Digidestined Of Light & Hope Adventures: Our Tormenters (MewMew & leo22)


Oct 2, 2015
Hikari Kamiya, or, Kari, for short, we should say has been being mentally scarred from past nightmares she has been dreaming of Dark Ocean . The world in the digital world torments her every night, or whenever she goes to sleep. Ever since then, the digidestined of light is unable to sleep, became sleep deprived. Not only she is sleep deprived, Kari, also, discovered her frail health returned. She thought it was gone however she was incredibly mistaken. One day, during P.E., she found herself incredibly sick, almost past out, but, luckily the coach gave her a past for the day, now she keeping it secretly, only person she has told was T.K. — her best friend who she could can confine in, tell everything to even most embarassing things top. Unlike, her brother, besides the rest of the digidestined, Kari felt like T.K. understood what she was going through not only her health but why she was so fearful of the dark ocean and being the digidestined of light.

If Tai was to find out she is physically sick again, unable to have basic endurance as regular teenage he would be nervous wreck not to mention keeping an eye on her twenty four seven as well. Aside from that Kari doesn't want to cause fuss to her brother, parents, or friends. They already have their problems to deal with as well. Sometimes, life, can be tough much for Kari hence why she decided to get away from the human world for little time, hang out with Gatomom, other digimon, and T.K. as well. Consider, also, she needed to figure out of there was something going on with the digital world too as well.

Already packed the day before, Kari put on her yellow backpack, headed out towards the cyber cafe where she planned on meeting T.K. Figure also it would be best if she didn't wore her school uniform Instead she wore yellow high waisted shorts , a pink sleeveless crop top
, and yellow high top converse. She also brought a long sleeve pink shirt and hoodie just in case of she got cold. Pulling her mobile cellphone from her pocket, she quickly texted T.K., informed him she is on her way there. She was almost there, she turned the corner, voila there it was, the cyber cafe she was here!

Takeru, or T.K., paced the personal Cyber cafe room eagerly, his mind running a million miles an hour as he waited for his best friend. Much like her, he was sleep deprived, his blue eyes have bags underneath them from anxiety. Unlike Kari's, his was more on his own personal fears. He still remembered the times he almost lost his partner Digimon on numerous occasions, or when nearly all his friends had been captured by Piedmon. Kari disappearing into the Dark Ocean, the Destiny stones, the fight against MaloMyotismon. Everything had remained with him, eating away at his dreams and thoughts.

That was years ago, and even though the world was now at peace, T.K. still didn't know what to think of it all. Every week he braced himself for an evil Digimon to attack, or for something to go wrong. But for the most part things remained simple, with the exception of Kari's frail health, which he and their partners were the only keepers of that knowledge. But that only caused him to become even more protective, if any insisted she should do something like swimming or coming with them, he would snap and tell them to leave her alone.

Another thing he was anxious about was his and Kari's relationship. Sure it was obvious that they best friends, and they were incredibly close. But everyone seemed to tease them about it. One day when he was leaving to spend time with Kari in the park, his mom had said something. "Have fun on your date dear." As if the world had already expected them to hook up, to go about the normal phases of a relationship. While it was true that T.K. had wanted to ask Kari out for sometime, he knew that she was busy with her life, not to mention she was already a popular girl in school. He didn't want her to think that he just wanted to date her too.

T.K. had not changed much, his hair was still spikey, and he was as thin and lankey as always, though did almost stand at 5'10". He had his usual white hat on with a Teal and yellow shirt a pair of Blue jean shorts and a pair of Teal and Gray Nikes. He also had a small denim jacket, a pair blue jeans, a pair of swimming trunks and a Pink Bikini that he was going to give Kari as a gift. He also brought some food for their trip, a large pink blanket, and some first aid supplies.

He finally got the text from Kari and his eyes widened with joy as he would see his best friend soon. No one with her and no Digimon either. Just s nice weekend together, being friends. Their excuse was that they were going to go study for finals and even went as far as to mention eachother to their parents to avoid suspiciouns. T.K. actually had to give Patamon a ton of treats to convince him to stay home too.

The instant Kari came in, T.K. smiled brightly, not caring if he was tired. Or that her health was delicate. They were together...

"Hey there Kari..." He said softly.

My Light...

"Hey T.K. it so good to see you!" Kari exclaimed, happily as she walked over towards the blonde and pulled him into a tight embrace. She knew she had seen him at home school however whenever sue saw T.K. she was so happy! He made her happy! Note too, he made all her worries wash away too!

Nothing else matter as long as they were together! Together, they could do anything as long they have each other.

"Are you ready to go to the digital world?" She asked, quietly. Surely, going yo digital world wouldn't solve their probelms but the brunette didn't know what else to do. Her anxiety was eating her up. Whereas her health was getting no better. She was delicate as a flower, more than capable of withering away too.

Yet that wasn't going to stop her from going to the digital world!

T.K.'s smile only widened once Kari came and pulled him into a tight hug. It never got old, seeing that smile of hers. She seemed to have an effect like that all the time. No matter how bad things got for him, whenever he saw the brunette it got better, even if it was just for a moment.

T.K. gave a nod and pointed to the computer of their private room. "I had this room rented out for the week. There's a do not disturb sign on the front, and I packed a ton of food too. Plus I managed to get-"

"T.K.! Let me in there!

T.K. sighed. "Nevermind..."

T.K. had wanted this trip to be just the two of them. So he had bribed his partner, Patamon, to stay home thanks to a ton of snacks and treats. But it seemed like he had caught wind of their plan and followed Takeru to the Cafe. The Digidestined wasn't too upset over this result, since their digimon were fairly respectful of their alone time, but still, part of him still wanted to be alone with Kari.

He got up and opened the door and the flying Digimon soared into his chest. T.K. laughed while letting him before looking at Kari. "Do you want to go get Gatomon Kari? Patamon seemed to have other plans and wants to come."
Kari loved T.K.'s smile, it made her even more happy than she originally was. Just having her best friend with her made all her worries wash away! Just the two of them! Now she's like the sound of that.

The digidestined of light listened attentively to T.K. as he mentioned he brought tons of food, also he had rented this room out for the week so nobody would be able to come in room aside from them of course. Before T.K. could finished his sentence, a familiar voice called him over.

Kari chuckled when T.K. sighed. "Patamon!" She exclaimed, happily.

It was little unfortunate that Patamon was here but it was alright, the brunette didn't mind, if anything it is good that the digimon came along, just in case they would have to fight some evil digimon.

Kari found Patamon flying T.K.'s arms incredibly adorable. "Sure, let me call home and tell Gatomom to come here." Kari said as she pulled out her phone to call home.

After Gatomom picked up, Kari informed her to meet her at cafe where they usually go to the digital world.

"She will be here in five to ten minutes." Kari informed T.K.

T.K. watched as Kari talked to her own Digimon partner while Patamon escaped his grasp and began to hover beside him. Once the conversation was
Finished T.K. sat the desk and looked at her. "So...how're you feeling? Be honest with me."

He normally didn't bring up negative topics when he was with her. But they were going to be in the Digital world for a few days. So he wanted to know her limitations. He also guessed it would be easier for her to answer if he explained his reasons so he pulled out the pink bikini and tossed it to her. "The reason why is because I...well...I bought you this so we could go swimming in the river. If not we can just relax at the Hotsprings."

His face blushed slightly, he hoped that Kari didn't find it weird or perverted that he had bought her a bikini as a gift. But it was too late to take back his words.

"I am feeling perfectly fine, Takeru, thanks to Gatomon of course," She remarked, happily as she hugged the cat digimon. "And besides I am happy you are here too, T.K., Patomon."

Understandable why T.K. would be concern about her health because they were going to the Digital World but Kari has everything covered. Kari packed medicines just in case if she gets sick. She appreciated T.K. was worried about her though, that was very nice of him.

Kari looked puzzled when T.K. tossed her a pink bikini, begin to explained why her health may be concerning due to fact they were going swimming, or he was planning on going swimming.

Remarkably adorable though when T.K. flushed red when he finished explaining why had given her a bikini.

"Is that so~? You brought me a pink bikini did you? It is very cute, T.K. thank you very much." To show her gratitude, Kari stood on her tipping toes, leaned in to kiss the blonde on the cheek. "Let's go to the digital world now!" She proclaimed as she grabbed T.K.'s hand and beckoned their digimon to come close before raising her digivice up in front of the computer screen.

A beacon of light glow from the computer screen onto Kari's digivice, transported them into the digital world.

((Sorry for the delay!)
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