicians - he was a tyrant. A tyrannical leader who would burn cities to the ground in purpose of furthering his name and his renown. It was successful, since the year 189 he had been the Grand Councilor the highest position in the Imperial Chinese Government.

His found power didn't change him however, he didn't grow humble with his power just more desperate to keep hold of it, to keep hold of what he'd 'earned', rather, what those around him had earned. Dong Zhuo only surrounded himself with the best, it was a sure fire way to assume power. A term that would be coined over a thousand years later of gunboat diplomacy would be a term that could be used to describe the tyrant.

Dong Zhuo would go as far as far as fostering the most powerful. Early in the year 190 Lu Bu, the strongest warrior in all the Han Empire had found himself betraying and murdering the minor warlord he served under and defecting to Dong Zhuo's central government. Lu Bu was interested in serving under someone as powerful as Dong Zhuo, rather than leaving himself to fester under the command of a minor warlord. While he wasn't impressed by Dong Zhuo's generals or plans he certainly did find himself happy to be within a force powerful enough to contest any other in the Han Dynasty.

It had been a year now, since he'd joined with Dong Zhuo after killing his former mentor, and Dong Zhuo's tyranny had not gone unnoticed in the land of the Han Dynasty. Yaun Shao, one of the major warlords in China had taken a notice to Dong Zhuo's tyranny and monopoly of the central government. Dong Zhuo played the dirty game, the emperor who'd served before Dong had even ascended to the role of Grand Councilor had been deposed and replaced with a puppet, and Yaun Shao wasn't blind, he'd noticed this change in the monarchy and was forming a coalition to deal with Dong Zhuo's iron fist rule over the Han Dynasty.

Wang Yun's residence, six months before the death of Dong Zhuo.

The sound was distinct int he mostly empty wooden room, the sound of liquid being poured into wooden cups as Wang Yun leaned across the table first to fill Lu Bu's cup with hot steaming herbal tea, before pouring himself a cup and lifting it to his lips. The cup returned to the small wooden table between the two men as Wang perused Lu Bu's appearance. The young man, at least in comparison to Wang, sat with one foot placed on the ground, knee by his face as he looked down at the steaming cup with a look of confusion..? No not quite right, deep thought on his face. Wang did not say anything, he just observed. He was a scholar, a politician if you must. Someone of similar import to Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu's adoptive father, in the Han Dynasty.

He'd invited Lu Bu over to his residence this evening to start sowing the seeds of his careful thought out plan to bring down Dong Zhuo and restore some decency to the hierarchy of the Han Dynasty. Moments passed like minutes in the empty silence of the room.

Lu Bu sat in a very distinct position, intentional it was so he could spring to his feet at a moments notice should the need occur. In front of him sat the old man who'd called him here. The man was in his fifties, older even than Dong Zhuo. Lu had been here for five minutes now and only pleasantries had been exchanged between the two men. He was getting impatient, the tapping of his foot showed that.

"What have you called me here for?" Lu Bu finally questioned the man looking up from the steaming drink that Wang Yun had offered him. Wang had poured the drink from a single porcelain tea cup and poured himself one too. He'd drunk first, not noticeable to anyone who didn't care but something very important as it was Wang's way of saying 'I'm not trying to poison you.'

The reason for the meeting was unknown to Lu Bu, and there was no solid ground for Wang to have even held the meeting in the first place. It was all just a small seed in the field that Wang needed to plant to bring down Dong Zhuo. "How does serving under Dong suit you? Master Lu Bu." Wang said looking up at the young man his hands cozy around the warm wooden cup that held his tea.

"I get to fight. I get to fight men more worthy than any that I did serving under Ding Yuan. Yaun Shao's men are much more of a challenge than anything I faced in Bing Province." Lu Bu clenched his fist on his as he moved his leg from the almost crouched position into a cross legged siting position as he leaned towards Wang Yun. "You should know I didn't come here for small talk, I came here to find out what you want and if you're going to play politicking games I have no interest."

Lu Bu pushed back against the small table standing up and turning towards the door in the room before Wang lifted a hand and tutted. "My apologies Master Lu Bu, I of course do not mean to waste your time." Wang waited until he could see Lu Bu was still interested. "Please. Sit." Wang said a slight smirk and smile appearing on his face as Lu Bu turned and moved back to the small cushion he was sat on before, and he sat.

"I merely wanted to offer you a drink first before we discussed anything of import." Wang reached down and took a drink from his cup once more letting out a relived sigh as he placed the cup back down on the wood. "But I see that Tea is not your thing, of course not." Wang bowed his head slightly almost in apology, his acting was good, Lu Bu wouldn't suspect a thing.

Wang snapped his fingers giving the command, the command to bring wine, and the command for the most important piece in the plan Wang Yun has conceived to bring down Dong Zhuo, a simple Song Girl he'd raised in his household like a daughter.
Men fought their battles in blood-soaked fields, and embattled courts. They fought with swords and spears and shields. Women fought with silks, ribbons and fans. Her battlefield was the bedroom. Her tactics were the evocative flick of her wrist, the sensuous twisting and twirling of her body, and the purposeful exposure of skin, just hinting at what lie under the color costumes she wore. Some might call her methods cowardly, or lacking in strength. They were not familiar with the strength of women.

Standing in the hallway, Diao Chan prepared for battle. Tonight her weapon was a jug of wine, and he opponent was the mighty Lu Bu. It was a terrifying prospect for anyone, to have to face the mighty warrior in combat, but, in this arena, Diao could claim more experience and expertise than her opponent. She was waiting for a signal from her adopted father, and general in this case, and she had just received it.

Possessing a supple dancer’s body, strength hidden beneath the silky soft skin, she moved gracefully about the room, stepping lightly on delicate feet. Eyes down, she approached Lu Bu. She had heard his praises, of course. It was impossible to avoid the tales of his renown. Still, she was shocked by his stature. Nevertheless, she could not falter now. She bowed low before the man, pouring his wine on her knees, holding the cup in two hands up to him. “If it please you, Master Lu Bu,” she offered, her voice like freshly spun silk. She brought her eyes up to meet his now, the soft honey colored irises filled with warmth as she smiled.

“I don’t believe you have met my adopted daughter,” Wang Yun started, as Diao sat on her knees before the warrior, “Diao Chan, the loveliest dancer and singer in the province.”

“My foster father is too generous,” Diao rebuked, looking down at her skirt demurely. She smoothed out a length of silk, before meeting Lu Bu gaze once more, “I only hope I can please the Emperor, and his court.”

“She will be traveling to the Imperial Court,” Wang Yun explained, sipping at his own cup of wine, “I do hope I can count on you to keep an eye on her?”
Lu Bu sat crossed legged at the opposing side of the table to Wang Yun, he watched as the man clicked his fingers and then his eyes where immediately drawn towards the movement, fairly natural for someone trained in the art of war. However his eyes didn't normally linger for so long on a single being or object on the battlefield, unlike what they where doing right now, after all he wouldn't consider this a battlefield. He gawked, fairly openly, open enough that Wang Yun smirked and Lu Bu didn't even pick up on the man's very outward body language.

'Excellent' rang through Wang Yun's mind as Lu Bu was clearly almost mystified by Diao Chan's presence. Lu Bu's eyes where on Diao Chan, and nothing else. Exactly what Wang Yun wanted. Diao moved with the sway and elegance of someone trained to entrance. It was a fairly distinct polar opposite, Lu Bu so heavy on his feat and and good at almost mindlessly throwing his weight around where as Diao Chan so light on her feet and so calculated in every single step of her foot and sway of her body.

Lu Bu watched as she bowed her head to him and knelt down to the side of the small table where the two men sat. He was trying to catch her eyes the whole time as she poured, her hair hanging perpendicular of her bowed head as she looked down into the cup as she poured. After a pour of her father's drink she reached for Lu Bu's, lifting it in cupped hands and offering it to him finally giving him her eyes. The man smiled for the first time in this meeting, unknown to him that Diao Chan had been in the wings the whole time, likely watching the whole proceedings which would make this a fairly obvious thing to her.

He reached out, his large lightly calloused hands dwarfing her small delicate ones. He peeled away the fingers of her right hand from the cup two at a time rather naturally before taking the cup away from her and holding it in his hand making the cup look awfully smaller than it did is Diao's hands. Lu Bu didn't drink from the cup immediately, it was almost like training that he wouldn't drink anything he was given, even from someone he was so enthralled with; after all, that was the best way to give someone a poisoned drink. Lu Bu caught the end of Wang Yun's sentence and heard the woman's name. "Diao Chan." Lu Bu said looking still into her eyes before she pulled them away which was met by a furrow of Lu Bu's brow.

Lu Bu watched as she smoothed out her skirt, watching her hands gentle push the creases from the rather impressive outfit. Lu Bu looked confused at her first statement and then looked from her for the first time since she entered the room looking towards Wang Yun hoping to be provided with more information, and so he was. Lu Bu watched as Wang Yun drunk giving him the signal that he was fine to drink the wine should he please but instead he placed the wooden cup down on the table and looked over toward Wang Yun as he asked Lu Bu to keep an eye on his daughter.

Lu Bu looked at Wang Yun with a frown, almost as if he was trying to translate some information to Wang Yun without letting her know of what he was trying to say. It was fairly simple, he didn't really think that the Imperial Court was a place for a beautiful woman, after all Dong Zhou was a hand ranking official and Lu Bu knew what that man was like. Lu Bu looked from the corner of his eye to Diao Chan and then reached for the cup of wine taking a drink before placing it back down on the table - empty. "When does she leave?" Lu Bu said to Wang Yun who smiled as the first seed of his plan was sewn.

"A few days from now." Wang Yun said with a gentle smile as he watched the large warrior place the empty cup back on the table. He then moved his eyes from the cup to Diao Chan, that would be enough of an indicator for her he thought. Then Wang Yun returned his eyes to Lu Bu whom he was conversing with.

"I will escort her." Lu Bu said almost immediately after Wang Yun looked back to him. "If she is associated with me she is safe in the capital."
“That is most generous, master Lu Bu,” Diao insisted, delicate fingers tracing his knuckles, “I feel as if I will be in very good company.” The way Lu Bu continuously stared at her was not lost on her. Already he was having a reaction to her presence. Still, it wasn’t enough to make him desire her. No, she had to go a step further, and make him fall for her. A far more subtle, and intricate dance.

The next few days flew by, with Diao quite conscious of the time she spent with Lu Bu. Enough to keep his mind on her, but not enough to reveal the mysteries she wrapped herself in. Sometimes it was hard. He was more than the fearsome warrior she had heard him to be. He possessed wit and humor, and a boyish charm that nearly melted Diao’s icy heart. If only her duty was just to seduce him, she felt as him she could find happiness by his side.

But happiness was not her destiny. Her destiny was to smash the tyranny of Dong Zhuo’s rule. She knew she had to create friction, between the Lu Bu and his adopted father, and she knew the way to do that was to put herself between them. Transform herself into Lu Bu’s beloved, and the object of Dong Zhuo’s lust.

It was two weeks later when she arrived at the Imperial Court, in Chang’an, escorted personally by Lu Bu and his men. Immediately, she had quite a bit of attention, for that fact alone. Before she could even perform for his imperial majesty, or the lecherous man who actually controlled the emperor, Dong Zhuo.

“Master Lu Bu, would you show me around the capital?” She asked as she exited her carriage, wrapping her arms around his.”I would be indebted to you…”
Wang Yun's garden, dusk, five and a half months before the death of Dong Zhuo.

Wang Yun sat drinking tea under one of the pavilions in his gardens, styled to look like a small pagoda in its nature. Lu Bu had been residing on his estate for the past couple of weeks waiting for when Diao Chan would be ready to travel to the Imperial Capital.

Wang Yun set the porcelain cup down on the table next to him, swapping it for his pipe. He then stood and moved across the medium sized pavilion to one of the lanterns that hung from the four pillars keeping the roof of the pavilion standing. He opened the lighting door and reached a small piece of wood inside until it caught alight. He then moved the burning wood to the bowl of the pipe lightning the tobacco inside.

Two steps could be heard behind Wang Yun as Lu Bu stepped up the steps into the pavilion. "I consider myself lucky, Master Lu Bu." Wang Yun said before moving across the Pavilion not looking at Lu Bu and sitting back down in his seat. "That you're not out to kill me, for I didn't hear you until I was well within reach of your legendary Halberd."

Lu Bu chuckled, taking a couple more steps until he was parallel with the sitting man looking out in the direction Wang Yun was. "I am not really known for my subtlety." Lu Bu said, his chuckle joining with Wang Yun's.

"Tea?" Wang Yun asked leaning over to his tea pot and pulling along a second cup.

"No thanks." Lu Bu said looking down at the elderly man, probably in his late 50's. "My vanguard and I will accompany Lady Diao Chan at first light tomorrow morning. We'll head to Chang'an and I'll take care of her from there." Lu Bu said moving across the pavilion and leaning against one of the wooden supporting pillars. It had been a fairly peaceful few weeks at Wang Yun's estate, he'd spent as much time with Diao Chan as he could, he'd grown to like her - very much.

Wang Yun smiled, looking over to Lu Bu before he stood up taking a long hard drag of his pipe before exhaling the smoke. "You and her get along quite well don't you Master Lu Bu?" Wang Yun nodded at his own rhetorical question. "Take good care of her in Chang'an, I think you would be a very good suitor for her."

Lu Bu stood up more firmly at Wang Yun's statement and looked at him trying to suss him out. "If Lady Diao wishes it..." Lu Bu said uncharacteristically hesitant.

Wang Yun finished the remainder of his tea from his cup and began walking down the steps at the other side of the Pavilion, the sun was setting now, it was late. "I am going for my nightly walk Master Lu Bu, I shant see you again until you return. Take good care of gentle Diao for me." Wang Yun said with a smile to Lu Bu that slowly changed to a smirk as he moved his head to look in front of him, outside of Lu Bu's vision.

Lu Bu nodded, and turned to leave.

Wang Yun's estate, first light, five and a half months before the death of Dong Zhuo.

Lu Bu commanded a vanguard of 150 men, hand picked from Dong Zhuo's forces to serve under Lu Bu's command. His second in command, Zhang Liao, a warrior almost as fearsome with a halberd as Lu Bu himself lead the group in his two week absence.

The two men grasped arms in a forearm handshake as Lu Bu smiled greeting his friend. "We got your message." Zhang Liao said with a grin, "Hope you've had a nice vacation." Lu Bu clocked the man on the back of the head as he walked past him and Zhang Liao turned rubbing it. "The Lady asked not to be disturbed, she still seemed tired, awfully early so I can't blame her." Zhang Liao said feigning a yawn.

"Is my horse saddled?" Lu Bu asked to Zhang Liao walking past some of the troops who were conversing in a group but didn't hesitate to salute as Lu Bu walked past. Lu Bu turned the corner at the stable to see the large horse saddled and ready to go. Lu Bu smiled, walking up to the animal and rubbing a hand over its head in an almost intimate manner.

Lu Bu's horse was almost as famous as he was himself, the large red hair beast was known to be the fastest in the land, and only a few where known to exist, and where almost exclusively rode by powerful warriors. The colour of the animal's hair, bar the mane, would strike fear into a mans heart just as much as seeing Lu Bu's face would.

Lu Bu mounted, ducking his head under the stable's roof as he rode the animal out. His vanguard of a 150 men where all horse bound on animals ranging from brown to white and a carriage pulled by four horses that Lady Diao rode in in comfort. It was only a few more moments of stillness before Lu Bu's vanguard was riding at speed along the dirt road from Wang Yun's estate heading for Chang'an.

Chang'an imperial capital, mid-day, five and a half months before the death of Dong Zhuo.

Lu Bu smiled as the door to Diao's carriage opened and she stepped out taking the steps slowly and walking in his direction. He immediately dismounted his Red-Hare and approached a few steps towards her allowing her to walk the remaining distance. A couple of soldiers took Lu Bu's horse by the reins and began to guide it off towards the stables at the entrance of the large city.

She didn't hesitate to hook her arm around his, her hand laying gracefully on her other as she held to Lu Bu's arm, his arm a shocking contract to Diao's small hands. "I think it would be best if I were to show you to where you will be staying?" He kept the smile on his face trying not to disappoint her with his answer. "Chang'an is a big place, maybe you should get settled in your accommodation first before I attempt to show you around such a large city..? Don't you think?" he asked gently, he wasn't against showing her around he just thought there was a more appropriate thing for her to be doing on her first day in Chang'an, settling in.
“Of course, Master Lu Bu,” Diao nodded, making sure to meet his eyes “I fear I get ahead of myself.” The household servants that her adopted father had lent her took her chest of things, while she walked beside Lu Bu. She found she was quite aware in the different in their stature as they moved together, noting that he intentionally reign in his long strides, to accommodate her smaller frame. Or perhaps he was just enjoying the close contact with her, her lithe body touching his in several places.

Her room was much what she expected. Comfortable, not extravagant. A simple bed, which would fit her easily, but would be difficult to fit a second person. Room for her things, a functional fire pit but no adornments or luxuries. Still, she knew it was far finer that where most people slept. Besides, She didn’t think she would be spending much time in here.

She was brought before the emperor, and Dong Zhuo, his highest minister. Just like Lu Bu and herself, the difference in their size was jarring. Unlike Lu Bu, who was a warrior of peak conditioning, rippling musculature making up his form, Dong Zhuo was a corpulent man, soft from administrative duties and over indulgence. A thick, wiry beard protruded from his jowls, and his eyes were as black as night, even as they widened in excitement to take her in.

“Lu B!” he called over his cup of wine, “Who is this exotic flower that you have brought before the court?”

Rather than wait for her escort to introduce her, she extricated from Lu Bu’s arm. Bowing low, she met Dong Zhuo eyes, swallowing down her unease at the way his eyes traced her curves. “Diao Chan, Wang Yun’s foster daughter.”

“Yes, Wang Yun had claimed that you were the loveliest dancer and singer in all of China,” Dong Zhuo remarked, his eyes still not moving from her, “I hope you can live up to the claims your father has made.”

“As do I, Minister Zhuo.”
The Emperor was merely a puppet, nothing more. It was obvious in Diao's appearance in court that that was the case. While the man was dressed regal, Emperor Xian seemed to be completely at the mercy of the man who was supposed to be working for him. Dong Zhou was in control, not the Emperor, he lead this meeting and it was very clear that the Emperor was disinterested in a way. Dong Zhou was the opposite, a young, outwardly innocent and beautiful young woman was presented before him, mainly lecherous thoughts ran through his mind.

Diao moved to introduce herself, quite against Lu Bu's wish a slight resistance was given by Lu Bu as she pulled away and introduced herself to the two men before her. They where in an open room, the seating arrangements where simply two thrones at the top about a dozen stairs that Lu Bu and Diao Chan stood at the bottom. Two soldiers stood guarding the door at the far end of the room both holding pikes and Lu Bu was unarmed. Lu Bu was reconnoitering the room and taking in his surroundings so he was surprised by the sudden declaration of his name from Dong Zhou. "Lu Bu." The portly man shouted as he stood up and began to almost bumble down the steps, it was his size that did that to him. "Lu Bu.. Lu Bu.." Dong Zhou said repeating the mans name as Lu Bu was now actually looking at his adoptive father. "You have only been back in Chang'an a day. That's not enough time for you to have made sure that the Garrison is fully prepared in case we where to be attacked." Dong Zhou had crossed the distance to Lu Bu while talking and slapped the back of his hand against Lu Bu's chest.

Dong Zhou was more Diao's size (height wise of course) than he was Lu Bu's. About 5 foot 9 inches the man was not only portly but short as well. "Well, get to it." Dong Zhou commanded to his adoptive son.

Lu Bu's attention turned from the short man to Diao Chan, he didn't need to move anything but his head, he could very easily see over top of Dong Zhou. He looked in the woman's eyes for a brief second his eyes attempting to speak a thousand words in the time his mouth could probably only speak one. The gist of what his eyes were saying boiled down to 'Don't trust him.' Lu Bu then returned to looking down at his adoptive father and sighed lightly. "Very well." Lu Bu said giving a rather uninspired bow before turning around and leaving from the room. He traversed the room rather surprisingly quickly even though he was only walking, not even seemingly in a hurry. It was clearly much quicker for him to walk on his own than accompanying Diao Chan, however he'd not once objected to hook arms with the woman.

"Now." Dong Zhou said turning, the wriggling of his jowls as he turned adding a pseudo reverb to his voice causing it to appear louder. He walked towards Diao Chan and smiled, he was taller than her, even though he'd been dwarfed by the might Lu Bu it wasn't hard for him to be a couple of inches taller than a young song girl. Dong Zhou seemed over confident in Diao Chan's presence, something that couldn't be noted as much with Lu Bu, he brushed a pudgy finger up against the girls cheek pushing her brown hair behind her ear and smiling in an attempt to be charming. "My dear let us leave Emperor Xian in peace and I can show you around the Palace. It's the least I can do." he lowered his voice as if he was talking gently to a puppy at the end of his statement, trying to act nice and generous. He'd not looked at her eyes yet, only her body, it was clear where his motives lay.

He bowed courteously to The Emperor who respond with an old and weary 'You are dismissed', likely only for show Dong Zhou called the shots here. He then offered his arm up to Diao Chan with a lecherous smile that wasn't well hidden. "Now lets go shall we?"
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