Titans meet Avengers (Krystal x BradyG91)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Nightwing walked into the tower with his bag thrown over his shoulder with a soft smile on his face it was so good to be home and he was looking forward to seeing his team again. He had taken the time off and left Raven in charge while he took a trip back to Gotham to check in on his old mentor. Though what he ran into while there spoiled his trip completely and he didn't know how to tell his magic wielding friend that someone she cared about was back.

"Maybe I just shouldn't say anything...its..." He whispered under his breath as he made his way through the tower walking past the statues of fallen titans and he stopped looking at Jason Todd with a frown on his face. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this secret all he could do was just prolong it aslong as he could.

Nightwing wandered into the main room seeing Cyborg and Beastboy arguing infront of the television as usual and he relaxed almost instantly, some things never changed. He looked around half expecting Raven and Starfire to be dressed up in his suits but then the issues between him and Star came to mind and how their relationship had recently crumbled so he did not expect to see her.

Krystal and raven had been meditating together when they sensed night wing's return. Raven smirked a little at krystal, taking a rare moment to tease the pretty fae. "So, you gonna tell him Krys?" She asked, and Krystal just blushed bright red as she floated around her room for the outfit she had bought for dick's return. It was a pretty dark blue cocktail type dress with similar designs to what adorned his suit. She quickly put it on, fixing her makeup, ad finally, putting on the matching shoes.

Raven was the first one out of Krystal's room, floating away to welcome nightwing back home. She always went through the hallway of fallen titans, so she could kiss Jason's statue. It was no secret that she and he had been in love before his death, and the half devil girl often mourned him. She had no idea that he was alive again. If she did, she would probably bring him back to the tower.

Raven greeted night wing with a small smile. "Glad you're back, nightwing." She said pointing to the two guys fighting about the TV. "Those two were annoying as usual." She added with a derisive snort as Krystal came in, dressed prettily. She smiled at nightwing. "Can we talk privately, night wing?" She asked nervously, replacing a lock of hair behind her ear.
"Krystal...wow.." -a look of surprise on his face which turned into a smile when he saw her. "oh um yeah, i'm glad to be back Raven. I see you've done a great job watching over everything, and everyone.." -he smirked and nodded in the direction of Cyborg and Beast Boy. He turned back to Krystal and walked over to her. "Yeah sure, lead the way." Picking up his bag he followed her down a hall of the tower, turning to her as they walked, "Is everything ok?" he asked. "By the way, you look absolutely beautiful...love the color too."- playfully winking at her.
Krystal smiled at him, blushing ever so subtly at his reaction to her. She liked what she saw too. She always had.

Raven smiled smally in return to Nightwing's compliment, making a gesture of encouragement to krystal when the masked hero turned around. "Thanks Nightwing." was all she said simply before taking her tea back to her room to read some new magic books Krystal had brought her from her last trip to Asgard.

Krystal chuckled softly as she lead him to her bedroom in the tower. "everything is fine, Nightwing." She replied softly, blushing at him compliment. She smiled smally. "Thank you "
"How's everything been since i left? Anything exciting?"

As they walked he couldn't help but peek over at her subtly, wondering if she was going out for a date that night due to her clothing. After a few more steps they were standing in front of her bedroom door.

"Hey, are you sure everything's alright? You've been awfully quiet, more so than usual...i think. But then again its been a while since I saw you"

-he laughed a little as he leaned his shoulder against the wall and looked at her.-
Krystal smiled. "Things have been tame. Only minor criminal I enjoys scaring the hell out of." She replied, chuckling. When they got to her room, she opened the dragon embossed door, taking his hand to lead him into the room. When he would look around, he would find it much bigger than the other rooms, and filled to the brim with books and small trinkets from other worlds and dimensions. the walls were dark blue, and she had a king size canopy bed.

Krystal smiled at him, patting the space next to her on the bed. "Everything is just fine.. I just.. have something I want to confess" She muttered softly, blushing a littlevas she looked at him.
When he first walked into the room he looked around, asking himself where she obtained many of the items in her room as well as what they were as items came across as foreign to him.

"uh sure, what is it?" -he asked looking over at her.
Krystal smiled aoftly, though she shuffled a litle bit nervously. She looked so guilty. She had promised Bucky forever, yet she fell in love with nightwing. "Well.. since i've known you I've always found you handsome, but as I got to know you better, I fell in love with you." She was blushing even harder now, until her phone rings to the tone of "Iron man" she it was he daughter on the phone.

"Hey sweetheart! Really, He did?! Oh my chuck!! I'm so excited!! Mind if I bring someone? Awesome! Love you. bye sweetie." her conversation was quick, and then she focused vack on the man in front of her. she smiled timidly at him.

Krystal grinned. "That was my daughter Jackie. she's getting married. can I rope you into being my plus one? I don't wanna go alone." She muttered, frowning.
"Y-you're...in love? I wasn't expecting that..." -he down then back up at her-

"Im glad you told me that because...i am too. I mean with you! Not me...i mean...you know right?"

-he let out a nervous laugh due to the way he responded to her-

"And yes...id love to go with you." -he gave her a smile-
Krystal smiles softly, nodding. "Yeah, I do." She doesn't know why its do surprising. He's positively amazing.

Krystal chuckles softly, then leans in to peck his lips affectionately. "I understsnd, Dickie-bird."

Krystal's face splits into a grin just then. "Awesome! So, how do you feel about crossing dimensions? Jackie lives in the "marvel" universe.
"The what? Dimensions? Is this something Raven taught you?

He thought about it for a moment about whether or not she was joking or being genuine.

"But then again...here we are, superheroes, villains, aliens, all that stuff..."

Looking back at you- "what do I have to do?"
Krystal chuckles. "I was horn in a different dimension, Dick. didn't you know? As a fae, I can travel through them at will." she explained, smiling at him.

Krystal chuckled again. "indeed. It is a strange bunch. Do? Sweetie, you just have to hold onto me. I'll take you through into Jackie's dimension." She replied giving him another light kiss.
"...alright, don't go to fast or something ok?" he replied laughing as he wrapped his arms around her.

"like this?" -tilting his head over to look at her-

Taking a deep breath he waited for the jump to happen, wondering what he is about to see and experience.
Krystal chuckled. "don't worry, it isn't that fast. well, it is, but it doesn't feel it." she explained, smiling at him.

Krystal smiled again. "Maybe a little tighter." she replied, Pulling him tighter to him as she opened a portal and stepped through.

In a flash, they were in stark tower, and Jackie was grinning at them. "Mommy!!"

Krystal smiled at her. "Hello sweetheart!"
Dick looked around at his surroundings. He was in a new world, a new universe that he had never known about.

"Wow...this is incredible.." he muttered to himself. Hearing Krystal's daughter he came to and smiled seeing them greet and hug each other.
Krystal grinned. "its good to see you, sweetheart. This is Dick greyson. He's well.. I suppose he's my boyfriend." She admits, blushing a bit.

Jackie grins widely at her. "uncle steve is gonna be so jealous" she mutters softly, smirking at her mother, who didn't know that they had found him in the ice.
Not knowing what to do besides smile, he took a step forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jackie. And yes, I am the boyfriend" - he replied laughing and putting his arm around Krystal's waist.

"Uncle Steve...like an actual brother you've never told me about or like a close friend?" -he asked looking over at Krystal.-
Jackie grinned at him. "Well, its good to meet you Mr. greyson. I'm glad Mom finally found someone. She's been crying over dad for 70 years now."

Krystal chuckled. "Steve is an old friend. Jackie calls him her uncle because he was her father's best friend. Wait.. You found him!? Where is he!? Why didn't you tell me that?!" Krystal was really that mad at her daughter. she was just excited.

Jackie hung her head slightly. "Sorry mommy. Things have been hectic since he woke from the ice. Tony, Could you be a dear and go get him for me?" She asked her fiancee, giving him a light kiss.
"Of course." -Tony replied, giving Jackie a smile before turning and walking out of the room.-

Dick turned back to Jackie and Krystal. "So when is the wedding dated for?"

Tony continued down the hall until he stopped at a door towards the end and knocked on it in an annoying fashion to mess with Steve. Once stepping out he was notified about the arrival and immediately sprinted to the room and stopped at the entrance, looking at Krystal.
Jackie chuckles. "Its in 3 days. I called mommy a little early so that she'd have some time with uncle steve. He's Tony's best man." She explains, smiling softly at the pair.

Krystal turned her head at the sound of a sprint down the hallway. "Stevie!!" she exclaimed excitedly, running over to him and jumping on him, hugging him tightly. "Oh my chuck I never thought I'd see you again stevie.."
"Krystal..." Is all he could say as he held her in the hug.

Finally he spoke - "I didn't think i'd ever see you again."

Leaning back he looked at her smiling before hugging her again as everyone else stood by watching.
Krystal chuckled lowly. "That's my name, don't wear it out!" she joked, grinning at him.

Krystal smiled sadly. "Its been way to long. I missed you, punk." She replied and the smirk she wore was reminiscent of his best friend. Steve would notice ahe wore the engagement ring and their dogtags around her neck now.

Krystal held onto him, pulling him towards Dick. "Stevie, I'd like you to meet my Boyfriend, Dick. Dick, This is Steve Rogers, aka Captain america. He's essentially this world's Superman. Though not quite as many powers." she explained, smiling at her boyfriend, gently squeesing his hand though her other arm was still tightly around steve's waist.
"Yeah, nice to meet you.." -He said to Steve, noticing the arm around the waist.

"Glad to hear your not frozen and all that...must've been rough." -He then looked at Krystal and her daughter -

"So what's the plan now?"
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