Couldn't have sent that through PM's? It's no longer a "Special Birthday pic" of you to him, it's just a pic of you to......well everyone who decides to click on this thread. Not trying to be mean, but you get what I mean right?
Me and Kolath already knew that anyone could save the damn pic and have it as their own. We already know big deal. I wanted to make him happy I wanted him to feel special I did that so let it go for fuck sakes and go on with your lives it's not a huge fucking big deal that has to turn into bitching and moaning. Mmmkay?? I want this to be a special thread for him so don't start flaming me or bitching me out for me making this thread special.
@CB/ Mind your own business for once will ya?? I'm clothed and nothing naked or showing. It's for him not for you not for anyone else so stop bitching. If it's bad morals in your eyes ignore it and move on.
Also if you want to flame me do it in PVP. I don't want this thread to start going at me when I want it focused on Kolath.
I wasn't trying to flame you, I'm trying to help you make your gift more meaningful in a way. If you don't like it then oh well, it was your choice and as far as I'm concerned; don't quite give two shits.
Nobody said you had to change your picture, it wasn't bothering anyone....well it wasn't bothering me, I dunno about the rest. Just giving some friendly advice is all :3